

On the Handicraft Industry in Central Plains from Prehistoric to Xia and Shang Periods

【作者】 韩香花

【导师】 张国硕;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 史前至夏商时期,中原地区是古代文明起源与初始发展的重要地区,手工业在中原地区文明发展进程中起了非常重要的作用。本文以考古发掘资料为主,结合文献记载和古史传说以及相关学科的研究成果,在吸收借鉴前人研究的基础上,对史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业的发展状况、工艺技术、手工业分工、手工业者、手工业生产的组织管理以及手工业在文明进程中的作用等问题进行了较为系统的分析研究。首先,对史前至夏商时期中原地区考古学文化的发展序列与分期进行了分析、梳理与归纳,并根据这一序列与分期,对史前至夏商时期中原地区的石器、木器、陶器、铜器、玉器、骨器、漆器、纺织、建筑和酿酒等手工业门类的发展过程、工艺技术等进行了探讨,较为全面地阐述了史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业的发展面貌和脉络,并与周边地区的手工业进行了扼要的横向对比,在此基础上总结出史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业的特点,即连续性、包容性和重实用性。其次,探讨了史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业与农业分工的条件、发展过程和意义。农业的发展、手工生产技术的复杂化、具有专业技能的手工生产者的大量出现,以及手工产品社会需求的增加,是手工业与农业发生社会分工的条件。手工业的分工是随着社会生产力的发展而逐步发展的。仰韶文化早期及其以前,氏族内部以自然分工为主,手工业尚未从农业中分离出来。仰韶文化中晚期至龙山文化时期,少数手工业部门逐渐从农业中分离出来。夏代已经出现较多独立的手工业部门,商代早期一些手工业部门内部又有了进一步分工,商代晚期分工程度更高。手工业与农业的分工,推动了社会生产力的发展,引起了生产关系的变革,促进了商品交换和文化交流。第三,对史前至夏商时期手工业者的地位问题进行了探讨。首先,运用考古发掘资料并结合古史传说,对史前手工业者的社会地位问题进行了研究。史前手工业者的社会地位经历了逐渐上升并进一步分化的过程。仰韶文化早期及其以前,手工生产者与其他氏族成员的地位基本相当。仰韶文化中晚期以后,多数手工业者占有较多的财富,同时手工业者之间也进一步分化,少数上升为权力的拥有者。其次,运用考古材料并结合文献和甲骨卜辞的记载,对夏商时期手工业者的地位进行了研究。夏代手工业者可能延续了史前手工业者的社会地位。商代手工业者的情况比较复杂,手工业者队伍以下层贵族和平民为主,但也有一些工奴。第四,对史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业的组织管理问题进行了尝试性的探讨。首先,运用聚落考古的成果,对史前手工业生产组织的变化进行了探讨。仰韶文化早期及其以前,手工生产以家族、氏族或更高一级的社会组织为单位集体生产,仰韶文化中晚期以后,出现了专门的手工业家庭或家族。其次,运用考古材料、文献与甲骨卜辞的记载,对夏商时期手工业的组织与管理问题进行了探讨。夏商时期手工业分为官营手工业和民间手工业,“工商食官”之制始于夏商时期。夏商手工业者仍以族为单位进行生产,王室设有专门的官职对手工业进行管理。第五,探讨了史前至夏商时期中原地区手工业在社会发展和文明进程中的作用。手工业生产改善了人类的物质生活,便利了人类的衣食住行。手工业生产促进了科学技术的进步和生产工具的改进,从而推动了生产力的发展。手工业的发展促进了剩余产品的增多、贫富的分化、私有制的出现和阶级关系的变化,推动了礼制的产生与发展,从而加快了生产关系的变革。手工业的发展与诸文明要素的孕育、起源与发展关系密切。史前时期手工业的发展,对于青铜器、城邑、文字等文明要素的孕育和萌芽起了重要推动作用。夏商时期手工业的发展,对文明发展起了重要推动作用。

