

Study on Mobile Mechanisms for Rescue Robots in Underground Coal Mine

【作者】 李允旺

【导师】 葛世荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 研发能替代或部分替代救护人员进入矿井灾区进行环境探测和搜救任务的煤矿救灾机器人,可提高救援效率,减少伤亡。因此,开展煤矿救灾机器人的研究对煤矿安全生产、灾害救护具有重大的现实意义与社会意义。煤矿井下灾后尤其是瓦斯煤尘爆炸事故后,井下空间受限的非结构化地形环境要求煤矿救灾机器人具有良好的越障性能,爆炸性气体环境要求救灾机器人具有防爆性能。使机器人顺利地进入矿井灾区是机器人救灾的首要任务,行走机构研究亦是煤矿救灾机器人技术研究的首要任务、重点与难点。本论文开展了对煤矿救灾机器人行走机构的研究工作。本文首先探讨了机器人进行救援或辅助救援的应用策略与应具备的功能,确定了其需要到达的井下巷道与区域,进而对需克服的非结构化地形环境进行研究,对其特征进行并提取与和简化地形特征,据此,提出了煤矿救灾机器人机械系统的性能要求与指标。采用分形插值与三次样条插值运算的方法模拟了三维真实地形,为机器人虚拟样机提供了试验场地,有利于其机械系统的动力学仿真与优化。在实验室内建设了参数可调的地形模拟试验架,包括沟道模拟试验架、起伏地形模拟试验架和台阶斜坡——组合试验架,与Optotrak Certus三维姿态捕捉系统共同组建了机器人机械性能试验平台,可以为用于机器人样机进行机械性能的综合测试与评价。为研究适合煤矿井下地形环境的机器人行走机构,建立了轮式、履带式行走机构的图示与命名规则,对履带式和轮式行走机构进行了推衍与图形拓扑,得出轮式与履带式行走机构的基本构型。并将履带行走机构引入摇杆式四轮机器人悬架中,推衍出了摇杆式履带行走机构的基本构型。为下一步研究的适应煤矿井下地形的机器人行走机构构型的研究做好准备。为了探讨履带式行走机构在煤矿救灾机器人上的应用,根据推衍出的基本构型,分别对双履带式(T型)、四履带双摆臂式(TA型)、六履带四摆臂式(T2A型)行走机构的动力学、运动学及其克服台阶、斜坡、沟道的越障机理与运动特性进行了分析研究。针对这对这三种构型设计、制作研制了五台样机,利用实验室的试验平台与室外地形环境,对样机的越障性能进行了测试与试验。并分析了光纤的释放对放缆通讯机器人质心位置与越障性能的影响。采用四履带双摆臂式行走机构设计了CUMT-IIA和CUMT-IIB型两款煤矿救灾机器人,分别采用中继通讯与光纤通讯,在徐州矿务局夹河煤矿矿井下进行了现场的性能测试。研究与试验表明:(1)履带式行走机构具有良好的克服台阶、沟道等规则地形的性能;(2)双履带式行走机构需具有足够大的外形尺寸,才能满足煤矿井下越障指标;(3)采用摆臂履带式行走机构的小型机器人具有机动灵活的运动特点,能够适应煤矿井下普通的地形环境,克服典型障碍;(4)小型履带式行走机构底盘低,在复杂地形上运行会出现卡阻现象,履带易进砂石异物,影响运转,很难克服杂乱、坎坷的复杂地形。为探讨适应井下复杂起伏地形的行走机构,弥补小型履带式行走机构的不足,对摇杆轮式机器人进行了研究。在机器人行走机构的推衍的基础上,探讨了摇杆式四轮机器人移动系统的组成与结构,研究了摇杆机器人差动机构的作用、特征与形式,提出了6种齿轮式差动机构,并进行了特点分析。对机器人虚拟样机进行了地形模型上的计算机仿真,对机器人样机试验进行了复杂实际地形的越障试验。仿真与试验表明,该机器人具有较好的被动适应不平整地形的性能和较强的越障能力,但摇杆式轮式机器人存在以下缺点:(1)跨越沟道的宽度受到轮径的制约;(2)四轮机器人很难攀爬连续台阶。结合了履带式行走机构与摇杆式四轮行走机构的优点,克服了两者的缺点,将履带式行走机构引入到摇杆式四轮行走机构中,形成了摇杆式履带行走机构。根据煤矿井下非结构化地形环境与爆炸性气体环境对机器人越障性能、结构的要求,选择了两种W形履带悬架作为研究对象:其一,采用一条履带利用改向轮改向形成W形构型(d5机构);其二,使用两条同步转动的履带的非对称W形履带机构(d7机构)。分析了W形其行走机构(车轮)——地面力学、差分驱动的运动与动力学模型。选用d5机构与NGWW型行星齿轮式差动机构设计并加工研制了机器人简易样机,文中分析其运动特性,并在机器人机械性能试验平台上进行了测试以及,在野外进行了复杂地形的越障试验。试验表明,该型机器人既具有履带式行走机构易克服规则地形的特点,又具有摇杆轮式机器人适应不平整地形的特点,但机器人履带下方的改向轮结构影响了机器人的越障性能。在此研究的基础上,采用d7机构和连杆式差动机构,设计研制了机器人样机,并采用有限元法对机器人的隔爆箱体和履带悬架进行了强度分析校验。分析了该型机器人的运动特性,利用机器人机械性能测试平台对其进行了性能测试,并在室外台阶地形、野外复杂地形进行了越障试验。性能分析与样机试验表明,该型摇杆式轮履结合机器人移动平台克服了d5机构构型存在的缺陷,具有良好被动地适应复杂的非结构环境的良好的自适应能力与越障性能,可攀爬320mm高台阶,下520mm高的台阶,攀爬高150mm、跨度为280mm的连续台阶,跨越490mm宽沟道,可满足井下地形环境对机器人运动性能的要求。最后,利用Optotrak Certus三维运动捕捉系统对机器人移动、越障时的三维坐标进行测量,获得了机器人运动过程中,机器人上各构件和特征点的位移、速度与加速度曲线。试验表明,机器人在克服障碍时,主车体的运动幅度及振动情况要小于机器人履带悬架,从而验证了机器人运行平稳的特点。

【Abstract】 After coal mine disaster, rescue robots instead of the rescuers completely or partly enter into the mine disaster area to carry out environment exploring, searching and rescuing tasks, which are helpful to improve rescue efficiency and decrease casualties, and it’s grateful for realistic significance and social significance. After disaster, especially the gas and coal dust explosion accidence, the space-restricted, unstructured underground terrain environment and explosive gas atmosphere require coal mine rescue robots with good surmounting obstacle performance and explosion-proof property. The most important task of the rescue robot is access to the mine disaster area smoothly. Besides research on the mobile mechanisms of the coal mine rescue robot are principal, crucial and difficult, so the mobile mechanisms for the coal mine rescue robots was studied in this dissertation.In this dissertation, the application