

Research on Building and Evaluating Method of Conceptual Model of Complex Simulation System

【作者】 王勇

【导师】 王子才;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着仿真对象的复杂化,概念模型在仿真领域里得到了广泛的认可和重视。复杂仿真系统概念模型(Conceptual Model of Complex Simulation System,CMCSS)已成为目前系统仿真领域里的重要研究内容。复杂仿真系统具有实体众多、行为过程复杂、交互形式多样等特点,参与复杂仿真系统的开发与评估的人员多样化,使得人们在理解仿真对象时非常困难,缺少对仿真对象的规范描述,严重阻碍了复杂仿真系统的开发效率。论文通过分析CMCSS的全生命周期中对各种技术或方法的需求,建立了CMCSS的技术框架,给出一种CMCSS元模型,重点研究了CMCSS的建模方法和评估方法,提出了CMCSS一体化建模方法和CMCSS形式化评估方法,并设计、开发了CMCSS建模与评估辅助工具。从而为CMCSS建模与评估提供系统化的解决方案。首先研究了CMCSS的技术框架。为了提供解决CMCSS建模与评估问题的系统化的方法,通过系统的分析CMCSS的建模与评估过程,总结了CMCSS建模、评估与应用需要解决的技术或方法,建立了CMCSS的技术框架,阐述了CMCSS技术框架中的每项技术或方法的目的、意义和要解决的问题,重点研究了CMCSS元模型,对CMCSS的构成进行了详细的阐述。CMCSS技术框架为系统化研究CMCSS提供了基础。其次研究了CMCSS的建模技术。通过深入分析CMCSS的目的和意义,总结了对CMCSS建模方法的需求,针对这些需求,提出了CMCSS一体化建模方法。CMCSS一体化建模方法紧密结合CMCSS的建模过程,针对建模过程中不同阶段的需求,提供了不同层次的建模方法:基于XML的CMCSS数据建模方法能够满足数据层需求,基于图形化的CMCSS可视化建模方法能够满足可视化需求,基于集合的CMCSS形式化建模方法能够满足应用分析需求。利用一体化建模方法所建立的不同层次的CMCSS可以通过CMCSS元模型进行相互转化,在建模过程的不同的阶段,应用相应层次的建模方法,然后通过模型转化,指导下一阶段的建模工作。由于CMCSS往往包含大量的实体,为了使CMCSS具有清晰的结构,需要将CMCSS进行层次化分解,因此研究了CMCSS的层次化描述方法,以满足不同层次人员的需求。然后研究了CMCSS的评估技术。CMCSS必须经过评估以保证CMCSS的质量,才能用来指导复杂仿真系统的设计、开发与评估工作。通过总结和分析目前评估方法存在的不足,提出了CMCSS形式化评估方法。CMCSS形式化评估方法从系统评估的角度出发,通过采用形式化技术,尽量降低评估结果的主观因素,实现对CMCSS的全面评估。CMCSS形式化评估方法的实现包括四部分:评估指标分解、评估指标形式化描述、评估指标获取方法,以及评估结果的计算方法。由于CMCSS中的状态众多,状态变换的逻辑关系复杂,研究了CMCSS的状态网模型,用来分析CMCSS的状态变换过程。然后设计并开发了CMCSS建模与评估辅助工具。由于CMCSS包含的信息量非常大,需要专门的工具来辅助CMCSS的建模、评估与管理工作。因此,设计并开发了CMCSS建模与评估辅助工具。通过分析CMCSS建模与评估辅助工具的需求,给出了辅助工具的体系结构和总体设计。CMCSS建模与评估辅助工具包括三大模块:CMCSS建模辅助模块、CMCSS评估辅助模块和CMCSS管理辅助模块,论文对每个模块进行了设计与开发。最后,以某导弹攻防对抗系统为例,采用论文的研究成果建立其CMCSS,并对该CMCSS进行评估,来验证论文研究成果的可行性。

【Abstract】 Conceptual Model of Complex Simulation System (CMCSS) is one of important research content in simulation domain. Complex simulation system (CSS) has characters of more entities, complex behavior and many kinds of interactions, etc, and need a lot of persons to take part in its development, that makes it is very difficult to understand simulation object consistently. It blocks efficient of development of complex simulation system that short of specification about simulation object. This paper put forward a set of system solution to CMCSS modeling and evalution.A technique framework of CMCSS is set up according to analysis on requirments of techniques and methods in CMCSS life circle, and CMCSS meta-model is put forward. This paper provides a incorporate modeling method and formal evaluation method, and develops a tool to assist CMCSS modeling and evalution.Firstly, the technique framework of CMCSS is studied. A modeling process and evaluation process model of CMCSS are built, and techniques and methods needed in processes are analysis, then the technique framework of CMCSS is given. CMCSS technique framework makes a guide effect to research on CMCSS, in which the purpose, meaning and problems resolved of each technique and method are described. Also a CMCSS meta-model is build. CMCSS technique framework provids foundation for CMCSS research.Secondly, the modeling technique of CMCSS is studied. Based on CMCSS meta-model, an incorporate modeling method of CMCSS is research. The method combines the modeling process of CMCSS closely, and provides the efficient modeling method according to all different requirements of different steps in modeling process. CMCSS incorporate modeling method applicants XML technique, graph technique and formal technique. The data modeling method based on XML can satisfy the requirements in data level. The visual modeling method based on graph can satisfy the requirements in visual level. The formal modeling method based on set can satisfy the requirements in analysis level. The meta-model of CMCSS is foundation of CMCSS incorporate modeling method, and it provides basis for transform between different level CMCSS. To make CMCSS has a clear structure, it need to decompose CMCSS to diffirent level, so this paper research architecture description of CMCSS to satisfy diffirent person’s requirement.Thirdly, the evaluation technique of CMCSS is studied. A formal evaluation method is put forward after analysis on disadvantage of traditional evaluation method. Formal evaluation method based on point of view of system evaluation, can achieve full evaluation on CMCSS. Its application foundations are evaluation index using formal description, the formal method of getting evaluation index value, and arithmetic of evaluation result. According to this idea, the principle of formal evaluation method is analysis, and the evaluation index system is built after analysis on the effectiveness of CMCSS quality, and then each evaluation index is described in formal technique. The formal method of getting evaluation index value is studied according to formal index, and also the evaluation sequence of evaluation index is given. The arithmetic of CMCSS evaluation result is studied, and problems cast back are discussed, then CMCSS credibility is analysis. A model of reachbility of CMCSS is built, and the reachable probability is research, alse a model of time waste is built.Forthly, a tool to assist conceptual modeling and CMCSS evaluation is developed. It is necessary to use tool assist CMCSS modeling and evalution, for CMCSS contains a mount of information. An architecture of assistant tool is designed. The tool is designed to include three parts: conceptual modeling module, CMCSS evaluation module, and CMCSS management module, then the design and function of each module is introduced.Finally, in view of a resistance system of missile attack-defence, its CMCSS is established and is evaluated using the paper’s research results, to confirm the paper‘s research results is feasibility.


