

Study on Semiotic Transcoding of Classic Tea Poetry and Its Computer-Aided Translation

【作者】 姜欣

【导师】 汪榕培;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机技术应用, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在典籍翻译、计算机应用技术与符号学语言学理论三个学科的跨越中找到一个契合,以中国古典茶诗的英译为切入点,建筑一个由计算机辅助实现汉语诗符跨语际转换的理论框架,并以相关翻译实践中产生的效果予以论述和求证。绪论中探讨的是对“现代科技与东方古老文明对话”的感慨与思索,强调了古典茶诗这一语域独特且主题专一的语料的研究意义及亟待改进的译介现状,以及笔者对利用富有跨学科跨文化功能的符号学作为理论框架,结合数码时代的计算机应用技术,为典籍翻译事业尽绵薄之力的期望。第二章回顾了符号学的起源、发展以及围绕语言符号所形成的代表性学说,对中西方符号学的形成与发展脉络进行了梳理,对汉语这一典型的表意语言文字和以英语为代表的表音语言文字进行了符号学视阈下共性与特质的多维对比,分析了兼有文字和语音两个符指形式的汉语言特性,凸现了符号学与自然语言处理和信息技术发展的相互作用力,展示了语言在一级与二级符号系统中意符和符指指示行为的递进关系,同时论及了人类在这两个层级上的认知方式。将理论框架与研究语料相结合的第三章对汉英诗语符号做了概括性比较,用实例分析显示了茶诗的典型语言符号特质,旨在说明其在解码与再编码过程中的映射、呼应、渗透与交融能力,铺垫了下一章符号学途径茶诗英译的优势所在。第四章从语言学和认知理论两方面论证了诗性符号跨语际转换的可行性,为其多方位映射的翻译方法提供了理论依据与相关实例。论文第五章回应开篇绪言,突出借助计算机与自然语言处理技术对典籍诗词进行翻译研究的必要与可行,两个学科间的交叉研究大有意义与前景。本章从五个侧面着手,即茶诗韵尾的自动甄选统计研究,茶语符码汉英知识库的建设,茶喻的识别与处理基础,机译中介语式的译文分析,茶典籍文本符号系统的树剪枝快速切分方法等,以综合利用典籍英译中具有普遍意义的重要因素,辅助提高复杂的古汉语文体文本的英译效率,且更充分地保持源语符符指意义,保证术语译法的一致性与精准。第六章是以笔者亲身参与的典籍翻译课题为实证基础的实践尝试与思想升华。遵循的原则是在多元文化语境中对受众体进行原诗符号各层面的切换,努力使源语意符对应的译文意符能现出原诗的本色。作为典籍英译与计算机技术应用交叉学科的研究总结,这篇论文是在艰辛的探索中一步步铺就曲折又风景无限的揽胜之径。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at machine-aided translation of Chinese classical tea poetry through the perspective of semiotics, pointing out that this pilot study could provide a philosophical and methodological foundation to relevant researches. Samples and statistics are analyzed and synthesized as evidence to prove the effect.In the introduction, the author expresses her expectation to build a framework with a tripod of compute technology, semiotical C-E transcoding theory and classical corpus as a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach to introduce Chinese tea poetry to the world.The second chapter retrieves the development of semiotics in the linguistic domain. Multi-dimensional analysis of Chinese as an ideographic language is given in comparison with English as a phonetic symbol language. Elaborated investigation is undertaken to reveal the special characteristics of 2-signifier Chinese. More semiotic features in a language revealed through Chinese NLP technology are highlighted.ChapterⅢcombines the theoretical framework with specific corpus to illustrate the instantiated semiotic features of classical tea poetry. Chinese and English poetic symbols are compared to demonstrate their identification and mutual features, justifying the advantages of the semiotic perspective focused on in the next chapter.Chapter IV uses linguistics and cognitive theories to confirm the possibilities of the psychological engram shift in the transcoding process, hopefully laying a solid foundation for this interdisciplinary research in the next two chapters.Chapter V pinpoints the application of computational technology. Five aspects are undertaken to prove and justify the possibility of cross-disciplinary venture. They are "the statistical research on automatic selection of ending rhymes in tea poetry", "the bi-lingual knowledge base of tea-specific terms", "the identifying and processing of tea metaphors as foundation for machine translation", "the analysis of the inter-lingual proto version of MT", "an approach of tree pruning on the fast segmentation of classical texts"The last chapter shows some practical translation works and reflections on them. It is expected that this pilot study could be of some use for the active spreading of Chinese culture and the upgrading of the auxiliary technology for researchers in this field.


