

Research on the Policy Synergy of Basic Public Service Equalization in China

【作者】 郑佳

【导师】 张创新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 历经30年的改革开放,中国社会实现了由生存型社会向发展型社会的转变。发展阶段的变化引起中国需求结构的战略性升级,也使中国社会矛盾呈现出阶段性特征。其中,人民群众全面、快速增长的公共需求与基本公共服务供给不足、供给不均的矛盾日益凸显,成为制约经济、社会发展的瓶颈因素。基本公共服务均等化是中国政府主动应对社会发展诉求而提出的一项改革战略,是涵盖公共财政投入、公共政策运行、制度框架建设的一项系统工程,其对于缓解社会矛盾、实现经济可持续增长、促进人的全面发展、维护社会公平正义有重大意义。“十一·五”期间,中国基本公共服务均等化改革取得初步成效,公共财政投入显著增加、制度框架初具雏形,随着改革向纵深发展,如何实现政策系统的有序运行成为摆在学者与政府官员面前的一道难题。“协同”思想的引入,为解决上述问题打开了思路,协同理论研究复杂系统由无序向有序转变的普适规律,对实现基本公共服务政策系统的有序运行具有重要的理论启示和方法论意义。本文旨在运用协同理论的思维方式,通过构建公共政策协同的理论分析框架,来描述中国基本公共服务均等化政策系统的运行状态,并以此为依据建立协同机制,引导基本公共服务政策体系健康有序发展。明晰“基本公共服务均等化政策协同”命题的核心概念,划定命题的基本论域,是本文研究的逻辑起点。在理解和把握“协同”与“公共政策”概念的基础上,本文尝试界定了“政策协同”的内涵;在明确中国基本公共服务均等化政策目标的前提下,厘定了当前中国基本公共服务体系的政策范围。在阐明论题的基础上,论文围绕“政策协同何以可能”展开论证。首先,政策协同的可行性源自协同学原理的普适性;其次,协同原理为政策协同提供科学的方法论和思维方式的同时,对政策系统的运行条件提出了要求(开放性、自组织、关联性、回应性);第三,政策协同不是协同“公式”在公共政策中的简单套用,公共政策是政治活动的产物,其系统运行是价值理性与工具理性的矛盾统一;第四,协商民主理论为政策协同提供了价值理想,并从理论上实现了政策系统的“开放性”、“回应性”;整体性治理为政策协同提供了经验总结,并从策略上实现了政策系统的“关联性”、“自组织”。可见,以协商民主和整体性治理为理论基础的前提下,政策协同在理论上是成立的。以上述理论为指导,论文构建了政策协同运行的理论模型。描述了政策协同运行的内在机理及其行动逻辑;通过识别协同机会,建立了政策协同运行的模式框架,并主张通过建立协同机制来规范序参量的支配行为,引导系统有序化发展。西方公共服务改革中,公共服务政策运行的实践模型验证了政策协同的基本观点,表明这一理论模型适用于公共服务领域的政策分析,具有一定的解释力。以上述理论模型为分析框架,论文分析了中国基本公共服务政策体系的系统运行状态。运用协同学宏观研究方法,从政策制定者的数据评估和社会公众的满意度评价两个维度获取宏观信息,来考察中国基本公共服务均等化政策的现实图景。肯定了中国基本公共服务均等化改革的初步成就;指出了中国基本公共服务均等化进程中存在的突出问题;分析了上述问题的政策成因。在此基础上,对中国基本公共服务均等化政策系统特征做出如下判断:中国基本公共服务政策系统呈现出一种系统结构松散、政策子系统关联性较弱、缺乏相互配合与合作、协同程度低的无序状态。中国基本公共服务政策系统的运行忽视了序参量的管理,缺乏协同机制的作用。针对政策体系的上述问题,论文提出了实现中国基本公共服务均等化政策协同的对策建议。主张建立协同机制引导政策系统有序运行,措施包括:发展公民社会力量,建立政策主体公共参与机制;完善公共财政政策,建立公共服务多元供给机制;明晰层级政府间权责,建立政策过程动态调控机制;推动横向政府间合作,建立统筹规划的政策间协调机制;优化政策运行流程,建立全方位协同保障机制。政策协同作为政策研究的分析框架,适合解释复杂政策系统的有效运行,为中国基本公共服务均等化改革提供了新的思维方式和研究视角;作为政策系统的理想运行方式,关注政策整体功能,提倡分工基础上的协作,追求公共利益的最大化;作为一种政策理论,以“公共协商”为基本理念,以“协调与整合”为主要策略,维护和实现公共政策的“正当性”、“公共性”。

