

Research on Shenxiu

【作者】 李帮儒

【导师】 陈飞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 神秀是我国唐代著名的高僧,他是禅宗五祖弘忍的大弟子,被武周和唐王朝最高统治者尊为“三帝国师,两京法主”。他不但是北宗禅的开创者,也一度被僧俗两界尊称为“禅宗六祖”。他继承并创新了自达摩至弘忍以来的禅学理论,对慧能及其以后的禅学有重大的影响,当然,由于禅宗南北宗的分歧,一千三百多年来,他和慧能一直是被研究和讨论的主要对象。可以说,神秀是中国禅宗史、佛教史,乃至思想史上一位重要的人物。通过全面、系统地阅读、整理与神秀相关的文献,并借助于前人的研究成果,运用文献研究、文化史研究、思想史研究等方法,对神秀的生平、著述、思想以及其所开创的北宗进行整合研究,并在此基础上,运用横向对比的方法,将神秀与其同时代的佛教诸宗,进行了初步论述。具体来说,本文主要内容如下:第一章:绪论首先,将对神秀的研究分为三个时期,即早期的研究、传统的研究、近现代的研究,对神秀研究的历史作了比较详细的回顾,并找出了每个时期研究中存在的问题,在对前人研究成果回顾和综述的基础上,对选题的意义进行了阐述,初步界定了论文研究的内容,选取了与之相关的研究方法,力图全面、系统、深入地研究神秀。第二章:神秀生平首先,简单的考述了神秀的年代,主要是神秀一生中比较重要的几个年份,即文献记述中有分歧的生年、礼师年、应诏入京年。然后对神秀的一生分为几个时期,即对神秀出家参游、学习东山之法、潜为白衣、玉泉弘法、最终成为两京法主、三帝国师以及圆寂后的殊荣等问题,进行了论述。其中,对在禅宗史研究中比较敏感的问题,比如神秀得法的“理法说”,慧能得法的“袈裟说”,神秀与慧能没有同学的可能以及神秀潜为白衣的原因,进行了阐述。第三章:神秀的著述本章主要对神秀的著作、语录、对话、诗偈进行了简略的考证。著作方面认定《观心论》、《大乘无生方便门》、《秀和尚劝善文》、《秀禅师七礼》应是神秀之作,而《圆明论》、《大华严经疏》和《妙理圆成观》则不是大通神秀之作品。对《楞伽师资记》、《宗镜录》所记神秀之语录以及诸多文献中神秀与弟子的对话,也进行了分析。神秀的诗偈主要见《六祖坛经》及敦煌写本以及《景德传灯录》之中,通过考证,否定了这些诗偈为神秀所作的可能性。第四章:神秀的禅学思想首先对神秀禅学思想的渊源,即菩提达摩、慧可、僧璨、道信、弘忍的禅学思想进行了论述,然后,对神秀对净土宗、唯识宗、天台宗、华严宗等佛教诸宗思想的融通,进行了对比的研究,并对神秀对中国固有传统的儒、道文化的吸收进行了阐释。总结出了重戒律、坐禅、礼佛、念佛、指事问义、方便通经等为神秀禅的风格。又对神秀的禅学思想,尤其是《观心论》和《大乘无生方便门》中神秀关于佛义的言论,进行了详细的分析和论述,最后,对神秀的五方便禅法,即总彰佛体、开智慧门、显不思议、明诸法正性、了无异门分别进行了阐释。第五章:神秀与北宗神秀是禅宗北宗的开创者,北宗一直延续了几百年,本章对北宗的由来、北宗的兴衰、北宗在日本、吐蕃、朝鲜的传承、北宗的性质、北宗与南宗的关系(南北宗的论战,南、北宗的调和)、北宗与其他佛教宗派的融合等进行了研究。第六章:结语这一部分主要是对以上几章,即神秀生平、著述、神秀的禅学思想以及神秀与北宗的归纳与总结。

