

On the Dissemination of ShiShuoXinYu in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 甄静

【导师】 程国赋;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《世说新语》(以下简称《世说》)作为我国志人小说的代表作,以其高超的艺术成就和独特的风格特征,成为历代文人的案头必备之书,在后世广泛传播。本文借鉴现代传播学的理论切入《世说》的传播与接受问题,从传播方式、传播效果等方面进行研究,试图以新的视角,多角度地勾勒出其在元明清时期的传播流布情况及特色。全文共五章。第一章论述《世说》的文本传播。文本传播是《世说》整个传播史上最主要的传播形态。本章概述了《世说》自成书后的文本传播轨迹,重点在明清时期。第二章论述元明清时期《世说》评点传播。小说评点不仅对读者的阅读起着指导作用,而且对小说的传播和普及起着促进作用。作为我国文学史上首部被评点的小说,《世说》一直受到文人特别是评点家的青睐,本章选取了刘辰翁、刘应登、王世懋、凌濛初、李贽五人的评点作为研究对象,通过对他们评点特色的解读,了解《世说》在后世的评点传播情况及其评点所折射的时代特色。第三章论述元明清时期《世说》戏曲传播。相对于文本传播,戏曲传播更趋向世俗化,它将《世说》的接受者从文人士大夫扩大到普通的平民,扩展了《世说》的传播范围。本章通过对元明清时期《世说》改编剧的剧目进行系统梳理,从戏曲传播的视角观照《世说》,论述《世说》在元明清时期的戏曲改编传播情况及传播特色,并分别对元明清时期现存《世说》改编剧的题材、改编方式进行总结归纳,得出了元代改编剧具有鲜明的平民化倾向,明清改编剧具有鲜明的文人化倾向这一结论;同时选择了“玉境台”题材、“陶母教子”题材、“昭君出塞”题材在元明两代的改编情况及其所折射的时代特色作个案研究,具体论证元代改编剧与明清改编剧所具有的不同的文化特色。第四章论述明清时期“世说体”小说创作。《世说》以其不可抗拒的艺术力量、独特的编撰体例和记述方式,影响了后世的文言小说创作,明清时期出现了一大批模仿《世说》而作的“世说体”小说。这些“世说体”小说既是《世说》传播的产物,同时又参与到《世说》传播的进程中来,对《世说》既有模仿和继承,也有创新和发展。本章主要对明清时期“世说体”小说的编撰方式、内容特色、艺术特色及价值进行阐述。第五章论述《世说》对明清时期章回小说创作的影响。本章提出了“世说精神”的概念,选取了《三国演义》、《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》这三部明清时期最著名且流传广泛的章回小说为代表来切入,从《三国演义》对《世说》素材的吸收、“世说精神”对《红楼梦》和《儒林外史》的影响这两个方面来阐述。

【Abstract】 Shishuoxinyu (Following shishuo for short) is regarded as the masterpiece among the zhiren novels. With its highly artistic achievement and its unique style, it spreads widely and becomes the necessary book for the literati. The thesis dissertates the issues of the dissemination and reception with the concept and the theory of the modern dissemination, the thesis researches the dissemination ways and the dissemination effects, etc. This thesis draws the outline of the condition of the dissemination circulation and its characters in the total-new prospect and many angles. The whole thesis includes five chapters.Chapter One investigates the text dissemination. The text dissemination is the main disseminative forms of shishuo in the whole dissemination history. The focus of this chapter summarizes the track of the text dissemination after the publication of shishu. The Ming and Qing Dynasties are the main parts.Chapter two then will talks about the criticism dissemination of shishuo in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Novelistic criticism can not only guide readers, but also accelerate the speed of the dissemination and popularization of novels. As the first novel citicized in the cultural history, shishuo has attracted the attention of the literati, especially the critics. The criticisms from Liu Zhenweng, Liu Yingdeng, Wang Shimao, Ling Mengchu and Li Zhi these five people are the research objects. By analysing the characters of their criticisms, we can find out the condition of the criticism dissemination in the later generation and the time characters reflected in their criticisms.Chapter Three investigates the drama dissemination of shishuo in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Compared with the text dissemination, drama dissemination tends to more popularizing. The drama dissemination extends its readers from the literati to the common people. And it also extends its dissemination. This chapter will make a clear line through the adapted dramas in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. we analyse shishuo from the view of the drama dissemination and discuss the dissemination condition and characters of the adapted drama.This chapter will make a summary about the themes and the adapted ways of the existent shishuo adapted drama in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties respectively. Finally we draw a conclusion that: the adapted dramas in the Yuan Dynasty have an obvious common-people popularizing tendency, the adapted dramas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties tend more to the literati. The themes of“Jade Mirror Stage”、“Taomujiaozi”、“Zhaojun’s Leaving the Han Border”will be taken to be analyzed in the condition of the recomposition in Yuan and Ming Dynasties and the time characters they reflected. So we can analyze the different cultural characters between the adapted drama in Yuan Dynasty and those in Ming and Qing Dynasties in detail.Chapter Four analyses the shishu style novels creation in Ming and Qing Dynasties. With its irresistible artistic power, its unique style and its narrative mode, shishuo influences the later-generation classical novel creation. A great deal of novels in the shishuo style appear. These shishuo style novels are not only the products of the dissemination of shishuo, but also take part in the process of the dissemination of shishuo. This section expounds the compilatory mode, content and artistic feature of the shishuo style novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chapter Five treats the influence of the chapter fiction creation in Ming and Qing Dynasties.The chapter regards the three most famous popular novels of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Confucian Scholar’s Unofficial History, A dream in Red Mansions in Ming and Qing Dynasties as representative, and puts forward the concept of the shishuo spirit. we will make a detailed analysis from the instance of the Romeance of the Three Kingdoms absorbing the theme from shishuo, the illustration of the shishuo spirit affecting A dream in Red Mansions and Confucian Scholar’s Unofficial History.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

