The Visualization and Deduction of Rescue Plan
【摘要】 应急决策是抗灾救灾中的关键步骤,直接决定着救灾成果,关系着人民生命财产安全。应急决策的及时、有效依赖于对灾害情况的全面了解以及对救助预案的准确分析。文章设计的预案可视化与推演系统采用了预案可视化表达技术以及基于情景分析模型的推演模拟与演播技术,为应急决策提供了可视化环境,实现了预案的可视性以及可操作性。文章从体系结构、功能设计等方面对系统内容进行了阐述,并且在此基础上介绍了一个系统应用实例,证明了技术的可行性。
【Abstract】 Emergency decision is a key step in the disaster relief. It determines the direct response results and bears on people’s lives and property safety。How to make emergency decision timely and effectively depends on a comprehensive understanding of disaster situations,as well as an accurate analysis of rescue plan。 The paper designs a plan visualization and deduction system,which adopts the visualization technology and simulator technology based on the scenario analysis model. The system provides a visual environment for emergency decision and achieves the plan’s visibility and operationalization. The paper introduces the system from the architecture and the function,and then a application example,which prove that the technique is feasible.
- 【文献出处】 办公自动化 ,Office Informatization , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年16期
- 【分类号】TP391.41
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】216