

Multi-scale Landscape Spatial Relationship and Changes of Landscape Pattern and Ecological Effect

【作者】 高凯

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 多尺度的景观空间关系及景观时空变化研究是景观生态规划研究的核心内容,对于揭示景观演替的机制与规律,探寻人类活动与生态环境演变之间的关系具有重要意义。本文借助3S技术研究了长江流域和武汉市不同景观幅度下多尺度的景观空间关系、景观格局及生态效应变化。其中,借助GIS平台研究了长江流域宏观尺度下的景观结构特点及其空间自相关特征;在武汉市Landsat TM遥感影像的景观分类制图方法研究的基础上,分析了1987—2007年单一尺度的武汉市中观景观格局指数变化及景观结构的转移变化。分别应用点格局分析的Ripley’s K函数和空隙度分析方法研究了武汉市多尺度景观格局的特征变化和景观结构隔离度特征变化;研究了景观格局与生态支持力的时空耦合关系,并基于生态系统服务价值和空间可达性分析,探讨了提高武汉市城市生态支持力的途径。主要研究结论如下:(1)长江流域的主要景观类型为林地、耕地和草地,三者占流域总面积的90%以上,而水域、城乡建设用地和其它未利用土地等景观类型所占比例较小。各省市之间景观结构差异较大,与一定的空间格局相联系,并形成了景观结构特征不同的4个大的区域。各景观类型比重属性值相似的省市在长江流域全局空间内聚集分布,空间邻接,呈极显著的全局空间正自相关。其中耕地、林地、草地、城乡建设用地和其它未利用土地分布特征的正空间自相关极显著,水域分布特征的空间正自相关显著,但各种景观类型空间分布的重心、格局、空间自相关构成及回归机制不同。各景观类型空间分布的局部空间自相关为高高(H-H)聚集或低低(L-L)聚集,高值为低值所包围或低值为高值所包围的空间孤立点不显著。可见各种景观类型在长江流域的空间分布具有明显的聚集性和区域特征,表现出空间自相关特性。(2)武汉市Landsat TM遥感影像的景观分类制图方法研究结果表明,知识分类法在一定程度上避免“同物异谱”所造成的分类误差,实现较高的分类精度,是高效、可行的遥感影像景观分类方法之一。在实际操作中变量及阈值的确定是遥感影像知识分类的关键步骤。(3)单一尺度的武汉市中观景观格局指数及变化研究发现,武汉市1987—200720年间武汉市水体、耕地和草地的面积大幅度下降,分别减少11.74%、12.27%和57,75%;与此同时,林地和城乡建设用地的面积则大幅增加,分别增加146.45%和187.31%。转移矩阵结果表明,水体的减少部分多数转变为耕地,耕地和草地是林地新增部分的最主要来源,而新增城乡建设用地多由耕地转变而来。同时,伴随快速城市化进程,土地利用综合动态变化加快,土地利用程度增加。1987年—2007年20年间武汉市各景观类型斑块分布范围更加广泛并且形状变得更加不规则,景观破碎化程度加重,景观多样性更加丰富,景观总体趋向多样和均匀。(4)从武汉市多尺度景观格局特征及变化看,耕地是武汉市的景观基质,而林地、水体、草地、城乡建设用地和其它未利用土地等以斑块或者廊道的形式镶嵌其中。基于Ripley’s K函数的武汉市多尺度景观格局特征及变化研究结果表明,林地、水体、草地和城乡建设用地等景观类型在所有研究尺度下均呈现出显著的聚集空间格局,但林地、草地和城乡建设用地的空间聚集性要强于水体。景观基质耕地在小尺度下呈现出聚集的空间格局,随着尺度的增大,逐渐变为随机、均匀的空间格局。1987年至2007年,林地、城乡建设用地等景观类型的面积逐次增大,而水体、草地和耕地等景观类型的面积逐次减少。各景观类型的景观空间格局特征也发生了改变,总体表现为林地和城乡建设用地空间聚集度降低,分布的均匀程度增加;草地、水体及耕地的空间分布变得更加不均匀,聚集程度增加。(5)基于空隙度分析的武汉市各景观类型与其它景观类型的景观结构隔离度特征及变化研究结果表明,武汉市各景观类型的景观隔离度大小依次是草地、城乡建设用地、林地、水体和耕地。耕地呈现一定的随机或均匀的空间格局,景观隔离度较小;水体呈现的空间格局特征与耕地相似,但景观隔离度更高;草地、城乡建设用地和林地呈现一定的空间聚集分布特征,景观隔离度较大;1987—-2007,各景观类型的景观隔离度发生了不同程度的变化。林地和城乡建设用地的景观隔离度不断降低;草地景观类型的景观隔离度在1987年至1996年之间变小,但在1996年至2007年之间急剧变大;水体景观类型的景观隔离度在1987和1996两个年份之间变化不大,而在1996和2007两个年份之间景观隔离度增大;景观基质耕地的空隙度指数20年变化不大,景观隔离度变化不明显。(6)基于生态系统服务价值全局数量角度和空间可达性角度的武汉市景观格局与城市生态支持力的时空耦合关系研究都表明,以城乡建设用地迅猛增加为特征的快速城市化进程剧烈地改变了城市的景观结构,造成了城市生态支持力的快速逐次下降和城市生态基础设施条件的恶化。空间上,城市中心的生态基础设施条件逐渐恶化,而生态基础设施条件较好的区域趋向于城市周边分布。因此,通过武汉市城市森林资源景观生态规划和湿地资源生态旅游规划等,可有效地保护和发展城市生态资源,为武汉市的快速健康发展提供足够的生态支持条件。

