

Research on How Organizational Justice Affect Employee’s Work Performance and Turnover Intention in Private Technical Smes

【作者】 孔凡晶

【导师】 马飞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 组织公平(Organizational Justice)理论多年来一直是研究者们关注的焦点。国内外研究者在经过多年的探讨研究后,已经在组织公平的内涵和维度理论方面取得了大量研究成果,对其影响变量和影响机制也有了较深入的认识。大量研究与分析表明,组织公平能够有效地影响员工的组织态度和组织行为,组织公平有助于提高员工的工作绩效并降低员工的离职行为。然而,现有的关于组织公平对员工工作绩效和离职倾向的影响研究还存在不足之处。一方面,研究者们关于组织公平各个维度对工作绩效和离职倾向影响的研究结论并不统一,关于组织公平对工作绩效和离职倾向的影响机制还没有达成共识。这种影响究竟是直接作用还是通过中介变量间接影响,抑或两种影响方式都存在,是否存在调节变量,都是值得深入探讨的问题。另一方面,现有研究也没有针对不同的文化背景和行业类型对研究进行细分,尽管现有的研究成果丰富,其普遍适用性值得怀疑。第三,尽管大量研究结果表明组织公平是影响员工工作绩效和离职倾向的重要因素,企业管理者还需面对一个现实问题:即应该如何根据企业自身的特点、企业员工的实际需求以及企业内外部环境的变化,制定出相应政策,使员工充分感受到组织公平,提高员工的组织承诺,进而提高他们的工作绩效并降低离职倾向。国内一些学者对员工组织公平进行了一系列的研究,但针对民营科技企业员工组织公平结构,及其对工作绩效和离职倾向影响的实证研究尚不多见。本文以中国本土的民营科技企业作为研究对象,在回顾以往研究的基础上,将组织承诺和权力距离分别作为中介变量和调节变量,从理论上提出了民营科技企业员工组织公平对工作绩效和离职倾向的作用关系模型。以吉林省以及北京、上海两地的17家民营科技企业为样本,采用配对研究方法,将部门主管及其对应下属进行配对调查。共发放主管、员工问卷各275份(共计550份),最终得到有效的配对数据244条(主管、员工数据各244条)。通过实证分析,得出以下主要研究结论:1.科技员工组织公平对组织承诺的影响组织公平对组织承诺起到显著正向影响作用,且影响程度从高到低分别为程序公平、人际公平、信息公平和分配公平。(1)程序公平可以满足科技员工充分卷入企业、在一定程度上参与与自身利益相关的决策制定和执行的需求,可以加深科技员工对组织目标和价值观的认同以及在企业的自豪感。与生产企业相比,民营科技型企业的员工更加看重程序和方式,虽然分配结果也对组织承诺产生影响,但程序和方式的公平性更加重要。(2)人际公平和信息公平反映了员工感受到的人与人之间交往的质量。科技员工往往蔑视权威,且具有较强的沟通需求。如果权威或上级能够有礼貌的对待员工并充分考虑员工的尊严,且针对分配结果或过程给予员工必要的信息,则会极大地提高科技员工满意度,进而提高对员工组织的承诺。(3)当员工认为自己在企业的付出能够得到公平的回报时,即分配公平,员工会对企业产生信任和信心,提高工作满意度和对组织的忠诚感,进而表现出情感承诺、组织公民行为等角色外的行为来报答组织。2.科技员工组织公平对工作绩效的影响在组织公平的四个维度中,分配公平对工作绩效产生显著影响。这是由科技员工自身的性格特点和民营科技企业的特点共同决定的。而程序公平、人际公平和信息公平对工作绩效没有显著影响。即只有分配公平起到了有效的“激励作用”,能够显著提高员工的工作绩效;而程序公平、人际公平与信息公平更多的起到“保健作用”,对员工的工作绩效不产生显著影响。在分配公平对工作绩效的影响中,组织承诺的中介作用不显著。其原因是科技员工由分配公平建立起来的组织承诺,会带来一些非实质性的行为,例如对组织-成员交换关系的满意度、对企业领导者的信任以及对企业发展前景的信心等。同时,在组织公平对工作绩效的影响中,权力距离没有起到调节作用,主要原因可以归结为分配公平更多的显示了一种员工与企业间基于公平交换原则的工具性关系,而权力距离很大程度上反映了员工的情感性要求,因此对分配公平带来的工作绩效没有起到调节作用。3.科技员工组织公平对离职倾向的影响科技员工的组织公平对离职倾向产生显著的影响。也就是说,对科技员工来讲,能够发挥自己专长、成就事业、实现自身价值并得到组织和社会认可的工作岗位,以及与付出和努力成比例的薪资报酬(分配公平),健全的企业决策制度(程序公平),能够得到上级的尊重、有良好的人际关系并获得全面的关于组织决策的信息(人际公平和信息公平),都是科技员工非常重视的因素。任一方面没有得到满足,科技员工都会产生离职的意图。其中,人际公平的影响能力最强,这是由科技员工蔑视权威,有高度自尊的个性及强烈的情感需求决定的。在组织公平对离职倾向影响中,组织承诺起到显著的中介作用。这说明,员工离职倾向的原因更可能是因为组织不公平造成员工对企业的情感依赖性的降低。在组织公平对离职倾向影响中,权力距离起到部分调节作用。其中,权力距离在程序公平以及信息公平对离职倾向影响中起到正向调节作用,而在其他组织公平维度对离职倾向的影响中调节作用并不显著。其原因主要是分配公平与分配结果有关,而程序公平和信息公平与对企业和上级的评价有关。而权力距离又是对上下级关系的一种价值判断,因而权力距离可以调节程序公平和信息公平对离职倾向的影响。4.提出了我国民营科技企业的发展对策根据研究结果,本文提出了针对我国民营科技企业的发展对策。在提升科技员工工作绩效方面,应该重点关注分配公平,完善激励机制,建立合理的薪酬体系。在减少科技员工离职方面,更应该注重人际公平,来自上级的关心与尊重可以让科技员工体会到亲切与归属感,使员工的工作动机上升到为企业做贡献、同企业共命运的高度,在情感上依赖企业。在提升科技员工组织承诺方面,更应该注重程序公平。民营科技企业制定一系列高效的管理制度,对企业实行规范化管理,是提高科技员工组织承诺的有效的手段。论文研究对于丰富和充实组织管理理论与方法,提高中国民营科技企业员工工作绩效,降低员工离职倾向,进而提升中国民营科技企业管理水平具有重要的理论与现实意义。

【Abstract】 Organizational Justice Theory has been the research focus in recent years. Researchers of both at home and abroad have got rich results on the concept and structure as well as the influential variables of organizational justice after years of discussion. Numerous studies and analysis show that organizational justice can not only effectively affect employee’s attitudes and behavior toward organization, but help improve their work performance and reduce turnover behavior. However, existing research on organizational justice is still inadequate. On one hand, there is neither consensus on how dose different dimensions of organizational justice affect work performance and turnover intention, nor the effect mechanism of organizational justice. Issues such as whether the effect is direct or indirect or both, if there is any mediator or moderator are worthy of further exploration. On the other hand, there is no research subdivision