

A Research on Subject Behavior in Attracting Investment from Taiwan

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 史忠良;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国对外开放进入一个新阶段,招商工作面临新局面。在我国招商引资实践中,对台招商是十分重要并具有特殊意义的招商行为。当前台湾海峡两岸经济交往日益密切,对台招商迎来新机遇,南昌正成为台商投资的一方热土。学术界关于招商引资的理论颇为丰富,其中影响较大的有:产品生命周期理论、市场垄断优势理论、国际生产折衷理论、投资发展阶段论、内部化理论等。虽然学界对招商引资的理论研究很丰富,但主要是从投资方的角度研究资本转移的原因、动力、方式等理论,而对招商引资方如何招商则研究得较少。国内关于对台招商的专题研究文献并不多见,对台招商研究主要是区域招商经验的总结。本文对南昌市政府、开发区、企业、中介等招商主体的招商行为进行剖析,探讨其成功的经验与工作中的缺失,总结对台招商规律和原则,提出提高对台招商效率和效果的对策。社会主义市场经济理论是指导改革开放的理论基础,也是对台招商引资工作的指针。市场在资源配置中起基础性作用、构建和健全现代产权制度、保障所有市场主体的平等法律地位和发展权利、协调的发展观、政府职能转变等原理是分析对台招商引资工作的基础理论。新制度经济理论、服务型政府理论也是本研究的理论基础。招商主体,指站在招商地区的立场上,在招商方与投资方的交流中居主导地位,通过招商引资行为促成招商引资目的,享有相应权利并承担相应义务的人或组织。所以本文论述的招商主体有政府主体、开发区主体、企业主体、中介主体。招商行为是指招商主体为吸引投资所采取的一系列策略性的活动。本文对四个招商主体的规制行为、激励行为、调控行为、营销行为、“筑巢引凤”行为、合作行为、并购行为、委托行为进行论述。从1988年第一家台资企业落户南昌以来,南昌台资从无到有,从小到大,目前已成为南昌社会经济发展的一个重要组成部分。截止到2009年,南昌市累计批准台资项目490个,总投资24.53亿美元,实际利用台资11亿美元,台资企业在南昌若干产业中已成为支柱和领军企业。目前南昌的台资占全国比例还很小,但增长很快。南昌台资的增长与全国台资的增长存在不同步性,近年以来全国利用台资总额基本保持稳定态势,但南昌却呈现明显增长态势,南昌台资项目平均投资额的增长远远高于全国平均水平。台商在南昌投资主体变化主要表现在以下三个方面:从中小企业为主体到以大企业集团为主体,从合资合作经营为主到以独资为主要投资模式,从劳动密集型产业为主到电子信息高科技产业为主。政府、开发区、企业、中介都是对台招商的主体,其行为对招商发挥着独立而独特的作用。然而在招商主体的整体结构中,他们的角色是有明确区分的。与开发区主体、企业主体、中介主体相比较,政府主体在招商中犹如一位当家理事的“家长”,其行为具有主导性和行政性。在招商主体结构中政府主体发挥领导作用,统筹激发调动开发区主体、企业主体与中介主体招商的积极性与能动作用,同时规范相关其他主体的招商原则、行为。政府主体具备法定的行政手段,掌握行政资源,以行政力量调度配置各种重要经济要素,其招商行为具有行政特征。另外,政府招商行为还有整体性、竞争性特征。政府往往着眼于培植区域产业匹配力与竞争力,提升投资环境,激发投资者投资欲望与增强其投资能量与信心。政府主体从提升经济总量,改善产业结构,解决就业等整体经济社会发展目标出发,招商行为着重于整体统筹,全面推进。在对台招商诸主体中,开发区类似于“管家”的角色。国内开发区大多采取准政府的管理模式,管委会既执行行政管理职能,又通过所设立的开发公司从事土地开发行为。开发区在对台招商中既有公平的行政性,又尽可能按市场经济的要求行事。企业是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的经济主体。在招商上,企业才是真正的“当事人”和“主角”,其行为具有趋利性和自为性。作为“媒质”的中介主体本身不是直接消费主体,不是商品经营者和生产者,不是纯粹意义上的企业。在组织形式上,它按产权制度的法律特征、承担责任的形式、业务特点等注册组建,在人员构成方面,它必须是由一批具有较强金融意识和法律意识及高水平专业业务能力的专家、行家组成。其招商行为具有居间性和服务性的特征。南昌市政府对台招商经历了由优惠政策招商为主、地方政府动用各种要素发动全民招商的初期“粗放式”招商,向政府制定科学合理的招商政策,充分发挥企业、中介与开发区主体的能动作用,以产业招商为主线的演进历程。南昌市政府对台招商有规制行为、激励行为、调控行为、营销行为等。南昌市对台招商政策在对台招商实践中发挥了巨大作用。对台招商激励行为在激励主体、激励客体、激励目标和激励内容等激励机制上运用灵活,重点把握对台招商激励目标的战略性、激励环节的整体性、激励方式的综合性、激励内容的综合性。南昌市政府对台招商调控遵循政府统一决策原则、社会经济发展总体平衡原则、协调原则、引导鼓励原则、预期原则。近年来南昌城市营销取得了优良的成绩,城市形象大为提升。南昌市开发区在南昌对台招商实践中扮演愈来愈重要角色,已成为对台招商主战场,开发区对台招商成效在很大程度上决定南昌对台招商成败与否。南昌市开发区对台招商行为有“筑巢引凤”行为、开发区营销行为、项目推介行为等。“筑巢引凤”就是以完善基础设施,提供高质量服务来吸引台商投资。本文以南昌高新区为例具体论述南昌市开发区的对台招商行为。南昌市高新区营销行为体现在重视树立品牌形象,利用各类标志型“符号”展示南昌高新区,进行南昌高新区整体营销推介;依托城市知名度进行推介宣传;通过诸如“赣台会”、“中国南昌台湾周”、“全国台资企业产业转移暨升级研讨会”等大型对台经贸活动宣传高新区的形象。南昌高新区对台招商项目推介定位明确,坚持产业规划,以高新技术产业项目为对台招商重点,走可持续发展道路。南昌市企业对台招商历程伴随着南昌市企业制度改革的演进而发展。在招商实践中主要表现为合作行为和并购行为。合作方式主要有外包、产品互购、企业联合、团购、渠道合作、资源互换、收购、融资合伙等。本章以晶能光电和联创光电为案例解剖企业对台招商合作行为。分析表明,企业招商合作行为遵循了合作竞争原理,是成熟企业间的竞合关系,企业通过各自核心能力和优势资源的有效整合,快速适应市场机会,降低成本、提高竞争力,以达到共同的目标。南昌市企业对台招商并购的方式主要有:政府主导全额支付并购、先改制后并购、部分并购、合作合资后回购、股权转让、证券市场并购。南昌企业对台招商并购主要方向是横向并购,主要方式是协议并购,无偿划拨和要约并购不多。南昌企业并购招商有成绩经验也有缺失,需要进一步优化规范。南昌市企业对台招商成功率较高,绩效较好。在把握国际国内资本流动和产业转移的趋势和机遇以及发现新的招商引资线索上,企业主体具备天然的优势。南昌市中介对台招商经历了两个阶段:1988—2000年为起步(学习)阶段,2000年以来是南昌对台中介招商的发展阶段。南昌市中介对台招商行为有委托招商方式、合作招商方式和独立第三方招商方式。南昌市对台招商中充分发挥台协台联作用,选择招商中介切合实际,效果良好。研究表明,南昌市还应从打造政策高地,进一步制定和完善支持中介机构发展的政策措施;改善环境,为中介组织发展创造良好工作条件;着力培养和选择一批好的中介招商机构等方面促进中介主体在招商中的作用。伴随着对台招商的兴起发展,政府主体、开发区主体、’企业主体、中介主体在不同阶段呈现出不同的行为特征,居于不同的引资地位。政府、开发区、企业和中介四种不同主体在我国目前招商引资活动中扮演着重要角色,每一类招商主体引资活动都有其存在的理论根据,在招商引资活动中各自发挥着积极作用。然而它们的行为是互补的。招商引资主体本身是一个综合的概念,换言之,招商引资主体并不是一个单一主体,它应该是以政府为规制主体、企业为核心主体、开发区为承载主体,中介为服务主体所构成的四位一体的集成主体。而产业招商则是统合和优化诸种招商行为的结合点。本文认为,南昌市对台招商引资在实践当中,应符合以下两个方面的基本要求:一是更加市场化。招商实践中通过市场配置资源,市场机制应发挥主要作用。二是更加科学化。招商引资应遵循一定的经济规律,招商引资产业和项目的选择必须遵循比较优势理论,地区形象宣传与项目包装推介必须依据营销学的理论,投资商的寻找必须借鉴目标市场选择理论,谈判与签约也需要一定技巧和方法。掌握这些规律和技巧并科学地运用于实践,将会有力推动招商引资工作的开展。研究表明,南昌市作为典型性的中西部城市,在伟大的有中国特色社会主义改革开放进程中,在对台招商实践中,各类招商主体行为较为得当,招商绩效显著。把握规律,探究缘由,将其升华为有指导借鉴作用的“南昌对台招商模式”,应该是非常有意义的工作,也是下一步研究的重点方向。

