

The Study on Operating Mechanism and Eco-efficiency Assessment of Regional Industrial Ecosystem

【作者】 陶阳

【导师】 王雅林;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自18世纪工业革命后,工业化成为了人类社会主导的物质资料生产方式和经济发展模式。然而,传统的工业生产在满足人们日益增长的物质需求的同时,也给人类造成了全球生态的严重破坏。人们逐渐认识到传统的工业系统“线性”生产模式已经很难继续维持,必须寻找一种新的生产模式,以满足人类社会持续健康发展的需要,工业生态化为改变传统线性生产方式找到了一个新的方向。目前,生态化模式已经为各国工业发展的迫切需求,在区域经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为一个发展中国家,中国目前正处于工业化中期,企业大多采用的还是以大量消耗资源粗放型生产为特征的传统线性生产模式,由此造成的工业污染和资源浪费现象十分严重,这种现象极大地阻碍了社会经济的可持续发展和人类生活质量的不断提高。因此,改变我国传统工业粗放式的经营发展模式,转向绿色化、生态化模式已经为我国工业发展的迫切需求,发展生态工业也是我国实现和谐社会的必然要求和必由之路。本文正是在这样的背景下,以系统研究方法贯彻始终,结合能值分析方法、规范分析和实证分析等方法,以区域生态工业系统为对象展开研究,以期为加强工业生态化进程、提高区域工业经济的可持续发展能力提供理论参考和实践借鉴。本文回顾了国内外有关工业生态系统的研究,在介绍生态学、工业生态学和循环经济学的主要理论和思想的基础上,分析了上述理论与区域生态工业系统的之间的关系,以此作为区域生态工业系统理论框架的基本构成关系,构建了一个较为系统和完整的区域生态工业系统理论框架,奠定了本文研究的理论基础。为了更加全面系统地分析区域生态工业系统的运行机制与效率,本文在界定区域生态工业系统定义并指出其特征的基础上,研究了区域生态工业系统的整体结构、产业链结构和空间结构,并从生产、聚集、扩散、生态四个角度分析了区域生态工业系统的功能。在分析了区域生态工业系统结构和功能的基础上,本文对更深层次的区域生态工业系统运行机制进行了研究。从内部耦合和外部耦合两个层面分析了区域生态工业系统的耦合机制;从企业内在需求、政府行为、资源的枯竭和技术的可行四个方面分析了区域生态工业系统的动力要素,并建立区域生态工业系统发展的动力机制模型;揭示了区域生态工业系统演化的非线性特征,建立了区域生态工业系统演化机制的Logistic模型;从共生网络生成过程的成本推动机理、效益拉动机理、环境取向机理和内生机理四个方面研究了区域生态工业系统的共生机制。此外,本文运用能值分析方法对区域生态工业系统的生态效率进行评价研究。在介绍能值评价基本原理的基础上,构建和分析区域生态工业系统的能值流系统,并设计区域生态工业系统生态效率评价指标体系。最后,本文对区域生态工业系统生态效率评价进行案例应用研究。以哈尔滨市生态工业系统作为研究对象,运用本文所设计的区域生态工业系统生态效率评价指标体系,对哈尔滨市生态工业系统的生态效率进行分析和评价,并从企业、工业系统和支持环境三个层面上提出了促进区域生态工业系统生态效率的相关对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Industrialization has dominated material production and economic development of human society since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. However, the traditional industrial production causes serious damage to the global ecology while meeting increasing material demands of people. Gradually people recognized that linear production of traditional industrial system had been difficult to maintain, a new production mode must be found to meet sustained and healthy development of human society, and industrial ecology offeres a new direction to change traditional linear production mode. Nowadays, ecological mode has been urgent need of industrial development for countries, and played an increasingly important role in regional economy. As a developing country, China is currently in the mid-term of industrialization, enterprises are still used to traditional linear production whih is characterized by extensive production with a large consumption of resources, this phenomenon leads to serious problem of industrial pollution and resources waste, and prevent the sustainable development of society and economy and the improvement of human living quality. Therefore, to turn extensive production mode of China’s traditional industrial development into green and eco-model has been the urgent need of development of China’s industry, and development of eco-industry has been the nevitable requirement and the only way for China to realize harmonious society. Under this situation, this dissertation takes regional industrial ecosystem as an object to study, with a view to provid theory and practice reference for strengthening the process of industrial ecology and improving the sustainable capacity of regional economy.This dissertation reviews former studies about industrial ecosystem, introduces the main theories of ecology, industrial ecology and recycling economics, analyzes the relation between regional industrial ecosystem and above theories, and by taking bove relation as the basic framework relation of the theory of regional industrial ecosystermon, this dissertation constructs a systematic and comprehensive theory of regional industrial ecosystem framework, and then build a theoretical foundation of the study. In order to analyze the operating mechanism and the efficiency of regional eco-industrial system comprehensively and systematicly, this dissertation constructs regional eco-industrial system, gives the defination of regional industrial ecosystem and indicates its characteristics. On this basis, this dissertation invstigates the overall structure, the industry chain structure and spatial structure of regional industrial ecosystem, and studies the function of regional industrial ecosystem from the aspects of production, aggregation, diffusion, and ecology.Based on the analysis of structure and function of regional industrial ecosystem, this dissertation investigates the operating mechanism of regional industrial ecosystem. From aspects of internal coupling and external coupling, this dissertation studies coupling mechanism of regional industrial ecosystem. From aspects of enterprises’internal demand, governmental action, resources depletion and technology feasibility, this dissertation analyzes dynamic factors of regional industrial ecosystem, and establishes of the dynamic mechanism model of regional industrial ecosystem. Then this dissertation indicates the non-linear essence of the evolution of regional industrial ecosystem, and establishes the logistic model of the evolution mechanism of regional industrial ecosystem. Furthermore, this dissertation researches symbiotic mechanism of regional industrial ecosystem from aspects of cost-push mechanism, efficiency-driving mechanism, environment-oriented mechanism and endogenous mechanism.In addition, this dissertation uses emergy analysis to study the assessment of eco-efficiency of regional industrial ecosystem. On the basis of introucution of Emergy evaluation theory, this dissertation constructs and analyzes emergy flow system of regional industrial ecosystem and designes assessment index system of egional industrial ecosystem.Finally, the dissertation takes Harbin industrial ecosystem as a study case, applies designed assessment index system to analyze and evaluate eco-efficiency of Harbin industrial ecosystem, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote eco-efficiency of regional industrial ecosystem from respects of enterprises,industry subsystem and support subsystems.


