

A Study on the Phonation Characteristics in Mandarin Prosody

【作者】 尹基德

【导师】 孔江平;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 以往的汉语韵律研究主要依靠语音的声学参数,如基频、时长和振幅等,很少深入探讨汉语韵律的嗓音特征。声源-滤波理论认为语言韵律的主要特征取决于声源的嗓音发声,本研究以此为研究的基础和出发点,从嗓音发声的角度研究汉语韵律的嗓音发声表现。本研究全面回顾了嗓音发声的研究方法和生理基础,探讨有关语言韵律的音高、音长和音强调节的生理机制,为语言韵律的嗓音研究奠定了生理的基础。本论文以电声门图为主要研究方法,按照前人的相关研究提出了一种适合本项研究的电声门图方法,利用25%尺度算法提取基频、开商和速度商等的嗓音参数。本文通过讨论电声门图的开商和速度商的语音学意义,指出开商能够反映嗓音的频谱斜率特征,速度商能够反映嗓音的高频能量特征。本文利用经过高频提升后的语音能量分析方法(SPLH-SPL值)和LF模型的Ee值分析观察嗓音的声学特征,为声学方面的解释提供客观的根据。研究通过对北大中文系语言学实验室诗歌朗读录音库的嗓音分析,探讨实际语流中的各种嗓音的声学和生理特征。实验对基频、开商和速度商的线性回归统计分析结果表明诗歌朗读的嗓音表现有明显的线性特性——基频和开商为正相关,而基频和速度商为负相关。但在散点图特定位置上点的分布比较散,进一步的非线性统计分析表明在高音调段和低音调段上有明显的非线性特征,反映语流中不同发声类型之间的转变。通过电声门图的定性分析发现,语流中出现高音调嗓音、挤喉音、气泡音等的发声类型,并根据各个类型的数据变量做出了它们的特征矩阵。实验通过分析不同发声类型的分布情况,探讨这些发声类型的组合和转变形式跟汉语不同声调之间的关系。研究以呼吸节奏作为汉语韵律在节奏方面的主要要素,对诗歌朗读录音库进行嗓音分析研究,从生理和声学的角度观察呼吸节奏的嗓音特征。实验按照呼吸信号的变化切分呼吸群,对呼吸群开始处和结束处的音节分别进行电声门图和语音信号的分析。对电声门图的分析结果表明,在呼吸群边界上基频下降、开商上升、速度商下降,这跟嗓音的基本特性不一致,充分反映出呼吸节奏的生理机理。从生理的角度看,人在呼吸群结束处声门下压最低,随之声门紧张度减少,呼吸节奏的嗓音特征反映出这样的生理机能的制约。进一步的声学分析结果表明呼吸群边界的嗓音特征体现为SPLH-SPL值的降低,反映出高频能量的减少。这表明呼吸节奏的嗓音特征不但体现为基频的降低,还体现为若干的气化现象。研究将语句重音视为汉语韵律在音调方面的重要特征,对重音的嗓音特征进行实验研究。分析结果表明:在高音调段,女声重音基频大幅上升,开商上升和速度商下降,充分反映嗓音的基本特性,女声的重音在高音段上主要体现为高音调嗓音特征。但男声与此不同,即速度商不下降反而上升。关于男声速度商的上升现象,对LF模型的Ee值和语音振幅的声学分析结果表明男声重音的高频能量大幅上升。这表示男女重音的嗓音发声方式不同,即男声主要通过调节发声方式增加高频能量来表达重音,而女声则是通过提高低频能量来表达重音;在低音调段,女声重音基频小幅下降,开商下降和速度商上升。男声重音基频小幅下降,开商上升和速度商上升。男女声重音在低音调段都体现为速度商的上升,反映出挤喉音的特征,即基频的变化不大,通过提高高频能量来表现重音。本研究以汉语呼吸节奏和语句重音作为汉语韵律在节奏和音调方面的主要特征,从生理和声学的角度观察它们的嗓音特征,所得到的结果使我们能更深入理解汉语韵律在嗓音表现上的生理和声学特征,为进一步研究汉语韵律的感知奠定了生理和声学的基础。韵律成分的这些嗓音特征跟感知有密切的关系,后续的工作需要通过感知实验来进一步研究嗓音特征对韵律的作用。本项研究结果能够运用在韵律的参数合成方面,提高合成语音的自然度。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study is to investigate the phonation characteristics of Mandarin prosody. So far, only the acoustic features of F0, time duration and amplitude have received much attention in a majority of studies on Mandarin prosody, but very little has been done on its phonation characteristics. This study is theoretically based on the source-filter theory of speech production, according to which the main features of language prosody are characterized at a phonation level. To begin with, we conduct some preliminary studies on the acoustical and physiological methods of voice assessment, as well as on the acoustical and physiological mechanisms of the voice production. On the basis of these, we discuss the mechanisms of pitch, length, loudness controls and the interrelationship between them, which make up the primary features of language prosody.We use EGG(electroglottography) as the main method of voice assessment, and discuss the application and interpretation of EGG signals. Drawing on the former literature on EGG analysis, we use a 25% criterion level algorithm for EGG analysis, by which we extract the voice parameters of F0, OQ(Open Quotient) and SQ(Speech Quotient), etc. It is also discussed that the acoustic correlations of OQ variation are mainly realized as spectral tilt variation, and those of SQ variation are closely related to spectral amplitude of the higher frequency region. For the acoustic analysis of spectral tilt and spectral amplitude of the higher frequency region, the intensity parameter with high frequency pre-emphasis(SPLH-SPL) and the Ee parameter of LF model are measured.An analysis study is conducted to observe the phonation characteristics of the reading corpus of Chinese modern style poetry. The results of