

On the Cross-cultural Communication and Contemporary International Students Literature

【作者】 张卓

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 三十年代的老留学生季羡林先生曾经说过:“对中国的近代化来说,留学生可以比作报春鸟,比作普罗米修斯。”作为最早感知西方文明的现代知识分子,他们是睁眼看世界的先知先觉,是东西方沟通的桥梁和纽带。伴随着作为重要社会力量的留学生的出现,记述留学生和留学活动的留学生文学也随之兴起。而且“在某种意义上来说,中国文学能在近代以来,特别是“五四”以后极大地开阔眼界,迅速地建立起全新意义上的现代文学体系,积极地融入世界文学的总体格局,并成为这个格局中同步发展的组成部分,具有海外体验背景的作家群体起了决定性的作用,留学生文学是构成中国新文学之河的一条重要支流。”但是新生的社会主义国家诞生之后,中国关闭了国门,留学生文学也进入了断流期。直到20世纪70年代末,中国大陆恢复向国外派遣留学生,关闭了近30年的国门再一次向世界打开,80年代初又敞开了自费留学的大门,神州大地开启了一股前所未有的出国浪潮,这条曾经断流的留学生文学支流才焕发出了新的生命和活力,并且以前所未有的气势横卷中国文坛。留学生们是灵魂放逐者,是孜孜不倦的寻梦人,他们体味着物质生存挑战下打工者的辛酸和奋斗成功者的欣喜,经历了精神家园的迷失与找寻,在东西方文化碰撞与冲击下反思着生命的价值和意义、国家和民族的命运,走向了更加广阔的世界大舞台。留学生文学作为跨文化交流的产物,一直和时代发展同步,展示着中国改革开放30年来不同时期的精神风貌,大体可以划分为三个阶段。第一阶段是80年代至90年代的留学初期,有大量作品叙写留学生们在异乡的艰难的奋斗经历和他们的种种遭遇和尴尬的生存状态,以及在两种社会文化冲撞下的一种进退维谷的边缘人的复杂心态。第二阶段是90年代初期至90年代末期。90年代初期,周励的《曼哈顿的中国女人》和曹桂林的《北京人在纽约》等作品一时洛阳纸贵,宣扬留学生在新大陆的奋斗直至成功的传奇故事成为了当时文坛的热点。经历了充满物质上的炫耀,成为海外致富楷模的90年代初期的辉煌之后,随着生活水平的提高、生活阅历的丰富和跨文化体验的加深,留学生把关注的焦点转向了一代留学人共同的内心焦虑和情感失落以及社会文化的根本冲突,异域谋生的复杂心绪、同胞之间的倾轧与隔膜、主流社会的文化偏见、新移民在西方主流文化的强大压力下割裂自身传统文化脐带时的痛苦立场以及如何保存华人的文化根性,成为了这一时期留学生作家关注的焦点,涌现出了诸如《血液的行为》、《曾在天涯》、《细节》等峰峦作品。第三阶段是世纪之交的十年。进入二十一世纪,中国人的思想和价值观有了很大的改变,留学成为了当代留学生自觉的生活道路选择,他们眼界更加开阔,心胸更加包容,一改以前的留学生文学中对自身生存状况的叙述,自我奋斗的展示,而尝试从整个人类和人性化的角度探讨异质文化中的差异、冲突和融合,表现出了更加开放和成熟的创作心态。新时期的留学生文学对于物质给予了极大程度的关注。经历了“文革”洗礼的留学生,拥有着难以言说的过去和苦涩的回忆。