

Theory and Its Application on Process Control of Coal Mine Gas Control

【作者】 侯少杰

【导师】 程远平;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现阶段,煤矿瓦斯治理技术的理论与应用研究得到了快速的发展,但重特大瓦斯事故仍旧频繁发生,伤亡人数居高不下,这与瓦斯治理过程的控制、管理方面的不足有着密切的关系。针对这一问题,本文提出并深入研究了瓦斯治理过程控制理论,其研究成果对于实现瓦斯治理过程的规范化和程序化,保障煤与瓦斯突出矿井的安全生产和煤矿的可持续发展具有重要的意义。主要研究成果包括如下五个方面:1)提出了煤矿瓦斯治理过程及其控制的概念,分析了它们的内涵和特点,并据此建立了瓦斯治理过程控制理论的体系结构,明确了瓦斯治理过程控制这一研究方向。该理论的体系结构包括瓦斯治理过程模型、过程特征参数、过程控制方法和支撑系统四个组成部分,它们自底向上逐渐深入和综合,是金字塔式的层次结构。2)通过对常用瓦斯治理技术方法及其工程应用的分析,结合相关标准的规定,采用流程图的形式建立了瓦斯治理过程模型。在工程应用中,不同的地质构造、煤层赋存、瓦斯赋存等环境导致瓦斯治理过程系统实例也不同。为了满足过程实例多样性的需要,过程模型的建立分为总过程模型和子过程模型。其中,总过程模型是一个框架,一个子过程模型则对应一种瓦斯治理技术,它们的组合构成过程系统实例。3)基于工程应用的现场调研,获得了瓦斯治理过程的特征参数。通过分析这些特征参数的含义、来源和产生频率,将它们划分为初始化参数、动态参数和节点参数。由于特征参数具有多元性,相互关联,本文采用特征参数之间映射关系分析的方法确定了主元参数;由于瓦斯治理过程在时空上的连续性,瓦斯抽采和排放过程的特征参数具有自相关性,本文采用时间序列分析的方法,建立其自相关回归模型,研究了通过残差来消除相关性的方法。4)在瓦斯治理过程控制方法的研究中,设计了过程特征参数的采集方案,研究了瓦斯治理工程施工参数跟踪控制方法、瓦斯抽采和排放参数跟踪控制方法。前者通过单值控制图和极差控制图相结合实现,后者则通过单值控制图、残差单值控制图和残差移动极差控制图相结合实现。另外,还提出了行为集、目标集、结论集和判断函数相结合的节点控制原理,分析和设计了区域突出危险性预测、瓦斯治理工程设计方案审核、施工质量验收、区域瓦斯治理效果检验和安全采掘条件审核五种类型的节点控制方法。5)综合瓦斯治理过程和控制方法的理论研究,研发了其支撑软件系统,设计和实现了支撑系统中关键技术问题的解决方案,并在淮北矿业集团祁南煤矿713工作面进行应用,建立了试验区的瓦斯治理过程系统实例,即“区域突出危险性预测→五种方案设计→设计方案审核→713底板岩巷穿层钻孔施工→施工质量验收→穿层钻孔抽采煤巷条带瓦斯→区域瓦斯治理效果检验(穿层钻孔抽采)→石门揭煤→安全掘进条件审核→713煤巷掘进→顺层钻孔施工→施工质量验收→顺层钻孔抽采回采区域瓦斯→区域瓦斯治理效果检验(顺层钻孔抽采)→安全开采条件审核→工作面回采”。结果表明,支撑系统使得瓦斯治理过程系统、特征参数和过程跟踪控制与节点控制方法的信息化管理和操作成为可能,初步实现了瓦斯治理过程的规范化和程序化。

【Abstract】 At present, theory of coal mine gas control technology and the research of practical application has obtained fast development, but great gas accidents still happen frequently, with high casualties, and there are closely relationships between process control of coal mine gas control and management deficiencies. To solve this problem, the gas treatment process control theory is put forward and in-depth researched. The research results of the process has the vital significance, for it should make gas control process standardized and programmed, also the security of coal and gas outburst coal mine in production and the sustainable development are ensured. The main conclusions are presented as following five aspects:1) Concept of coal gas control process and its control is proposed in this paper and their characteristics and connotation are analyzed, according to which the system structure of gas treatment process control theory is established and the research direction of gas treatment process control is maked clear. The theory of system structure includes four parts, model research on gas control process, research on process characteristic parameters, methods research on the process control, research on its support system. They are hierarchical structure similar to pyramid with bottom up gradually and comprehensiveness.2) Based on the analysis of common gas control technology and engineering applications, incorprating with the provisions of relevant standard, the model of gas control process is constructed by using the form of flowcharts. During the engineering application, diffrent circumstances of geologic structures, distribution of coal and methane can result in different instances of gas control process system. To satisfy the requitment of instance diversity, the process model have two parts: total process model and subprocess models, in which the total process modle is a frame, and one sub process model corresponds to one gas treatment technology, thus their combination constitute the instance of process system.3) On the basis of site investigation on the engeering practice, the characteristic parameters of the gas control process are obtained. By analysing the meaning, origin and occurrence frequency of the parameters, which are classified as initial parameters, dynamic parameters and node parameters. Because of the diversity and interrelation of the parameters, this paper adopt the method of mapping analsing to determine the principal conponent parameters. Because the parameters of the gas extraction and emission process is autocorrelated due to the time and space continuity of the gas conrol, the paper adopt analysis methods of temporal series to fit the autocorrelation regression model and studied the method of using residual error to elimate the autocorrelation.4) In the studying on the control methods of gas control process, the collection plan of the process parameters is designed, the tracking control methods of the construction parameters and gas extraction and emission parameters are studied. The former one is realized by the combination of single value control charts and moving range value control charts. And the last one is realized by the combination of the single value control charts, single value control charts and moving range value charts of the residual. Additionaly, this paper also proposed node control principle, which based on the combination of action set, target set, conclusion set and compare-judgment function, analyzed and designed five node control methods including regional outburst prediction node, acceptance of gas control design plan, acceptance of construction quality, acceptance of regional gas control effect and acceptance of coal mining conditions.5) According to theoretical research on gas control process and control methods,developed its support software system,designed and implemented solutions of key problems in the support system. The support software system is applied in 713 working face of Qinan coal mine in Huaibei Mining Group,by which the process system instance of experimental area is established,that is“regional outburst prediction→five gas control design plan→acceptance of gas control design plan→crossing coal seam borehole construction in 713 rock roadway→construction quality acceptance→pre-pumping gas in coal roadway strip by crossing seam boreholes→regional gas control effect test(gas extraction by crossing coal seam borehole)→roadway cutting through coal seam→excavation roadway conditions acceptance→713 coal roadway excavation→along coal seam borehole construction→construction quality acceptance→pre-pumping gas in mining region by along seam boreholes→mining conditions acceptance→working face mining”. The results show that the support system makes the gas control process system, characteristic parameters , process tracking control and node control methods information management and operation as possible,initial implemented the standardized and programmed gas control process.


