

Research on Archaeological Cultures of Neolithic Period in Circum-bohai Region

【作者】 霍东峰

【导师】 朱永刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是以环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化为主要研究对象,重点对环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化之间的关系做了一次较为全面的梳理与研究。主要的收获和认识可概括为两个方面,即环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化时空框架、谱系研究。本文依据自然地理环境将环渤海沿岸地区划分为六个小的地理单元,分别建立起这六个地区的考古学文化编年与序列。在此基础上,环渤海地区新石器时代划分为三大阶段五期。以陕豫晋地区的新石器时代的阶段划分为标尺,可将环渤海地区的三大阶段分别与前仰韶、仰韶、龙山三大时期相对应,五期则分别与前仰韶早期、前仰韶晚期、仰韶早期、仰韶中晚期、龙山时期相对应。从而最终实现了对环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化的时空框架的构建。在环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化时空框架确立的基础上,从考古学文化、文化圈、文化系统三个不同的层次和角度,对这一地区新石器时代考古学文化谱系研究做了一次较为全面的归纳和总结。以考古学文化为视角。环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化中可以解析为七组考古学文化谱系,并讨论了各时期之考古学文化格局,由此将环渤海地区划分为两类文化区,即稳定文化区、非稳定文化区。以文化圈为视角。依据环渤海地区新石器时代各考古学文化典型陶器的共同性,可以进一步区分为七个考古学文化圈,即罐圈、盂圈、釜圈、鼎圈、瓶圈、鬲圈、壶圈。以文化系统为视角。在七个文化圈划分的基础上,参照考古学文化之间所表现出来的谱系关系,进一步将环渤海地区新石器时代考古学文化划分为三大文化系统:罐—盂—壶系统、瓶—鬲系统、釜—鼎系统。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly focus on the research of Neolithic archaeological cultures in Circum-BoHai region. Circum-BoHai region mainly refers to the coastal areas around the Bohai. On the administrative divisions, It mainly belongs to Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, Shandong Province, Beijing and Tianjin. Neolithic is late in the Paleolithic,and Early in the Xia period.It’s absolute age is BC10000 ~ BC1900 . The paper is the Circum-BoHai region between the Neolithic archaeological culture had a more comprehensive analysis and research. The mainly study content of this paper is about the space-time framework and pedigree relations of the Neolithic archaeological culture.The first. the space-time framework of the Neolithic archaeological culture.The paper divide the Circum-BoHai region into six areas,namely:the plain north of Tai Mountain and Yimeng Mountain,Jiaodong peninsula,Liaodong peninsula,Liao river plain,The north area of Hai river plain,The south area of Hai river plain were selected respectively to carry out the period division and chronology studies of archaeological culture,so as to establish the longitudinal coordinates of archaeological culture development of six areas.Then based on the transverse comparison and conformity studies,three development stages is the equivalent of Before the yangshao period,Yangshao period,Longshan period.Finallyon the basis of longitudinal and transverse studies,the space-time framework of archaeological neolithic culture in the Circum-BoHai region.Chapter Two, Liao river plain.Discussed the holes are flat, yellow cliff remains of cultural identity and age and their relationship. After the completion of Li culture, North Xin culture stage. Clear Dawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture and Shandong Peninsula in the north of the village culture at the same time, the relationship between Yang and cultural circles. Yishan plains north of the Thai culture of the Neolithic archaeological remains from morning to night is divided into five stages.ChapterThree, Jiaodong peninsula.The first time, Bai Shicun remains divided into the first phase of A and B groups of different age, there are other remains of cultural nature. Use of archaeological information has been published on the North village culture and the age of the stage. Yang cycle once again defined the culture of the stage and age. Remains of Neolithic archaeological culture Shandong Peninsula, according to chronological order relations can be divided into four stages of development.Chapter Four, Liaodong peninsula.Clear beads and after the low-lying mountains low culture low culture, not under the same archaeological culture, and then discuss its age. Again after the depression indicate the presence of the upper and culture in the era of the Liaodong Peninsula. In the former, based on the culture of the middle mountain stages beads were adjusted. Will be represented by three remains as a partial shangpuzi culture, the first time that Hill has worked with beads parallel development of middle-level culture. Clearly a double mound sub-culture of the late Neolithic Longshan an archaeological culture. Tomb of product made at the same time some new knowledge, such as text Jiatun, Siping Hill plot Tomb culture as the upper Xiaozhushan tombs, General Hill, the old Iron Mountain sub-plot