

Research on Operation Performance and Security Support Technology of Oil Field Data Center(OFDC)

【作者】 刘茂诚

【导师】 刘展;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质资源与地质工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 油田数据中心(Oil Field Data Center,简称OFDC)是数字油田的运行主体,它囊括了油田企业围绕数据开展的主营业务在OFDC上线运行后,勘探开发日常业务从数据采集数据组织到开发应用实现了源点唯一化板块集成化业务流程化和平台标准化,这种绑架型的运行模式,对OFDC的运行质量和安全提出了新的挑战,迫切需要在运行效率高可用性高可靠性高安全性等方面,对这项涉及多学科集技术与管理于一体的综合性课题进行前瞻性研究,提出应对策略参阅国内外大型信息系统运行保障技术的有关资料,分析影响OFDC性能和安全的主要因素,利用先进技术和成熟的经验,对OFDC工作结构查询优化技术数据组织数据迁移访问机制负载建模数据备份业务连续性运行评价等问题进行了探索,将影响OFDC正常运行的各种因素由传统的预防型转变到预测型,由定性转变为定量,目的是实现OFDC从数据集成到应用集成的高效安全运行1.OFDC工作结构设计:根据油田各专业应用需求特点和未来的发展方向,设计OFDC工作结构以整合利用既有资源为前提,制定优化和扩充方案2.OFDC用户访问机制的建立:通过建立统一的OFDC用户认证平台和访问机制,对OFDC的用户角色按粗粒度和细粒度等策略进行定义,实现访问目标的精细化,同时作为OFDC的统一安全管理平台3.计算和查询优化技术:通过过程代理的应用,解决OFDC的计算与访问过程的效率问题,减少重复的计算过借助于数据空间理论,实现多路径查询和智能多重结果输出以大数据体的传输存储和查询为例,对优化方法进行验证4.OFDC的网络环境性能测试:针对OFDC运行的网络环境,应用网络基础理论与方法进行可用带宽和延迟测试,获得个性化的测试结果,作为网络优化和决策的基础5.OFDC的运行过程分析:建立OFDC运行过程的可视化监控环境,进行性能与安全方面的量化分析首先以OFDC视作一个运行主体进行量化建模,然后利用递归方式分解到各功能模块,由各功能模块进行耦合生成决策结果通过负载临界值分析,倒推出了网络与服务器资源的优化配置方案通过分析访问与负载之间的耦合关系,解决勘探开发大型软件共享中的资源争用与均衡问题6.远程数据备份:通过对OFDC数据远程备份系统策略研究,分析数据备份任务对OFDC运行性能的影响,提出备份任务热插拔技术和实现方法,解决性能和安全的平衡问题7.业务连续性与运行评价:提出OFDC业务连续性保障系统解决方案通过构建运行函数,建立运行量和运行率等模型,对OFDC运行质量进行量化描述8.云服务在OFDC中的应用:将云服务用于OFDC的存储计算查询和业务连续性建设应用中,建立复杂网络环境下的业务连续性多环路高稳定性的数据传输模型以云为粘合剂,进行虚拟化逻辑化等功能设计,使分布式的OFDC运行结构浑然一体通过简约化,降低OFDC的管理难度和建设成本,同时提高资源利用率和易扩展性

【Abstract】 Oil Field Data Center (OFDC)is the running entity of the Digital Oilfield , which comprises the main businesses of oil field enterprises about data. The core businesses of oil field firmly rely on the OFDC and the strong dependence poses the challenge to the operational quality and security of OFDC. As a multidisciplinary and comprehensive subject including both technology and management, it is extremely urgent to do the research on the operation efficiency, high availability, high reliability and high security of the OFDC and raise the tactics to the problems.Through consulting the materials about the running protect technology of information system from home and abroad, this paper would borrow the mature experience and advanced technology, analyze the main factors which influence the performance and security. And it put the emphasis on the work structure of OFDC, access mechanism of OFDC, data warehouse and query optimization technique, system load modeling, remote data backup strategy, business continuity,and finally gave the operating quality evaluation model of OFDC.1. OFDC work structure design: According to the demand characteristics of all fields in oilfield and the development direction of future, we design the work structure of OFDC. On the basis of integrating and using the existing resource, make the prioritization scheme and expansion scheme.2. Establishment of OFDC user access mechanisms: Through the unified user authentication platform of oilfield, we build the access mechanisms of OFDC in order to manage the access and permissions of OFDC. As a result, we can make the access target meticulous.3. Computation and Query optimization technology: Through proxy access and other technologies, we solve the efficiency problem of OFDC computation and access process and reduce the double counting. Using the concept of data space, we propose the implementation methods of multi-path query and the output of intelligent results, and focus on the research about the transmission, storage and query of large data volume.4. The test of network performance on OFDC: According to the network environment, we can do the delay test and quantify the efficiency of data transmission precisely. At the same time, we can get the personal testing result.5. The analysis of running process of OFDC: We firstly build the load model according to all functional modules, then abstract the OFDC as a single host, and finally develop the load model by the coupling of the sub-function modules. In practice, the load will be broken down to each operating part according to a recursive way. Through analyzing the critical value of load, we get the optimizing configuration proposal of network and server resources. Through analyzing the coupling relationship between access and load, we can solve the resource contention problems of large type of software of exploration and development in share.6. Remote data backup:Establish the OFDC data remote backup system, analyze the impact of data backup tasks on the overall operating performance of OFDC, propose an implement method of hot-swappable backup tasks and solve the unification problem between performance and security.7. Business continuity and operational evaluation: A solution of OFDC business continuity security system was proposed. By means of constructing analytical models such as running function, we can quantify the quality of the OFDC operation.8. Cloud services for OFDC building: Using the cloud service for the storage, computation, query and business continuity building of the OFDC, we can establish the data transfer model of business continuity, multi-loop, high stability in a complex network environment. Using cloud as a binder, we can make the distributed network become seamless via virtualization, logical technology and so on. We can reduce the management difficulties, improve operation quality and safety of OFDC via generalization.


