

Research on Legal System of Motor Vehicle Compulsory Liability Insurance

【作者】 解可

【导师】 徐卫东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 机动车的产生和普及犹如一柄“双刃剑”,在推动人类社会发展进步的同时,也带来了大量的交通事故。这些交通事故不仅造成巨大的人身财产损失,也严重影响社会正常的生产生活秩序。特别是当受害人的损失因责任人损害赔偿能力欠缺而得不到有效填补时,交通事故就从特定个体之间的侵权损害赔偿事由演变为严峻的社会问题。机动车强制责任保险是以保障交通事故受害第三人得到及时、有效救助为政策性目标,以被保险机动车交通事故损害赔偿责任为保险标的的强制性商业保险,具有填补交通事故受害第三人损失、转移被保险人交通事故责任、预防和减少交通事故发生等制度优势,是运用市场化机制、商业保险模式解决社会问题的典范。经过多年的努力,我国机动车强制责任保险法律制度逐步健全,取得了一定成效。但由于理论储备的不足和实践经验的匮乏,我国机动车强制责任保险法律制度在条款内容和制度设计方面存在着一些不容忽视的问题,不利于更好地保护交通事故受害第三人利益。本文以交通事故受害第三人利益为中心,运用概念分析、比较研究、历史考察、实证研究等方法,在阐述机动车强制责任保险法律制度理论构造的基础上,通过剖析发达国家和地区机动车强制责任保险法律制度的主要内容和立法模式,指出我国现行机动车强制责任保险法律制度存在的问题,围绕及时、有效填补受害第三人损失这一立法目标加以详细论述并提出完善建议。具体而言,本文的结构和大致内容如下:绪论部分主要介绍了本文的研究背景。在总结我国交通事故特点的基础上,阐述加强保护交通事故受害人的必要性。通过分析侵权赔偿机制和社会保障机制的现状与不足,论证责任保险机制在保护交通事故受害人利益方面的制度优势。第一章全面剖析了机动车强制责任保险法律制度的理论构造。首先,简要介绍强制责任保险的理论渊源和主要内容,并阐明其法理依据。其次,重点研究机动车强制责任保险的含义、特质、属性、价值以及内在法律关系等基本理论。最后,运用伦理学、经济学的研究成果,多角度论证机动车强制责任保险的理论基础。第二章系统考察了具有代表性的海外机动车强制责任保险法律制度。在详细介绍并研究德国、日本、美国、法国以及我国台湾地区机动车强制责任保险法律制度的基础上,指出立法模式的不同是导致制度设计各异的根本原因,进而分析和比较不同立法模式的特点和效用。同时,探讨了上述国家和地区机动车强制责任保险法律制度给我国带来的理念启示和制度收获。第三章通过对我国现行机动车强制责任保险法律制度的实证研究,指出对交通事故受害第三人利益保护不力的症结所在。首先,系统回顾了我国机动车强制责任保险制度的历史演进与发展脉络,总结相关的经验和教训。其次,详细介绍了我国机动车强制责任保险制度的立法成就和主要内容,全景勾画出机动车强制责任保险法律体系的架构。最后,深入剖析我国现行机动车强制责任保险法律制度在条款内容与制度设计方面亟待解决的问题。第四章详尽阐述了我国机动车强制责任保险法律制度的完善途径。针对第三章所提出的问题,本文从以下四个方面提出改进对策。一是立法模式的选择。结合实际国情和经济社会现状论述立法模式选择的标准,在对不同立法模式进行适用性分析的基础上,阐明中国特色的立法模式。二是保险给付制度的健全。针对现行机动车强制责任保险给付制度在性质、要件、范围以及责任限额、除外责任、平衡机制等六个方面存在的问题,以交通事故受害第三人利益为中心进行剖析并提出解决方案。三是受害第三人保护制度的强化。通过被保险人范围的厘定、受害第三人范围的扩张、受害第三人直接请求权的赋予,克服现行规定在保障对象范围和请求权基础等方面存在的不足,强化对交通事故受害第三人利益的保护。四是社会救助基金制度的重构。从职能定位、基本原则、本质属性、平衡机制以及救助的要件、对象、范围等方面入手重构现行社会救助基金制度,以破解交通事故受害第三人面临的“同命不同救助”困境。最后,针对现行机动车强制责任保险法律体系提出具体的修正建议,以期能为健全我国机动车强制责任保险法律制度提供参考。本文在逻辑思路上采取从基础理论界定到具体立法建议提出的论述方式。第一章详细论述机动车强制责任保险法律制度的基本理论,为保护交通事故受害第三人利益打牢理论之基。第二章系统研究海外机动车强制责任保险法律制度,为保护交通事故受害第三人利益提供他山之石。第三章深入剖析现行机动车强制责任保险法律制度的主要内容,指出交通事故受害第三人利益保护面临的现实之困。第四章详尽阐明我国机动车强制责任保险法律制度的完善途径,为保护交通事故受害第三人利益提供应对之策。本文力求在以下几方面有所创新:1.明确责任限额范围内的侵权责任现行机动车强制责任保险法律制度没有对责任限额范围内被保险人的交通事故侵权损害赔偿责任做出明确规定。这一关键内容的缺失,不仅违背机动车强制责任保险的基本原理,也引起了针对立法模式、保险性质等问题的激烈争论,造成了实务中的混乱。笔者认为,被保险人在机动车强制责任保险责任限额范围内应承担危险责任,只有交通事故损失系受害第三人故意造成,其损害赔偿责任才得以免除。2.重新界定被保险人的范围机动车强制责任保险以被保险人交通事故侵权损害赔偿责任为保险标的。因此,只有是被保险人造成的交通事故损失,才属于机动车强制责任保险的承保范围,受害第三人才有权请求保险给付。现行规定和学界观点都以是否取得投保人授权以及具有合法驾驶资格作为界定被保险人范围的依据。笔者认为,这一判断标准造成被保险人范围过小,不利于保护交通事故受害第三人利益。建议以肇事车辆是否为被保险机动车作为界定被保险人范围的依据,即被保险人的范围应包括所有因被保险机动车交通事故而对受害第三人负有损害赔偿责任的人。同时,赋予保险人在向受害第三人承担保险给付责任后,对具有主观恶意的被保险人享有代位求偿权。3.采取单一限额制的责任限额模式我国现行机动车强制责任保险的责任限额采取分项限额模式,其弊病在于各单项限额的保险金不能相互补充,无法有效填补交通事故受害第三人的实际损失。以受害第三人急需的医疗费为例,在分项限额模式下,当医疗费用限额不足以满足受害第三人抢救所需时,不能用其他分项限额予以补充,只能由交通事故责任人或受害第三人承担。如果交通事故责任人损害赔偿能力不足,则难以保证受害第三人的生命健康。因此,我国机动车强制责任保险的责任限额模式应采取单一限额制,根据每一起交通事故中的每一位受害第三人设定最高限额,在保险金额内不再进行具体分项,由受害第三人自行决定填补哪一项损失,以便更好地保护其利益。

【Abstract】 The creation and popularization of motor vehicles is like a double-blade sword which brings in large amount of traffic accidents along with the promotion of the development of human society. Along with sever personal injury and property losses, traffic accidents also destroy the stability of normal production and life order. Especially when the victims’ losses cannot be compensated effectively because the responsible party lacks of ability to compensate, the nature of traffic accident has developed from infringement damage compensation between individuals into a serious social problem which influences the stability and harmony of the society.Motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance is a compulsory commercial insurance which holds the policy aim of guaranteeing the timely and effective compensation for the third party victim in traffic accident and takes the traffic accident compensation liability for damages caused by the insured motor vehicle as insurance object. It possesses systemic advantages including protecting the interest of the third party victim in traffic accidents, transferring traffic accident loss, and preventing traffic accident occurrence, and etc. It is the model of solving social problems with the application of marketing mechanism and commercial insurance mode.After years of hardworking, the legal system of Chinese motor vehicle compulsory insurance is becoming better and better with considerable achievement. However, due to the insufficiency of theoretical foundation and practical experiences, there are intolerable problems in the contents of the terms, logic system, system design and others which are not good for the legislative goal of ensuring timely and effective compensation for third party victims in traffic accidents.Oriented in the interest of the third party victim in traffic accident, this paper tries to analyze the shortage in the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system and discusses about the legislative goal of providing timely and effective compensation