

Research on Urban and Rural Master Planning Strategic Environmental Assessment

【作者】 侯伟

【导师】 徐苏宁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城乡总体规划是指导城乡发展和建设的法定性文件,也是实施城乡建设、城乡管理的基本依据,对规范城乡土地开发活动,保护和改善生态环境,具有重要的意义。进入21世纪,中国城乡规划体系面临巨大的机遇和挑战,经济、政治体制改革、经济全球化及中国城镇化快速发展等均对我国总体规划提出了新的要求。科学发展观要求城乡总体规划应以经济和社会的可持续发展为目标,以构建城乡生态和空间为支撑,以完善城乡发展制度为根本保障。城乡总体规划的制定过程引入战略环境评价,为环境与发展综合决策机制提供技术支持、运行框架和长远效益,推动环境与发展综合决策机制的建立和完善。我国传统的环境影响评价主要是针对建设项目而进行的,一般实行的是事后评价,因此建设项目的环境影响评价只能补救小范围的环境损害,无法从决策源头上保护环境。《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》规定了规划环境影响评价,在战略环境评价阶段推进规划环评,因此,对城乡总体规划进行战略环境评价是时势所趋。论文以可持续发展为基础理论,从环境经济学、循环经济理论及在规划方面的应用入手,提出了战略经济环境复合系统理论,即研究战略系统、经济系统、环境系统的复合系统,它是一个开放的复杂巨系统,也同样具有耗散结构特征,并且把综合集成方法作为其研究方法之一。论文以城乡总体规划为研究对象,旨在构建科学合理的城乡总体规划战略环境评价结构框架。通过对城乡总体规划的内容即把握宏观的城乡建设总的发展方向,研究城乡土地利用及布局等的分析,它的宏观定位为建构城乡总体规划战略环境评价结构框架奠定了基础。战略环境评价有着完整的一套应用程序,在各种及各行规划中起到了一定的作用。把战略环境评价应用于城乡总体规划政策制定、战略的选择、规划的编制及实施,并通过系统的评价因素的确定及评价过程的建立,构建完整的适用于城乡总体规划的战略环境评价结构框架。任何战略的实施都需要一定技术方法的支撑,城乡总体规划战略环境评价也不例外。论文从研究国外较完备的战略环境评价技术方法体系入手,通过对我国自从开展规划环境影响评价以来逐渐形成的比较系统的战略环境评价技术方法体系的研究,提出了城乡总体规划战略环境评价的技术方法体系,包括应用战略环境评价常用的技术方法,同时提出城乡总体规划分阶段应用的技术与方法,并进行了主要的技术方法应用与示范。城乡总体规划战略环境评价技术方法体系的建立有利于推进战略环境评价的研究进展,使其更广泛地应用规划各个领域。战略环境评价的实施离不开制度的保障,论文通过对多元参与制度、委员会制度、社会监督协调机制、决策保障机制、法律制度、实施保障制度等对战略环境评价过程与结果的保障研究,使得战略环境评价结果更具有可靠性、透明性及可操作性。实例研究是检验城乡总体规划战略环境评价的重要手段,论文通过对大庆高新区主体区总体规划战略环境评价的研究,验证了研究的结构框架构建的合理性,技术方法体系、制度保障体系建立的科学性,指出了其具有的代表性及实践意义。总之,通过对城乡总体规划战略环境评价的研究,初步建构城乡总体规划战略环境评价结构框架,并且在技术与方法体系及制度保障体系等几个方面取得了一定的创新成果。

【Abstract】 The master planning of urban and rural is not only a statutory document to guide urban and rural development and construction, but also the implementation of urban and rural construction, urban management, it has great significance for regulating land development activities in urban and rural areas and to protect and improve the ecological environment. The 21st century, China’s urban and rural planning system is facing great opportunities and challenges,economic,political reform, economic globalization and the rapid development of urbanization in China give new requirements on China’s master plan.Requirements of the scientific concept of development should be based on the master planning of urban and rural economic and social objectives of sustainable development in order to build urban and rural ecological and space for support, in order to perfect the system of urban and rural development as a fundamental protection. The formulation process of the master planning of urban and rural areas in the new period introduces strategic environmental assessment for the environment and the development of an integrated decision-making mechanism to provide technical support, operation framework and long-term effectiveness, and to promote the environment and the development of an integrated decision-making mechanism for the establishment and improvement. China’s traditional environmental impact assessment for construction projects are mainly carried out and generally applied after the evaluation, so the construction project environmental impact assessment can only be small-scale remediation of environmental damage, but not the source from the decision-making to protect the environment.“People’s Republic of China Environmental Impact Assessment Law”provides for planning environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment in the planning stage to promote environmental impact assessment, therefore, the master planning of urban and rural areas to carry out strategic environmental assessment is the trend of the times.Papers based on the basic theory of sustainable development, made a strategic economic environment theory of complex systems theory from environmental economics, economic theory and the cycle of the application in the planning approach, Proposed a strategic economic environmental complex systems theory, namely, research strategy system, economic system, environmental system of the composite system, it is an open complex giant system, and also has the characteristics of dissipative structures, and the method can be integrated as part of its research methods.Papers with the master planning of urban and rural as the object of study, designed to build a scientific and rational strategic environmental assessment of the master planning of urban and rural structure of the framework. Through the content analysis of the master plan for urban and rural areas, namely, to grasp the urban and rural construction of macroeconomic development of the overall and studies urban and rural land use and layout, it’s a macro defined laid the foundation for the master planning of urban and rural strategic environmental assessment. Strategic Environmental Assessment has a complete set of applications, in a variety of trip planning and played a certain role. The strategic environmental assessment applies to the master planning of urban and rural policy development, strategic choice, planning preparation and implementation, and through systematic evaluation of the factors that determine and evaluate the process to establish and build a complete master plan for urban and rural structure of the framework of the strategic environmental assessment.Any implementation of the strategy will require a certain degree of technical methods of support, the urban and rural master planning strategic environmental assessment is no exception. Papers start from studing a more comprehensive system of strategic environmental assessment of technical system abroad, and through the research of a set of more systematic methods of strategic environmental assessment system technology since the plan environmental impact assessment carried out in China, put forward the technical methods system of urban and rural master planning strategic environmental assessment, including the application of common strategic environmental assessment techniques and methods, and also proposed a phased application of technology and methods of urban and rural master planning, and promoted the main application and demonstration techniques. The strategic environmental assessment technique systems of urban and rural master planning can help enhance the research progress of strategic environmental assessment and to make it more widely used in various areas of planning.The implementation of strategic environmental assessment can not be separated from the protection system, papers through the research of participation in multi-system, the committee system, community supervision and coordination mechanisms, decision-making mechanism for the protection, legal system, security system, such as the implementation of strategic environmental assessment process and the results of security, it makes strategic environmental assessment results be more reliable, transparent and feasible.Case study is the important means to test the master planning of urban and rural strategic environmental assessment, Papers through the research of the main area of Daqing Hi-tech zone master planning strategic environmental assessment, verified the rationality of frame construction of the study, and the scientific nature of the establishment of technology and methods systems, system of safeguards, pointed out that it has the representation and practical significance.In conclusion, through strategic environmental assessment study of the master planning of urban and rural areas, preliminary constructed the structure system of urban and rural master planning strategic environmental framework, and in technology and methods systems and system of safeguards has made some innovations.

  • 【分类号】TU984.115
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1140
  • 攻读期成果