【Abstract】 China’s opening enters a new stage, and the business of attracting investment faces a new situation. In the practice of investment promotion, attracting investment from Taiwan seems very important which also has a special significance. The both sides of the Taiwan Straits become increasingly close on economic, which brings a new opportunity of attracting investment from Taiwan, and Nanchang is becoming the hot area of Taiwanese investment. The academic researches on investment——the product life cycle theory, the theory of monopoly dominant position, the eclectic theory of international production, investment development phase theory, and the internalization theory, etc——are abundant, among which significant influence. The academic research on investment theory is very rich in studying the reasons, power, ways of capital transfer, mainly from the perspective of capital fund, but how to attract investment is studied less. There is only a few research literatures on subject behavior in attracting investment from Taiwan in domestic, which are mainly a regional investment experience summary. This paper analyses the behavior of Nanchang government, development zones, enterprises intermediaries in attracting investment from Taiwan, discusses the successful experience and work deficiency, concludes the rules and principles of attracting investment from Taiwan, and puts forward the countermeasures of improving the investment efficiency and effectiveness.Socialistic market economy theory is the basis of directing reform and open, and is also the needle of attracting investment. The market playing an essential role.in resource allocation, constructing and perfecting modern property rights system, ensuring all market main body’s equal legal status and development rights, coordinated development view, and the transformation of government functions of such principles are the basic theories of analyzing the attracting investments. The subjects of attracting investment refer to the people who or the organizations which rank the leading position between the inviters and the investors, contrib.ute to business purpose, and enjoy the corresponding rights and the corresponding obligations. So the Subject in attracting investment in this paper includes government, development zones, enterprises and intermediaries. The behavior of attracting investment refers to a series of strategic activities adopted by the subject in attracting investment. This paper expounds the regulation behavior, the encouragement behavior, the adjustment and controlling behavior, the marketing behavior, the cooperative behavior, the merger behavior and the entrusted behavior.Since the first Taiwan-funded enterprise located in Nanchang in 1998, Taiwan-funded enterprises in Nanchang have changed from nonexistence to existence, from small to big, and now have become a important part of social economic of Nanchang. Until 2009, cumulatively 490 Taiwan-funded projects have been approved with a total investment of$2.453 billion dollars, actually having used$1.1 billion Taiwanese capital in Nanchang, and Taiwan-funded enterprises have become pillar and leading enterprises in some industries. Currently the proportion of Taiwanese capital in Nanchang is still small, but increases fast. There exists non-synchronous with the growth of Nanchang and the whole nation. In recent years, the total amount of Taiwanese capital of nationwide retained basically stable while Nanchang’s amount obviously increased, and the increase of the average amount of Taiwanese projects’ investment was well above the national average. The changes of the subject in Taiwanese merchants’investment in Nanchang represent are on the following three aspects:the subject changing from mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises to large enterprise groups, the investment mode changing from mainly in partnerships to sole proprietorship, and the industry changing from mainly in labor-intensive industry to electronic information technology industry.The government, development zones,enterprises and intermediaries whose behavior plays an independent and unique role in attracting investment are all the Subject in attracting investment from Taiwan. However in the overall structure of the subject, their role has a clear distinction. Compared with subjects such as development zones, enterprises and intermediaries, the government plays a role of "parents" who manages household affairs and its behavior is leading and administrative. Government plays a leading role. It overall stimulates and mobilizes the enthusiasm and the initiative of development zones, enterprises and intermediaries, simultaneously regulates these subject’s behavior. Government has the legal administration, controls the administrative resource, dispatches and allocates all kinds of economic factors by administrative power, and its behavior of attracting investment has administrative features. Besides, the behavior of attracting investment of government also has integrity and competitive characteristics. The government often focuses on cultivating regional industry matching force and competitive force, improves the investment environment, stimulates the desire of the investors and enhances their energy and confidence. From the viewpoint of increasing the total amount of economy, improving the structure of industry, solving employment, government lays emphasis on planning as a whole and overall advance. Development zones are similar to the role "steward" among all the subjects of attracting investment. Domestic development zones mostly adopt quasi-government management mode. Management Committee not only executes administrative functions, but is also engaged in land development through the development companies set by it. Development zones have fair administration and also act according to the requirement of market economy as possible as it can when attracting investment from Taiwan. Enterprises are a economic Subject in independent management self-sufficiency, self development, and self-discipline. Enterprises whose behavior has profit following and self-center features are the real "parties" and "leading role". Intermediaries as "media" themselves are neither direct Subjetct in consumption, nor commodity producers and operators. In addition, they are not enterprises of pure sense. They register and set up according to the legal characteristics of property relations, the form of undertaking responsibility, business features etc on the form of the organization. It must be comprised of experts who have strong financial and legal consciousness and high level professional business ability. Its behavior of attracting investment has intermediate and service features.Nanchang government’s attracting investment from Taiwan has gone through two stages:formally, attracting investment mainly by preferential policy and local government’s initial "extensive" attacting investment through various kinds of factors; now, the government will formulate scientific and reasonable investment attracting policies and bring enterprises, intermediaries and development zones’active function into play adequately with the main line of industrial investment attracting. Attracting investment from Taiwan of Nanchang government has regulation behavior, encouragement behavior, adjustment and controlling behavior, marketing behavior and so on. Nanchang government’s policies of attracting Taiwanese investment expressed a huge effect in the practice of attracting investment from