

Evaluation on the Ecosystem Services Values of Urban Lake Wetlands

【作者】 王凤珍

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 当前的人类生存环境遭到了前所未有的破坏,人们开始关注生态系统的生态服务功能经济价值,许多关于生态系统服务功能价值进行的定量评估相继展开,研究对象涉及全球、区域、国家、城市的森林、草原、湿地等生态系统。城市湖泊湿地生态系统是城市中的一个具有独特性质的自然资源生态系统,由于所处地理位置的特殊性及其本身所具有的特殊功能,对城市的发展起着十分重要的作用。科学评估城市湖泊湿地的生态服务功能价值,不仅可为建立区域生态账户提供基础数据,还可对制定合理的区域生态保护和经济开发决策、保护和恢复城市湖泊湿地生态系统具有重要意义。被誉为“百湖之市”的武汉市,是国家水利部确定的首批水生态系统保护与修复试点城市之一。由于在长期城市化影响下,武汉市城市湖泊湿地表现出湖泊面积萎缩、水体污染、富营养化、水陆交界面人为干扰严重等问题。近几年来,武汉市政府为改善城区湖泊湿地水质及生态环境,采取了细菌治污、清淤截污、引江济湖、水网连通、生态修复等多种治理和保护城市湖泊湿地的手段,但面对各种类型的众多湖泊及大量治理资金的需求,由于缺乏湖泊生态服务功能价值评价,政府难以决策其治理重点及投资规模。本研究以武汉市中心城区湖泊湿地为研究对象,在探讨城市湖泊湿地的生态服务功能内容及其价值评估的理论和方法,构建城市湖泊湿地的生态服务功能价值评估指标体系的基础上,应用城市生态学、环境经济学、生态经济学等理论和方法,研究不同人为干扰程度下,城市湖泊湿地的直接使用价值、间接使用价值和非使用价值等生态服务功能价值的差异,以期为促进政府加大城市湖泊湿地保护与治理投资力度,并针对不同类型城市湖泊湿地采取相应的保护和开发利用措施提供依据。研究结果如下:(1)城市湖泊湿地资源直接使用价值的价值量大小与人为干扰程度有关。武汉市城市湖泊湿地的物质生产价值、涵养水源价值表现为自然型湖泊>半自然型湖泊>人工型湖泊;休闲旅游价值表现为人工型湖泊>半自然型湖泊>自然型湖泊;年单位面积直接使用价值表现为人工型湖泊(37.06 Yuan·m-2·a-1)>半自然型湖泊(15.85Yuan·m-2·a-1)>自然型湖泊(2.98 Yuan·m-2·a-1)。(2)城市湖泊湿地资源的固碳释氧价值表现为自然型湖泊>半自然型湖泊>人工型湖泊,水质净化价值、均化洪水价值表现为人工型湖泊>半自然型湖泊>自然型湖泊。城市湖泊湿地的间接使用价值价值量大小与城市湖泊湿地的存在及其面积大小有关,武汉市城市湖泊湿地年单位面积间接使用价值相差不大,均在20Yuan·m-2·a-1~23 Yuan·m-2·a-1之间。(3)近90%受访者认为武汉城市湖泊非使用价值很重要,但41.2%受访者对武汉城市湖泊湿地环境质量变化状况不了解,目前人们已认识到湖泊湿地很重要,但还缺乏对城市湖泊状况与问题的实际关心和了解。非使用价值三种成分的重要性程度为存在价值>遗产价值>选择价值,受访者对不同人为干扰程度的城市湖泊湿地非使用价值的支付值呈现出半自然湖泊>自然湖泊>人工湖泊的趋势。受访者年龄、年收入、文化程度对支付意愿有显著影响,而性别、职业、职称对支付意愿无显著影响;受访者年收入、文化程度、职称对支付值有显著影响,而性别、年龄、职业对支付值无显著影响。(4)自然型湖泊严东湖生态服务功能总价值为48940.86x104元.a-1,相当于2008年洪山区财政收入的55.36%。其直接使用价值、间接使用价值、非使用价值分别为2628.80×104元·a-1、17759.26×104元·a-1、28552.80×104元·a-1,表现为非使用价值>间接使用价值>直接使用价值,且非使用价值约是其使用价值的1.40倍;半自然型湖泊东湖生态服务功能总价值为167204.20×元·a-1,相当于2008年武昌区财政收入的1.14倍,相当于2008年洪山区财政收入的1.89倍。直接使用价值、间接使用价值、非使用价值分别为52797.40×104元·a-1、85435.38×104元·a-1、28971.42×104元·a-1,表现为间接使用价值>直接使用价值>非使用价值,且使用价值约是其非使用价值的4.77倍;人工型湖泊紫阳湖生态服务功能总价值为21960.87×104元·a-1,相当于2008年武昌区财政收入的14.97%,相当于2008年洪山区财政收入的24.84%。直接使用价值、间接使用价值、非使用价值分别为787.09×104元·a-1、312.88×104元·a-1、20860.99×104元·a-1,表现为非使用价值>直接使用价值>间接使用价值,且非使用价值约是其使用价值的18.97倍。(5)武汉市中心城区的38个湖泊湿地生态服务功能总价值为1557245.79×104元·a-1,相当于2008年武汉市财政收入的19.69%,相当于2008年洪山区财政收入的17.62倍。直接使用价值、间接使用价值、非使用价值分别为224156.70×104元·a-1、354330.48×104元·a-1、978759.61×104元·a-1,分别占62.85%、22.76%、14.39%。半自然型湖泊贡献率最高,占61.79%,其次为自然湖泊,占22.25%,人工型湖泊最低,占15.96%。(6)全部12个生态服务功能价值的单项指标中,价值量的大小为存在价值>蒸腾吸热价值>遗产价值>休闲旅游价值>选择价值>涵养水源价值>物质生产价值>均化洪水价值>科研教育价值>生物多样性维持价值>固碳释氧价值>水质净化价值。存在价值价值量最大,达到519673.15×104元·a-1,占生态服务功能总价值的33.37%。直接使用价值组分的价值量表现为休闲旅游价值>涵养水源价值>物质生产价值,分别占总直接使用价值的85.33%、8.64%、6.03%。间接使用价值组分的价值量表现为蒸腾吸热价值>均化洪水价值>科研教育价值>生物多样性维持价值>固碳释氧价值>水质净化价值,分别占总价值的93.93%、2.67%、1.82%、1.18%、0.37%、0.04%。非使用价值组分的价值量表现为存在价值>遗产价值>选择价值。