【Abstract】 After three decades of reform and open-up,China realizes a great transformation from a subsistence society to a development society, which results in a strategy updating of demand structure in China and indicates salient features of the current stage of society problems. The conflict between integrated and highly developing public demand and insufficient and uneven-distributed basic public service supply has become a bottleneck factor that handicaps development of economy as well as that of society.The Equalization of Basic Public Service, working as a new reform strategy unveiled initiatively by Chinese government which is applying for meeting social development demands, is a system engineering that contains public source investment, public policy implementation and institutional framework construction. Thus, the equalization of basic public service plays a significant role in defusing social conflict, promoting human development and safeguarding social fairness and justice.During the“Eleventh Five-Year”, the reform of basic public service equalization has achieved preliminary success, with public financial investment increasing and initial institutional framework forming. Government and academia face a challenge to realize a policy system operating smoothly. And the synergy methodology is introduced to work out that problem, which is a general rule applied to studying complex system transferring from the unordered stage to the ordered stage. For thus, the synergy methodology plays an important role in creating a policy system of basic public service equalization with theoretical enlightenment and methodological meaning. This paper, following the direction of synergy methodology, describes the policy system of basic public service equalization in China, explores a synergy mechanism to lead the development of public service system. The concept of policy synergy of basic public service equalization and its definition is the logical beginning of this paper. On the one hand, the paper gives a definition of policy synergy based on well understanding and mastering the nature of synergy and public policy; on the other hand, the paper defies the range of policy system of pubic service in China based on knowing the policy goal of basic public service in China presently.On the basis of a clear thesis, this paper starts arguments according to the feasibility of policy synergy. Firstly, the feasibility of policy synergy stems from the universality of synergetic theory. Secondly, synergetic theory not only provides a scientific methodology and thinking mode but also makes requirements to policy-system operating, that is openness, self-organization, relevance and response. Thirdly, policy synergy is not synergetic formula merely implementing in public policy which originates from politics and whose system is the unity of tool reason and value reason. Fourthly, a deliberative democratic theory, providing policy synergy with value ideal, realizes openness and response of policy system in theory; an integration governing theory, providing policy synergy with experience summarizing, realizes relevance and self-organization in strategy.With guidance of theory listed above, this paper creates a theory model for operating of the policy synergy, describes the internal mechanism of policy synergy and its acting logic, builds a framework for policy synergy operating by identifying synergic opportunities, and leads a ordered way for the system by creating synergic mechanism to standardize order parameter. It is demonstrated that the theoretic model of policy synergy plays its role in public service policy practicing based on an integrating operation model of public service policy during public service reform in the Western.Based on the theory model above, this paper describes the operation of the basic public service system, obtains macro information both from data evaluation of policy-makers and public satisfaction with synergic macro-methodology, and testifies the utilization of basic public service equalization reforming in China. The paper confirms initial success of the reform of basic public service equalization in China, points out vital contradiction of the reform, and analyzes synergy of the policy system. Besides, a description of the system attribution has been stated as follows: policy system of basic public service in China appears having a loose and inefficient structure; policy subsystem has weak association with each other lacking of cooperation; the whole system has a low degree of synergy which seems disordered. The policy system of basic public service in China lacks synergy mechanism for ignoring management of order parameter when operating.Countermeasures have been recommended to promote reform of basic public service equalization in order to tackle with problems above. It is advocated that create a synergy mechanism and make a direction for policy system being ordered operating. Main measures could apply for that listed as follows: it needs civil society developing and public policymaker participating; it needs bettering public financial system and founding a muti-supply mechanism of public service; it needs clearing government accountability and founding a dynamic governmental regulatory mechanism; it needs cooperating between counterparts of the government and founding a integrated and coordinated mechanism for policy; it needs optimizing the policy procedure and founding a synergy organic security system .Policy synergy, working as an analyzing framework for policy research, is applied to interpreting the efficiency of complex policy system operation, which provides a new thinking manners and research perspective; working as an ideal operation model for policy system, concentrates on the unit function of policy, emphasizes on cooperation based on division of labor, and pursuits maximum of public benefits; working as a policy theory, guards and realizes“justice”“publicity”of public policy, adhering to“public deliberation”as basic concept and“cooperation and integration”as primary strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

