

Variation and Development--researching Novels About Resistance to Japan in the New Term

【作者】 潘海军

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以新时期以来抗战小说作为研究对象,在对该时期小说创作美学风格具体分析的基础上,认为该题材小说总体上呈现出了拓展与变异的趋势。新时期以降,由于脱离了战争对文艺的影响,在客观上拥有了一个相对开放的空间,从而能够把“抗战”作为审美现象予以透视和反思。一些反映人物内在意识和生命觉醒的小说大量涌现,特别表现在对普通生命的关注,体现了作家可贵的人道主义精神。人物性格的饱满和丰盈来源于性格的复杂构成,来源于对内在矛盾冲突的深刻揭示。可以说,愈来愈多有见识的作家开始意识到应该研究人、研究人的性格以及人的整个内心世界。高扬性格的两元组合,发挥作家创作的主体性,深入到人性深处予以探索,成为新时期抗战题材小说很重要的价值追求。论文首先从审美意识多元化的角度来入手,着重从精神冲突与人性拓展、对战争环境之下个体生命的美学观照、淡化战争以及道德寻根的角度来展开论析。艺术的潜能来源于对生命潜能和人性潜能的挖掘,如果说审美意识的多元昭示着一种美学观念的进步,那么,在对具体人物的塑造上必然有全新的拓展。在论文的第二章中,从个案入手,对小说文本中呈现出来的汉奸、鬼子、英雄、群众、地主等五大类形象予以分析,重在指出形象的嬗变体现出的人性关怀和道德睿智,而这些形象的性格构筑展示出了丰富的美学内涵。在以往的抗战题材小说中,我们看到的汉奸形象往往都是一种陪衬,模式化”的性格塑造显得很单薄,缺乏对汉奸形象的深入反省与思考。新时期以来,针对汉奸形象的塑造,一些作家重点对其内在精神予以刻画。汉奸现象背后凸显的是精神性的困境,也反映了文化领域中道德资源建设的匮乏与贫瘠。对其认识不应该仅仅作为是“战时”特有的现象,与其说它具有历史性和偶然性,毋宁说它更具有长期性和稳定性,只不过呈现的面貌不一样罢了。关于日本“鬼子”的形象,往往是极端残忍而毫无人性的代名词。在文学当中,也大都被描写成面目狰狞的魔兽形象。在战时历史中,文学要成为动员和组织群众的有效手段,这就需要在道义上加以抨击,要彻底地贬抑敌人。其现实性的存在要加以根本否定,其存在的非法性只有归结为事先的死亡。而在诅咒其死亡最直接的名称,无疑事先把它变成“非人”的“鬼子”。抗战叙事中的与日本侵略者的斗争,已经成为一场与魔鬼的战斗,实际上敌人已经被定义化、被概念化了。新时期以来,由于高扬人道主义的精神,对于战争有了更深入的思考,即使对于日本侵略者的描述,也有了更多的人性的透视。作家开始以更开阔的视野来描写日本侵略者,其性格中出现了“狞厉”与“温良”的两元结合。以人性的视野和人道主义精神来进行审美创作,是新时期以来对“鬼子”形象进行艺术革新的理念所在。以往关于英雄形象的塑造,无论是国仇家恨还是家庭纠葛,最终都要抹上革命意识形态的价值色彩,从而为革命所规训和改造。换言之,英雄形象的塑造皆是为革命服务的。新时期以来,一大批作品突破了这种僵化的英雄塑造模式,对英雄性格的构筑呈现出了多元化的倾向,大致经历了由单一向多元、由共性向个性,由“神话”迈向世俗的过程。另外,一些作家对群众形象予以重新思考,反省其性格结构中的深层次原因,在民族心理、人格构成以及精神内质等方面予以深入剖析。揭示群众形象的深处痼疾,着重从麻木看客、斗争哲学等角度来批判其精神惯性,这无疑是启蒙精神的再次回归。论文还分析了地主形象的新演变。建国后,文学创作进一步体制化和规范化。阶级属性成为文学作品中人物形象的唯一属性,在对任何人物的叙事中都要突出其阶级本质,这成为作家或读者把握和理解人物形象的主要方式,对于地主形象的叙述也是如此。新时期以来,由于社会生活进入多元化状态,逐渐抛弃了阶级学说对人性和文化的缩略和简化,作家开始注重地主作为普通人的一面,努力挖掘地主身上的人性内涵。地主和其家族生活内部所负载的文化细节得到了符号化的放大与定型,成为作家们从传统反思突入人性深层开掘的物质载体。因此,地主形象的塑造中,也出现了丰富而多元的性格。论文分析了这些形象各自的美学特质以及巨大变异,进一步探讨了英雄形象构筑的不足。抗战小说的发展有赖于细部拓展和思想深化,因此从悲剧意识的角度切入能够更深入地论证美学精神的新气象。论文的第三章从悲剧意识的角度来展开论述。首先分析了历史悲剧的内涵,同时对历史悲剧的解构、悲壮与崇高等美学特质予以剖析。接下来又进一步论述了社会悲剧以及生命悲剧的文本内涵,并进一步指出了悲剧精神的深化是该时期小说能够得到拓展的根本原因。如果说,没有对生命的悲悯与敬畏,没有对战争机器的鞭挞和否定,也就不可能在生命语境的角度来解读战争和反思战争。在对性格悲剧和历史革命悲剧等内容论述的基础之上,论文还探讨了心灵悲剧为何遗缺的问题。研究抗战小说必须把它纳入到整个新时期文学的发展脉络之中,既不能人为的拔高,也不能偏颇武断地否定。作为研究者客观而公允地看待问题,历史地分析抗战小说的革命主题,并严肃地对待其美学观念的持续性、稳定性就显得尤为重要。因为抗战小说必然和革命叙事有着难以割舍的紧密联系。论文最后一章探讨了革命理念重铸的问题。在对新时期一些小说史诗风格分析的基础上,认为成就是主要的。在对这些小说的论述中,笔者也换了一种解读方法,站在了中西方战争场域的视角上探讨了一些不足,以此来深化自己的一些思考。当然,在革命理想的守护或信念依持下,小说中塑造出的人物性格容易僵化和机械,这是必须予以指出的。在论文的结尾处总结了论文的一些欠缺和不足,对未来的研究提出了一些设想,还探讨了该题材小说创作所面临的困境,具体指出缺乏对战争的反思与人类命运的思考是制约该题材小说向纵深发展的两大要素。

【Abstract】 The paper points out Novels about resistance to Japan in the New Term appearing a trend of expansion and variation, and there being aesthetic in the local inertial delay problem by the basis of the aesthetic style of these novels. New Dynasty, due out on the art of war, objectively have a relatively open space, thus able to "resistance" as an aesthetic perspective and reflect on the phenomenon to be. Some figures reflect the awakening of consciousness and life within the novel in large numbers, especially reflected in the concerns of ordinary life, reflects the writer valuable humanitarian spirit. Abundance of character and full of character from the complex composition, from the profound inner conflicts revealed. It can be said, more and more knowledgeable writers are beginning to realize: Research, research, and human personality throughout the inner world. Praise the character combination of two dollars to play the main body of writers, in-depth