

German Music Culture and Nationalism in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

【作者】 车新春

【导师】 杨燕迪;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民族主义普遍发生于19世纪,它作为一种历史现象,既是政治力量与政治运动,表现为对民族建国的追求;也是文化意识层面的思想与观念,一种凝聚民族成员与促进民族发展的力量,表现为民族成员对民族及其文化历史的认同感和归属感,而音乐中的民族主义更多是一种态度,一种观察事物的角度。19世纪上半叶的德意志民族主义具有自身的特性,由于德意志分裂与动荡的政治经济社会局面,德意志民族主义在18世纪文化民族主义基础上,向政治民族主义转变,其民族主义思想渗透于德意志音乐生活的各个方面,德意志音乐与民族主义在相互影响中得以共同发展。本文通过从民族主义角度论述19世纪上半叶德意志音乐,涉及这一时期音乐德国文化与音乐的思想史研究和音乐生活的考察,同时也对该时期的音乐作品和风格走向进行分析与研究。文章分为绪言、四个章节与结语。第一章论述19世纪之前的德意志文化中的民族意识,通过对论文的关键术语的界定、以及19世纪之前、尤其是18世纪德意志文学历史中的文化民族主义的论述,对19世纪音乐中的民族主义阐述进行铺垫。第二章审视19世纪上半叶德意志音乐批评与观念中的民族主义倾向,主要通过期刊批评与音乐中的严肃性思想的考察,论述在德意志音乐特性的建立过程中的一种批评倾向。第三章探讨19世纪上半叶德意志歌剧创作中的民族主义思想,通过韦伯与瓦格纳的作品为例证,论述德意志歌剧传统是如何逐步确立的。第四章陈述民族主义思想对于19世纪上半叶德意志音乐生活的影响,论述从巴赫复兴、民谣复兴以及音乐节、音乐会与音乐教育等领域中如何渗透民族主义思潮,并导致其音乐生活中的民族意识的体现。

【Abstract】 Nationalism, a historical phenomenon which generally emerged in the 19th century, is a driving force for the cohesion and development of a nation. Politically, it is characterized by the pursuit of national independence and unity as well as of the establishment of a national state. Ideologically, it is an idea of the identity of a nation held by its people. In music, nationalism is more considered in the ideological sense, as an attitude and a point of view. In Central Europe, Germany, with various factors of instability and fragmentation in its history, had already witnessed cultural nationalism in the 18th century. In the first half of the 19th century, however, when Germany underwent decades of political turbulence—the collapse of Roman Empire, the anti-Napoleonic war in 1813 and the revolution in the 1830s and 1840s—nationalism in Germany spread from culture to other fields, such as economy and politics, and expanded from the intellectuals to common people. As a result, the idea of nationalism was held as a general and deep-rooted belief and permeated all aspects of the musical life of Germany. Thus, nationalism and German music influenced and promoted each other.This dissertation is a study of German music in the first half of the 19th century from the perspective of nationalism, dealing with the relevant intellectual history, the musical life and musical works and styles of that time. The dissertation consists of introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The first chapter is mainly concerned with the national consciousness in German culture before the 19th century. The author makes clear the definitions of the key words and examines the cultural nationalism in the German literature and history before the 19th century, especially in the 18th century. Therefore, this chapter acts as a background of the main point. The second chapter examines the nationalistic tendency in the ideas and criticism of German music in this period of time. Through the study of the criticism in periodicals and the idea of seriousness in music, this chapter offers a discussion about how this kind of nationalistic tendency came into existence in the course where the characteristics of German music were gradually established. The third chapter is an exploration of the nationalistic idea in German operas of that time and its role in the formation of the tradition of German opera, with the examples of works by Weber and Wagner. The final chapter focuses on the mutual influence between nationalism and the musical life in German in that time, including the rediscovery of works by Bach, the revival of folk songs as well as music festivals, concerts and music education.

  • 【分类号】J609.516
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1044