for the losses of the third party victims and proposes detailed suggestions for improvement on the basis of the explanation of the fundamental theories of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system through methodologies including conceptual analysis, history investigation, comparative study and empirical study. It also tries to provide legislation suggestions for the improvement of this system through concluding the major contents and legislative mode of the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system of developed countries. Specifically, this paper is divided into the following parts:The introduction part mainly presents the research background of this paper. It demonstrates the necessity of strengthening the protection of traffic accident victims through the demonstration of the traffic accidents features in China. It probes into the status quo and limitations of existing infringement compensation system and social security system, and elaborates the systemic advantages of liability insurance system in protecting the interest of third party victim in traffic accidents.Chapter one elaborates the theoretical structure of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system comprehensively. First, it briefly introduces the theoretical origin and main content of compulsory liability insurance and testifies its legal grounds. Second, this chapter probes into the basic theories including its meaning, features, nature, value and internal legal relationship of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance. Finally, the theoretical foundation of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system is demonstrated through different angles with the application of the theoretical results of ethics, sociology, and economics.Chapter two systematically studies the major content of representative foreign motor vehicle compulsory insurance system. On the basis of the introduction and analysis of the specific contents of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system in Germany, Japan, America, France, and China Taiwan, it points out that the legislative models’differences are the fundamental reasons that cause the differences in system design and operation mode. And further analyzes and compares the features and effects of different legislative modes. Concurrently, the above discussion about the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system of the above countries and districts brings the theoretical enlightenment and systemic gains to China.Chapter three points out what causes the failure in effective protection of the interest of the third party victims through an empirical study on the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system in China. First, it systematically reviews the history and development traits of Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system, and concludes related experiences and lessons. Second, it systemically introduces the legislative achievements and major contents of the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system in detail, picturing the structure of the entire motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system. Finally, this paper probes into the urgent problems in the content of the terms and the systemic design of the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system in China.Chapter four depicts the methods to improve Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system in detail. Targeting the problems proposed in chapter three, it provides improving suggestions for Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system from four angles. First, it is the selection of legislative model. It combines Chinese real situation and current status of economy and carries out feasibility analysis of different legislative models, presenting the legislative model of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system with Chinese characteristics. Second, it is the promotion of insurance payment system. Targeting at the problems in six aspects (i.e., the nature of insurance payment, premise, liability limits, excusatio, and balancing system) of the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system, this paper orients in the interest of the third party victim and makes modifications through thorough analysis. Third, it is the strengthening of the protection system of the third party victim. The protection of the interest of the third party victim in traffic accident, as well as the overcoming of insufficiency in aspects like the range of ensured objects and basics of right of claim, is strengthened through the defining of the range of the insured, the expansion of the range of the third party victim, and the endowment of direct right to claim to the third party victim. Fourth, it is the reconstruction of social assistance funds. The predicament