

【作者】 周大鹏

【导师】 金芳;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 世界经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,随着知识经济的深入发展,发达国家的制造业正发生着一场影响深远的变革。具体表现在制造业价值链中,各个环节上服务要素的投入日益增加,最终产品中服务的比重大大增加,这就是制造业的服务化现象。在全球化的今天,各国制造业已经融入全球价值链体系当中,因此这一产业现象造成的影响已经不再局限于一国国内经济领域,而且是扩散到国际分工、就业、产业结构和环境乃至整个世界经济领域。学者们在这一现象发生之初就已经敏锐的注意到了,并对其展开了大量的研究。但是,从目前的研究成果看,还存在一些不足:一是研究的领域比较松散,尚未形成统一的理论体系;二是对这一现象发生、发展、变化的规律研究得不足,认识还有待进一步深化;三是对这一现象对世界经济的方方面面所产生的影响还总结得不够全面。为了解决上述问题,本文将在前人研究的基础上通过对制造业服务化现象产生的原因、发展演化的规律加以探讨,并梳理总结了制造业服务化的产业结构升级效益、就业效益、贸易效益和环境效益。本文正文共分十个部分,各部分的主要内容如下:第一部分是导论。介绍了论文的写作背景、研究思路、创新点,并对前人对制造业服务化问题的文献做了简要回顾。第一章概要的介绍了制造业服务化的概念、特征、现状与发展趋势。还对一些相关概念进行了辨析。最后点明了本文的主要是围绕全球价值链理论为中心,吸收借鉴其他相关学科的理论建立起对这一现象的分析框架的。第二章介绍了制造业服务化的成因。前人的研究大都从企业的微观运行角度解释服务化的成因,主要包括满足消费者需求,排除竞争,实现产品差异化。本文认为更深层次的原因是知识经济的发展,使得知识尤其是隐性知识对制造业发展起到了决定性作用,成为制造业服务化发展的内在因素。其次,知识价值链与全球价值链的融合,促进了制造业服务化的进一步发展。服务业务带来了收益增加,是制造业服务化的又一动力。最后,环境因素也进一步促成了服务化的发展。第三章介绍了制造业服务化的演化机理。首先阐明了制造业服务化从无到有的产生过程,其次解释了这种产业发展趋势的可持续性。然后构造了一个产业发展模型并用数值模拟的方式对模型进行了检验。第四章介绍了制造业服务化的产业转型效应,通过分析论证了服务化是如何促进产业转型升级的。并借助投入产出表对中间服务要素的统计构造了计量模型,对服务化促进产业发展的效应进行了实证检验。第五章介绍了服务化的就业效应。首先介绍了服务化对发达国家知识密集型行业的就业促进效应后,接着区分了发展中国家的两类不同的劳动力群体的失业情况,说明非熟练劳动者和知识劳动者的就业方式是不同的,但服务化可以从不同的层面帮助这两类劳动者实现就业。第六章讨论了服务化的国际贸易效应。因为服务化在贸易中表现为服务中间要素贸易的发展,因此通过构建以服务为要素的中间产品贸易模型对服务化带来的福利增长效应进行了分析。第七章探讨了服务化的环境效应。因为环境问题比较广泛,这里主要是通过化学品制造行业来分析相关效应的。服务化的环境效应主要集中在节约自然资源的使用,和降低环境污染两个方面。第八章是中国制造业现状及发展路径。主要介绍中国制造业的发展情况并对制造业今后的发展提出了一些个人观点。结论与展望部分,对前述章节的论述进行了总结,并对本文的不足之处和今后的研究方向进行了说明。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, along with the further development of knowledge-based economy, the manufacturing sector of developed countries experienced a far-reaching change. In the manufacturing value chain, service elements input and service part of the final product increased significantly. This is the phenomenon of manufacturing servicizing. In the era of globalization, countries have been integrated into the global manufacturing value chain, thus the impact of the phenomenon of the industry is no longer confined within a country’s domestic economy, but also will expands to international division of labor, employment, industrial structure and the environment and the world economy.Scholars have been noted this phenomenon sharply, and carried out large amount of research. However, there are still some deficiencies. One reason is lack of a unified theoretical system; second is the occurrence, development, and the law of this phenomenon needed to be further deepened; third is the impact of this phenomenon need to be summarized.Based on previous research this article will research the reason, the law of evolution and the effect on industry upgradings, employment, trade and environmental of servicizing.The article consists of 10 parts, each part of the main contents are as follows:The first part is an introduction. Introduced the background, research ideas, development and previous research on the servicizing.The first chapter describes the concept, features,status and trends of servicizing. Finally, the theoretical framework of this article.The second chapter describes the causes of servicizing. Researchers tried to explain the causes of servicizing from enterprise operation and management level,they found consumer demand, competition, product differentiation are 3 main causes of servicizing. But the deeper reason is that with the development of knowledge-based economy, knowledge, especially tacit knowledge of the manufacturing sector played a decisive role in the development of servicizing. Second, the integration of knowledge value chain and the global value chain promotes the further development of servicizing. Gains brought by service activities is another reason. Finally, environmental factors, further contributed to the development of servicizing.The third chapter describes the evolution of the mechanism of servicizing. First of all, to clarify the servicizing of the generation process from scratch, then explain the sustainability of this industry trend. And then construct a model of industrial development and numerical simulations of the model have been tested.Fourth chapter describes the industrial transformation and upgrading effect of servicizing. And input-output table was used with the middle element of the service to construct econometric model, the promotion of industrial development have been tested.Chapter V is the employment effects of the servicizing. First introduced the employment effect in knowledge-intensive industries in developed countries, and then distinguishes between two different employment problems in developing countries, the unemployment situation in the non-skilled workers and knowledge workers.But the servicizing can help solve both of the 2 types of unemployment.Chapter VI discusses the effect of service-based international trading. Because of service-oriented trade develop mainly through the middle factor trade, so by building a service factor of intermediate goods trade model the benefits of the service of growth effects were analyzed.Chapter VII is the environmental effects of servicizing. Because there are too many topics in environmental issues, and the article is focused on the chemical industry related effects. Service-oriented environment effect are saving the use of natural resources, and reducing the environmental emissions.Chapter VIII is the status and development path of China’s manufacturing industry, mainly introduces the development of China’s manufacturing industry and gives some suggestions.Conclusion and Outlook section, views of the above chapters were summarized, and future research directions are discussed.

  • 【分类号】F424
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2281