他们虽然来到了异国他乡,试图用距离改变命运,忘记过去,但是“文革”如一场梦魇,醒来之后依然无法抹去记忆中的伤痛。在他们的作品中,充斥着对中国命运的回忆,充斥着贫乏与困窘的记忆,他们和同时期的中国本土作家一样在痛苦地思索和探讨着中国悲剧的根源。两手空空踏上新大陆的留学生们,无不面临着物质上的窘境和生存上的困境,所以他们的作品一直对个人物质生存境遇予以极大的关注,大量描写了留学生在异国他乡拼搏时所遭遇的种种苦难,无论是富裕梦的破灭,挣扎在生存线上的失败者,还是成功致富,沉溺于物质享受之中的成功者,都表现出一种鲜明的对金钱的强烈渴求的物质化倾向。留学生文学顺应了90年代消费主义大旗下的物质追求大潮,曹桂林的《北京人在纽约》、周励的《曼哈顿的中国女人》、少君的《奋斗与平等》等作品,渲染了一个个致富者的传奇故事满足了国人对海外淘金的种种憧憬与向往,一时一石激起千层浪,引发了国内的留学生文学热潮。身处东西两种文化交界的留学生文学记录了留学生们对精神家园的迷失与找寻,展现着时代变革中跨文化语境下中国人的精神轨迹。从“夹缝中求生存”的痛苦的边缘人,到“试图在两种文化中找寻平衡点”的积极的国际人,再到“体验着游走在两种文化中的快乐,由被动的生存移民到主动的生命移植”的清醒的世界公民,留学生文学体现着与时俱进的崭新气息。留学生从一个世界进入另一个完全陌生的世界,必然面临精神上的失落和找寻的难题。査建英的《丛林下的冰河》是描写“边缘人”心态的代表作品之一。随着时间的推移,从留学生到学留人身份的转化所带来的视角的变换,对异国文化的了解的深入和对母国文化的反思的加强,都使得留学生写作的视野更加开阔起来。他们的作品超越了国界、民族甚至文化的差异,上升到普遍的人性的层面,在找寻精神家园的过程中,跨越了边缘人的狭隘,走向了国际人的新生。世纪之交,在世界经济一体化浪潮的席卷之下,随着中国这个东方巨人的重新崛起于世界之林,随着留学生们经济状况的逐渐好转和社会地位的提高,对于所在国文化和社会发展了解的逐渐深入,留学生摆脱了最初的边缘人的精神壁垒和束缚,跨越了国际人,而成为了具有广阔的胸襟和开阔的文化视野的世界公民。留学生乘风破浪,远走高飞,广览异域风情,搏击时代雄风,是当之无愧的国人眼中的一代天骄。然而背井离乡,远离祖国的他们经历了国人难以想象的孤独、困惑和痛苦,常常心怀没有归属的无家可归感和离开了文化根基的精神漂泊感。带着深深中国烙印的他们醒悟到“归根到底,文化是‘泡’出来的。在这个缓慢自然的过程中,你所有的毛孔都得浸在水里。文化不仅有奶血之分,而且许多东西根本学不来”。因而,书写中西方在道德伦理、婚姻爱情、经济、价值观念等方面的文化差异与冲突也成为了留学生文学的一大主题。随着时代的发展,当今的世界一改以往的闭锁而变成了全方位的开放系统,全球化已经成为了人类的共识,整个世界宛如一个地球村,世界各国的人成为了“心连心,共住地球村的一家人”。留学生文学也从以往的致力于反映文化身份给个人在国外的经历和选择造成的巨大障碍,转变为深入到人的性格和心理中去表现人的命运,体现出文化混杂与融合的新趋势。建立全球文化全球价值是一个漫长的历程,需要全人类共同努力才能推动并得以实现,留学生文学作为跨文化交流的窗口,一定会以其独特的角度对此做出独特的贡献!

