

Research on Physical Education of Primary and Middle Schools in US

【作者】 杨清琼

【导师】 任海;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 90年代以来,美国中小学的体育教育伴随着基础教育改革的浪潮获得了很大的发展。体育教育的任务逐渐从技能导向发展到健康导向,公共卫生的重点集中到提升终身的生活方式上的身体活动。美国90年代以前的学校体育按历史阶段分为四个发展时期:殖民地时期(1607-1783)、民族独立时期(1784-1860)、内战至“一战”时期(1861-1915)、从“一战”到20世纪90年代(1915-1990)。美国学校体育包括课堂体育教育和课外体育教育。通过对课堂体育教育中学生、教学目的、教学内容、教学方法、教学环境、教学评价和教师的分析,以及对课外体育教育中步行和骑自行车上学计划、校内活动和运动俱乐部、校际体育比赛的研究,可以看出美国学校体育呈现出强烈的“创新化”、“个性化”、“健康化”、“终身化”特征。美国学校体育受到核心政治理想、经济、多元文化、教育改革、大众生活方式几个方面的影响。其中核心政治理想因素包括自由、平等、自治、个人主义、整合、多样性六个核心价值观,它们分别对今天美国学校体育的形成产生了一定的影响;高度发达的经济条件为美国学校体育奠定了良好的物质基础并对教师职后培训提供资金支持;多元文化因素包括种族和民族、性别、个体差异性三个方面,特殊的文化氛围造成了今天美国学校体育一定的特殊性;《国家体育标准》的出台是美国学校体育发展史上的一个里程碑,它为美国学校体育建立了一个内容标准,对美国学校体育产生了很大的影响;美国大众的生活方式,如快餐文化、电玩游戏的流行等等,引发了诸如肥胖等诸多的社会问题,这些也对学校体育产生了很大的影响。美国学校体育中存在体育教育在学校教育中不受重视、合格体育师资力量的缺乏、学校体育课的低参与率、竞技运动造成的两极分化问题。美国学校体育无论在理论还是实践方面,对我国的学校体育都有诸多启示。美国的学校体育观念、体育教学内容、体育教学方法、学校体育评价和体育教师培养都对我国的学校体育有很大的启示作用。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, the physical education (P.E.) in U.S. primary and secondary schools has achieved great development along with the wave of reform of basic education. The aim of physical education was making a gradual shift from skill-oriented physical fitness to health-oriented physical fitness, while the public health was turned its focus on improving lifetime activities.The P. E. in the United States before 1990s is divided into four periods by its historical stage:the colonial (1607-1783); the national independence (1784-1860); the civil war until "World War I" (1861-1915); "World War I" until 1990s (1915-1990).The P. E. in the U.S. has two forms, the curricular Physical Education and the Extracurricular Physical Education. We can see that the physical education in U.S. has shown strong features towards innovation, personalization, Health and lifetime with the analysis on students, teaching purposes, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching environment, evaluation and teachers in the curricular Physical Education, plus with the research on the Walking and Cycling to School program, school activities and sports clubs, interscholastic athletics in the Extracurricular Physical Education.The P. E. in the U. S is influenced by multiple factors, such as the core political concepts, economy, multi-culture, educational reform and the public lifestyle. The core political concept consists of freedom, equality, autonomy, individualism, integration and diversity, which influence on the formation of the modern P. E. in the U. S respectively. The highly developed economy laid the material foundation for the P. E in the U. S and also provides a great financial support to teacher training. Race & ethnicity, gender, and individual difference as three major factors related to multi-culture make the United States a specificity in P. E in the U. S today. The National Physical Education Standards is considered as a milestone in the history of the P. E development in the United States, which establishes a standard framework and has a great influence on the P. E in the United States. The lifestyle of the American public, such as fast-food culture, popular video games, etc. triggers obesity and many other social problems, which also have great impact on the P. E in the United States.Many problems exist in the American physical education, such as the neglect of physical education in school, lack of qualified physical educators, low participation rate in P. E class and the polarization caused by competitive sports.The P. E in the U. S, either in theory or in practice, has a lot of inspiration to our physical education. The concepts of P. E, teaching content, teaching methods, evaluation and teacher training can bring up a great inspiration into the P. E in China.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3029

