

Research on Supply Chain Resource Synergy Based on Self-organization Theory

【作者】 黄晓伟

【导师】 何明升;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的不断深入和技术变革的加速,全球化信息网络的已经基本形成,传统的企业间的竞争已经演化为供应链间的竞争,供应链协同管理成了业界新的管理理念和管理哲学。但是在我国供应链的实际运行中,大多数企业无论是规模或资源如何,都无法通过资源管理来实现与其合作伙伴更加有效的协同,从而实现其预期的目标。究其原因主要是现有的供应链协同管理理论不能满足中国供应链节点企业实际运作的要求,需要更加细致更加具体的微观层面的研究来指导中国供应链的协同发展。如何从微观的层面即供应链资源的角度来指导和管理企业之间的协同必将成为突破供应链协同瓶颈的关键。因此研究供应链的资源协同,一方面有利于丰富和发展供应链协同管理理论,为更多的学者研究供应链资源协同奠定基础;另一方面有利于针对中国供应链的特点,使得企业能够有参照的进行自我分析并制定符合供应链协同运作的策略,在实际运作中能够理性的把握协同要素,引导供应链的全面协同发展,并取得最大效益。本文首先分析了供应链系统的复杂性和适应性,提出了供应链系统的耗散结构条件,研究了形成供应链耗散结构的正熵流和负熵流,构建了供应链系统的熵流模型,表明了熵流的基本作用机制和作用过程。通过研究供应链节点企业间的关系,以及供应链协同的内在动因和外在动因,得出了供应链协同的本质就是优化配置各节点企业间的资源,达到资源最大利用率和最大产出比,其核心是资源的协同。立足于资源协同的视角,构建了适用于具有跨组织特点的供应链的资源协同研究的理论框架。分析了供应链资源的系统特征,提出了供应链资源协同的概念,并改进钻石模型的研究方法,分析了供应链资源系统的五个子系统之间的关系,即物流、资金流、信息流、市场流和管理流五个子系统之间的纵向协同与横向协同;刻画了供应链资源协同的经济效应、管理效应和学习效应。针对供应链资源协同的形成过程,构建了适用于供应链资源协同形成机制的四阶段模型,提出实现供应链的资源协同必须要经过沟通、竞争、合作、协同四个阶段;提出了供应链资源协同的运行机制主要包括协同决策机制、利益分配机制、风险分配机制、进化机制和反馈机制。该模型从资源的角度深化了供应链协同管理的研究,对于指导供应链协同管理实践、有效把握资源协同过程等具有积极的现实意义。借鉴产品生命周期理论的研究范式,依据供应链成长各阶段的发展特征,对供应链的生命周期进行了划分,归纳了不同生命周期阶段供应链资源协同的特点。提出了供应链的资源协同能力和盈利能力是决定供应链系统进化的序变量,具体分析了序参量对于自组织程度和供应链资源协同演化进程的影响。在此基础上,运用布尔代数的方法,修正了现有的布尔代数模型只研究一个序参量的缺陷,依据供应链节点企业自组织演化的资源要素间的相互作用,构建了两个序参量的布尔代数模型,分析了供应链的资源协同能力和盈利能力这两个序参量与各资源要素之间的相互作用关系对供应链系统演化的影响;然后运用协同学和微分系统动力学的方法,构建了供应链资源协同的自组织演化模型,分析了供应链盈利能力、资源协同能力以及供应链系统内部的相互作用,针对随机涨落存在与否两种不同的情况,准确描述了供应链资源协同的自组织演化过程,从而合理解释了两个序参量如何影响系统的自组织演化。最后,本文运用协同学的方法构建了供应链资源协同程度测度模型,提出了基于复合熵权法的模型权系数算法,据此构建了复合熵权的计算模型。基于供应链子系统的划分,构建了测度模型的指标体系,分别就定量指标和定性指标的特点,提出了相应的赋值方法。最后选取供应链的实际案例,对测度模型进行了应用,其应用结果表明该方法不仅能够定量地计算出供应链各个节点企业之间每一个资源子系统的协同程度,而且能够计算出供应链资源系统整体的协同程度;同时依据一段时间内供应链资源系统协同程度的发展趋势图,能够查找到供应链协同程度不高的具体原因,有利于企业有针对性的从根本上进行改进。因此,该方法不仅弥补了现有协同度模型偏于定性研究的不足,而且对于指导供应链的实际运作具有重要意义。本文立足于资源协同的视角,基于自组织理论使用协同学、系统动力学和经济数学的方法,研究了供应链资源协同的概念、类型、效应和机制,构建了资源要素相互作用模型、自组织演化模型和协同程度测度模型,丰富和完善了供应链协同管理理论,并为指导中国供应链企业实现资源协同提供了理论成果和实施方法。

