

Coal Resource Development in Modern Northeast (1895-1931)

【作者】 王林楠

【导师】 赵英兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 受所处自然环境和区域社会环境的影响,东北煤炭资源开发在近代的发展过程中形成了较为鲜明的地域特色和时代特征。本文以1931年以前的东北煤炭资源开发为主线,通过分析当时区内自然环境、社会经济及政治因素,特别是当时区内日本殖民者对区内煤炭资源的抢占和开发等特殊的情况,对区内煤炭资源开发格局的变迁和整体发展态势加以评估和讨论。论文的主体共有七个部分第一部分:东北煤炭资源存在情况的总体概述。这一部分主要是对东北地区煤炭资源的分布、储藏情况以及所处自然环境和社会环境进行总体评述。作为文章的整体基础,该部分在论述分析东北地区的地理环境、气候特征、地形地貌及水系分布等相关情况的同时,着重讨论了东北地区煤炭资源储藏情况和空间分布特点。在资源的区划问题上,本章打破以往单一的以行政区划作为依据的做法,采引地质矿产学科中含煤区的概念,依照煤炭所属地质年代进行分类,并结合东北地区地形地貌特征,对煤炭的地理分布情形进行重新的区划和梳理。在此基础上对东北煤炭的储量、品质以及空间区位特征进行细致的论述。在论述东北地区自然条件的同时,本章将历经弛禁之变后的东北地区社会经济的发展变革作为煤炭资源开发兴起和发展的历史背景加以讨论,分析区域政治环境、经济和人口等因素的影响,并对这一时期对东北地区煤炭资源的勘测活动及储量的估算进行初步的梳理和总结。第二部分:煤炭资源开发的空间格局。以第一章对东北煤炭资源分布的情况为基础,讨论近代区内煤炭资源开发空间布局特点及形成过程,分析各种自然、社会因素在格局的变化和发展中所起到的作用:虽然在资源分布上并不存在关内那种明显的地域差异,但同样受到近代中国社会政治经济发展不平衡的影响,开发的水平在总体上却呈现出明显的南北失衡的态势。与关内华北地区的开滦煤矿相似,由日系满铁抢占开发的抚顺煤矿,由于其背后日本帝国主义在资本、技术等方面的优势,该矿的开采规模和技术条件远远超越区内社会经济发展水平,在加速资源掠夺的同时,依靠铁路和日渐膨胀的殖民工商业体系所形成的市场垄断体系严重的抑制了东北其他地方煤矿业的发展和煤炭资源开发水平的提升,在区内形成了一支独大的局面。而同期北部,如松花江流域丰富的煤炭资源却受到包括日系抚顺煤矿在内的多种因素的干扰,发展缓慢。1920年代中后期,华营铁路体系的延伸带动了沿线煤炭采掘业的发展,打破了原有的开发局面,为日后东北煤炭资源开发的格局奠定了基础。第三部分:资源、资本、劳动力是近代工业生产环节的三大要素,这三种要素在东北地区煤炭资源开发格局形成的过程中作用各不相同,并充分的体现出鲜明的地域特征:东北地区的煤炭并未体现出如关内一般鲜明的南北失衡的特点,因此资源及储量的分布状态同当时煤炭开发格局之间并没有直接的因应关系,其作用主要表现在品质或埋藏条件对局部区域的开采经营的影响;劳动力因素的影响,主要体现在劳动力是否充足方面,多集中于有条件从事大规模开采活动的新式煤矿之中,这种情况在当时的东北地区仍属于个别现象,大多数煤矿大都实行所谓的包采制度,劳工数量并不固定,且矿方与劳工之间尚未建立起现代意义上稳定的直辖管理关系。