exploration into the depths of human nature to become a very important new era novels War pursuit of value. Firstly the paper starts by the perspectives of the aesthetic sense of diversity, focusing on the spirit conflict and human development, the aesthetic reflection to the individual life under the environment, and diluting the war and moral roots perspectives. War novels in the past, we often see is a traitor to foil the image, pattern "of the character creation looked very thin, the lack of traitors and thought the image of in-depth reflection. New Era, for the characterization of a traitor Some writers focus on their inner spirit to be characterized. deep thinking behind a traitor is spirituality highlights the plight of the area also reflects the cultural and moral resources, lack of construction and poor. their knowledge should not be merely as a "wartime" unique phenomenon, not so much that it has historical and accidental, rather it is more long-term and stable, but not the same face presented nothing more. on the Japanese "devils" image, often extremely cruel and inhuman synonymous. in literature, but also mostly been portrayed as grim images of Warcraft. In wartime history, literature, mobilize and organize the masses to become an effective means, which need to be criticized morally, to completely denigrate the enemy. The reality of the existence of the fundamental to be denied, its existence is only attributed to the illegal nature of the death in advance. And the curse of death in the name of the most direct, no doubt prior to turn it into "inhuman" and "devils." war narrative the struggle with the Japanese invaders, has become a battle with the devil, in fact, the definition of the enemy has been, is conceptualized. New Era, the Praise the humanitarian spirit, have a more in-depth for the war thinking, even if For a description of the Japanese aggressors, but also have more human perspective. writers began to describe a broader perspective to the Japanese aggressors in their character to a "Ning Li" and "gentle" the combination of two dollars. Writers Creative ideas, great changes have occurred, the mutation for the literature, it is meaningful to develop. to human vision and the spirit to carry out humanitarian aesthetic creation, since the new period of "Devil" image of the artistic innovations the concept of lies.In the past, shaping the way on the hero, whether it is the country enemies hate or family disputes, ultimately the value of the color cast revolutionary ideology, which for the revolution and the transformation of the discipline. In other words, the characterization of the hero are all services for the revolution. New Era, a large number of works of the heroic breakthrough of this rigid shape model built on the heroic character of the tendency of showing a wide range, generally experienced from single to multiple, from the common to the personality, the "myth" into the secular process. In addition, some writers on the image to the masses think, reflect the character structure of the deep-seated reasons, in the national psychology, personality composition and quality, etc. to be within the spirit of deep analysis. Image reveals the depths of the masses of chronic illness, focusing on spectators from the numbness, the angle of philosophy of struggle to criticize the spirit of inertia, this is once again return to the spirit of the Enlightenment.The