【Abstract】 As the deepening of economic globalization and acceleration of technological change, globalization of information networks have basically taken shape, the traditional competition between enterprises has evolved into competition between supply chains, synergistic management of supply chains has become new management concept and philosophy of the industry. But in the actual operation of Chinese supply chain, most companies find it difficult to achieve the desired objectives despite the amount of investment. The main reason is that the existing supply chain synergistic management theory can not meet the need of companies on the supply chain node for the actual operation of business, more detailed, more specific micro-level studies are need to guide the development of Chinese supply chain synergy. Therefore, the research of synergy of resources on supply chain is beneficial to enrich and develop the synergy theory of supply chain on the one hand, help to enrich and develop the supply chain synergy management theory, to build the foundation for more scholars to study the synergy of resources on supply chain; on the other hand, it will do good to guide the development of Chinese supply chain synergy, making enterprises conduct self-analysis with reference before the implementation of synergistic strategy of supply chain make a rational grasp of the synergistic elements in actual operation can be a rational grasp of the elements together to guide the overall synergistic development of supply chain from the perspective of the system and make rational allocation of investment to achieve maximum efficiency.Firstly, this paper analyzed the complexity and adaptability of supply chain systems, then proposed dissipative structures of supply chain system, studied the positive and negative entropy flow which constitute dissipative structure of the supply chain, constructed the entropy flow model of supply chain system, showed the fundamental mechanism and the role of the process of entropy flow. By studying the relationship among nodes enterprises, intrinsic motivation and external dynamics of synergy in supply chain, concluded that the nature of synergistic supply chain is to optimize the allocation of resources among enterprises of all nodes in order to achieve maximum utilization ratio and the largest purpose-output ratio, the core is the synergy of resources.Built supply chain synergistic resources model, analyzed characteristics of resource in the supply chain system. Proposed the concept of resources synergistic of supply chain, and divided supply chain resources system into logistics, capital flow, information flow, marketing and management flow. Applied the diamond model to analyze both the vertical and horizontal coordination, and studied the synergistic effects of supply chain resources. Based on the conceptual model, I chose a four-stage model approach, described the formation mechanism of the synergistic resources in supply chain, and learned that to achieve the synergistic resources of the supply chain must go through four phases: communication, competition, cooperation and coordination. Operating mechanism of resources synergy of supply chain is researched, mainly including synergistic decision-making mechanisms, benefit distribution mechanisms, risk allocation mechanisms, evolution and feedback mechanisms.Based on product life-cycle theory researching paradigm and according to the various characteristics of different stages, the life cycle of the supply chain has been divided. Moreover, the stage synergistic features between these supply-chain resources are analyzed. According to the features of these order parameters, a conclusion that the resources synergistic ability and profitability are the main parameters determining the supply-chain system evolvement is promoted. Based on this, with the use of Boolean algebra, an interaction model measuring the enterprise nodes in the resources self-organizing evolution is built up. How the relationship between these two order parameters and the resource element affects this system evolution is also researched. Further more. With the use of synergetic and differential system dynamics approach, a self-organization co-evolutionary model of the supply chain resources is set up. With or without the existence of random fluctuation, how these two abilities and the relationship with the system connation would affect the system self-organization co-evolutionary was analyzed. Therefore, the self-organization co-evolutionary process of the supply chain resources synergy is fully described.At last, a supply chain resource synergy measuring model is built up with 0synergetics theory. The index weight is determined by composite entropy weight method and a calculation model is also founded. Based on the division of the sub-system, an indicator system is set up and their figure is assigned according to the specialty of the quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators. Finally, with the use of the realistic figure, the measuring model is applied. Based on the application result, the reason why the supply chain cannot meet the goal is analyzed and suggestions to improve the performance are promoted.From the systematic perspective, based on the cross-use of synergetics, system dynamics and mathematics economic theories, the ideal concept, interaction model, self-organization co-evolutionary model and measuring model are promoted. Through this, supply chain synergistic management theory is fulfilled and improved. Moreover, an implementation methodology and measuring tool is conducted for the Chinese enterprises to adopt supply chain synergy.


