

A Study on Schoolmasters’ Instructional Leadership Performance

【作者】 刘忠政

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 校长有效教学领导是提升学校教学效能、促进学校在新课程改革中不断发展和变革的重要因素。然而,由于我国教学领导理论研究的缺失,中小学校长思想认识的偏差,专业能力的欠缺和行政事务的烦扰,部分行政部门的过多干预和校长选拔、任用和考评制度的不完善,以及教师的专业权威与校长的行政权威之间的冲突等多种原因,导致我国中小学校长的领导理念滞后、角色错位、目的与手段倒置、领导方式与方法不当等等,从而大大降低了中小学校长的领导效能。因此,本研究以管理学、领导学和组织行为学相关理论为依据,以文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法和多例个案研究法为研究方法,采用量化分析和质性分析相结合的方式,对中小学校长教学领导绩效进行了全面深入的研究,以期提高中小学校长的领导品质和学校的教育教学质量和水平。全文共分六个部分,具体内容如下:导论部分首先介绍了选题的缘由,然后从校长领导行为、中小学校长教学领导、绩效和中小学校长教学领导绩效几个方面进行了文献分析,最后阐述了本研究的目的、意义以及研究思路与方法。第一部分对中小学校长教学领导、教学领导绩效的内涵进行了分析。虽然绩效可以分为个人绩效、团队绩效和组织绩效,但限于时间和精力,也为了研究的深入,本文主要研究中小学校长个人的教学领导绩效,并提出绩效是行为过程加权变因素与结果相乘之积的观点。同时,还对校长教学领导和校长行政领导、课程领导的区别与联系进行了分析比较。第二部分采用多例个案研究方法(multiple-case approach),对中学校长教学领导绩效的现状、问题及成因和小学校长教学领导绩效的现状、问题及成因进行了调查分析,分别对中小学校长的教学领导理念、教学领导行为和教学领导结果作了描述性分析和差异性分析。结果发现,多数中小学校长有比较先进的教育理念和比较到位的教学领导行为,经济比较发达地区的校长教学领导绩效普遍高于经济相对落后地区的校长教学领导绩效。但也有例外的情况,而且各地的校长教学领导绩效都还有较大的提升空间,这也正是本文的研究目的和价值所在。第三部分探讨了影响中小学校长教学领导绩效的主要因素。这些因素主要有:文化因素、环境因素和人的因素。文化因素如精神文化的偏失、制度文化的阻碍等;环境因素包括家长期望过度、社会风气不良和物质环境欠佳三个方面;人的因素涉及校长教学领导专业素养和能力的欠缺、低效率的学校领导班子和乏力的教师团队等内容。第四部分论述中小学校长教学领导绩效的保障机制。本研究认为应从四个方面对中小学校长教学领导绩效予以保障:一是中小学校长必须明确自己的教学领导职责:确立学校愿景,进行道德领导、提升学校文化,配置各种资源,视导评鉴课程教学,协调沟通校内外关系;二是制定衡量中小学校长教学领导绩效的标准,包括学生发展标准、教师专业发展标准、学校文化标准和教学环境标准;三是要充分发挥中小学校长教学领导的协统功能、促进功能和支持功能;四是要加强中小学校长教学领导绩效的评价与反馈。第五部分研究提高中小学校长教学领导绩效的策略。主要策略有:一是在观念上,校长们应提高认识、提升学校文化品质;二是在国家制度层面,应改革现行校长选拔任用、培训与评价制度;三是在行为方面要认真落实校长践行有效教学领导的措施;四是在方式上要进一步明确校长的权责、完善校长负责制;五是在路径上要建设强有力的学校领导班子和教师团队。本研究的创新主要体现在两个方面:第一,本文对中小学校长教学领导绩效的有关文献进行系统梳理和分析的基础上,重点在中小学校长教学领导绩效的保障机制和提高中小学校长教学领导绩效的对策等方面有所突破,这属于内容创新。第二,本文在研究方法上也有所创新:除了运用传统的文献研究法、调查研究法(问卷调查法、访谈法)、比较研究法和逻辑分析法外,还运用了多例个案研究和数据统计分析的方法,扩大了研究的视野,拓展了研究的深度。

