

Research on Evolution Mechanism of Inter-industrial Symbiosis Network

【作者】 刘浩

【导师】 原毅军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 经济系统分析与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国际竞争环境的复杂化、信息通信技术的进步和经济制度的变革推动了产业间的共生发展和产业间共生网络的形成与演化。相关产业间通过知识的溢出、信息的渗透、技术的运用、网络的展开,把原有产业端口更加紧密地耦合、连接起来,形成了产业间共生网络,提升了资源在产业间的优化配置和整合利用效率。对于我国这样的经济转型期国家来说,产业间的协同化、网络化和共生化发展已成为增强风险抵抗能力、维持国际竞争优势和实现产业结构优化升级的有效途径。因此,如何准确把握产业间共生网络的演化机理,充分发挥这种组织形式对产业发展和经济增长的拉动作用,也便成为学术界和各级政府亟需解决的重大问题。传统意义上的产业共生理论是以循环经济和产业生态学为理论基础的,强调共生单元间通过副产品、废弃物的循环利用、交易回收和交换转化来实现共生系统内物质的闭路循环和能量的梯级利用。本文突破现有的研究框架,从价值创造角度对产业共生和产业间共生网络的内涵进行了重新界定,并基于产业间共生网络的系统特性,构建了分析产业间共生网络演化机理的研究框架。首先,基于复杂适应系统理论构建了产业间共生网络的“双适应”周期演化模型,分析了产业间共生网络的演化路径,提出产业间共生网络的演化是共生单元之间以及共生单元与共生环境之间双适应过程交互耦合的结果,并将产业间共生网络的演化化分为耦合、趋稳和突变三个阶段,分别运用演化博弈模型和Logistic模型对这三个过程进行了模拟分析。其次,从动态角度研究了产业间共生网络的演化机制,将产业间共生网络双适应演化过程中的物质、信息、能量的流动抽象成共生单元的动态学习过程,构建了动态学习模型,并分别探讨了“干中学”、非“干中学”条件下以及实体型和虚拟型两种网络形态中产业间共生网络演化的稳定状态、演化结果和共生单元的策略选择。最后,结合产业间共生网络演化的内在机制,将产业间共生网络演化的影响因素归为主体能力、网络制度和环境约束三类,通过构建演化过程与影响因素关系整合模型考察了不同演化阶段各因素的作用机理,并在此基础上提出以增强共生单元适应性为核心的产业间共生网络三维治理框架。在实证研究中,本文以生产性服务业与制造业共生网络为例,对理论研究所得的结论进行了验证,并结合我国生产性服务业与制造业的发展现状,提出促进生产性服务业与制造业共生演化的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The complication of international competitive environment and the progress of information communication technology and the reform of economic system promote the formation and development of inter-industrial symbiosis network. Relevant industries couple the existing independent industry ports and establish close-knit symbiotic relations through knowledge spillovers, information osmosis, the use of technology and the spread of the network. To promote the optimization disposition and the integrated use efficiency of resources between industries. As for our country in the period of economy transformation, collaboration, networking and symbiosis development between industries has become an effective way to enhance the risk defenses, maintain the competitiveness and upgrade the industrial structure.Therefore, how to grasp the laws of inter-industrial symbiosis network evolution correctly and giving full play to the organization impacts for industry development and economic growth have become an important issue for academia and government.Traditionally Industrial Symbiosis is theoretically based on circular economy and industrial ecology, and emphasizes that symbiotic units achieve both a closed circulation of material and energy cascading within symbiotic system through the recycling, transaction recovery and exchange conversion of by-products and wastes.Breaking through the framework of existing research, this paper broadly re-defines the contents of industrial symbiosis and inter-industrial symbiosis network, and builds the framework of analyzing the evolution mechanism of inter-industrial symbiosis network based on characteristics of complex system.First of all, this paper builds "dual adaptation" evolution model of inter-industrial symbiosis network based on Complex Adaptive System to analyze the evolution path of inter-industrial symbiosis network, and puts forward that inter-industrial symbiosis network evolution is the result of dual adaptation process interactive coupling among symbiotic units and between symbiotic units and symbiotic environments.And inter-industrial symbiosis network evolution is divided into three stages of coupling, stabilization and mutation. We simulate and analyze these three stages by the use of evolution game model and Logistic model. Furthermore, this paper studies evolution mechanism of inter-industrial symbiosis network on the view of dynamic complexity to build dynamic learning model through regarding the flows of material, information and energy in dual adaptation process of inter-industrial symbiosis network as dynamic learning process of symbiotic units, and respectively discusses evolution equilibrium and results of inter-industrial symbiosis network and strategies of symbiotic units on the condition of either "learning by doing" or "learning by non-doing" and two network forms of entity type and virtual type. Finally, combining with the source of inter-industrial symbiosis network complexity, this paper classifies the factors of inter-industrial symbiosis network evolution into main ability, network system and environment constraint. We study the mechanism of various factors in different evolutionary stages by building integration model between evolution process and factors, and propose the three-dimensional governance framework which is focus on the adaptability of the symbiotic units of inter-industrial symbiosis network evolution.In the empirical study, taking symbiosis network between producer services and manufacturing as an example, this paper verifies the conclusions of theoretical studies, and proposes policy recommendations to enhance symbiotic evolution of producer services and manufacturing combining with development status of producer services and manufacturing in China.