Taiwan, The encouragement behavior of attracting investment from Taiwan is flexible in encouragement subject, object, target, content and so on. The key point which should be grasped is the strategic of the encouragement target, the integrity of the encouragement link, the comprehensiveness of the encouragement method and the comprehensiveness of the encouragement content. Abiding by the united government decision-making principle, the overall balance principle of social and economic development, coordination principle, guidance and encouragement principle and expectation principle, Nanchang government adjusts and controls the behavior in attracting investment from Taiwan of. In recent years, Nanchang city marketing achieved excellent results, and the image of the city was in ascension.Development zones play a more and more important role in the practice of attracting investment from Taiwan, and have been the primary battlefield of attracting Taiwanese investment. The effect of development zones in attracting investment largely determined the success or failure of Nanchang’s investment attracting. The behavior in attracting investment from Taiwan of Nanchang’s development zones contains "park", marketing, project promotion and so on. "Park" means to attract Taiwanese merchants’investment by perfecting infrastructure and improving the quality of service. This paper takes Nanchang’s High-tech Industrial Development zone for example to expound the behavior of attracting investment from Taiwan of development zones of Nanchang. The marketing behavior of Nanchang’s High-tech Industrial Development zone reflects in attaching importance to establish the image of brand, making use of kinds of symbolic "symbol" to show Nanchang’s High-tech Industrial Development zone, proceeding the whole marketing promotion of Nanchang’s High-tech Industrial Development zone; promotion advertising depended on the city fame; propagandizing High-tech Industrial Development zone’s image through large conference economic activity such as "Gan-Taiwan conference", "Taiwan week in Nanchang of China", "The transfer and upgrade of industry of Taiwan-funded enterprises seminar", etc. The recommended projects are posited clearly while Nanchang’s High-tech Industrial Development zone insists on estate planning, and promotion planning, focuses on advanced technology industry projects, and tracks the road of sustainable development.The process of Taiwanese investment in Nanchang is accompanied by the evolution of enterprises’reform and development in Nanchang. It mainly manifests as the cooperative behavior and merger and acquisition in the practice in attracting investment. The mode of cooperation contains outsourcing, product each purchase, corporate alliances, group purchase, channel cooperation, resource exchange, acquisition, financing, partnerships and so on. This paper takes the case of Jingneng photoelectricity and Lianchuang photoelectricity to analyze enterprise’s co-corporate behavior in attracting Taiwan investment Analysis showed that enterprise investment cooperative behavior followed the principle of co-petition, which is a mature competition relationship between companies. They can quickly adapt to market opportunities, reduce costs and improve competitiveness in order to achieve common goals through their respective core competencies and the effective integration of superior resources. The main ways of Nanchang enterprises to attract Taiwanese investment include:full payment through the government-led mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions, after the first restructuring, sectional mergers and acquisitions, buyback after joint ventures, stock transfer, stock market mergers and acquisitions. The method is a horizontal merger