and necessary function of coal mine rescue robots were discussed primarily. Underground roadway and regions where the robots would reach were determined. Unstructured terrain environments which the robots would overcome were studied, and the terrain features were extracted and simplified. According to above reasons, performance requirements and indexes of coal mine rescue robots were presented. The 3D real terrain was simulated by using operational methods of fractal interpolation and cubic spline interpolation, which could supply the experiment field for the robot virtual prototype, and beneficial for dynamic simulation and optimization of mechanisms. In the lab, some adjusted mechanism test platforms, including ditch simulation test platform, rugged terrain simulation test platform and step-slope combination simulation test platform were developed. These platforms combined with the motion capture system could be used to test and evaluate mechanism performance of the robot prototypes comprehensively.For studying on the robot mobile mechanisms which were suitable for the underground mine terrain environments, graphical representation and naming rules of the wheel type and track type mobile mechanism were suggested. The mechanism deductions and graph topology of the wheel and track type mechanisms were carried out, and the basic configurations were deducted. The tracks were introduced into the rocker-type robot mobile system, and then various configurations of the rocker-type track suspensions were obtained. This would prepare for studying on robot mobile mechanisms which were suitable for the underground mine terrain environments.For discussing the application of the track type mobile mechanism, according to the basis track type configurations, dynamics and kinetics of two tracks type (T type), four tracks with two arms type (TA type) and six tracks with four arms type (T2A type) were studied, and their performance and best capabilities of surmounting obstacles, including step and slope-climbing, channel-crossing were analyzed. Five prototypes were developed by using three mechanisms configurations. Adopting the TA type mechanism, CUMT-IIA and CUMT-IIB coal mine rescue robots were designed, which employed the relay communication and fiber communication respectively. The mechanical performance tests were carried out on the test platform and rough terrain. In JIAHE coal mine of XUZHOU coal mining bureau tested the CUMT-IIA and CUMT-IIB robots.Research and tests results were obtained. First, Track type mobile mechanism had good overcoming structured terrain such as steps and ditches. Second, it needed enough large external dimensions to meet the obstacle-surmounting index. Third, small-sized track type mechanism would be jammed on the rough terrain, because of its low chassis, and the robot would not run if the sand and little stone entered into the tracks.In order to explore the mobile mechanisms those satisfy the complex mine rugged terrain, and compensate for the mobile mechanism of small size track, the rocker wheel type robot was studied. Based on the evolution of robot mobile mechanism, the components of rocker type four-wheel robot mobile mechanism were developed, and differential mechanism styles including six gear-type differential mechanisms were