

The Research on the Constructive Trust-in the Perspective of Judicial Techniques

【作者】 陈林

【导师】 彭诚信;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 I本文试图立足于衡平司法,运用比较分析和实证分析的研究方法,从司法裁判技术的视角,通过社会现实问题及动态的司法个案分析,揭示中国现阶段司法实践中已经在自觉或不自觉中适用推定信托规则,以期反映推定信托在民事衡平司法中价值和功能,从而证成推定信托引入我国法律体系中的可能性和必要性及其具有的现实意义。衡平法的目的是实现个案正义或实质正义,衡平法产生的法律前提是作为一种普遍规则的法律无法避免地会出现僵化的弊病。在今日中国,居高不下的涉诉涉访率可以成为判断法律僵化的一个最好的晴雨表,中国人自古以来就有自己的一套“正义”思想,要求有一个公道,这种思想就是中国人的正义或衡平思想。中国现阶段几乎与英国的衡平法的产生有着相似的背景,因此,对作为衡平法下的物权保护权利机制——推定信托的研究,不会出现西方法律制度、概念体系中装进东方经验所导致的制度断裂的现象,原因即在于衡平司法或衡平救济在现今中国既有历史基础,又有思想动力,还有现实需求。推定信托是信托在衡平法中的扩张运用中出现的,其产生的主要原因在于禁止欺诈或不当得利,推定信托不仅能达到当事人之间财产分配的衡平效果,同时还为当事人提供周全的权利救济,在社会现实及司法实践中,有着广阔的适用空间。本文除引言、结论外,正文共分四章,其主要内容为:第一章推定信托的基础理论。本章在对推定信托的概念、推定信托与其他信托的关系作简要介绍后,论述了推定信托产生的背景因素、推定信托的性质及推定信托成立的形态等相关内容。以此对推定信托有一个总括的了解。第二章我国引入推定信托的必要性。本章第一、二、三节分别从社会现实问题诸如国有企业财产权、委托理财等问题,司法实践中所遇问题和纠纷,现有法律制度层面等方面论述了引进推定信托的必要性。在第四节中还对我国现有法律制度中类似推定信托的规定进行了梳理和分析。第三章推定信托引入之路径。通过动态的个案分析,从婚姻家庭中、非婚姻伴侣之间、商业领域等方面具体论述了推定信托在司法实践中的适用,同时还具体论证了推定信托在引入时面临与既有制度的冲突(如推定信托与物权法定原则的冲突、推定信托与善意取得的冲突、推定信托与不当得利的冲突,推定信托与一物一权主义的冲突等),及如何进行协调问题。第四章推定信托对我国民事救济途径的完善。对推定信托在完善我国民事救济体系中的价值进行了分析,进而论述了推定信托对我国衡平司法的影响。

【Abstract】 On the base of equitable judicature, by the comparative and the practical analysis, and in the perspective of judicial techniques, the book tries to reveal the rules of constructive trust, which have been intentionally or unintentionally adopted in the judicial practice, to demonstrate the value and functions of it, and to prove accordingly its possibility, necessity, and realistic significance, of which constructive trust is introduced to our country’s legal system.The author holds that the equity law is aimed to realize the justice in each legal case, or in the other words, the substantial justice, and it came into being due to the reason that the law, as a general rule, is inevitably inflexible. In now days, the high frequency of appeal in China related to litigation, has become the best barometer to show it. Chinese people long have a systematic thought of‘justice’to demand a fair result, which is just the equity or justice of Chinese people. The status quo in China is similar to the background then in Briton, where the equity law was born, so that the research on constructive trust, as the protective system of the property law in equity, can not face the incompatibility, which will always happen, when we implant oriental experience into law system and legal concept of the west world, because the judicature equity or equity remedy has its historic foundation, ideology motivation, and realistic demands.The author makes the point that the constructive trust appears, when the use of equity law is expanded, the main reason of which is that deceit and unjust enrichment are forbidden. It results in the equitable fact that the estates are apportioned between parties, and at meantime comprehensive remedies are available for them, so that it will be extensively applied in the social reality and the judicial practice. Except for the preface and the conclusion, the book has 4 chapters, the main content of which is:Chapter 1 is the theoretical base of constructive trust. In the chapter, the author briefly intrudes its concept and relation to the other kinds of trust, and then discusses its origination background, characters, and the rules of establishment. Therefore we will have a general idea about constructive trust.Chapter 2 is about the necessity to introduce constructive trust. The part 1, 2, 3 in the chapter separately discuss the issues in social reality, such as the property rights of the state owned enterprises and the financing trust etc., the problems and disputes in judicial practice , and also the legal system in existence, and from these aspects.Chapter 3 is about the approaches of constructive trust to be introduced to our country. Analyzing the cases in a varied way, the article discusses the application of constructive trust in judicial practice comprehensively, such as in the case of conjugal family, nonmarital couples, and commercial affairs, meanwhile indicates, in details, the conflicts between constructive trust to be introduced and the legal system now in existence (e.g. constructive trust vs. legal principle of real right, constructive trust vs. unjust enrichment, constructive trust vs. principle of "one thing, one right" etc.), and the way to settle them.The chapter 4 is about the improvement of civil remedies in our county by introducing constructive trust. The article analyzes the value of constructive trust in improving our county’s civil remedies system, and then discusses its effect on the equitable judicature in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

