

A Study on Famous-brand Communitty Effect and Its Mechanism During the Process of Place Branding Formation

【作者】 盛亚军

【导师】 金晓彤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代以来,在我国的东南沿海一些经济发达地区出现了一大批产业集群,其生产规模较大、产业链条完备,区域内资源优势明显,知名企业众多。从其形成与发展历程来看,在这些具有竞争优势的产业集群中,都有知名的区域品牌存在;并有相当数量的名牌产品或名牌企业诞生,形成名牌群落,这与自然界中生态种群,生态群落的演进过程十分相似。通过系统梳理散落在各个领域的零星研究成果,本研究将单体名牌效应理论和品牌生态学理论综合应用于名牌群落研究,认为名牌群落既有单体品牌的效应,同时作为一个类生态群落,又具有群落内部最基本的关系。据此将名牌群落效应概括为吸聚与扩散效应、协作效应与竞争效应四个方面。并根据我国典型产业群演化和发展过程的相关记载,将名牌群落的吸聚效应定义为名牌群落对区域内外资源的吸引作用和对衍生企业和配套服务机构的吸引作用;将名牌群落的扩散效应定义为区域内名牌企业大量聚集对区域形象、产业形象、行业内其他企业发展的影响作用以及消费者对产品认知的影响作用;将名牌群落的协作效应定义为名牌群落内各企业之间为降低成本、共享资源、增加收益而共同展开的协作活动;将名牌群落的竞争效应定义为名牌企业之间为寻求更有利的生态位置在市场、技术、资源等方面存在的相互竞争态势。基于此,本研究着力探讨基于产业集群的区域品牌形成过程中名牌群落效应对其形成和创建是否存在影响作用,明确名牌群落效应在区域品牌形成过程中的作用机理。此外,通过文献研究及对我国典型产业群发展经历分析发现,区域品牌的性质及其对公共政策的需求客观上决定了区域品牌的创建必须有政府参与其中并发挥主导作用。另一方面,行业协(商)会在名牌群落的发展过程中发挥了积极的促动作用,使大量名牌企业从谋求自身发展逐渐转变为名牌群落整体发展,在激烈的市场竞争中协同作战开拓市场,促进区域经济发展,提升区域的整体形象,有利于区域品牌的培育和创建。因此,探讨各地政府、行业协(商)会组织和集群企业,尤其是集群中的名牌企业、龙头企业如何以一种合力培育区域品牌对于推动区域经济发展、解决我国产业集群持续发展和升级问题意义重大。本研究将名牌群体效应、政府作用、行业协(商)会作用、区域品牌纳入一个分析框架,综合讨论四者之间可能存在的相互影响关系,提出“名牌群落效应——区域名牌”作用机理模型。模型共涉及四个构面的内容,构面之间存在的因果关系、调节关系交织在一起,将产业区域内大量聚集的名牌企业所形成的群落效应对区域名牌的培育和构建的错综影响过程和演进路径基本勾勒出来。基于浙江温州305家企业及福建泉州200家企业的调查数据,研究发现:1)名牌企业大量聚集后所形成的名牌群落的吸聚效应、扩散效应和协作效应对于区域品牌的创建发挥着积极的正向影响作用;而名牌群落的竞争效应对于区域品牌培育的影响作用虽然在统计上显著,却与预想的作用方向相反;2)在区域品牌培育和构建的过程中,政府作为区域内的公共服务机构同样发挥了不容忽视的重要作用,这一作用表现为与低程度的政府作用相比,高程度的政府作用增强了名牌群落所产生的各种效应对于区域品牌的正向影响。政府能否积极有效的发挥其行政作用,能否及时地为企业提供政策支持和导向服务对于产业集群内名牌企业的发展壮大,区域经济实力和竞争能力的提升,以及区域品牌的构建影响重大;3)产业集群培育区域品牌的过程中,行业协(商)会作为非官方的民间中介组织发挥了不容忽视且不可替代的重要作用,这一作用表现为与低程度的行业协会作用相比,高程度的行业协会作用增强了名牌群落所产生的各种效应对于区域品牌的正向影响。即行业协会组织在提供行业信息、进行行业自律、协调各方关系以及开展区域营销方面所发挥的作用越突出、越积极,越有利于集群内企业的发展壮大,利于集群对内增强经济实力,对外提高竞争能力和区域影响力。根据研究结论本文建议:1)在培育和创建区域品牌的过程中,要建立以企业为主导、政府推动、行业协(商)会组织参与协调的区域品牌建设机制,以技术为先导、质量为核心、企业为主体、市场为导向共同推进名牌战略的实施,全面提高产业集群的整体经济水平和市场竞争力,进而培育具有全国乃至世界影响力的知名品牌,打造符合区域经济特色的强势品牌;2)名牌群落中的知名企业或非知名企业应该善于借势,借助群落的名牌效应以及群落内知名企业的影响力和良好形象,打造自身的特色产业和特色品牌,寻求差异化的企业发展路径,在进行品牌战略的规划和实施过程中应该注意协调、善于有效利用彼此之间特色优势,集中力量打造自身的名牌产品,名牌企业;3)在区域品牌培育、创建及维护过程中,政府应该发挥好其“掌舵者”的作用,行业协(商)会作为产业区域内企业成员的“代言人”,应该发挥好其“护航者”的作用。