Tomb belongs to a culture of double-mound tombs. Liaodong Peninsula from the early Neolithic archaeological and cultural relics and later can be divided into six stages.Chapter Five, Liao river plain. Clear Xinglongwa Culture, Hongshan culture had been distributed in the Liaohe River Plain. Music culture of the new grouping of pottery, the culture is conducive to further understanding of relative age. Partial shangpuzi the first time can be divided into three culture types, chosen not sub-type, three types are mainly distributed in Liaodong Peninsula, partial Baozi types are distributed in the Liaohe Plain. Fort two types of peace reiterated the age of the Longshan period remains. Thus, from morning to night Liaohe Plain of the Neolithic cultural relics can be divided into five stages.Chapter Six,The north area of Hai river plain. In turn, Donghulin Paleolithic to the Neolithic remains of early do not have excessive features, equivalent to late stage before the Yangshao partial remains of early. Completed in this area Xinglongwa culture, cultural relics Zhaobaogou the research stage and age. Summarized on the home culture and cultural identity, to discuss the stage and age. Zhenjiang also doing a culture, after the Gang a relationship between cultures, and even after the Gang a culture with the cultural connotation of the discussion. Hongshan Culture in the region highlighted there has been distribution. Snow reiterated a culture should be called Xiao Heyan culture, discussed its age. The first merger of two mountain culture, mountain T8②cities after the Gang of type II culture. Haihe River Plain north of this Neolithic archaeological culture from morning to night can be divided into six stages of development.Chapter Seven,The south area of Hai river plain. Xu water Nanzhuang first era of cultural identity and the discussion of induction. North blessed one stage and age of culture. On the basis of the existing research on the Haihe River plain in the southern camp of Zhenjiang staging a cultural relics were discussed with the years. In the former, based on the supplemented culture after the Gang one stage. Yin pointed out that the culture of the West have been distributed in the south of the Haihe Plain. The "afternoon party type" classified Xiaohe Yan culture, and further on the whole the Haihe Plain Xiaohe Yan staging of cultural relics. A pair of first village dummy type proposed Naruhougang two cultural areas. Haihe Plain in southern Stone Age cultures from morning to night can be divided into seven stages of development.Chapter Eight, the space-time framework.Archaeological culture in the six regions on the basis of their sequences, according to the Bohai Sea in the Neolithic archaeological culture and cultural change on the synchronization of the Neolithic in this region can be divided into five age of scale. Reference to the plain north of Thailand Yishan, Shandong Peninsula, the two archaeological cultural change occurred, the Bohai Sea region can be Neolithic archaeological sequence of cultural development divided into three stages of development. Bohai Rim region which can be divided into three stages five.The second. the pedigree relations of the Neolithic archaeological culture.Chapter Nine, the pedigree relations. At first based on space-time framework, starting from seeking thepedigree relationg of remains,lots of archaeological cultures were carried out trans-age contrast studies,it was discovered that the Neolithic archaeological culture in the Circum-Bohai region can be divided into at least seven different culture systems.Archaeological cultures of eachculture system interior had culture handing-on relationswith each other and belonged to the same archaeological culture pedigree. Then based on the different culture relations in natural geographical regions,there are three“Stable archaeological culture areas”and two“Unstable archaeological culture areas”. Based on different natural environment, cultural characteristics,historical and cultural back-ground,The paper divide Archaeological cultures of Neolithic into seven Archaeological circles:pot circle,Yu circle,Fu circle,Ding circle,Ping circle,Li circle,Hu circle.Finally.based on cultural characteristics, the Circum-BoHai region are divide into three cultural system:“Pot-Yu-Hu culture system”,“Ping-Li culture system”,“Fu-Ding culture system”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

