

A Research on Tsai Yuan-pei’s Higher Education Management Concept

【作者】 吴舸

【导师】 王德清;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 领导教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类社会的不断进步、文明程度的日益提高,教育在推进经济社会发展过程中的作用越来越大。高等教育作为教育的龙头,在社会主义政治建设、经济建设、社会建设等方面肩负着重大的责任和崇高的使命。世纪之交,我国高等教育打破了长期以来计划经济体制下的发展模式而驶入了高速发展的快车道。据《光明日报》显示,2009年我国高等教育毛入学率达到24.2%,研究生比上年增加6.45万人,普通高等学校本科、高职(专科)全日制在校生平均规模为9086人,各类高等教育总规模达到2979万人,成为无可争议的世界高等教育大国。毫无疑问,当前我国高等教育正处于一个大改革、大动荡、大发展的关键时期,大学校园不断增扩,办学规模持续膨胀,教学改革此起彼伏,校园内彩旗招展、横幅飘扬。然而,大学校园欢歌笑语的表面下却隐藏着严重的危机:国家财政投入比例持续锐减、学校贷款居高不下、办学层次盲目攀升、教育质量明显下降、就业前景日趋严峻、学校行政权力泛化学术权力弱化等。2010年7月29日,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》出台,其重要内容之一是“完善中国特色现代大学制度”。有鉴于此,必须以高等教育管理的改革为突破口,以建立健全有中国特色现代大学制度为核心要点,进而促进我国高校的持续、健康发展。蔡元培是我国资产阶级改革封建教育的杰出代表,是我国资产阶级新教育体制的奠基人,是我国近代大学教育的开拓者。蔡元培在出长北京大学期间,制定了一系列的改革措施,对北京大学进行了彻底的改革,使其成为当时全国的一流学府。蔡元培博大精深的高等教育管理思想不仅在当时领先于世界,而且对今天我国的高等教育改革仍然具有重要的理论借鉴价值和现实指导意义。本研究共分为三个部分,第一部分为绪论,明确本研究的目的和意义在于:对蔡元培高等教育管理思想进行比较全面的、系统的梳理与分析,对蔡元培的高等教育管理思想体系进行相对完整的介绍,以纠正和避免在缺乏对人物整体把握的情况下造成的或将会造成的对人物思想的“误读”,从而,藉此完善与丰富我国教育理论体系尤其是有关高教管理方面的内容。并且,从历史发展的视域,比较系统、全面地分析蔡元培以北京大学为试点淋漓尽致地展示其高等教育管理思想,为此,总结出对现在我国大学改革的启迪与昭示,为我们今天的高等院校管理提供良好的范例与借鉴。第二部分为本研究的主体,包括五章内容。第一章为蔡元培的教育人生,对蔡元培的成长历程进行了比较深入细致的介绍。从清末名翰林到新教育创办者,可以看出得志于科场的蔡元培无心于官宦仕途而矢志于革新思想的新教育。他长期游学欧洲,广泛吸取世界高等教育的成功之道,为其日后的教育改革在理论上奠定了坚实的基础。从首任中华民国教育总长至就任北京大学校长再到担任大学院院长和中央研究院院长是蔡元培把其教育理念付诸现实的具体过程,尤其是他在北京大学的改革经验可以说为以后的大学管理提供了一面镜子。第二章为蔡元培高等教育管理思想的渊源。通过研究,本文认为蔡元培先生的高等教育管理思想来源于三个方面,其一是中国传统文化的积淀,其二是西方近代思想文化的熏陶,其三是受清末民初严复、胡适、王国维等进步知识分子的影响。第三章为蔡元培高等教育管理思想的哲学基础。本文通过对蔡元培教育思想形成的追溯以及对其教育实践活动的剖析认为蔡元培内容丰赡的高等教育管理思想的哲学基础是:二元论的世界观、“思想自由、兼容并包”的价值取向以及中西文化的融会贯通。第四章为蔡元培高等教育管理的主要内容。通过研究,本文认为蔡元培高等教育管理的内容主要包括,大学的办学理念:兼容并包;大学的办学目标:五育并举;大学的管理体制:教授治校;大学的职能:研究高深学问;大学办学的保障:教育独立。第五章为蔡元培高等教育管理思想的现代意义,即对当今我国高等教育改革中所出现问题的矫治与启示。第三部分为结语。该部分总结了蔡元培先生的高等教育管理思想在我国从高等教育大国进入高等教育强国、从高等教育大众化进入高等教育普及化过程中的助益:为当代大学正确合理定位提供理论依据,对现代大学的民主管理具有重要的指导意义,为构建现代大学制度提供理论支撑,对现代大学理念进一步廓清,对遏制教育行政权力泛化、提升现代大学学术权力,对培养现代大学生健全人格等的启示。