【Abstract】 Since 1980’s, a large number of industrial clusters have come forth in the developed littoral areas in southeast of China, which are large in productive capacity, sufficient in product chains, outstanding in resource advantages, and with plenty of well-known enterprises. As seen from the forming and developing process, these dominant industrial clusters all related to some well-known place branding, and relatively numerous famous products and famous enterprises came forth, which formed famous brand community. This economic phenomenon is much more similar to the evolution process of mores and ecological community.By systemically going over the odd pieces of research findings in various fields, the author synthesizes the theory of single famous brand effect and the theory of brand ecology, and applies them on the study of famous brand community, which shows that famous brand community not only has an effect of single brand, but also has an essential relationship inside the community as an ecological community alike. Accordingly, the effect of famous brand community can be summarized as four aspects, i.e. the effects of attraction, diffuseness, collaboration and competition.In accordance with the related records of the evolution and development of our typical industrial cluster, the author defines the attractive effect as a way that famous brand community attracts the relative service providers, the spin-offs enterprises, and the resources inside and outside of the areas; defines the diffusing effect as a way that large gathering famous brand enterprises influence the place image, industrial image, the development of other enterprises and the consumer’s cognition on the products; defines the collaborative effect as a way that the enterprises in the community collaborate with each other to reduce costs, share resources and increase revenue; defines the competitive effect as a situation that the famous enterprises compete with each other in the aspects of market, technology and resources, so as to get a profitable ecological position.On the basis of the above, this research is dedicate to exploring whether there are some relationship between famous brand community effect and place branding, whether famous brand community effect will influence the formation and foundation of place branding, and to ascertaining the famous brand community effect impact and functional mechanism during regional brands formation.In addition, by the research of literature and our typical industrial cluster development experience, it is found that the government must be involved in place branding establishment and play a dominant role, which is demanded by the nature of place branding and the need for public policies. On the other side, industry associations have a positive role in the development of famous brand community, and help many famous brand enterprises to change from striving for their own development to developing as one community. As a result, in the fierce market competition these enterprises collaborate with each other to develop new markets, promote place economic development, and enhance the overall image of the place, which has a good effect on the cultivation and establishment of place branding.Thus, in order to promote the place economic development and upgrade industrial clusters sustainably, it has a great significance to explore how these governments, industry associations and clustered enterprises (esp. the famous and leading enterprises) cultivate place brand as a joint forceThe author forms an analytical framework (involves famous brand community effect, the role of government and industry associations, and place branding), discusses the their interrelationship, and puts forward a“famous brand community effect——place branding”mechanism model. The model has four aspects among which causalities mingle with regulation relations, and it draws the outline of the complex process and the evolution path of community effect that exert on the place branding cultivation and establishment.According to the survey data of 305 enterprises in Wenzhou and 200 enterprises in Quanzhou, Fujian, the author gets the following finds; 1) the effects of attraction, diffuseness and collaboration have a positive influence on the establishment of place branding; the competition effect, though statistically significant, has a reverse direction; 2)In the process of place branding cultivation and establishment, the government as a local public service organization plays a very important role that can not be ignored. Compared with the government that has a low effect, the highly effective government can enhance the positive influence that the famous brand community effects exert on place branding. Whether the government could give a full play of its administration function, and whether it could provide policy-support and oriented service timely and effectively, these will have a great impact on the development of famous brand enterprises in the industrial cluster, the promotion of regional economic strength and competitiveness, and the establishment of place branding; 3) In the process of the place branding cultivation by industrial clusters, the industry associations as a non-governmental intermediary organization play a very important and irreplaceable role. Compared with the industry association that has a low effect, the highly effective industry association can enhance the positive influence that the famous brand community effects exert on place branding.The author offers the following suggestions in accordance with the findings:1) In the process of cultivating and establishing place branding, it is supposed to found a place brand building mechanism which involves the enterprises as the leader, the government as the promoter and the industry associations as the participator. The famous brand strategy should also be implemented in which technology is the precursor, quality is the fundamental, enterprises play the leading role, and market is the orientation. Thus we can improve macroeconomic level and market competitiveness of industrial clusters in all respects, cultivate the brand well-known at home and abroad, and establish strong brands in accordance with the regional economic features;2) Those well-known enterprises or non-well-known enterprises, with the aid of famous brand effects and the influence and good image of well-known enterprises in the community, should learn how to build its own specialty industries and brands, explore the different enterprise development routes. In the process of brand strategy planning and implementation, it is supposed to pay attention to the use of each other’s special advantages, and focus on the establishment of its own famous brand and famous company. 3) In the process of place brand cultivation, establishment and maintenance, the government should give a full play of its pilot role, and the industry associations as the prolocutor of enterprises in the industry region should be a good escort.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F279.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】971
  • 攻读期成果

