

Influential Mechanism of Stress Evolvement on the Instability of Rock Drift and its Control

【作者】 陈加轩

【导师】 许家林;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 底板岩巷是煤矿常见的受采动影响的高应力巷道,这类巷道受采动影响时,特别是动压与软岩或深井等条件复合时,巷道维护问题更为突出。这些问题造成巷道大变形、大地压、难支护,不但支护成本大幅度提高,而且会造成采掘接续困难,严重影响矿井的正常生产。因此,如何解决这类巷道的支护是当今世界地下工程中最复杂的工程技术难题之一,也是地下资源开采中的关键问题之一。皖北矿区任楼煤矿主要开拓和准备巷道不受采动影响时,巷道维护状况良好,但在受到煤层开采的扰动时,反应强烈,不但巷道受影响的超前距离大,而且影响程度也大,巷道的变形和破坏极为严重,一半左右的巷道需经过多次翻修,造成巷道维护困难,严重影响了矿井的正常生产秩序。论文通过对任楼煤矿底板岩巷围岩状况评估、巷道变形破坏状况的现场调查、巷道变形破坏原因分析研究,总结了皖北矿区动压岩石巷道的破坏特征。在前人研究基础上,首次提出了采动敏感型巷道的概念。论文采用现场调查、围岩的物理力学性质测试、数值模拟和相似材料模拟试验等方法对采动敏感型巷道的围岩力学状况、变形特点及变形的力学机理进行了分析研究,提出了支护弱结构的概念。采用弹性理论结合边界元及有限元方法分析了围岩均质条件下可能出现支护弱结构的部位,理论计算结果与现场实测、数值模拟结果相比,较为吻合。巷道围岩支护弱结构的存在,使得巷道围岩变形与破坏呈现非均衡的复杂现象。对巷道围岩来说,支护弱结构一般是引发巷道破坏的关键部位,根据支护弱结构的特点及其控制机理,提出了“支护弱结构部位加强支护”的不均匀控制技术体系。不均匀控制技术体系主要包括巷道掘进的控制爆破技术、高性能锚杆与小孔径预应力短锚索支护系统和围岩注浆加固技术。根据论文的研究成果,结合任楼煤矿中三轨道石门的维护特点,制定了关键部位非均匀加强支护技术方案,有效控制了由于跨采而造成的巷道围岩变形破坏,解决了任楼煤矿开拓和准备岩巷受采动影响时难控制的支护难题,保证了矿井采掘接替的顺利进行,为矿井的安全高效生产和可持续发展提供了有力保障,取得了良好的经济与社会效益。

【Abstract】 Rock drift in floor is a familiar kind of high stress roadway that is affected by coal seam extraction. The maintenance and rebuilding problems will much more outstanding while the roadway is under the condition of dynamic pressure and softrock or deep mine. These problems cause great deformation and great ground pressure. The roadway is very difficult to support and the supporting cost is heightened in a great extent. The normal activity of the mine and the balance of preparation and winning work are also seriously affected. Therefore, how to solve the supporting problems of this kind of roadway is one of the most complicated technological engineering roadblocks in the field of underground engineering around the world nowadays, it is also a key problem for underground resources extraction.The maintenance status of the main development and preparation roadway of Renlou mine in Wanbei mining area were good without mining influence, but the deformation and damage of the roadway were very severely when the roadway was disturbed by coal seam extraction. The fore effect distance and effect extent were so great, which badly affected the roadway. About half length of the roadway needed several times of overhaul and it was very difficult to maintain the roadway. So the normal production sequence of the mine was seriously affected.The paper summarized the failure characteristics of rock drift affected by dynamical pressure in Wanbei mining area through the evaluation of the surrounding rock status, the field investigation of the deformation and damage status, the analysis investigation of the reasons of the roadway’s deformation and damage. Based on the latest research achievement, the concept of mining sensitivity roadway was first put forward in this paper.The analysis investigation on the mechanics status of the surrounding rocks, deformation characteristics, and mechanics mechanism of the deformation of the mining sensitivity roadway was done in the paper by the methods of field investigation, physical mechanics properties test of the surrounding rocks, numerical simulation and equivalent material simulation. Then the concept of supporting weak structure was put forward. The positions where possibly are the supporting weak structures were analyzed by using the theory of elasticity combined with the boundary element and finite element methods in an isotropic surrounding rock condition. The theoretical arithmetic results primarily accord with the results of the field investigation and numerical simulation.The existence of the supporting weak structures make the deformation and damage of the roadway surrounding rocks present heterogeneous and complicated phenomena. For the roadway surrounding rocks, the supporting weak structures are generally the key positions to initiate the damage of the roadway. Based on the features and control mechanism of the weak structure of the supporting, the technology system of non-uniformity control by reinforcement supporting on the supporting weak structures was put forward. The non-uniformity control system mainly includes controlled blasting technology, high performance bolt supporting technology, little bore diameter and short prestress anchor cable supporting system, and surrounding rock grouting reinforcement technology.On the basis of the research achievements of the paper, combined with the maintenance characteristics of Zhongsan track crosscut in Renlou coal mine, the technology schemes of non-uniformity control for key parts were made. The deformation and damage of the roadway surrounding rocks caused by over-the-roadway extraction were effectively controlled, the difficult problems of the development roadway and preparation roadway control in Renlou coal mine were successfully solved the, the normal balance of preparation and winning work was ensured, powerful guarantee for safe and high efficiency production and continuable development of the coal mine were provided, and good economic and social benefits were also obtained.