of possessing the same life but different assistance of the third party victims should be broken through the reconstruction of social assistance funds from aspects including function orientation, basic principles and natures, balancing mechanism and the essential conditions and objects and range of assistance. Finally, this paper proposes specific legislation modification suggestions for the current Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system to provide reference for the improvement in Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system.In the logic of this paper, the discussing method of starting from basic theory defining to legislative proposal is applied. Chapter one describes the basic theories of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system in detail and provides theoretical foundation for the protection of the interest of the third party victim in traffic accident. Chapter two systematically studies oversea motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system to provide references for the protection of the interest of the third party victim in traffic accident. Chapter three probes into the major contents of the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system, pointing out the difficulties we face in protecting the interest of the third party victim in traffic accident in China .Chapter four further testifies methods to improve Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system, and proposes suggestions for solutions to protect the third party victim’s interest.This paper obtains innovation in the following aspects:1. The clarification of tortious liability in the range of liability limits There is no specific stipulation on the tortious liability in the range of liability limits in the current motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance legal system, which not only violates the basic principle of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance, but also induces heat argument on problems of legislative model and insurance nature and leads to disorder in insurance practice. The writer holds that in the range of liability limits of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance, the insured should afford the risk responsibility within the range of liability limits, and the liability for damages of the insured can only be exempted when the loss of victim is caused by the victim himself or herself. 2. Redefine the range of the insuredMotor vehicle compulsory liability insurance takes the liability for damages and infringement of the insured in traffic accidents as insurance object. Therefore,only when the insured caused the traffic accident that does it belong to the insurance coverage of motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance, thus the third party victim would have the right to apply payments. The current stipulations and academic community both hold whether the legal driving license is issued and possessed as the definition to target the range of the insured. The wither holds that this kind of judgment makes the range of the insured too narrow and is not beneficial for the protection of the interests of the third party victims. It is suggested to judge by whether the accident causing vehicle is the insurance object, i.e., the range of the insured include all the people who cause traffic accident with (driving the insured) vehicle thus leading to liability for damages for the third party victims. Concurrently, after the entrustment of insurance benefit responsibility to the insured for third party victims, the right of subrogation for the insured who possess subjective spite would be exerted.3. Adoption of liability limits model of single limitThe current Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance adopts subentry liability limit model whose malady is that the amount of each limit amount cannot supplement each other and cannot compensate the actual losses of the third party victim in traffic accident. For example with the medical technician of the third party victims,under the subentry liability limit model, when the medical expenses are not sufficient to rescue the victim, the limit amounts of other sub-items cannot be used to supplement this amount, leaving only the person responsible for the third party victim to afford. If the person responsible is of insufficient solvency margin, life and health of the victim cannot be guaranteed. Hence, Chinese motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance system should adopt combined single limit, i.e., a maximum limit for each third party victim in each traffic accident would be set without detailed sub-division in the insurance, and the third party victim would decide which type of loss would be covered, thus providing better protection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1773
  • 攻读期成果