and the main form is agreement mergers and acquisitions. They nearly do not use the way named merger with offer and appropriating with no compensation. Enterprises in Nanchang have got some achievements on-attracting Taiwanese investment, but at the same time, they also need-do some change to further optimize the specification. Enterprises in Nanchang have higher success rate and better performance on it, so their advantages are a grasp on domestic, international capital flows, transfer of industry trends and opportunities, as well as the discovery of new clues on investment.The behavior of attracting Taiwanese investment of intermediaries in Nanchang could be divided into two stages:the first one is a start (learning) phase from 1988 to 2000, and the second one is a development stage since 2000. The behavior of attracting Taiwanese investment of intermediaries in Nanchang contains three ways: entrusted investment, co-investment and independent third party investment. Nanchang has fully expresses the association effect to it; they select investment intermediary in actual practice and get a good result. Studies showed that Nanchang should use policy strategies, to further develop and improve the policies and measures of agencies. Moreover, government should improve circumstance in order to create good work conditions for intermediaries. They also should promote the effect on training and selecting a number of good intermediaries in order to promote the influence in investment.With the development of attracting investment from Taiwan, the subjects such as government, development zones, enterprises and intermediaries show different characteristics in different stages, and in different capital attracting position. The four subjects——government, development zones, enterprises and intermediaries——play an important role in investment inviting activities. Each subject has its own theory basis of existence, and plays a positive role in the investment activities. However, their activities are complementary. The Subjetct in attracting investment itself is a comprehensive concept. In other words, the Subjetct in attracting investment is not a single main body, and it should be an integrated Subjetct comprised of government (regulating subject), enterprises (core subject), development zones (load-carrying subject) and intermediaries (service subject).There are two requirements for subjects in Nanchang to attract Taiwanese investment. The first is more market-oriented. That is to say, merchants should play a major role through the market allocation of resource and the market mechanism should express greater effect. Second one is more scientific. In other words, it should obey some economic laws and the selection of projects must follow the theory of comparative advantage. In addition, the reputation of propaganda and projects must be based on marketing theory, and they should use for the target market theory when they find investors. By the way, negotiation and signing also need some skills and methods. One will promote the Investment business development when we master these rules and skills and apply them scenically. According to the study, in the process of reform and opening up of the great socialism with Chinese characteristics, Nanchang, as a typical mid-western city, all types of whose subjects of attracting Taiwan businessmen investment act properly and the performance was significantly. Grasping the rules, exploring the reason, and elevating it to a Nanchang model of attracting investment from Taiwan businessmen, which should be very meaningful and is emphasis of further research.

【关键词】 南昌市对台招商主体行为
【Key words】 Nanchangattracting Taiwanese investmentSubject behavior
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】458

