

Parameter Coupling Mechanism of Timeliness Slope and Dragline Stripping Based on Casting Blast in Surface Coal Mines

【作者】 周伟

【导师】 才庆祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大型现代化露天煤矿的生产,既是在地壳实体上构造空间,又是在空间上构造矿山实体的复杂过程,揭露煤层需要进行大规模的爆破剥离,不可避免地形成了采场工作帮、非工作帮、端帮、排土场高陡边坡、相应的采场工作帮、端帮高陡边坡形成、几何参数、服务状态等是一个动态变化过程。论文综合运用露天采矿学原理、可靠性理论、防灾减灾学理论与矿山岩体力学方法,通过调查研究、实验室研究、理论分析、数值模拟和现场工程实践,建立了露天煤矿边坡三维潜在滑动面稳定性分析方法,创建了棱柱体和圆柱体三维滑坡模型,分析了边坡暴露长度与稳定性之间的关系;基于露天煤矿端帮高陡边坡特点,建立了露天煤矿非对称地应力卸载拱墙模型,分析了边坡各层岩体变形的协同性,结合弱层蠕变老化理论,给出了露天煤矿边坡失稳的判断准则,揭示了露天煤矿高陡边坡稳定性分析的露天采矿学基本原理;基于露天煤矿采场高陡倒堆边坡的三维展布特点,建立了采矿工艺极限推进度数学模型,揭示了露天煤矿采场采动过程中边坡力学变化规律,提出了后冲能量的衰减方程矩阵;根据弹道理论,得到了抛掷爆破的最优抛掷角度,通过建立露天煤矿抛掷爆破有效抛掷率有限元模型和抛掷爆破参数反演模型,进行了有效抛掷率的预测;针对拉斗铲倒堆工艺开采的特殊性,将拉斗铲倒堆剥离、坑底存煤和半连续采煤环节看作一个系统,根据露天矿的采煤强度要求,利用拉斗铲维修时间分布规律,得到坑底的最小存煤量计算公式,建立了系统可靠性模型,分析出系统所处的5种状态以及其相互转化的规律,得到转移矩阵和有效度;创建了拉斗铲倒堆中间沟运输方式下破碎站和运煤通道移设步距的数学模型,得到了矿山煤仓合理存储容量;建立了拉斗铲服务水平数学模型,得出了拉斗铲服务水平和年计划生产能力、拉斗铲的作业时间和煤层厚度变化的关系;提出了限制工艺与非限制工艺的概念,实现了拉斗铲作业参数动态调整。通过黑岱沟露天煤矿的实例研究验证了研究内容、方法和结果的正确性和有效性,对于丰富和发展露天开采理论与实际应用具有重要意义。该论文有图101幅,表13个,参考文献110篇。

【Abstract】 Production of large open pits is not only space construction in crust entity, but also a complex process to construct mine entity spatially. Mining exploitation requires large scale blasting and stripping,which inevitably forms pit working slope, pit non-working slope, pit end slope, and high-steep slope of dumping area. The pit working slope, formation of end high-steep slope, geometrical parameters and service state are a dynamic variation process.This dissertation comprehensively applies surface mining theories, reliability theories, disaster prevention and reduction theories, as well as approaches of mining rock mass mechanics. Stability analysis methods of three-dimensional and potential sliding plane on surface mine slope have been established, through investigation researches, laboratory researches, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and spot engineering practice. Models of three-dimensional slope sliding for prism and cylinder have been created. Relationship between slope exposure length and stability has been analyzed. Based on high-steep slope characteristics of surface mine end wall, model of asymmetrical ground stress unloading arch wall in surface mine has been built, and deformational cooperativity of rock strata is analyzed. Combined with theory of creeping and aging in weak layer, instability estimation criterion of surface mine slope has been developed, which reveals surface mining basic principles in stability analysis of surface mine high-steep slope. Based on three-dimensional construction characteristics of high-steep stripping slope in surface mine working area, mathematical model of utmost advancing speed in mining system has been put forward. Mechanical variation law in mining slope of surface mine working area has been revealed. Attenuation equation matrix of impulsive energy has been brought about. According to ballistic theory, the optimal casting angle has been calculated. Through establishment of the finite element model in surface mine efficient casting and parameter inversion model of casting blast, this dissertation conducts prediction of efficient casting rate. Aiming at the particularity of dragline stripping technology, the dragline stripping system, the recovery coal reserves and semi-continuous mining coal system are regarded as one system. According to the demand of mining intensity and utilization of dragline repair time distribution, calculation formula of the minimum coal reserves volume is obtained, reliability model of the system is built, five states of the system and the their transformation with each other are developed. Besides, transfer matrix and availability are also found. The shifting distance models of crusher station and coal haulage in middle channel transportation mode under dragline stripping system are built and stockpile volume is obtained. Mathematical model of dragline service level is founded to develop the relationship between dragline service level and annual planned productivity, as well as the relationship between dragline operation time and thickness variation of coal seam. The concepts of limit system and non-limit system are put forward to realize dynamic adjustment of dragline operation parameters. According to the example analyses on Hei Daigou Surface Mine, this dissertation verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the research topic, research methodology and research results, which provides great significance for enrichment and development of surface mining theories and practical application.There are 101 figures, 13 tables and 110 references.