【Abstract】 The study of multi-scale landscape spatial relationship and landscape spatio-temporal changes which are key contents of landscape ecological planning is significant to finding out the mechanism and laws of landscape succession and searching the relationship between hunman being activities and ecological environments. Landscape multi-scale spatial relationship and changes of landscape pattern and ecological effect were studied in the scale of Yangtze River Basin and Wuhan city using 3S technology. The landscape structure and its spatial autocorrelation characteristic in Yangtze River Basin were studied using GIS technique firststly. Landscape classification mapping was researched using the method of knowledge decision tree with a case study of Landsat TM images in Wuhan city. On the basis, the changes of landscape metrics and landscape structure transfer were studied in Wuhan city from 1987 to 2007. Then the characteristics and changes of landscape pattern in Wuhan were studied using Ripley’s K function, an important method of point pattern analysis. And the characterictics and changes of landscape structural segregation of different landscape types was studied using lacunarity analysis method in the process of rapid urbanization of Wuhan city. Lastly spatio-temporal coupling between landscape structure and ecological supporting capacity were studied using the theory of ecosystem services value and spatial accessibility. Accordingly means of improving ecological supporting capacity were put forward. Major conclusions of the study were as following.(1) The results showed that forestland, grassland and cropland were the dominating landscape types which accounted for more than 90 percent of the Yangtze River Basin’s total area, while the area of water, urban & rural built-up land and other unused land were extremely small. Different provinces and municipalities in Yangtze River Basin shared sharply different landscape structures characteristic which could be divided into four zones in connection with a certain landscape spatial pattern. The provinces and municipalities with similar occupancy rate concerning all kinds of land use types globally clustered and adjoined in the basin, spatially auto-correlating significantly. But distribution centroid, pattern, spatial autocorrelation structure and regression characteristic were different about different land use types. Local spatial autocorrelation for spatial distribution about all land use types in the basin resulted from H-H clustering or L-L clustering, whereas spatial outlier was negligible. As a whole, the research demonstrated that the spatial distribution of all landscape types were distinctly of attributes of spatial clustering and regionality in the basin.(2) The results of Wuhan TM landscape classification mapping from remote sensing images showed that landscape classification method based on expert knowledge for remote sensing images can avoid the errors that created by the phenomenon of the same objects with different spectrum to some extent, and it could achieve high classification accuracy as an efficient and feasible landscape classification method for remote sensing images. Variables and their threshold value were keys to the classification method based on expert knowledge in the operation.(3) The results of landscape metrics and theie changes study in the middle scale of Wuhan city showed that the area of water, cropland and grassland decreased greatly from 1987 to 2007, shrinking 11.74%,12.27% and 57.75% respectively in the rapid urbanization process of Wuhan city. On the contrary, forestland and urban & rural built-up increased largely, jumping 146.45% and 187.31% respectively. Transfer matrix showed that decreased water was converted to cropland mostly, and cropland and grassland were major origin of additional forestland. In the meantime, landuse use comprehensive dynamics accelerated and land use intensity climbed distinctly. Meantime, all types of patches share a more dispersed distribution and irregular shapes and the whole landscape takes on a more fragmented pattern. Meanwhile, the whole landscape becomes more diversified and even due to similarity of area of different kinds of patches and flourishing land uses.(4) The study of landscape pattern characteristics in Wuhan using Ripley’s K function demonstrated that farmland made up of landscape matrix while water, forestland, grassland, urban & rural built-up land and so forth were patches or corridors, which spatially clumped significantly in all scales under current study. Landscape aggregation of water was inferior to forestland, grassland, urban & rural built-up land. Landscape matrix, farmland, clumped spatially in fine scales but became random or uniform in coarse scales. Meantime, the area of forestland and urban & rural built-up land increased largely while water, grassland and farmland decreased greatly from 1987 to 2007. In addition, the landscape spatial characteristics of all landscape types changed a lot variously. On the whole, landscape aggregation of forestland and urban & rural built-up land decreased and became more uniform. Meanwhile water, grassland and farmland took on a more uneven and clumped landscape pattern.(5) The results of landscape structural segregation study using lacunarity analysis method showed that landscape segregation decreased successively from grassland, urban & rural built-up land, forestland, water and farmland. Landscape matrix, farmland, distributed randomly or uniformly in the whole landscape, sharing minor landscape segregation. Water shared similar landscape spatial pattern characterictic and greater landscape segregation in connection with farmland. Landscape segregation of grassland, urban & rural built-up land and forestland was marked, significantly clumped spatially in the city landscape. Landscape segregation of urban & rural built-up land and forestland decreased gradually from 1987 to 2007. Landscape segregation of grassland decreased from 1987 to 1996 and increased greatly from 1996 to 2007. Landscape segregation of water remained the same from 1987 to 1996 and increased from 1996 to 2007. The results of lacunarity analysis for landscape matrix farmland changed little, so its landscape segregation changed little.(6) The results of changes of ecological effect resulted from landscape pattern changes demonstrated that that ecosystem services couldn’t ecologically sustain and support the rapid urbanization process of Wuhan city from the two aspects of whole amount of ecosystem service value and spatial accessibility respectively. Ecological supporting capacity declined sharply in the city, and ecological infrastructure conditions of the city degenerated distinctly in the past two decades. Spatially, ecological infrastructure conditions of the city’s heart region degraded and regions shared fine ecological background conditions moved to outer suburbs centrifugally. Accordingly more necessary measures, such as landscape ecological planning of urban forest resources and ecological tourism planning of urban wetland resources, should be taken to enhance the provisioning of ecosystem services to our society and maintain the city’s healthy and rapid development.


