

Research on State Parameters Estimation and Control Algorithm of Electronic Stability Control System for Passenger Car

【作者】 张永生

【导师】 初亮;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 轿车电子稳定性控制系统(ESC, Electronic Stability Control System)能够通过对汽车横摆力矩的有效控制保持车辆在极端行驶状况下的行驶稳定性,是一种新兴的主动安全技术。该技术在国外已经产品化,但国内对ESC的研究还处于初级阶段,因此开展ESC研究对我国汽车行业自主研发能力的提升和相关产业的发展都具有重要的意义。论文结合科技部863专项、国际科技合作专项以及省市科技支撑计划重大专项的项目研究内容,与中国第一汽车集团公司技术中心密切合作,针对一汽奔腾轿车的技术需求,开展了奔腾轿车稳定性控制系统的关键状态参数估算及其控制算法研究,并进行了多工况、多路况的台架测试和实车道路测试。测试结果表明所开发的ESC控制算法不但确保了实时性和准确性而且具有较高的鲁棒性。全文内容包括:1、ESC算法总体结构设计针对奔腾轿车的技术需求,应用模块化编程的分层设计思想,设计了轿车稳定性控制系统的总体算法结构,为文中后续研究工作的开展提供了依据。2、关键状态参数估算准确、实时地获取汽车行驶状态参数是实现汽车稳定性控制的前提。针对ESC关键状态参数估算的需要,以实时性和准确性为目标,提出了能同时满足实时性和准确性要求的轮胎力估算方法、ESC纵向车速估算方法和质心侧偏角非线性鲁棒估算方法。应用所设计的关键状态参数估算方法进行了仿真与实车研究,结果表明所设计的估算方法精度高、运行可靠、实时性强,同时具有较好的鲁棒性。3、控制算法研究控制算法是ESC控制系统的核心。针对轮胎进入非线性区后二自由度单轨模型出现估算精度不足的问题,应用自校正滤波理论提出了自适应二自由度单轨模型,提高了二自由度单轨模型在轮胎进入非线性区的精度;利用非线性轮胎模型建立了二自由度四轮非线性车辆模型,以此为基础应用最优和模糊理论设计了轿车稳定性控制算法,提出了ESC与ABS协调控制算法,并给出了算法实用化方法。4、硬件在环试验研究为了验证所开发算法的有效性与可靠性,在ESC综合试验台上进行了多工况的硬件在环测试,测试结果表明所开发的ESC算法控制效果远优于一般PID控制效果,且适应性强。5、实车道路测试研究为了验证算法的实际控制效果,利用自主开发的车载平台进行了ESC控制系统的实车测试,并与国外成熟产品进行了对比分析,结果表明:所开发的ESC控制算法对各种路况和不同的测试条件都具有很好的控制效果。通过以上研究本文得到如下结论:1)本文提出的ESC控制系统算法的模块化分层结构,可避免层与层之间交叉调用,节省微处理器的内存,而且便于软件后期维护与功能扩展。2)所设计的纵向车速观测器和质心侧偏角非线性鲁棒观测器,均能同时满足实时性和准确性要求。实车测试证明了所设计的观测器不但精度高而且实用性好。3)应用自校正滤波理论设计的自适应非线性二自由度单轨模型,显著提高了模型在轮胎非线性区的精度;应用最优与模糊理论所设计的轿车ESC实用化控制算法,提高了汽车在不同路面上的行驶稳定性;提出的ESC与ABS的协调控制算法,解决了协调控制问题。4)多工况的硬件在环试验和实车道路测试表明所开发的ESC控制算法与状态参数估算算法能够及时地将汽车的横摆角速度和质心侧偏角控制在合理范围内,显著提高轿车的稳定性,同时该算法对各种路况和不同的测试试验都具有很好的控制效果,说明本算法具有很好的适应性。与国外成熟ESC产品的对比测试结果表明所开发的ESC控制性能接近国外产品水平。

【Abstract】 As a new active safety technology, Electronic Stability Control(ESC)system can maintain the vehicle stability by dominating the yaw moment effectively under extreme driving conditions. The technology has matured in foreign countries, but the research on which is still in the initial stage in China. Therefore, research on the theories and key technologies in developing ESC can have a great realistic significance in improving the ability of developing domestic automobile industry and related industries.Based on the technology needs of the BESTURN, this paper gives the research of estimation of vehicle State Parameters and the control algorithm of ESC in close cooperation with FAW Group Corporation R&D Center, which is associated with the 863 ministry of science and technology, international cooperation project and province and major projects technology support program. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm is evaluated by hardware-in-the-loop test and the real test under various emergency maneuvers and road conditions. The test results show that the ESC algorithm developed is not only suitable for practical application, but also has high accuracy and robustness.1 Design of ESC software architectureBased on the technology needs of the BESTURN, the overall structure of ESC algorithms has been accomplished by the application of modular design, which provides the basis for follow-up research work.2 Estimation of key state parametersAccuracy and real time of vehicle state parameters are the prerequisite in the ESC control system. Based on the needs of the ESC critical state parameters estimation and the target of accuracy and real time, this paper proposes the on-line estimation method of tire force, vertical speed estimation method and nonlinear robust estimation of slip angle. The ESC simulation and test results show that this method isn‘t only suitable for practical application, but also has high accuracy and robustness.3 The research of control algorithmControl algorithm is the core of ESC control system. When the tire is in the nonlinear regions, the estimation accuracy of the traditional linear 2DOF single-track model has the serious shortage. For that an adaptive 2DOF single-track model is proposed by the application of self-tuning filtering theory in this paper. On this basis, the accuracy of 2DOF single-track model is improved. A 2DOF two-track model is established, based on which this paper gives the ESC algorithm using optimal control theory. Meanwhile, the coordinated control of ESC and ABS and practical method for the algorithm are proposed.4 The research of the hardware in the loopFor verifying the developed control algorithms, the hardware in the loop test is carried out using the ESC test bed in discussion group. The results show that the developed ESC control algorithm has a better performance and adaptability than normal PID control algorithm.5 The research of the road testThe real test is fulfilled using self-developed vehicle platform for verifying the actual control effects of the developed control algorithms. The test results show that the developed ESC algorithm in this paper has a good control effect and high robustness under different road conditions and various maneuvers.Through the research of the control algorithm of ESC, we can achieve the following conclusion:1) The overall structure of ESC algorithms accomplished in this paper can avoid cross-calls between layers, save the microprocessor memory, and be convenient for software maintenance and later extensions.2) The vertical speed observer and nonlinear robust estimation of slip angle proposed in this paper can satisfy the requirements of real time and accuracy. The ESC test results show that the observer isn‘t only suitable for practical application, but also has high accuracy and robustness.3) The adaptive 2DOF single-track model proposed by the application of self-tuning filtering theory significantly improves the accuracy of nonlinear zone. The ESC practical algorithm using optimal and fuzzy control theory improves the driving stability in different roads. The coordinated control of ESC and ABS is proposed, which solves the problem of coordinated control.4) The hardware in the loop and real test results show that the ESC control algorithm and estimation algorithm of state parameters in this paper can timely and accurately control the yaw rate and side-slip angle, and significantly improve the vehicle stability. Meanwhile the algorithm has a good control effect and high robustness under different road conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

