

Research on Gunter Behnisch’s Architectural Form Composition

【作者】 苏昕

【导师】 刘松茯;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑历史及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 根特·班尼士(Gunter Behnisch)是当今世界建筑领域中思想最为活跃,最具影响力的大师之一。如今已经82岁高龄的他仍然活跃在建筑创作领域的前沿。在其从事设计创作的几十年中,他的作品囊括了学校建筑、体育建筑、办公建筑以及商业建筑等多种建筑类型,这些建筑遍布欧美许多国家,使他成为享誉世界的知名建筑师。他的每一个建筑作品都极富独特的创意,给人留下无限想象和回味的空间。本文主要以班尼士建筑创作的形态构成为研究对象,从创作思想、创作手法以及个性化表达三个方面全面深入的解析了蕴含在其作品中的思想内涵和手法彰显,进而形成对他的建筑观念的整体性把握。首先,分析了班尼士建筑设计理念的产生和渊源。设计理念是对班尼士作品进行研究的核心所在,其作品反映出的复合性的时代信息是对班尼士设计生涯的一个缩影,贯穿于他创作的始末。同时,他的作品也反映出“非整体性”的多元化思想,这是班尼士设计思想中的精华所在,体现了他设计理念中“二元论”的思想。班尼士在生态建筑理念方面也有一定的建树,崇尚自然的人文关怀是他在生态建筑领域的一个重要体现,展现出他对自然有着自己独特的见解和表现方式,将自然引入建筑创作之中,使自然成为构成建筑的和谐因素之一。这些都是他的设计思想的集中表达,通过这些思想在建筑作品上的展现,深入论述他对建筑与时代、建筑与人、建筑与生态关系的深刻理解。其次,解析了班尼士个性化设计手法的生成和运用。班尼士很注重建筑各个方面的和谐,在建筑功能的生成中,班尼士很注重平面、立面以及细部之间的关系,努力协调各方面的要素,完成既合理又富于变化的功能模式。同时,班尼士还继承了德国建筑师在建筑技术方面的固有传统,致力于生态技术、绿色技术在建筑创作中的利用,使用一些高技术材料与施工方法来达到可持续发展的生态目标,在生态建筑领域起到了积极推动的作用。在注重对生态建筑设计手法运用的同时,也寻求在建筑艺术中的探索,从而使得两者在形式和内容上达到完美的和谐统一性。这体现在把“隐喻”的手法与建筑创作过程结合起来,当作一种“隐喻化”创作模式来进行建筑设计,此模式以建筑形式中的隐喻之存在为基础,以对建筑本质的精神意义表达为创作目标。以上这些都很好的证明班尼士在建筑设计手法上非常注重各方面的协调运用,以创造出功能完善、技术生态、形式多义的建筑。最后,总结了班尼士在设计过程中对各种元素的应用。这些元素包含空间元素、实体元素以及技术元素。可以说,对于这些元素的巧妙运用是其设计手法的一个延伸和彰显。其中,空间元素是建筑的核心元素,班尼士巧妙的运用界面的消解创造出内涵丰富的空间和场所;空间“蒙太奇”将不同的空间运用插叙或并叙的手法,创造出具有表现力和感染力的空间场所;利用倾斜的表皮创造出极其丰富的室内光影变幻。实体元素是班尼士建筑形态构成的最重要的元素,通过穿插、重复、叠加、附加等多种加法创作手法,共同构成了形态各异、富有创造力和感染力的建筑形体。结构支柱、楼梯、遮阳百叶都是最基本的建筑构件,班尼士巧妙的利用这些基本的建筑要素,创造出了极具内涵的建筑作品。这些都体现出班尼士灵活多变的建筑设计手法,形成体态优美、造型丰富的建筑形体。

【Abstract】 Gunter Behnisch is one of the most active and the most influential masters in the world’s ideological field of architecture. He is still active in the forefront of the field of architectural creation, when he is 82 years old .In the several decades which he engaged in creative design, his works included many architectural types,such as school buildings, sports buildings, office buildings and commercial buildings and so on. These buildings spread all over many countries in Europe and the United States, making him as a well-known world-renowned architect.Each of his architectural works is very unique creativity, giving an unlimited imagination and memorable space to people.In this paper, in order to research the form constitute of Gunter Behnisch’s architectural creation, from the creative thinking,the creative techniques and the personal expression,we will in-depth and comprehensively analysis the ideological contents and methods which are implicited in his works, thus we will grasp his architectural concept integritily.First, analysing the generation and origins of Behnisch’s design concepts in which his works manifest. The design concept is the heart in the study of Behnisch’buildings.The multiple informations era being refected from his works is a miniature of his design career, which is throughout the whole story in his creativity. At the same time, his works also reflect the "non-holistic" diversity of thought and this is the essence of Behnisch’s design ideas,which reflects his "dualism" thinking in his design philosophy. Behnisch has certain achievements in the ecological architectural concept.The human concerning about the respect for nature is an important manifestation in his field of ecological building, which to show that he has his own unique insight and expression to the nature and introduces the nature to his architectural creation, so it makes nature as one of the harmonious factors of the architectural constitute.These are all his design ideas to express concentratedly. Through these ideas are expressed in the constructed works, going into the discussion on the understanding of the relationships between buildings and times, architectures and people, architectures and ecology deeply. Second, analyzing of the generation and application of Behnisch’s personalized design techniques. He attached great importance to all aspects of architectural harmony.In the generation of the architectural function, he attached great importance to the relationships among flat, vertical surface and detail, putting efforts to coordinate all aspects of the elements and completing both reasonable and varied functional model. Meanwhile, Behnisch also inherited the inherent traditions in the aspect of architectural technology of German architects, committing to the utilize of ecological technology and green technology in the architectural creation.Using some high-tech materials and constructed methods to achieve sustainable developments and ecological goals,he has played a positive role in the architectural ecological field promotedly. In focusing on the use of eco-building design practices, while also seeking to the explorations in architectural art, it allows to achieve the unity of perfect harmony both in forms and contents. This is reflected the "metaphor" approach combined with the creative process, which as a "metaphor " creative model for architectural design.The basis of this modeis is the existence of the metaphor and the expression of spiritual significance of architectural essece is the creative goals. These are all well proved that Behnisch attached great importance to the coordination of aspects in the architectura design means. in order to create fully functional, technical ecology, multi-meaning forms of buildings.Finally, concluded the applications of various elements in the design process. These elements include space elements, entity elements, as well as component elements. It can be said that for the smart using of these elements is an extension and highlight of his design approach. Among them, spatial elements are the core elements of the building,and Behnisch use the digestion of the interface to create a richful space and place; the use of "Montage" to create the space sites which has expressiveness and appeal; the use of tilt skin to create extremely rich interior lighting changes. Physical elements are the most important elements in Behnisch’s architectural form constitute.Through a maze variety of addition of creative expression, such as interlude,duplication, overlay, and addition, together constitute different, creative and appealing architectural shape. Independent pillars, stairs, sun louvres are the basic building components, Behnisch used these basic architectural elements smartly and created a very meaningful architectural works. These are reflected Behnisch’s flexible architectural design techniques and created beautiful posture and richful architectural shapes.


