

【作者】 刘德吉

【导师】 梁中堂;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 公共服务均等化是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然要求,是当代公平正义理论在公共服务领域的具体体现和要求。从世界范围来看,均等化的理论和实践都最早发生于西方发达国家。这一方面是因为,西方国家发达的市场经济为公共服务均等化提供了必要的物质基础;另一方面则是由于不断演化的公平正义理论,对包括公共服务供给在内的广义分配问题产生越来越深刻的影响。在西方国家,由于政府财政主要用于公共服务的供给,财政均等化与公共服务均等化常常是两个可以相互替代的概念。与发达国家相比,我国理论和实践界对公共服务均等化的关注主要近几年的事情。二十多年的改革开放,一方面为公共服务均等化的推行提供了必要的物质基础;另一方面,不断扩大的收入差距以及国富而民生失调的发展失衡现象,也强化了公共服务均等化的现实必要性。公共服均等化的实现,一靠财力,二靠制度。考虑到公共服务外延的广泛性、公众对不同公共服务的敏感性差异和本文篇幅的有限性,本文将研究的重点集中于教育、医疗等基本民生类公共服务的均等化。本文基于制度经济学视角,从对公共服务均等化的概念、价值和现实基础入手,通过构建公共服务均等化的评价指标体系,并以公共服务的省际差异和城乡差距为例,对公共服务不均等的现实状况进行了评估。基于公共服务不均等的现实,通过构建计量经济学模型,并利用省际面板数据,对我国公共服务不均等的影响因素进行了实证分析。实证结论表明:地区经济发展水平、财政分权体制、中央转移支付、地方政府规模、地方财政经济建设支出比重都在不同程度上影响着各地公共服务的财政支出水平。根据实证分析结论,本文进一步从政府职能和公共财政制度建设、政府间转移支付制度、公共服务供给体制、地方政府及官员激励机制、公共服务均等标准和评估制度等方面分析了不均等的制度障碍和约束因素。它山之石,可以攻玉。主要发达国家已经进入公共服务均等化的改革和完善阶段,而我国刚刚处于公共服务均等化的制度建设阶段,通过对主要发达国家公共服务均等化的实践进行比较分析,我们可以得到许多有益的启示。发达国家在公共服务均等化的一些共性做法,表明公共服务均等化在制度基础、基本原则等方面有一定的规律可循,而各国结合本国具体情况所采取的一些差异性做法,也启示我们公共服务均等化的具体形式会因各国具体国情而异。针对我国的具体国情,要保证我国公共服务均等化的可持续实现,均等化的推行首先应遵循公平与效率互补、长期渐进以及政府财政主导下的多元调节方式相结合等原则;其次应坚持市场经济制度和中央与地方明确的职责分工的制度基础;最后,应重点从公共财政制度、规范的转移支付制度、地方政府激励制度、公共服务标准和评估制度建设、公共服务的供给制度等方面加强公共服务均等化的相关制度建设,同时注意各项制度之间的相互协调与配合。

【Abstract】 Equalization of public service (EPS) is an indispensable part of a society with its development, and also is the embodiment and requirement of contemporary equal and justice in public service fields. Observing worldwide, both the theories and practices of EPS appeared at its first among the western developed countries. This is because of their necessary substance basis on the one hand, also because of evolution of the theory on equal and justice and its influence upon the distribution of social resource including public service on the other hand. In western countries, fiscal equity and the EPS are the two sides of a coin, due to financial income are mainly spent upon the supplying of public service. Contrasting to developed countries; the EPS is emphasized by the theory and practice in our country only in the past several years. During the past twenty years, we have accumulated enough wealth to carry out the EPS. And at the same time, the enlarging gap of personal income and imbalance between state income and inhabitant development make the practicing of the EPS necessary.The realization of EPS depends both on financial capabilities and regime as its prop.Public service has wide scopes, it including so many areas that this dissertation mainly discusses about public education, health care, etc. which relating to the development of inhabitants. From institutional economics angle, beginning with the concept, value and reality basis of EPS, this article evaluates the EPS in nowadays China by constructing EPS evaluating data system and the provincial difference and the gap of city and rural areas. According to the non-EPS, by constructing calculation economics module, the article analyses the factors influencing the non-EPS with inter-provincial panel data. The positive elements demonstrates that the economic development level, fiscal decentralization, the central transferring system, the scale of local government and local financial constructing situation influence the local financial dispersing on public service. According to the abovementioned conclusion, this article analysis the institutional barrels and restriction factors from governmental functions, public financial regime construction, trans-government transfer payments system, public service providing system, local government and its officials incentive system, the criterion of public service and its evaluation system. Today western countries are improving and reforming their EPS policies. By comparing and analyzing, we can acquire many beneficial enlightens. There are some common practices in institutional basis, basic principles which can be learned from. Their different approaches on the EPS tell us that different states should determine their different ways to realize EPS. According to our situation, to maintain a sustainable realization of EPS, firstly we should stick to the balance of fairness and efficiency, step by step in a long term, and government-oriented policy. Secondly, we should maintain the market economy, the separation of central and local government in power as its institutional basis. And finally we should strengthen institutional construction including public financial system, transfer payments system, local government incentive system, the EPS criterion and evaluation system and the public service providing system, and pay attention to the balance among the connected systems.


