

“Anxiety of Classic” Analysis

【作者】 王健

【导师】 黄也平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【副题名】Post-literature Perspective on “Literary Classic” Issue

【摘要】 “经典焦虑症”是伴随着经典文学时代的终结出现的,文学生活中由经典性期待而生成的一种恐惧的、焦虑性的“情感综合症”。它既是对当代文学的经典缺失的焦虑,也是对当代文学危机的忧虑与恐惧,是文学观念滞后的深刻反映,是文学的文字本位主义和阅读主义遭遇多媒体化的信息时代的必然表现,也是精英知识分子内在的自我身份焦虑,在某种程度上已经成为了经典文学时代走向“后文学时代”的时代症候。中国当代文学的经典危机正在现实地发生着。当前我们已经进入一个由电子媒介主导的信息化的文学社会,这是一个文学泛化的时代,是一个文字文化衰退、文学不再“经典”的后经典文学时代。社会的文学生活面貌发生了急剧变化,从多方面颠覆了文学的传统存在方式及其生产传播方式。在经典文学时代形成的、用于认识和解释经典文学的文学经典主义(或经典文学观)已经不合时宜,其阐释效能和合法性值得怀疑。正是在这样的背景下,文学史上一直被信奉的文学经典开始“问题化”,形成了一股规模浩大的关于“文学经典”问题的文化思潮。这股思潮其实质是文学的当代功能和价值问题。当代社会进程已然剥夺了文学的核心地位,在一个“人人都是文学家”的“后文学时代”,一直以来作为一种经典文化现象和特殊精神现象的文学已被社会文化阅读方式的转变所消解,而人们却仍固守着文学经典主义(或经典文学观),依然秉持着对文学的经典理解和经典认识,怀抱着对文学的经典性乞求,就不得不让我们去面对“经典焦虑”了。经典焦虑症所表征的经典危机实际上并不是当代社会文学生活的危机,而是文学观的危机,是以文学经典主义(或经典文学观)为核心的传统文学理论话语体系面临解体的危机。这提醒我们必须从实际的文学生活出发,改变对文学的既有认识,开放文学边界,重塑一种新型的、开放的媒介文学观,非如此,则不能轻易摆脱经典焦虑症,也不能认清因文学时代变化而起的种种变化。对文学本质的认识,必须交给社会的文学生活。

【Abstract】 Literary classic problem is the current academic a hot topic ,it is in the context of the classical underline the field of the classical anxiety .The paper attempt to answer the question:“what’s the matter in literary classic”by exploring“anxiety of classic”.This paper is established in culture character of transition period and actual occasion of literature in information age, connect concrete literary phenomenon and literary occurrence,and recognize the issue of classic crisis.The manifestation of classic crisis in“anxiety of classic”is the crisis of the view of literature,is the crisis of traditional literary theory that face of dissolution.This remind us that we would have changed our old beliefs of Literature,and open the borders of frontiers,and rebuilding a kind of new type,open literary view.So not,we couldn’t shake our“anxiety of classic”easily,and couldn’t get a clear understanding of the changes by changing in a new literature era.The knowledge of literary essence must be handed over to social literature living.Chapter 1 What Is“Anxiety of Classic”?“anxiety of classic”is accompanied by the end of the age of classical literature, generated by a fear, anxious feelings syndrome in letter. This anxiety and fear is not only for contemporary literature of the classic missing, but also for the crisis of contemporary literature.It is deep reflection of idea lag behind the literary reality, is inevitable performance that literal selfish departmentalism and readism come up against multimedia information age,and is self identification anxiety for intellectuals. It has become a symptoms of the times . Is the reality of classicism of literature,led to the anxiety of classic.Chapter 2 Changes In Literature Lliving——Crisis of Classic And Anxiety of Classic FormThe section analysis for the current changes in living in the overall . Post-literature era literary life is different from the classical literature era. Classical literature has been marginalized in the literary life. Literature and order had collapsed, and literature began to dim border. It was the literary life changes caused anxiety of classic.It is a crisis of the concentrated expression,is age of classical literature is an assumed,and a certain extent, the literature of the times literary sickness.Chapter 3 Literary Classic Become Problem——From“Classic Arguments”Analysis Classic ProblemThe main part of domestic academe about some of the classic examine.First on“literature classic problem”of fate and development was analysed, and then at about“classic”concept, final analysis the culture of classic studies of literature. as the coming of age, literary classics not pass from the certainty and the supreme authority but was in reality and a literary classics, literature in an unprecedented crisis in fact, the existence of legality and rationality were challenged, inevitably become a region have to discuss. Traditional of universal significance of the classic will disappear, a selection criterion becoming a personalized features.Chapter 4 Literary Classic Production and Re-production——From the Classical Production Way and Spread Way Analysis the Classic ProblemJust of production and production for classic, analyse production in post-literature era is completely different from the usual mechanism. In a market economy of society, the key production and to produce more in the economic power to control and not political power and cultural rights, and showed up some more striking at the time. literary classic production and production of any change, not only in a large extent on current literature, diversification, and writing as well as social life and literature, a literary classic influence the way. Literary classics are a variety of factors in the interaction of the changing social space. the oral order to establish, in a more complex system of the culture of the classics, literature and the mechanism of the production and production, and was the part of the overall changes.Chapter 5 Sacred Reading Way Dissolves and Post-Reading Way Formed——From the Change of Social Cultural Reading Way Analysis the Classic ProblemAge of classical literature to an end, with the basic reason is that social and cultural changes in the mode of reading. people began to give up the classical era has been of reading the sacred way in a relaxed after reading the way in literature. Specifically, literature, the information era behind the new environment and the traditional the depth of the reading was relieved, to be replaced by the shallow reading;From reading nature, reading Consumptionism instead of the traditional appreciative reading;From reading of the media, as the image turned, the reading way appeared to read pictures from the text;From contact with classical as a result of these areas, the common reader away from the classics, instead of reading for others. the traditional reading culture will inevitably fall off, the new figures in reading.Chapter 6 Reflective Anxiety of Classic:Classicism of Literature Has Not Been Well TimedThe literary life of a substantial resources with full of classics, literature began to lose. classicism of literature based on the basis of literal selfish departmentalism,it is not a literary classic, but the media of view. Anxiety of classic sourced classicism of literature,if you still insist on traditional text documents, not an open concept of literature, cannot effectively cure this illness. A literary the need for us to the classical literature both in the text for works, and based on the literary life, from medium terms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