【Abstract】 Schoolmasters’ effective leadership plays a significant role in the improvement of instructional results and the advancement of the current curriculum reform. However, various factors have resulted in the backward leadership ideology, the misunderstanding of a schoolmaster’s duty, the inversion of means and aims, and the inappropriate style of leadership among schoolmasters, which dramatically lower their leadership quality. These factors include the absence of the theoretical study on instructional leadership, inaccuracy in ideological understanding, the lack of professional competence, the harassment of administrative affairs, excessive intervention from other departments, the imperfection of selection-appointment-assessment system of schoolmasters, and the conflict between teachers’ professional authority and schoolmasters’ executive authority, just to name a few. Therefore, this dissertation provides a full-scaled and in-depth study on schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance, with the purpose of enhancing the quality of education in elementary and secondary schools.Based on the theories of management, leadership and organizational behavior, the study is carried out with various research methods including literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interview, comparative research, logical analysis and mutiple-case approach. Meanwhile, the study also combines quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. An overview of the six parts of the essay is as follows.The reasons of choosing this subject are explained first in the introduction, then comes a review of literatures concerning schoolmasters’leadership behavior, instructional leadership behavior and its performance,and the purpose, significance and methods of the study are elaborated last.The first part analyzes the connotations of schoolmasters’ instructional leadership and its performance. Although performance is a general concept with three branches——individual performance, team performance and organizational performance, here because of limited time and energy and also for the sake of profundity,this author solely endeavors to study schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance. A standpoint is also put forward in this chapter:Performance=(Behavioral processes+Contingent factors)* Results.At the same time, this chapter carries out a comparative analysis on the differences and connections between schoolmasters’ instructional leadership, administrative leadership and curriculum leadership.With the help of multiple-case approach, the second part applies an investigative analysis on the current situation, problems and causes of schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance. Moreover, descriptive analysis and analysis of differences are given to the ideology, behavior and result of schoolmasters’ instructional leadership. All these analyses contribute to a finding that most schoolmasters have relatively advanced ideology of education and required instructional leadership behaviors, and that schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance in developed areas are generally better than that in underdeveloped areas. Yet, there also exist exceptions. It is also noted that there is great potential for improving schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance in all areas, which shows the ultimate purpose and value of this dissertation.The third part analyses the major factors affecting schoolmasters’instructional leadership performance, which are cultural, environmental and human factors. The cultural factors include the deviation or absence of spiritual culture, the hindrance of institutional culture and so on. The environmental factors lie in three aspects, which are the excessive expectatThis authoron from parents, the negtive social morality and the insufficiency of physical surroundings. Human factors consist of the lack of professionalism and competence of schoolmasters’instructional leadership, inefficient leading and teaching group.The fouth part ponders over the guarantee mechanism of schoolmasters’instructional leadership performance. In this study, the author maintains that schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance should be guaranteed in four aspects:first of all, schoolmasters must define the responsibilities of their instructional leadership:establishment of school visions, application of moral leadership, promotion of school culture, allocation of various resources, observation, conduction and assessment of course teaching, as well as coordinated communication both in and out of school; secondly, to formulate standards measuring the performance, including students’ development, teachers’ professional development, school culture and teaching environment standards; thirdly, to bring into full play schoolmasters’ functions of coordination, unity, promotion and support; fourthly, to reinforce the assessment and feedback processes of schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance. The fifth part puts forward strategies of improving schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance. The main strategies are:firstly, in ideology, schoolmasters should enhance the understanding and promote the quality of school culture; secondly, in system, the current system of schoolmasters’election, appointment, training and assessment should be reformed; thirdly, in behavior, to see to it that measures of effective instructional leadership be fully implemented on the side of schoolmasters; fourthly, to further define schoolmasters’authority and responsibility, and to improve schoolmaster accountability mechanism; finally; fifthly, to form a strong leading and teaching group.The innovations of this study are mainly reflected in two aspects:firstly, the dissertation, based on comprehensive classification and analysis of relevant literature on schoolmasters’instructional leadership performance, makes a breakthrough in guarantee mechanism of schoolmasters’ performance in instructional leadership, as well as strategies of improving schoolmasters’ instructional leadership performance, which are innovative in contents. The second innovative aspect lies in the research methods:in spite of the traditional methods of literature research, survey research (questionnaires and interviews), comparative research and logical research, this study has expanded its vision and broadened its depth by using multiple-case approach and statistical analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

