

Research on Two Stage Compound Planetary Gear Sets Used in High Power Ship

【作者】 赵永强

【导师】 李瑰贤;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代海军发展,要求提高战斗舰艇的反歼、防歼和攻歼能力,对其航速、噪声、振动提出越来越高的要求。舰船迫切需求低噪声、大扭矩和大功率的后传动装置,对后传动装置的动态特性提出了更高的要求。本文研究的两级大功率人字齿混合行星传动系统,是舰船后传动装置的重要组成部分。整个系统由人字齿多星轮定轴星形轮系和行星轮系组合而成,是舰船机械设备中的主要噪声源,对舰艇的攻击和隐蔽能力有很大的影响。由于现有舰船的传动系统十分庞大,国内尚不具备实验测试条件。所以,对其进行动力学特性的理论研究显得十分必要。两级串联人字齿混合行星齿轮传动系统的动力学特性比单级传动要复杂的多,产生振动和噪声的因素更多,迄今为止,还未见有关于两级串联混合行星传动系统动力学方面的研究。研究两级串联混合传动系统动力学问题,首先要解决建模难的问题,与单级行星传动系统建模不同的是,两级串联混合行星传动系统由于各级间行星架的转速不同,需要考虑第二级行星轮系中行星轮位置相角的时变特性。本文综合考虑了行星轮位置相角时变性、齿轮时变啮合刚度、啮合综合误差、系统阻尼和轮齿脱离等非线性因素,在定坐标系下建立了系统各子结构的动力学模型,并将求得的各级齿轮副啮合弹性变形条件代入子结构模型,利用集中参数法建立了整个系统的非线性动力学模型。为进行动力学分析,须确定各齿轮副啮合刚度和啮合误差激励,根据同时啮合的轮齿接触线上各点具有相同变形的条件,求得了一对人字齿轮副在整个啮合过程中的时变啮合刚度;啮合综合误差通过啮合线增量的形式来描述。固有振动特性(固有频率和振型),对系统的动态响应、动载荷的产生和传递以及系统振动的形式等均有重要影响。本文通过对系统固有频率和振型的计算与仿真,得到了不同于单级行星传动的三种振动模态,即星形轮系振动模态、行星轮系振动模态及耦合振动模态。基于求得的振动模态,对星轮、行星轮等间距布置和不等间距布置时系统的模态特性进行了研究,为实际系统的动态特性分析提供了理论基础。基于模态法建立了两级人字齿混合行星齿轮系统的参数敏感度计算模型,引入系统特有的固有振动特性,使得计算模型大大简化。通过对两级系统齿轮啮合刚度和两级间连接轴扭转刚度的固有频率敏感度研究,得到了参数变化对各个振动模态固有频率的影响规律。引入模态能量的定义,更加直观的表征出各参数固有频率变化的敏感程度。在此基础上对两级串联人字齿混合行星传动系统进行了模态跃迁现象的分析,得出了固有频率分属不同振动模态时,固有频率模态跃迁的变化规律,并通过实例进行了验证。为解决两级串联混合行星传动系统动力学方程求解难的问题,首次将弧长延拓技术引入增量谐波平衡法,将此改进后的方法应用到本文研究的系统动力学方程中,得出了系统各构件在工作转速附近的频响特性。将解析多尺度摄动分析法应用到两级串联混合行星传动系统的求解中,分别得到了主谐波共振、亚谐波共振和超谐波共振三种情况下的频率响应方程,并计算得到了系统的主共振幅频特性曲线。在上述两种方法的分析过程中,均将所得的系统动力学特性与数值仿真方法所得的结果进行了比较,验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性。采用数值仿真方法对系统无量纲动力学微分方程进行求解,首先通过位移时域响应、相图、Poincare映射和分岔图等分析手段,对系统的非线性动力学响应特性进行了研究,发现了各种稳态响应相互间的转化规律,并重点研究了系统各参数变化对动力学特性的影响。研究中包括的系统参数有啮合刚度(幅值和谐波数)、啮合综合误差(幅值和谐波数)、阻尼比、两级间扭转刚度、齿轮螺旋角和外载荷。通过对各构件幅频特性曲线的分析,得出了两级串联混合行星传动系统特有的动力学幅频特性,为此类系统的设计和实验提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the modern naval ships fighting capacitie, the level of vibration and noise is incresing. The structure design level of the after transmission sets directly related to the characteristics of the torque and power.The two stage compound planetary gear train is one of the most important equipment in after transmission. The entire system is composed of a star gear system with fixed carrier and a planetary gear system. Changes of the dynamic characteristics can easily produce vibration and noise problems which are also the main noise source of machine equipment. The fighting abilities are greatly affected by the vibration and noise.As the existing ship transmission system is very large, the experimental test can not be carried out in our country. Therefore, the dynamic properties of theory study is very necessary.The dynamic characteristics of the two stage compound planetary gear transmission system are more complicated than a single-stage transmission. The dynamic research on the two stage connection compound planetary gear is notably lacking in the literature. The dissertation mainly studies the dynamics of the two stage compound planetary gear. Some key issues such as nonlinear dynamic modeling, natural vibration properties, eigensensitivity, frequency veering, solution methods and dynamic behaviors of the system are concerned.In the present case, there are potentially several different carriers, each rotating at different speeds. It is possibility is to describe all components in a single fixed basis and then allow the planet position angles to change with time. The nonlinear dynamic model of two stage compound planetary gear train with time-varying planet position angle, time-varying mesh stiffness, error excitation, damping, gear compression and tooth separation is constructed by using lumped parameter model under the fixed coordinate system. For the purpose of dynamic