according to different subjects. The universal applicability of existing conclusion is questionable. In addition, though numerous research proves that organizational justice is an important factor affecting work performance and turnover intention, the managers have to confront a question of reality: how to develop appropriate policies according to the characteristics of enterprises, the actual demand of employees, and the environments inside and outside the enterprises so as to make the employees fully aware of the organizational justice, which can help enhance organizational commitment of the employees as well as improve their work performance and reduce their turnover intention. Scholars in China have engaged in a series of research on organizational justice, but little research has been carried out on how organizational justice affect employee’s work performance and turnover intention in private technical SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises). This paper, reviewing previous studies and selecting private technical SMEs in China as the research objectives, theoretically proposes a hypothetical model with organizational justice, work performance, turnover intention, organizational commitment and power distance serve as the independent variable, dependent variable, mediator and moderator respectively. The paper aims to test the role of organizational justice in affecting employee’s work performance and turnover intention, and to discuss the mediating and moderating roles of organizational commitment and power distance.Samples of the current research are collected from 17 private technical SMEs in Jilin Province, Beijing and Shanghai. I sent out 550 questionnaires, 275 for supervisories and 275 for subordinates. Finally, I got 244 supervisory-subordinate dyads data. Using the 244 supervisory-subordinate dyads data and the analysis methods of correlation and hierarchical regression, this paper reached the following research conclusions:1. Effect of technical employee’s organizational justice on organizational commitment.Distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice all affect organizational commitment with procedural justice as the main influencing factor.(1) Procedural justice help satisfy the technical employees’needs of taking part in making the decision related to their own interests to some extent, which can enhence the employees’identity of the enterprise’s goal and values as well as make them feel pride as a member of the enterprise. Compared with the manufacturers, employees in private technical SMEs care more about prodecures and methods. Though distribution results also affect organizational commitment, procedural justice is more important.(2) Interpersonal justice and informational justice reflect the quality of interaction between employees and employer. Technical employees tend to contempt of authority and have more needs in communication. If the employer can treat employees with courtesy and take full account of their dignity, as well as privding necessary information related to the employees’interests, the employees can feel more satisfaction with the enterprise and improve their organizational commitment.