【Abstract】 With the continuous progress of human society and constant improvement of human civilization, education has been playing an increasingly important role in promoting socioeconomic development. Higher education,as a leader of education, shoulders a significant responsibility and a noble mission in political,economic and social construction. At the turn of the century, China’s higher education broke the development model under the long-term planning economic system and rolled into the fast track of rapid development. According to the survey made by Guangming Daily, China’s higher education institutions of various sorts enrolled 29.79 million students, with a total enrollment rate of 24.2% and an average enrollment of 9086 undergraduates and three-year full-time college students in each school, in addition to an increase of 64500 postgraduates as against the total enrollment of last year. China has become an undisputably world-famous major country of higher education. There is no doubt that, with continuous extension of university campus, steady expansion of school size, successive conduct of teaching reforms,the current higher education in China is in a critical period characteristic of a major reform, great instability and rapid development, with colored flags fluttering and banners flying on campus.However, there lies a hidden serious crisis behind the seemingly prosperous campus:school loan remains steadily on the increase;school level is on the blind rise; the quality of education is apparently decreased; the prospect of employment is becoming increasingly grim; the administrative power is growing increasingly extensive and the academic power decreasingly weak. The Essentials of National Medium and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development Project (2010-2020) was promulgated on July 29,2010,and one of its essentials is "Consummation of the Modern Higher Education System, with Chinese Characteristics".In view of this,a breakthrough must be made in the reform of higher education administration, with its focus on the establishment and perfection of the modern higher education system with Chinese characteristics, thus promoting the steady and healthy development of institutions of higher learning.Tsai Yuan-pei is an outstanding representative in the bourgeois reform of China’s feudal education, the founder of the new bourgeois educational system and a pioneer of China’s modem higher education.While holdingthe post of president of Beijing University, he worked out a series of reform measures whereby to conduct a thorough reform of Beijing University and turn it into one of the country’s top universities.His profound management concept of higher education not only led the world at the time, but also provided important theoretical reference and practical guidance for today’s higher education reform in our country.This research falls into three parts.PartⅠis Introduction, making clear the significance of this research.More comprehensive and systematic organization and analysis of Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education administration concept and a more complete introduction of his concept are made so as to correct and avoid the misunderstanding of people’s thought caused by the lack of understanding people as a whole and thus consummate and enrich the theoretical system of China’s education, especially the Chinese higher education management. Meanwhile, from the historical perspective, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept manifested by his experimental reform of education in Beijing University is made to further sum up its inspiration of the reform of China’s colleges and universities, providing today’s institutions of higher learning with a good example of management and reference.Part Two is the body of this study, including chapters 1-5.Chapter One is about Tsai Yuan-pei’s education, making more in-depth and detailed presentation of his growth. It can be seen, from his affiliation with the Imperial Academy of the late Qing Dynasty to his creation of new education, that Tsai Yuan-pei, who fulfilled his ambition in the imperial civil examinations,showed no interest in official career, but committed himself to the new education focusing on innovative ideas. He made a long study tour in Europe and drew extensively on higher education’s success in the world, theoretically laying a solid foundation for future educational reform. From the first chief of the Republic of China’s Ministry of Education to president of Peking University and then president of National Graduate Institute and Academia Sinica, Tsai Yuan-pei put his educational philosophy into practice. Particularly, his experience in reforming Peking University provides a mirror for the subsequent higher education management.ChapterⅡexplores the origin of Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept. Through the research, this paper argues that Mr. Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept originates from three aspects:1)the accumulation of traditional Chinese culture; 2) the nurture of modern Western ideological culture; and 3) the impact of progressive intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China such as Yan Fu, Hu Shi and Wang Guowei.ChapterⅢis concerned with the philosophical basis for Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept.A retrospect of the origin of Tsai Yuan-pei’s educational concept and an analysis of his educational practice lead to the belief that the rich content of Tsai Yuan-pei’s philosophy of higher education management concept is based upon dualistic view of the world,"freedom of thought and compatibleness of opinion" values and integration of Eastern and Western cultures.Chapter IV deals with the principal elements of Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management, which manifest themselves, through the research, in the following aspects: compatibleness of opinions as a university’s educational philosophy, equal stress on the "five educations" as a university’s educational goal, management by professors as a university’s management system, study of profound knowledge as a university’s function, and educational independence as the security of running a university. ChapterⅤbrings to light Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept in the modern sense, that is, suggestion of the solutions to the problems in modern China’s higher education reforms and inspiration of Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education management concept.As the conclusion, PartⅢsummarizes the benefits generated by Mr. Tsai Yuan-pei’s higher education administration concept in the process of China turning big power from a big country in terms of higher education and in the transition of higher education accessible to mass people to the popularization of higher education. This research provides a theoretical basis for contemporary universities to put themselves in a correct and reasonable place, guides the democratic management of contemporary universities significantly and clarifies the concept of the modern university,so as to provide some enlightenment for curbing the increasingly extensive power of educational administration, enhancing the academic capabilities of modern universities and fostering modern university students’perfect personality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2864