【Abstract】 Shenxiu was an eminent monk in Tang Dynasty, he was the chief disciple of Hongren, Zen Buddhism the fifth. He was passed as "the imperial tutor of three emperors and suzerains of two capitals" by the highest ruler of the Wuzhu and Tang Dynasty. Not only was he the inaugurator of northern zen sect, but also he was honored as the Zen Buddhism the sixth by both the religious and the secular world. He inherited and innovated the Buddhist theory from Damo to Hongren, and had a great influence on Huineng and the subsequent zen buddhism. He and Huineng had always been the major research object for many years because of the divergences of northern and southern zen sect. Shenxiu was a remarkable person in the history of the Chinese zen buddhism, Buddhism and thought. An entire and systematic collecting and reading had been made in this paper on documents on Shenxiu and by means of previous research results and using research method of document and the cultural history and thought history, the primary research of this paper concentrates mainly on life and works and thought of Shenxiu and the northern zen sect he opened. On the basis, with methods for lateral correlation Shenxiu and the great Buddhists in Shenxiu’s Era had been discussed.To be specific, the paper includes four parts:The first part:Exordium.First, this part divides the stages about study on Shenxiu into three periods:the early research, traditional research, latter-day and modern research. This part gives a more detailed review of the research on Shenxiu and find the deficiencies. On the basis, the significance of this paper has been presented and the content of the paper has been defined and the related research methods have been chosen to research Shenxiu completely, thoroughly and deeply.The second part:the life of Shenxiu.First, this part makes an investigation into the Shenxiu’s ages which were relatively important in his life. That is:the year of birth of Shenxiu which has divergences in documents, the year of hayashi and entering the court by obeying the imperial edict.The life of Shenxiu was divided into several periods:the period Shenxiu became a monk, studied dongshan-zen and resumed his secular life,and he became the imperial tutor of three emperors and suzerains of two capitals and the honors that he acquired after death. Sensitivity questions on the history of zen buddhism have been discussed,,for example, the possibility that Shenxiu and Huineng were not schoolfellows and the reason why Shenxiu resumed his secular life.The third part:the works of Shenxiu.This part makes a textual study on his works, quotation, conversation and the poems illustrating zen. It is firmly believed that Shenxiu finished《Guan xin lun》《Da cheng wu sheng fang bian men》,《Xiu he shang quan shan wen》,《Xiu chan shi qi li》, but《Yuan ming lun》is not his works. His quotation in《Leng qie shi zi ji》and《The summary about the ultimate of zen and other sects》and his conversation with his disciples in many documents have been textual researched. His poems illustrating zen mainly included<Sixth Budda’s Platform Sutra>and<The transmission of the lamp>The fourth part:Shenxiu’s ideas on zen.First, historical origin of Shenxiu’s ideas on zen,that is, ideas on zen of damo, Huike, Sengcan, Daoxin, Hongren have been discussed. A comparative study on combination of ideas on zen of pure land sect and the Insight Sect and Tiantai Sect and Hua-yan sect and explains the cultural absorption of the traditional culture of confucianism and taoism. Shenxiu’s zen style are summarized, and it included Stress on religious discipline, religious meditations, buddha-worship, pray to Buddha. This part makes an analysis and discussion on Shenxiu’s ideas on zen, especially his conversation on buddlisn in《Guan xin lun》,《Da cheng wu sheng fang bian men》.Finally this part discusses Shenxiu’s ideas on zen.The fifth chapter:Shenxiu and northern zen sect.Shenxiu was the founder of northern zen sect, and northern zen sect lasted hundreds of years. This part makes a study on origin of northern zen sec, the rise and fall of northern zen sect, the Inherit in Japan, ancient Tibet,Korean,the nature of northern zen sect, the relations between northern zen sect and southern zen sect and combination of northern zen sect and other buddhism factions.The sixth part:conclusion.This part is asummsry of the former parts. Shenxiu’s history life,his,Zenbuddhism,and Shenxiu and Northern school of Chan are summed up bridfly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