linear regression analysis show that the overall phonation characteristic is realized as a linear feature; the regression function between F0 and OQ is a plus correlation, but that of between F0 and SQ is a minus correlation. An advanced nonlinear statistical analysis finds two breakpoints each at a high and low F0 region, which indicate the occurrence of transition between various phonation types. Our EGG analysis classifies those phonation types into a feature matrix, and then we discuss how four Mandarin tones can be characterized by the combination and transition between those phonation types. We also find out that language prosody affects a number of exceptional cases, which are not consistent with the overall phonation characteristics. For one of the main rhythmic features of Mandarin prosody, we investigate the phonation characteristics of respiration rhythm. The results of EGG and acoustic analysis show that, on the boundary of respiration units, F0 is lowered, but OQ increases, SQ decreases, as well as the acoustic parameter of SPLH-SPL decreases, which is realized as the lowered spectral amplitude in higher frequency region. These characteristics reflect the physiological restriction of respiration rhythm, which is that the subglottal pressure and glottal tension is lowered on the boundary of the respiration units.As for one of the melodic features of Mandarin prosody, we conduct an experimental study on the phonation characteristics of sentence focus. The results show that there are obvious sex differences at the high tone region. The focused syllables of the female voice are characterized by F0 rising, OQ increasing and SQ decreasing, which is consistent with the basic characteristics of weak falsetto phonation. But those of the male voice are characterized by SQ increasing, which is related to the raised spectral amplitude in the higher frequency region. The result of linear regression analysis between Ee parameter and intensity shows that the male voice needs more spectral amplitude of the higher frequency region than the female voice. This means that the male voice increases the amplitude of the higher frequency region, but the female voice increases that of the lower frequency region; at the low tone region, focused syllables of both male and female voices are characterized by slightly lowered FO and increased SQ, which is consistent with the main features of creaky voice. Although FO variation is not a big margin, the increased spectral amplitude of the higher frequency region is the significant feature of low tone focus.This study concerns itself with the physiological and acoustical features of the phonation characteristics of respiration rhythm and sentence focus, which is a significant element each to the rhythmic and melodic prosody of Mandarin. We find that these prosody features are realized as obvious variations in phonation characteristics, and these findings provide us the groundwork for an in-depth understanding of Mandarin prosody. On the basis of this study, we need to explore a number of elements of Mandarin prosody and their phonation characteristics. Moreover, further research should also be directed at investigating the role of phonation characteristics to the perception of Mandarin prosody, since they are closely related to the perception of language prosody.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】R767.92
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】847