【Abstract】 The central plains region is the important area with the origin and the initial development of ancient civilizations from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties, the handicraft plays a very important role in the development process of civilization in central plains. This paper pays more attention to archaeological information and analyses the development of handicraft, technology, the division of handicraft, artisans, the organization and management of handicraft production and the effect of handicraft in the process of civilization in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty systematically through combining with documented information, ancient legends, the related research and learning from previous studies.Firstly, this paper analyses, sorts and summarizes the development orders and stages of archaeological culture in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties. This paper also discusses the stone, wood, pottery, bronze, jade, bone, lacquer, textiles, construction and wine’s process of the development and technology in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang according to these orders and stages. It illustrates the developments and contexts of handicraft in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang period comprehensively and make briefly horizontal comparisons with handicraft of surrounding areas. On this basis, sum up the continuity, inclusiveness, usability and other characters, of handicraft in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties.Secondly, this paper discusses the division of labor conditions, development process and significance about handicraft and agriculture in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties. The conditions for the division of handicraft and agriculture are the development of agriculture, the complication of artisanal productive technology, the appearing of producers who hold the professional skills in large numbers and the increasing of hand products’needs of the community. The division of handicraft develops with the development of social productive forces. The early Yangshao culture and before, it pays more attention to the natural division of labor within the clan, and handicraft has not separated from agriculture yet at that time. Few handicraft sectors have separated from agriculture gradually from the middle and late period of Yangshao culture to the period of Longshan culture. Some independent sectors of handicraft have turned up in Xia Dynasty. Some further divisions in handicraft have happened in the early Shang Dynasty and the degree of the division of labor is higher in the late Shang Dynasty. The division of handicraft and agriculture promotes the development of social productive forces, causes a change in productive relations and promotes the exchange of commodities and culture.Thirdly, this paper discusses the issues about handicraftsmen’s status from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties. First of all, investigating the social status about prehistoric handicraftsmen by use of archaeological data and ancient legends. The social status of prehistoric handicraftsmen experienced a gradual increase and further differentiated process. The hand-producers have the roughly equal status with the other clan members in early Yangshao culture and before. After mid-late Yangshao culture, most handicraftsmen hold more wealth, while further differentiation has happened among handicraftsmen and few persons rise to power holders. What’s more, researching the social status about handicraftsmen in Xia and Shang period by use of archaeological materials and records of turtle shells and bones. Handicraftsmen in Xia Dynasty may continue the status of prehistoric handicraftsmen. The situation about handicraftsmen in Shang Dynasty is more complicated, civilian and lower nobility are the main force of handicraftsmen, but there are some lave labors.Fourthly, this paper attempts to discuss the organizational management of handicraft industry in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties. First of all, discussing the prehistoric handicraft production organizational change by use of the results of settlement archeology. Family, clan or higher-level social organization proceed collective production as units in early Yangshao culture and before, the specialized handicraft household or family have turned up after mid-late Yangshao culture. What’s more, discussing handicraft organization and management issues in Xia and Shang periods by use of archaeological materials, literature and records of turtle shells and bones. It is divided into government-run handicrafts and folk handicrafts in Xia and Shang period, the system of "Food Trade and Industry Official" began in Xia and Shang period. The handicraftmen proceed the production as a tribe in Xia and Shang periods, and Royal has a special office to manage industrial rivals.Fifthly, this paper discusses the role of handicraft industry in social development and civilization process in central plains from prehistoric times to Xia and Shang Dynasties. Human’s material life is improved and their daily life is facilitated by handicraft production. Handicraft production boost the progress of science and technology, the improvement of production tools, and then impluse the development of productivity. The development of handicraft promote the multiplication of remainder products, differentiation between rich and poor, the emergence of private ownership and class division, and impel the emergence and development of ritual system, thereby accelerating the transformation of production relations. Handicraft development is closely connected with the birth of civilization, the origin and development of various elements.The development of the prehistoric handicraft industry plays an important role in giving birth to bronze, cities, liters and other civilized elements. The development of Xia and Shang handicraft industry plays an important promoting role in the expansion of civilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F429;K221
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1569
  • 攻读期成果