【Abstract】 Currently, human survival environment have been destructed unprecedented, and people began to concern ecosystem services value. Many researches of evaluation on ecosystem services value have been carried out, objects of study concern ecosystems of forest, grassland, wetland of globe, region, nation, and city. Owing to the special location and functions, urban lake wetlands ecosystem is a unique natural resources ecosystem and play very important role in the development of city. Scientific evaluation on ecosystem services values of urban lake wetlands, not only provide the basic data for the establishment of regional ecological accounts, but also make rational regional ecological protection and economic development decision, and protect and recovery urban lake wetlands ecosystem.Acclaimed as "the city of hundred lakes" of Wuhan city is the first water ecosystem protection and restoration city of ministry of water resources. Due to the influence of long-term urbanization, urban lake wetlands in Wuhan are faced serious problems, such as areas reduced, pollution, eutrophication, man-made interference the interface of water and land. Recently, Wuhan municipal government has been taking measures to govern and protect urban lake wetlands. However, confronting the funds requirements of various types of urban lake wetlands, government is difficult to decide the governance keys and the scale investment because of the evaluation on ecological services values.The paper researched into the theory and method of evaluation on ecosystem services values of urban lake wetlands, established the evaluation index system of evaluation on ecosystem services values of urban lake wetlands, and discussed the difference of direct use value, indirect use value, and non-use value of urban lake wetlands in different man-made disturbance. The results showed: (1) The man-made disturbance influence the direct use values of urban lake wetlands. The shown trend of substance production value and water conservation value were natural lake> semi-natural lake>artificial lake, and leisure tourism value was artificial lake> semi-natural lake> natural lake. The shown trend of per unit area of direct use value of urban lake wetlands was artificial lake (37.06 Yuan·m-2·a-1)> semi-natural lake (15.85 Yuan-m-2·a-1)> natural lake (2.98 Yuan·m-2·a-1)(2) The shown trend of carbon fixation and oxygen release value was natural lake> semi-natural lake> artificial lake, and water purification value and flood control value were artificial lake> semi-natural lake> natural lake. The value indirect use of urban lake wetlands has to do with the existence of urban lake wetlands. The difference of indirect use value of per unit area of urban lake wetlands is small, and it was between 20 Yuan·m-2·a-1~23 Yuan·m-2·a-1.(3) 90% of the respondents thought that the non-use value was very important, that 41.2% of the respondents were not aware of the environmental changes of urban lakes in Wuhan, and that the importance of the degree of the three components of non-use values was existence value> heritage value> option value. The mean WTP to difference disturbance of urban lake wetlands the shown trend was semi-natural lake> natural lake> artificial lake. The impact analysis of total samples factors on WTP showed that age, annual income, educational level were correlated remarkably with WTP, while gender, profession, professional title were not. In addition, annual income, education level and professional title were also correlated remarkably with WTP value, however, gender, age, profession also weren’t.