paper also analyzes the image of the new evolution of the landlord. After the founding of literature to further institutionalization and standardization. Class property as characters in literature the only property of any character in the narrative should highlight their class nature, which became the writer or the reader to grasp and understand the main form of characters, the narrative for the image of landlords as well. New Era, due to diversification of the state into social life, and gradually abandoned the doctrine of human nature and culture classes abbreviated and simplified, writers began to focus on the landlord as a man of the side, efforts to tap the landlords of Human Nature. Landowners and their family life within the culture of the details of the load has been symbolic of the amplification and shaping, a writer who broke into the human nature from the traditional reflective material carriers dug deep. Therefore, the characterization of the landlord, also appeared rich and diverse character. Potential of the arts derives from potential of life and potential mining. Providing that the diverse aesthetic sense means progress aesthetic concepts, the specific character must have a new development. In the second chapter, the four images in the text——the traitors, devils, heroes, and people are analyzed, focusing on human caring and moral wisdom inside these images. At the same time, these images show the aesthetics from characters. This paper analyzes the aesthetic qualities of these images and their great variability, and explores the deficiencies of heroic image. The developments of novel ideas depend on expanding and deepening the detail, so the tragic sense from perspective of more in-depth can demonstrate aesthetic spirit of the new weather. In the third chapter, the paper proves out the tragic sense is the root cause to deepen the spirit of the tragedy of the novel, including with the character of the tragedy, historical tragedy and other aesthetic qualities. It is impossible to interpret and reflect the war in the context of life without compassion of life and fear, whipping the war machine. Why the spiritual tragedy was dissented? the paper further discusses this problem by the basis of character tragedy and history tragic. Researching novels about being warring to Japan in the new term must be put into the development of literature in the new context of the whole being. Neither artificially high level nor arbitrarily deny are adopted. Researchers have to look at the issue objectively and fairly, analyze historically the revolutionary and their aesthetic continuity, stability.Because the novels about resistance to Japan in the new term and revolutionary narrative have a close relation. The last chapter discusses the problem that is to recast the revolutionary concept. The novels about resistance to Japan in the new term make a great progress with its epic style. The author stands the Western perspective to discuss these novels in the finally in order to deepen his own thinking. Thus, a rigid and mechanical personalities are created by virtue of the guardian of the revolutionary ideals. In the end, the paper summed up the progress and the plight. It specifically pointed out the lack of reflection on war and the fate of mankind which are two elements to restrict the development of the novels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

