

The Cultural Activities and Identity Representation of the Taiwanese Culturists during the Period of Japan-occupied Beijing

【作者】 王申

【导师】 陈平原;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本篇论文为一在沦陷时期北平特殊的历史语境下,考察以张深切、张我军、洪炎秋、钟理和四人为中心之旅平台籍文化人的文化活动与身份表述历程的研究。主要希望通过个案研究的方式,分别探讨四位成长于日据时期的台湾,具旅居祖国大陆经历,并因缘际会于沦陷时期北平的台籍文化人,彷徨于政治现实与历史处境的尴尬,并继而诘问、确证身份的过程。第一章通过分析台籍文化人张深切涉入由日本文学报国会和沦陷区华北艺文界文化人携手合作之《艺文杂志》的创刊,及筹办阶段因人事部署而于艺文社内所遭遇到之冲突与纠葛,呈现存在于华北艺文界内部新、老作家间的派系角力,以凸显“台湾系”文化人所占据之文化空间位置的微妙。第二章及第三章各就张我军与洪炎秋两位台籍文化人于翻译及教育领域中之历史实践,探讨其“奉公异声”与消极抵抗姿态背后所体现出之文化选择,并检验特殊历史语境下相异的知识分子类型。第四章藉自满洲流徙至北平之台籍作家钟理和,对沸腾于华北沦陷区之“乡土文学”运动及“我乡我士”书写的参与与实践,所展示出之“异乡人”的视角,考察夹处于祖国及日本东亚民族共同体构建与想象两端之“台湾籍民”,形塑并定位其“文化身份”的过程。本文在反思普遍化、本质论的认同模式以后,尝试策略性地引入多元与流动的视角,考察台籍文化人于沦陷时期北平的历史语境下,于政治、文化诸层面特殊的发言位置。在四人公开发表过的文字材料以外,本文亦将其私人日记、书信、日常言语的记录,乃至轶闻、逸事等纳为参照,以深描其文字表述与现实姿态之间的张力,进而探究其在历史实践与文化选择的背后,对于“文化身份”更个人化的理解与表述。从而在将沦陷时期北平艺文界的文学(文化)现象与文学(文化)表述历史化的过程中,能予此文学场域内部之权力构型的位移与特定资本的争夺的勾勒,有较为立体的呈示。

【Abstract】 This thesis is an examination of the cultural activities and journey of self-identification of the Taiwanese Zhang Shen Qie, Zhang Wo Jun, Hong Yan Qiu, and Zhong Li He in Peking during the fall. Four people grew up in Taiwan during Japanese occupation, and later moved to Peking. Through case study, the thesis discusses the awkward politics and environment they encountered during their time in Peking. The first chapter analyzes the Zhang Shen Qie’s role in the collaboration between Literature to serve Japan organization and the Intellectual in Peking to create Arts Magazine. In addition, the chapter also highlights the delicate positions of Taiwanese intellectuals through the struggle between the new and old writer in northern China’s community. The 2nd and 3rd chapters discuss Zhang Wo Jun and Hong Yan Qiu’s comply in public but oppose in private and passive resistance in the translation and education field. These chapters also discuss the different types of Intellectuals in the special historical context. The 4th chapter discusses Zhong Li He’s point of view from and his cultural activities in nativist literature. It also examines his journey as the ambiguous Taiwanese caught between motherland and Japan’s East Asian nation to finding his cultural identify.After reflecting on the generalization and essence of the identification model, this thesis strategically uses multiple and fluid perspectives to discuss Taiwan Intellectual’s special political and cultural voice in Peking during the fall. Besides using their publications, the thesis also includes their personal diaries, letters, and anecdotes as examples to describe the tension between the reality and written expression. Furthermore, these items are used to personalize the understanding of "cultural identification" and to present the shift and struggle of power in the cultural community.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】K295.8
  • 【下载频次】683