相比较而言,资本的影响是广泛而深远的,且问题的关键不在于资本的多寡,而在于是否具备有效稳妥的积聚方式,民营资本的羸弱向来被视为近代中国工业经济发展的短板,但背后更重要的则是缺少成熟有效的融资和积聚方式来实现社会财富向资本的转化。相比之下,日系满铁则通过融资渠道在国内外的资本市场得到了充足的资本得以开展大规模的开采掠夺活动,而以奉系军阀为首的官僚体系则可以凭借手中的政治经济权利满足煤矿开采对资本的需求。于是,不同属性的资本在特定的时代中对东北煤炭资源开发过程中起到的作用便产生了巨大的差异。第四部分:煤炭资源开发中的败笔—阜新煤矿。不同于区内其他煤矿的发展,阜新煤矿是东北地区储量最为丰富,也是受到时局变迁和地区自然条件的影响,开发最为缓慢、曲折和失败的大型煤田。由于在1931年前当地交通条件和区内北票等煤矿竞争的影响,阜新煤矿的开发是极为有限和缓慢的,日系满铁和奉系地方当局在区内针对矿权的斗争进一步迟滞了铁路运输等相关条件的改善,煤炭资源开采一度陷入僵局,对资源的控制一度超越开发成为主要目标。而在东北地区沦陷后,因应战争的需求,日本殖民者对该矿开展了区内最为野蛮的掠夺式开采,在产量以惊人的速度上升的同时,该矿原有的矿床结构和周边地质、自然环境都遭到了巨大的破坏,大大减损了阜新煤矿的开采寿命,成为近代区内煤炭资源开发最为失败的个案。第五部分:抚顺煤矿—现代因素的集大成者。作为区内规模和现代化程度最高的煤矿,抚顺煤矿在日本殖民侵略者的控制下,成为长期影响和左右东北煤炭整体开发水平的重要因素。本章以抚顺煤矿产量增长的构成为切入点,将整个过程分为生产导向期和市场导向期两个部分,通过讨论抚顺煤矿在1931年之前殖民开发的发展情况,包括开采规模的迅速膨胀和技术设备等方面的投入,以及其利用日系发达的铁路运输系统在区内外煤炭市场的垄断扩张过程,分析抚顺煤矿在区内形成一支独大局面的成因。第六部分,在前五个部分的基础之上,梳理近代东北煤炭开发的历史轨迹,分析近代东北煤炭资源开发的时间脉络和整体状况,并重点讨论诸如铁路、技术设备等新式因素的相继出现,以及日、俄等殖民者对东北煤炭资源掠夺的日渐深入,对区内原有的煤炭开发体系的发展所产生的复杂的影响。受这些外来因素的影响,区内原有的开发体系加速了转型和分化速度,而失衡的开发态势也是在这个过程中逐渐产生并固定下来的。第七部分:近代东北煤炭资源的开发从整体上是一个多层次多元化的开发过程,既有以日系满铁为代表的外来殖民开发体系的开采掠夺,也有本国的开发体系按照历史和社会经济前进的轨迹逐步发展的。两种不同水平的开发体系共存于同一个空间之下,造就了近代东北煤炭资源开发的特殊形态,特别是殖民者的开发掠夺体系的膨胀和扩张,不但打乱了区内煤炭资源开发的整体发展步伐,加速了区内原有的传统开发体系的分化和转型,同时也以自身在政治经济方面的绝对优势造就了东北区域畸形的煤炭资源开发优势和南北失衡的开发格局。

