

Research on Evaluation and Regulation Countermeasures of Science and Technology Transmission Ecosystem Health in China

【作者】 郑保章

【导师】 刘则渊;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 科技传播是以科技信息为主要内容的传播活动,在促进科技创新、推动经济发展、提升国家实力等方面具有重大作用。然而,当前我国的科技传播还存在一些显性矛盾以及潜在隐患,影响了我国科技传播事业的持续健康发展。基于科技传播的生态学特征,本文将生态学原理引入科技传播领域,对科技传播生态系统及其健康问题进行了深入系统研究。具体来说,本文主要完成了以下工作:第一,提出科技传播生态系统概念:科技传播生态系统是在一定时间和空间上,各类科技传播生态主体及其外部环境之间,通过科技信息流动和科技知识循环所形成的、相互作用相互依赖的、具有一定结构特征并执行一定功能作用的动态平衡系统;构建起以调控者为塔尖,制造者、传播者和接受者为底面,法律法规、经济基础、社会文化为保护层的科技传播生态系统三维四元立体结构模型,并概括了其主要特征,在此基础上对其与自然生态系统进行了比较。第二,提出科技传播生态系统健康的概念:认为科技传播生态系统健康是指科技传播生态系统运行和发展过程中,形成了合理的构成要素、稳定的结构关系,实现了生态主体和生态环境之间的物质、能量良性的循环互动,表现在能维持其组织保持自我运作能力和整体功能状态;对科技传播生态系统健康的生态特征进行了阐述,在此基础上提出科技传播生态系统健康需要研究的评价和调控两方面的内容。第三,基于科技传播生态系统结构和功能,从生态主体和生态环境两方面建立2个目标层、7个准则层和19项指标层的科技传播生态系统健康评价指标体系,进而根据研究问题的特点选择了多级模糊综合评价模型,并在此基础上分别制定出定量指标和定性指标的评价标准。第四,以科技传播生态系统基本理论及其健康评价体系为指导,通过量化分析与定性评价,对我国科技传播生态系统健康状态进行了实证评价,并得出结论:得出我国科技传播生态系统的评价分值为60.488,虽然整体处于健康状态,但离亚健康状态警戒线仅有0.488的差距,一系列涉及科技传播生态系统各要素的根本性问题还未得到解决。对此,本文有针对性地就科技信息制造者、传播者、受众、调控者及整体生态系统的调控提出了相应对策。

【Abstract】 Science and Technology Transmission is an activity based on transmitting scientific and technical information. It plays a very important role in accelerating the scientific and technical innovation, improving economic development and promoting national strength. However, there are still some obvious and potential problems, which impact science and technology Transmission for sustainable and healthy development in our country. According to the characteristic of the science and technology transmission, in this paper, the ecology theory is led into science and technology transmission area, the deeper research is also carried on the science and technology transmission ecosystem and its health. In This paper, following work is mainly completed.First, Proposes the science and technology transmission ecosystem concept:science and technology transmission ecosystem is the homeostasis system which exists in a certain period and space, between all kinds of science and technology transmission ecology subject and external environment, it can be action and dependence each other, possess certain structural feature and implement certain function through science and technology information flowing and science and technology knowledge circulation. Its structure is just like a tower, and sets up a three dimensions four sides spatial structure model of science and technology transmission ecosystem, which constituted by the following parts:the sci-tech information transmission Regulator as the spire, the sci-tech information Maker, Disseminator and Receiver represent tower foundation, protective cover is represented by relevant laws and regulations, economic foundation and social culture. The paper also summarizes mainly feature of the science and technology transmission ecosystem and compared with the natural ecosystem.Second, proposes the concept of the sci-tech transmission ecosystem health. It is considered that during working and development of the ecosystem, it forms the reasonable components and the stable construction, and then, realizes a benign cycle of substances and energy between ecological substances and environment. Its specific manifestation is that it has ability for keeping working and the whole function of itself. In this paper, ecological features of the sci-tech transmission healthy ecosystem are discussed and its evaluation and regulation are also proposed on basis.Third, according to the structure and function of the sci-tech transmission ecosystem, based on ecological subject, ecological environment and eco-function, the paper constructs the evaluation index system of the sci-tech transmission ecosystem health which includes three target levels,9 criteria levels and 24 indication levels. And based on the character of research problems, the paper chooses multi-levels fuzzy integration evaluation model, and separately institutes the evaluation standard of quantitative index and qualitative index on basis.Fourth, guided by the basic theory of sci-tech transmission ecosystem and its health evaluation system, the paper makes the demonstration appraisal about health status of sci-tech transmission ecosystem through the way of quantitative analysis and qualitative evaluation. The final conclusion is that:the evaluation score of sci-tech transmission ecosystem is 60.488 which although on the healthy states overall still but only 0.488 away from the gap of the warning line to transform into sub-health state. Actually, a series of fundamental questions are not been solved. In view of the current condition of sci-tech transmission ecosystem, the pertinence suggestion for sci-tech information maker, communicator, audience, regulators, and relevant regulating countermeasures for the overall eco-system control are proposed.


