

【作者】 蔡建娜

【导师】 袁恩桢;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图通过引进、消化和整理国外社会资本理论研究的最新研究成果,并结合发展经济学和新制度经济学的相关理论和研究,整理出一个有关社会资本与发展转型的理论模型,并将之应用于对温州模式的形成、发展和演化的分析之中。在具体的分析展开的过程中,本文还引入了“小世界网络”下的空间囚徒困境博弈模型(SPD),分析温州人历史上形成的传统型社会资本的交易治理机制。并围绕交易治理的核心展开,分析了温州民间制度和机制创新,以及温州模式发展30年的整体历程中的一些重要侧面。并从传统型社会资本向现代型社会资本的转型入手,探讨温州人“小世界网络”的开放度问题,并指出唯有真实的创业动机——即符合现代经济理性的群体意识的形成,才能促使温州人“小世界网络”持续地向外部市场环境开放,并通过与外部市场交易规则的对接推动内部交易方式的进一步理性化,从而进一步促使现代性社会资本的形成,使得“小世界网络”的交易治理机制能够在一个更加开放的市场环境中得到保持,并实现温州模式发展的现代化转型。本文第一章,主要对温州模式研究文献、国外的社会资本研究文献进行了系统述评,并在此基础上整理出社会资本与发展转型的分析框架。本文第二章,主要通过温州经济史的梳理对温州人群体经济理性进行探讨,并结合温州历史上的移民史、村庄共同体等区域社群意识形态分析温州人的社群意识,最后结合近百多年以来温州区域向外移民史和近代工业化冲动分析温州人网络形成的历史雏形。上述内容构成对温州历史上的传统型社会资本积累的分析。本文第三章,主要结合青木昌彦、格雷夫及相关新制度经济学对交易治理机制的探讨,在比较西方和日本交易治理方式的同时,引入“小世界网络”下的空间囚徒困境模型(SPD)分析温州的交易治理机制。论证温州历史上的传统社会资本积累形成了一种类似“小世界网络”的交易治理机制,这是一种类似于格雷夫所分析的马格里布商人的集体主义策略均衡,能够取得比单纯的价格价值更高的效率。本文第四章,并通过温州发展的历史史实来验证温州人“小世界网络”泛社群机制的存在、发展,并进一步探讨其网络开放度,同时结合温州模式发展中重要的制度与机制创新分析泛社群机制的作用。本文第五章,应用“小世界网络”下的泛社群机制来扼要阐述、分析温州模式发展中的一些重要侧面,包括先发性市场化、市场空间拓展,以及工业化障碍之克服、产业发展的集群现象,以及企业成长中的泛家族主义的作用等等。并进一步指出温州模式发展中的宗族意识和民间信仰的复兴、各种中间性团体的兴起、以及温州企业的慈善行为等并不是孤立于温州经济发展的社会事件,而是温州传统型社会资本的自我复制与更新过程。本文第六章,通过对“小世界网络”嵌入外部市场环境的开放性分析,指出融入外部市场的社会资本条件,为温州模式进一步演化的路径指出了方向。

【Abstract】 This paper tries to absorb the most recent research fruits of the field of social capital theory, developmental economics and New Institutional Economics, especially of Comparative Institutional Analysis (CIA), and aims to give a theoretical framework between social capital and developmental transition, with a research interest to apply this theoretical framework to the formation, development and evolution of Wenzhou Model.This paper introduces the Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma Model under a“Small World Network”, and applies this model to the analysis of the governance structure of Wenzhou model based on the traditional social capital accumulated during Wenzhou history. Further analysis is given to those domestic institutional innovations conducted during the 30 years development of Wenzhou, as well as to those main aspects of Wenzhou development process. Focused on the transition from the traditional type of social capital to modern type of that, the paper clarifies the openness of the Wenzhou“Small World Network”. Based on the above analysis, the paper points out that only the formation of a modern kind of economic reason, which support a continuous impulse for business activity, could promote the Wenzhou“Small World Network”open to the outside market opportunities in a continuous way, thus the domestic trading rules will undergo a rationalization process in order to merge with the outside trading rules which brought bigger trading margins. Such a process will produce a modern kind of social capital and maintain the competitive advantage of the governance structure of Wenzhou“Small World Network”in an open market environment, thus promote the transition of Wenzhou Model to a modern type.In the first chapter, this paper reviews the researches in the field of social capital theory, developmental economics and New Institutional Economics, especially of Comparative Institutional Analysis (CIA), and gives a theoretical framework between social capital and developmental transition. In the second chapter, this paper mainly analyzes the economic reason of Wenzhou people through the economic history of Wenzhou, and the group cognition of Wenzhou people formed during their history of immigration and village communities, and the embryonic form of Wenzhou“Small World Network”formed during their emigration history in the last century. Above is the analysis to the traditional social capital of Wenzhou.In the third chapter, combining the analysis with governance structure of Grief and Aoki and relevant Institutional researches, this paper compares the western and Japanese experience, and then introduces the Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma under a“Small World Network”to analyze Wenzhou case. The paper proves that traditional social capital accumulated during Wenzhou history formed a kind of governance mechanism as a“Small World Network”, which provides the possibility to apply a group strategy as Grief analyzed in Maghribi traders and thus give higher proficiency as compared with that under pure market mechanism.In the forth chapter, this paper proves the existence and development of a pan-group mechanism as a“Small World Network”, through the historic facts in the development of Wenzhou economy, and further discuss the openness of the Wenzhou“Small World Network”. Based on the above analysis, the paper analyzes the function of the pan-group mechanism in important institutional innovations during the development of Wenzhou Economy.In the fifth chapter, this paper applies the pan-group mechanism as“Small World Network”of Wenzhou, to analyze some important aspects of Wenzhou economy, such as the leading maketization of Wenzhou region and its market expansion, and the overcoming of obstacles during industrialization, the clustering of industries in its manufacturing sectors, and the function of pan-family ethic during the growing process of companies. The paper further points out that the resurging of the Family Ethic and domestic beliefs, all kinds of Go- between Organization as well as charity behaviors of companies in Wenzhou Region are not separated facts to economic developments, but the reproduce and renovation of traditional social capital.In the sixth chapter, this paper analyzes the openness of the Wenzhou “Small World Network”to the outsider market opportunity, and points out the condition of social capital for the merging with outsider market, and claries the further evolution process of Wenzhou Model.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1246