(4) The total ecosystem services values of the natural Yandong lake was 48940.86×104 yuan·a-1, which was of 55.36% of the revenue of Hongshan District in 2008. The direct use value, indirect use value, and non-use value was 2628.80×104 yuan·a-1、17759.26×104 yuan·a-1、28552.80·104 yuan·a-1, respectively, the shown trend was non-use value> indirect use value> direct use value, and the non-use value was 1.40 times the use value. The total ecosystem services values of the semi-natural East lake was 167204.20×104 yuan·a-1, which was 1.14 times of the revenue of Wuchang District in 2008, and 1.89 times of the revenue of Hongshan District in 2008. The direct use value, indirect use value, and non-use value was 52797.40×104yuan·a-1,85435.38×104 yuan·a-1, 28971.42×104 yuan·a-1, respectively, the shown trend was indirect use value> direct use value> non-use value, and the use value was 4.77 times the non-use value. The total ecosystem services values of the artificial Ziyang lake was 21960.87x104yuan·a-1, which was of 14.97% of the revenue of Wuchang District in 2008, and 24.84% of the revenue of Hongshan District in 2008. The direct use value, indirect use value, and non-use value was 787.09×104 yuan·a-1,312.88×104 yuan·a-1,20860.99×104 yuan·a-1, respectively, the shown trend was non-use value> direct use value> indirect use value, and the non-use value was 18.97 times the use value.(5) The total ecosystem services values of the 38 urban lake wetlands in Wuhan was 1557245.79×104 yuan·a-1, which was of 19.69% of the revenue of Wuhan city in 2008, and 17.62 times of the revenue of Hongshan District in 2008. The direct use value, indirect use value, and non-use value was 224156.70×104 yuan·a-1,354330.48×104 yuan·a-1,978759.61×104 yuan·a-1, and respectively, the shown trend was indirect use value> direct use value> non-use value, and 62.85%,22.76%,14.39%。The highest contribution rate of the total ecosystem services values of the 38 urban lake wetlands in Wuhan was semi-natural lake, the second was natural lakes, again the artificial lakes.(6) In the 12 evaluation indexes, the sequence was existence value, transpiration endothermic value, heritage value, leisure tourism value, option value, water conservation value, substance production value, flood control value, research and education value, biological diversity maintenance value, carbon fixation and oxygen release value, water purification value. The biggest was existence value, which was 519673.15×104yuan·a-1. The shown trend of direct use value was leisure tourism value> water conservation value > substance production value, the percent was 85.33%,8.64%,6.03%, respectively, the indirect use value was transpiration endothermic value, flood control value, research and education value, biological diversity maintenance value, carbon fixation and oxygen release value, water purification value, the percent was 93.93%,2.67%,1.82%,1.18%, 0.37%,0.04%, respectively, and the non-use value was existence value, heritage value, option value.


