

Research on Evaluation System of Coal Construction Project from the Perspective of Scientific Development Concept

【作者】 石晓波

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 工程管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 目前煤炭建设项目所引起的资源、环境、社会等方面的一系列问题,使煤炭生产带来的压力越来越大,给社会经济发展留下了隐患。但是,传统的煤炭建设项目评价体系无法有效应对这些问题,因此,急需建立基于科学发展观的煤炭建设项目评价体系,以科学评价、指导煤炭建设项目的发展实施,实现资源、环境、经济和社会的可持续发展。论文在对煤炭建设项目评价的概念与内涵进行界定的基础上,揭示了科学发展观与系统思想和理论之间的深刻联系,认为应当采用系统思想和理论来研究煤炭建设项目科学发展综合评价问题,建立了基于科学发展观的煤炭建设项目综合评价理论框架。论文引入生态学理论,煤炭建设项目系统是由人与自然组成的复合生态系统,提出了基于共生理论的煤炭建设项目科学发展体系;利用耗散结构、协同学、分叉理论等复杂系统理论对煤炭建设项目进行系统分析,提出了煤炭建设项目科学发展熵以及科学发展度的概念,用于煤炭建设项目科学发展水平的度量和评价;提出煤炭建设项目科学发展系统的序参量是“煤炭建设项目科学发展系统的价值”,构建驱动煤炭建设项目系统有序发展的熵流模型,得出煤炭建设项目科学发展系统的演化路径。利用系统动力学理论方法构建了煤炭建设项目科学发展系统的影响机理模型,研究系统的影响反馈机理,分别分析了煤炭建设项目资源承载能力机理、环境容量机理、经济发展机理和社会发展机理,对煤炭项目科学发展水平的冲击效应进行了仿真研究,得出煤炭建设项目科学发展水平机理:项目科学发展水平的四个因子层的影响因素的耦合效应是导致煤炭项目科学发展水平不断变化的原因。系统研究了煤炭建设项目对环境的污染影响和对生态环境的破坏,提出煤炭建设项目拓展生命周期的概念和模型,将煤炭建设项目的全过程可以划分为前期阶段、建设阶段、运营阶段、关闭阶段、闭矿后生态恢复阶段(或称为寿命延展期阶段)。在煤炭的可持续开发利用过程中应当考虑科学发展成本,对煤炭建设项目造成的生态影响和人体健康影响进行分析评价,得出煤炭建设项目生命周期环境评价计算模型,提炼出基于PSR模型的煤炭建设项目环境影响评价指标体系。把环境经济损益分析和环境外部性成本内部化引入到煤炭建设项目评价,建议应将煤炭建设项目的负外部性影响尽可能内部化,提出在矿井设计生产能力的计算公式中加入环境生态平衡系数,煤炭建设项目的全寿命周期成本(LCC)应当由经济成本、环境成本和社会成本组成,改进了煤炭建设项目的经济评价模型。建立了煤炭建设项目科学发展评价递阶层次结构体系模型和科学发展评价指标,详细说明了煤炭建设项目科学发展评价指标的含义、计算方法和评价标准。煤炭建设项目科学发展程度分为科学发展、初级科学发展、传统发展向科学发展过渡、传统发展四个等级,给出了煤炭建设项目科学发展的综合评价理论与方法。

【Abstract】 The coal production has brought about an increasing pressure derived from the present conventional coal construction project (CCP for short) that has fostered a series of problems upon the resource, environment and society, and will undermine the prospective social and economic development, while the assessment system of the conventional CCP cannot handle the problems effectively. Thus, it is of urgency to establish a new assessment system of rational development for the CCP to evaluate and instruct in a scientific way the implement of the CCP to achieve a sustainable development in resources, environment, economy and human progress. This thesis, on the basis of the definition and connotation of CCP, first introduced the theory of the scientific outlook on development, revealed the profound relationship between the scientific concept of development and the theory of system ideology, which, applied to the assessment of CCP, established the frame of the theory of integrative evaluation on it rationally.And, by applying the theory of ecology, pointed out that the system of the CCP would be like a compound ecological system made up of man and nature, from which the author proposed the development system of CCP by Symbiosis Theory; From the analyses upon CCP by such complex theories like Dissipative Structure, Synergetics, Bifurcation Theory was put forward the conceptions of development entropy and degree in a scientific way, and was measured and evaluated of the CCP development level.The term order parameter of the rational development system of the CCP was proposed as the“system value of the rational development of CCP”, from which Entropy Flow Model was constructed to drive the system of CCP into order progress and probe its evolution route.The Dynamical Model made for the development system of CCP of System Dynamics was to study the system’s feedback mechanism and that respectively of resource carrying capacity, environment capacity, economic development and social progress and simulate the impact effect on the development level of CCP, thus getting the rational development mechanism, that is, the coupling effect from the four factor layers resulted in the changes within the rational development of CCP.After a full systematic study of the pollution of CCP against environment and of the violation against ecology, the author advanced the conception of life circle development and model, in which CCP course involved beginning stage, constructing stage, running stage, closing stage and ecologically recovering stage (or life circle extending stage). Considerations were taken into of rational development cost, analysis and evaluation of the effects on people’s health and ecology from CCP during the course of the sustainable development, and had the calculation model of the environment evaluation of CCP life circle, resulting in the environmental index system of CCP based on PSR model.By introducing the profit and loss statement analysis on environmental economy and internalizing environmentally external cost into CCP evaluation, proposals were made to internalize negative-external impact and to add ecological-balance coefficient to the calculation formula of the designed-mining producing capacity. Thus, the whole life circle cost(LCC) of CCP included the costs of economy, environment and society and this changed the economic evaluation model of CCP.The establishment of the hierarchically structural system model of rational development evaluation and rational development evaluation index of CCP, the illustration of the connotation, calculation method, evaluation criterion of rational development evaluation index, were well demonstrated. The rational development stages of CCP involved the four below: rational development, preliminarily rational development, transition from conventional to rational development, and conventional development, which, in this paper, offered a comprehensive evaluation theory and method concerning CCP and its rational development.