【Abstract】 By which the natural environment and regional social environment, Northeast coal resource development in the modern development process of forming a more distinct regional characteristics. In this paper, the Northeast before 1931 the main line of coal resource development, through the analysis was the natural environment, social economic and political factors, especially the area at that time the Japanese colonialists to seize the region and development of coal resources and other special situation, The pattern of regional development of coal resources and the overall development trend of the changes to be assessed and discussed.There are seven sections of the main thesis:Part I: The presence of coal resources in northeast general overview.. This section focuses on the distribution of coal resources in Northeast China, as well as storage of the natural environment and social environment in which an overall assessment and summary of the article to be a holistic basis for discussion. Consider the northeast of the provincial boundary changes by several historical factors in Modern times,The development of coal resources for the regional division breaking the previous division of administrative regions as standard practice to local terrain features as the basis of geology and mineral combination according to geological study of coal belongs to different areas of distribution in the coal-bearing areas of the mountains, In the presence of coal resources and quality and other aspects of the situation described. Discusses the natural conditions in the Northeast, while analysis of the modern development of coal resources in Northeast China during the rise of the development of progressive social and historical background, summed up the modern period from China, Russia, Japan, Germany and other countries of the geologists and technical staff of the district the investigation of coal resources survey activities, and estimated reserves of coal resources and the district budget situation.Part II: Spatial pattern of coal resource development. With the first chapter of the Northeast to the distribution of coal resources-based,In this chapter .,discuss the development of coal resources in the area of modern spatial layout and the formation process, and analysis of various natural and social factors in the pattern of change and the role played by the development, Distribution of resources is not only showing off the kind of obvious geographical differences, but also by the modern Chinese social and political impact of uneven economic development, The level of development preached in the whole situation clear imbalance between north and south.As whlie as the Kailuan Coal Mine in North China.By the Japanese imperialists in the capital, technology and other factors level of Fushun Coal Mine far beyond the level of regional social and economic development, accelerated resource exploitation.in the same time ,It relies on the gradual expansion of the railways and the colonial trade system, marketing system formed by severe restrictions on the market weighed on other parts of Northeast China coal industry management and development of coal resources to enhance the scale and level, initially in the region formed a single large situationPart III: As the basic elements for any Industrial production。Resources, Capital, Labor.All of them have been given the distinctive regional characteristics, and the development of coal resources and the distribution pattern of the level of development impact..As the the main body of Modern development of coal resources. coal industry, which has three basic elements of a very distinctive local features and characteristics of the times. First, as both production and the resource itself, but also products, the distribution of state so it would be the area of coal resource development and the distribution pattern of the level of impact. The capital and labor in the process of developing coal resources by the regional social, political, economic environment, shows obvious geographical characteristics and age attributes, this trait led directly to the development of the modern development of coal resources in Northeast China occurred during the distinctive regional characteristics.Part IV: The failure of mine- Fuxin Coal Mine. Unlike other regional development of coal mines, Fuxin Coal Mine is one of the largest coal mine in Northeast China.at the same time ,is also the failure of development activities.Before the 1931 its development is lagging behind. for the role in the Traffic Conditions and the competition from the Rehe coal mines .At the same time, development stalled by the competition between the Nanman Railway Company and the Local Government After the fall of Northeast, for meet the needs of the war. Japanese colonialists began to plunder the coal mine of Fuxin Coal Mine. Rapid increase in production but the mine life have been Reduced.It become the failures.Part V. Fushun coal mine - a master of modern elements. As a regional scale and the most modern mining of coal, the development of Fushun Coal Mine advantage of the natural resources and is undoubtedly the result of combining modern elements. Fushun Coal Mine in this chapter to the composition of output growth as the starting point, the whole process is divided into production-oriented and market-oriented period of two parts, by discussing the Fushun Coal Mine in 1931, before the development of colonial development, including the rapid expansion of mining capacity and technology equipment and other inputs, as well as its use of Japanese- developed rail transport system in the area outside the monopoly of the coal market expansion process to analyze the formation of Fushun Coal Mine in the region, a dominant reason for this situation.Part VI, On the basis of the previous five sections, combing modern history of northeast coal development trajectory of modern development of coal resources in Northeast and the actual level of the overall context, and focus on the development of this process step by step, from Japan, such as Russia and other colonists brought railway technology and other new factors and their exploitation of coal resources in the Northeast in the process of development of the region’s existing system of coal produced by the development of complex effects. By these external factors, the development of the original system of the region accelerated the process of transformation and differentiation, and eventually formed a situation of imbalance in development.Part VII: Modern development of coal resources in Northeast China is a diversified multi-level development process, both the Japanese South Manchuria Railway Company as the representative of the colonial exploitation of predatory development system, development system has its own historical and socio-economic progress in accordance with the path of progressive development.Two different levels of development system under co-exist in the same space, creating a modern development of coal resources in Northeast special form, in particular the development of the colonists the emergence of predatory system, which disrupted the development of coal resources in the region overall pace of development accelerated the development of the region the traditional system of the original differentiation and transformation, but also to its absolute advantage in creating the political economy of the Northeast region’s coal resources and abnormal imbalance between the develo -pment of north-south pattern.

【关键词】 东北煤炭开发格局水平
【Key words】 NortheastCoalDevelopmentStructureLevel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

