

Analysis and Suggestion on the Current Situation of Instrument and Equipment Management in Agricultural Scientific Research Institutions——Taking Haikou Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences as an Example

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【作者】 梁冬梅盛占武

【Author】 LIANG Dong-mei;SHENG Zhan-wu;Haikou Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences;

【通讯作者】 盛占武;

【机构】 中国热带农业科学院海口实验站

【摘要】 对农业科研单位仪器设备管理现状做了初步分析,指出仪器设备管理不善、设备利用率低、仪器设备管理人员少、废旧仪器设备处理欠妥等现存问题,提出了做好规划、建立共享平台、健全管理制度、加强人才技术队伍建设等具体措施,为农业科研院所仪器设备的科学有效管理提供了参考。

【Abstract】 The current situation of the management of instruments and equipment in agricultural scientific research institutions was analyzed. The existing problems such as poor management of instruments and equipment,low utilization rate of equipment, few managers,inadequate disposal of waste instruments and equipment were pointed out. Based on the present status and problems, some concrete measures and suggestions included making a good plan, establishing a sharing platform, perfecting management system, and strengthening the construction of technical team were put forward. The research results may provide reference for scientific and effective management of instrument and equipment of agricultural research institution.

  • 【文献出处】 安徽农业科学 ,Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年12期
  • 【分类号】S-24
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-06-24 09:09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】75

