

An Overview on the Music Societies in the First Half of 20th Century of Modern China

【作者】 戴俊超

【导师】 张静蔚;

【作者基本信息】 中国音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以加世纪上半叶的“中国音乐社团”为研究对象,旨在通过分析相关史料,从社团活动的侧面来了解、透视中国近现代音乐走向现代化的过程及特点。本论文的指导思想是,把此间的音乐社团发展史,归入20世纪上半叶中国社会变迁和中西音乐文化冲突、融合的大背景之下作一个整体观察。在研究方法上,本论文重在对于史料的搜集与整理,对于建立在史料分析基础之上的必要评价,也是力隶‘以史带论”。本论文除‘绪论”与“结语”部分外,正文凡八章,可分为三个部分。本论文的第一部分为前二章:第一章“步履维艰的说唱音乐班社”、第二章“凝练国粹的戏曲社团”与第三章“移步换形的传统器乐社团”,主要讨论中国传统班社在中西音乐文化融合的大背景之下的进展情况。其中,说唱音乐班社根据历史擅变过程分为帮会性质的“三皇会,与“长春会”、行会性质的“光裕社”与“润余社”、改良性质的改进会与研究会、顺应世变的救国会与宣传队等;对于中国戏曲音乐社团也是按照历史发展轨迹来叙述,分为清末皇家剧团、传统科班与戏班、民初戏曲改良组织与以民主化、大众化为基础的剧团等部分来叙述;对于中国传统器乐社团,提出了中国传统器乐社团三分法:1、自娱型,2、风俗型,3、专业演出型,此外,还对此间致力于‘国乐改进”的大同乐会与国乐改进社,进行单独的考察。第二部分为第四章和第五章,以西乐东渐为特征的新音乐社团为研究对象:第四章‘自西租东的新音乐社团”,第一节按照历史线索将起源于留日学生中的音乐讲习会作为新音乐社团之滥筋,第二节将五四新文化运动之后成立于知识阶层的乐友社、乐艺社与音乐艺文社作为一个整体来考察,第三节对此间流行音乐社团的发展情况进行历史透视,第四节叙述西洋管弦乐队在中国创立与发展历史。第五章“复兴乐教的音乐教育社团”,对此间与音乐教育密切相关的音乐社团作为研究对象。其中,第一节将北京大学音乐传习所作为音乐教育社团来考察,认为其主要功绩在于使得专业音乐教育在中国高等教育系列占有一席之地;第二节以江西省推行音乐教育委员会为叙述对象,考察其音乐活动的特点与历史意义:第三节以大中学校课余音乐社团为研究对象,来考察这些社团对于当时促成社会音乐风尚的实际影响:第四节以上海音乐教育协进会为研究对象,考察建国前夕上海音乐教育的基本状况。第三部分为第六章、第七章和第八章。第六章“与意识形态相关的音乐社团”,主要研究在左翼音乐运动、新音乐运动、抗日救亡运动以及军旅音乐活动中的音乐社团的发展情况;第七章“文化团体中的音乐组织”,以隶属于戏剧、文学以及广播电台组织的音乐社团为例,考察此间音乐社团与文化团体的互动与关联;第八章“侨民音乐社团”,主要对外国侨民在中国组建的音乐社团以及中国侨民在外国组织的音乐社团的发展历史进行大致的分析与归理。本论文的结语部分是对全文基本内容的概括,旨在对此间音乐社团的历史、文化特征与流变过程做一全面总结与归纳。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is designed to study some important music societies in the first half of20th century of modern China by analyzing some related historical materials, so as tocomprehend the modernization processes and features about China music from the aspectof music societies’activities.The principle of the dissertation is to observe these music societies of the period as awhole and bring them into the background of the changes of Chinese society and themusical cultural conflict between China and West in the first half of 20th century ofmodern China. On the research method, the dissertation pays especially attention to thehistorical material collection and classification, and the necessary evaluations based onthe historical sources will be obtained through historical facts with arguing.In addition to the‘Introduction’and‘Conclusion’, the primary section of this paper canbe divided into three parts, including eight chapters.The first part of this paper contains the first three chapters: The first chapter is‘thehardship of the development of story-teller music societies’, the second is‘forging theracial essences from the traditional opera societies’and the third is‘the changes of theChinese instrumental music societies’. According to the historical evolution aboutstory-teller music societies, the content of the first chapter consists of the musicconfraternities such as‘San Huang Hui’and‘Chang Chun Hui’, the music guilds such as‘Guang Yu She’and‘Rui Yu She’, the improving societies and the research associations,and the societies conformed to the wartime situation such as the patriotic union andpropaganda groups. According to the historical development, the narrative about theChinese opera societies will be expounded as follows: the Royal opera societies of lateQing Dynasty, the regular professional training and traditional troupes, the organizationsfor traditional opera innovation and the local opera troupes. In this dissertation, the Chinese traditional instrumental music societies are divided into three types such as theself-entertainment societies, the custom societies and the professional- oriented societies.In addition, the innovation societies such as‘Da Tong Yue Hui’and‘the ImprovementUnion on the National Music’are also committed separately in this paper.The second part contains chapter 4 and chapter 5 which aims to research the NewMusic of Modern China societies related to the features of the tendency learning fromWestern music: Chapter 4 is‘the New Music of Modern China societies’, which containsfour sections. According to the historical clues, the first section discusses the New Musicof Modern China societies originated from the students abroad in Japan, the secondsection studies the societies established after the new culture movement among theintellectuals such as the Music Coterie, Music Art society and Music Art and LiteratureSociety, the third section reviews the historical perspective of the popular music societiesin this period, and the fourth section describes Western orchestra and its developmenthistory in China. Chapter 5 is‘the renaissance music educational societies in China’which can be divided into following four sections: in the first section, the Conservatoryof Music of the Peking National University will be taken as a music educational societyand its leading contribution is that it allows professional music education originated inChina’s institution of higher education, the second section is to discuss the activities andhistorical meaning in the Committee of Pushing Music Education in Jiangxi Province, thethird section explores the music societies in primary and secondary schools andinvestigates their actual impact on the social music fashion, and the fourth section studiesShanghai Music Education Association and researches the basic situation of the musiceducation in Shanghai before 1949.The third part contains chapter 6, chapter 7 and chapter 8: Chapter 6 is‘the musicsocieties dealing with ideology’and inquires the historical development of the societiesin the Left-wing Music Movement, the New Music Movement, the Movement of Singingfor the Resistance Against Japan and National Salvation, and the military music activities;Chapter 7 is‘the societies in the cultural organizations’, taking the music societies withinthe associations of drama, literature and broadcasting system and discussing therelationship between music societies and cultural associations as its objects; Chapter 8 deals with the foreigner music societies in China and the overseas Chinese musicsocieties, roughly introducing, analyzing and inducing the historical development of thesemusic societies.In order to summarize and sum up the historical and cultural features and thedevelopment processes of these music societies in this period in modern China, the‘Conclusion’recapitulates the basic content of this dissertation.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1900