implemented. The experiment on terrain adaptability and surmounting obstacle performance of the robot prototype were carried out. Experiments results indicated that the prototype had good terrain adaptability and strong obstacle surmounting performance. However, the shortcomings of the rocker type wheel robots were as follows. First, the ditches width that the robot could cross was restricted by the wheels diameter. Second, the performance of stair-climbing was not well.Combining the advantages of track type and rocker type four wheels mobile mechanisms, surmounting their deficiencies, the tracks instead of wheels were introduced into rocker-type robot mobile system, and then various configurations of rocker-type track suspensions were obtained. According to the performance and structure requirements to the terrain environment and area environment after disaster, two W-shaped track suspensions were selected as study objects. The first one(d5 mechanism) adopted a whole track limited into W shape by using bend wheels. The second one(d7 mechanism) composed of two tracks, which formed W shape and rotated together, and the rear main tracks of the W-shaped tracks were longer than the front ones. The mobile mechanism-terrain mechanics, kinematics and dynamics of differential drive were analyzed.The rocker type track robot prototype was designed and developed by using d5 mobile mechanism and NGWW type planetary gear differential mechanism. The motion characteristics were analyzed, and the mechanical performance tests were carried out on the test platform and rough terrain in field. Experiment results indicated that the rocker-type track mobile platform had good passive adaptability to unstructured terrain environment and strong obstacles-surmounting capabilities; but the bend wheel structure influenced the obstacles-surmounting performance.On the basis of above research, the robot prototype was made by using d7 mechanism and link type differential mechanism. And the strength check of flameproof enclosure and track suspension were carried out. The prototype’s obstacles-surmounting capabilities including ditch-crossing, step and stairs-climbing were analyzed. Mechanical performance tests were carried out on the test platform and on the rough terrain in field. The capability analysis and prototype test results indicated that d7 mechanism overcame the shortcoming of d5 mechanism. The rocker-type W-shaped track mobile platform had excellent passive adaptability to unstructured terrain environment and strong obstacles-surmounting capability. The prototype could climb up a 320mm-high step, climb down a 520mm-high step, climb up a flight of 150mm×280mm stairs, cross a 490mm-wide ditch. The rocker-type W-shaped track mobile platform met obstacles-surmounting performance requirements to the unstructured terrain environment.At last, when the robot moving and surmounting obstacles, the 3D coordinate of the feature points on the robot platform were measured by using motion capture system. And the displacement, velocity and acceleration and their curves of the feature points and parts could be obtained. Tests results proved that the main body had lower motion amplitude and smaller vibration than the track suspensions on both side, and the robot could be operated smoothly and steadily.