(3) If the employees regard their input in the enterprise equles to the output, that is distributive justice, the employees will have more confidence and trust in the enterprise, and improve their job satisfaction and sense of loyalty to the enterprise, thus showing the role of organizational commitment to repay the enterprise.2. Effect of technical employee’s organizational justice on work performance.Distributive justice predicts employee’s performance significantly, while procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice fail to affect employee’s performance. The reason lies in the characteristic of technical employees and the features of private SMEs. This shows that only distributive justice plays as a motivation factor on job performance, the others plays as hygiene factors.Organizational commitment fails to be a mediator between distributive justice and work performance. The reason is that organizational commitment brought by distributive justice will lead to some non-substantive behavior, such as satisfaction on enterprise-employee exchange, trust in managers and confidence in the enterprise’s development.Power distance fails to be a moderator between distributive justice and employees’work performance, the reason lies in that distributive justice shows a fair exchange between employees and enterprise on the principle of instrumental relations, while power distance largely reflects the feelings requirement of the employees.3. Effect of technical employee’s organizational justice on turnover intention.Distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice all affect employee’s turnover intention with the interpersonal justice as the main influencing factor. This shows that employee are sensitive to all the dimensions of organizational justice, unsatisfaction of any dimension can lead to turnover intention. Employee cares most about interpersonal justice, which is determinded by the employee’s special characteristic and strong emotional demand.Organizational commitment mediates the relationship between organizational justice(distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice)and employee’s turnover intention. This proves that the main reason of employee’s turnover intention lies in their decrease affection to the enterprise because of organizational unjustice.Power distance moderates the relationship between procedural justice and employee’s turnover intention. Power distance also moderates the relationship between informational justice and employee’s turnover intention. However, power distance fails to be a moderator between distributive justice and employee’s turnover intention, and between interpersonal justice and employee’s turnover intention. The reason is that distributive justice relates to allocation outcomes, wihle procedural justice and informational justice relates to judgments on enterprise and employee which tend to be affected by power distance more possibly.4. Suggestions and countermeasures for private technical SMEs.Based on the results, we propose some countermeasures for the private technical SMEs in China. In order to improve the employee’s work performance, the enterprise should pay more attention to distributive justice, improve the incentive mechanism and establish a reasonable salary system. In order to decrease the employee’s turnover intention, the enterprise should pay more attention to interpersonal justice. Careness and respect from employer can make the employees feel warm and the sense of belonging. In order to improve the employee’s organizational commitmeng, the enterprise should pay more attention to procedural justice.A series of efficient and standardized management systems can effectivly improve the employee’s organizational commitment.This paper has great significance in enriching both the theory and methods in organization management, and can help improve employee’s work performance and decrease employee’s turnover intention for private technical SMEs in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