【Abstract】 Mr. Ji Xianlin said in 30s,“For China’s modernization, international students can be regarded as Prometheus.”As the first group of modern intellectuals experiencing western civilization, they are the pioneers who open the horizon and bridge the gap between east and west.“The appearance of international students as an important social power will naturally bring about the boom of international students literature.”Besides,“In some sense, the condition that Chinese literature established its own modern literature system from May Fourth Movement and integrated into the world literature family contributes largely to the writers with overseas background and the role that international students literature plays.”However, China closed its door since the birth of new socialist countries till the end of 1970s when China reopened its door to send students overseas after thirty years’isolation. At the beginning of 80s a new trend of studying overseas at one’s own expenses appeared in China. International students are the soul-vault dwellers and dream-seekers who experienced the bitterness and sweetness in worldly society, went through the loss and pursuit of spiritual home and reflected on the value of life and the fate of nation.As the product of cross-cultural communication, international student literature keeps pace with the development of the age revealing the spiritual situation of this period and can be divided into three phases. The first phase is from 80s to 90s with abundance of works describing the ups and downs experienced by those students overseas and the complicated state of mind under the impact of two cultures. The second phase is from early 90s to the end of 90s. In early 90s, Zhou Li’s Chinese Women in Manhattan and Cao Guilin’s Beijingers in New York were once very popular advocating the legendary stories of international students struggling in the new land. With the development of living standards, the richness of experience and the deepening of cross-cultural experience, international students shifted their focus to the inner anxiety, emotional loss and social-cultural conflicts. They also touched upon the complex of surviving overseas, fight and cooperation among peers, cultural prejudice of mainstream society, and the pain of new immigrants breaking away with traditional culture and keeping their own tradition. Many works came into being in this phase like the Behavior of Blood, Once in the Edge of the World and Details. The third phase is the first ten years of the century. Chinese people’s thoughts and values went through great changes with studying overseas as the choice of many modern students. Their views are much broader and minds more tolerant. The description of the survival of their own lives and demonstration of their struggle was transformed to the difference, conflicts and merging of diverse cultures from the perspective of whole human being and humanities, which demonstrated a more open and mature creation state of mind.The international student literature in the new era granted great concern to the material consideration. Those who have gone through Cultural Revolution harbored unspeakable past and bitter memories. Although they settled in foreign countries with an attempt to change their fate through distance, Cultural Revolution remains the pain deep inside which can never be erased. In their works, you can find the memories of China’s fate, of poverty and puzzles, and of the struggle for the origin of Chinese tragedies shared by other Chinese writers. The impact of poverty on the spirit of international students is so great that they are more concerned about the material conditions of individuals like the losers failing in seeking their wealth dreams and the successors indulging themselves in material pleasures, which reflected the tendency of pursuing desperately for wealth. The international student literature was only one tributary in the stream of seeking for material pleasure. Chao Guilin’s Beijingers in New York, Zhou Li’s Chinese Women in Manhattan and Shao Jun’s Struggle and Peace all reflect the expectation and hope of those people looking for wealth overseas and thus triggered the trend of international literature in China.The international student literature in the background of two different cultures recorded the loss and finding of their spiritual home and demonstrated the spiritual trail of Chinese in the context of cross-culture and reform. The people living outside the mainstream of society, international people seeking balance between the two cultures and the global citizens shifting from passive immigration to active transplantation displayed the freshness of keeping pace with the age. It is inevitable for international students to encounter the difficulty of spiritual loss and finding when moving from one world to another whole new world. Zha Jianying’s Ice River in the Bushes is the representative for describing the people living outside the mainstream society. With time passes by, the shift of perspective from international students to immigrants and the enhancement of understanding of foreign culture and native culture both widened the horizon of international writers. Their works surpassed the boundaries of nations and cultures to the level of ordinary humanities. The narrowness of people living outside the mainstream was gotten rid of and was given new face. In the background of global economic integration, the rising of China in the international society and the improvement of the economic and social status of international students, they have gotten away from the isolation of being people living outside the mainstream society to become the global citizen with broad cultural horizon.International students have gone through the excellence and difficulties of the age, so they are regarded as the elites of the nation. However, the loneliness, puzzle and bitterness experienced by those who have been far away from their hometown are the proof that they have lost the sense of spiritual belonging and cultural origin. They came to the conclusion that with deep-rooted traditional heritage, culture is formed in the process of evolution during which some cultural traditions can hardly be learnt. Therefore the cultural conflict and difference in the aspects of morals, marriage, economy and values become the major theme of international student literature. The world today has been transformed from an isolated to an open system with globalization becoming the unanimous agreement of the people in the world. The world becomes a global village and people all over the world become family members. The international student literature has changed from the role of revealing the great barriers caused by cultural identity to the role of probing the personality and psychology of the characters, which reflected the cultural melting and merging. The establishment of global cultural value is a long process needing the joint efforts of people all over the world. As the window of cross-cultural communication, international student literature will surely make unique contribution to the cause from unique perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