analysis, the meshing stiffness and error are determined. Under the condition of all the points on simultaneous engagement contact line have the same deformation, the meshing stiffness of a pair of herringbone is obtained. The composite meshing error is described by the form of contact line increments.Natural vibration characteristics are composed of natural frequencies and vibration mode which have significant impacts on dynamic response, dynamic load generation and transmission, as well as the vibration forms. Through the analysis and calculation of natural frequency and vibration mode, all vibration modes for system are classified into three types which are called star system vibration mode, planetary system vibration mode and coupling vibration mode. The properties of the modes, which have been drawn from numerical results, are studied with equal and unequal planet spacing.Based on the mode method, the eigensensitivity calculation model of the two stage compound planetary gear system is established. The model is greatly simplified by the introduction of the unique natural vibration characteristics. The system through two meshing stiffness and torsional stiffness of connected shaft between the two natural frequencies of the sensitivity study, obtained the parameters change on the natural frequency of each vibration mode were investigated. Modal Energy to introduce the definition of a more intuitive characterization of a natural frequency of the various parameters of sensitivity to change. On this basis, the word on the two series planetary gear hybrid powertrain carried out an analysis of the phenomenon of modal transition obtained belong to different natural frequencies of vibration modes, the natural frequency changes of mode transitions, and verified by examples the correctness of the conclusions.To solve the two series hybrid drive system dynamic equation of planetary difficult problem to solve, using incremental harmonic balance method and the arc-length continuation techniques, and its application to this paper, the system dynamic equations to arrive at the system The working speed components in the vicinity of the frequency response characteristics. The multi-scale perturbation analysis method applied to two series hybrid drive system to solve the planet, respectively, were the main harmonic resonance, subharmonic resonance and ultra-harmonic resonance frequency response of three cases equation, and calculated the The main system of amplitude-frequency characteristic curve. In the above two methods of analysis process, are obtained for the system dynamics and numerical method results were compared to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.Numerical method on the system non-dimensional kinetic equation is solved, first through the displacement of the time domain response, phase diagram, Poincare map and bifurcation diagram of various analytical techniques, the system response characteristics of nonlinear dynamics have been studied and found steady-state response to a variety of inter-conversion laws. Next, focus on the system parameters change on the dynamic characteristics. Studies included in the system parameters are meshing stiffness (amplitude and harmonic number), mating an integrated error (amplitude and harmonic number), damping ratio of 2 between the torsional stiffness, gear helix angle and the external load. The various components through the analysis of amplitude-frequency characteristic curve obtained two series hybrid planetary transmission amplitude-frequency characteristics of the unique dynamics for such systems provide a basis for the design and experiments


