

Simulation and Analysis of Blasting Vibration near Chamber by LS-DYNA

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【作者】 王振毅李静胡锐

【Author】 WANG Zhen-yi1,LI Jing1,HU Rui2 (1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;2.Suzhou Non-Metalliferous Minerals Industrial Design Academy,Suzhou 215004,China)

【机构】 武汉理工大学资环学院苏州非金属矿工业设计研究院

【摘要】 根据某水电站地下导流洞拉槽爆破对于邻洞振动影响的测试实例,采用拉格朗日算法建立简化模型,模拟研究了隧洞开挖爆破过程中邻近洞室的质点振动速度特点,通过与实测结果比较分析爆破振动对既有洞室的影响。通过分析计算出了在邻洞爆破振动影响下隧洞周边质点最大振速度包络图,并证明模拟数据与现场测试数据一致。

【Abstract】 According to the monitored results of cutting blasting in underground diversion tunnel of a hydropower station,the simple model was set up by Lagrange arithmetic and to simulate the characteristic of particle vibration velocity of chamber nearby during blasting,and the influence of blasting vibration on existed chamber was analyzed comparing with actual results.The envelop curves of PPV in tunnel circum were calculated by blasting in chamber nearby,which is coincident with the monitored results.

  • 【分类号】TD235.47
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】397

