

On the Operation and Legalization of Partner Assistance

【作者】 刘铁

【导师】 马俊驹;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 人口学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 对口支援早就产生,但汶川地震灾后恢复重建的对口支援所取得的显著成效却令人深受鼓舞并充满期待。在汶川地震灾后恢复重建的工地上,我们看到的是一片热火朝天的场面。来自祖国19个省市的对口支援建设者们发出南腔北调的吆喝声,他们把灾区当作第二故乡,他们发明了“5+2”、“白加黑”工作法,他们建设了比自己家乡的还要好的学校、医院并为之而骄傲……。援建者们的到来温暖着灾区人民的心。他们的生活热情鼓舞着灾区人民的信心,他们的辛勤劳作日新月异地改变着灾区的面貌。灾区人民正在和援建者们一起,用智慧和勤劳建设着更加美好的家园。汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援的成功运行,打破了人们的种种疑虑。援建初期,曾有人质问凭什么要别的省市无偿帮助受灾地区恢复重建?援建期间,不少人心存疑虑,追求本地经济利益最大化的地方政府对另一地方的无偿援助能持续多久?然而,对口支援出乎意料的成功不仅打消了人们的疑虑,而且受到社会的持续关注。官员们在探讨如何把它建立为一种以强扶弱的长效机制,商人们在挖掘这样的区域合作所隐藏的巨大商机,学者们则在探索这种对口支援方式成功背后的运行机制及其动力。的确,汶川地震灾后恢复重建的对口支援是怎样运行的?它为什么能够取得这样丰硕的成效?它的运行还存在什么问题?这是人们高兴之余希望明白的问题。探讨这些问题具有重大的理论和现实意义,因为如果我们能够在理论上揭开汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援成功运行的秘密,总结提炼出对口支援运行的一般理论,并据此在实践中让这种成功持续,那么就会提高我们伟大祖国抵抗包括地震、洪水等各种自然灾害的能力。让一些地方先发展起来、然后带动欠发达地方共同发展的“两步走”战略就可能由此找到一条新的、符合实际的路径。团结互助、共克时艰的民族精神就会在支援与合作中得到凝聚和升华。基于此,探索“对口支援为何能成功运行以及如何持续运行”这个问题就成为本文的主要研究任务。对于这个问题,既有研究注重总结对口支援的经验,分析存在的问题并提出相应对策。其中也曾提出对口支援的制度化问题,但却没有进行具体深入的研究。本文拟突破学界对对口支援的总结经验式研究以及对其制度化的浮光掠影式的探讨,拟以汶川地震灾后恢复重建的对口支援为个案,尝试综合运用实证分析、价值分析、规范分析等法学研究方法,对对口支援的运行机制进行考察,并对其法制化提出初步构想。本文力图弄清楚汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援从启动到实施的整个过程及其运行机制,然后从事实中提炼出对口支援的一般理论,据此提出构建相应法律制度的基本思路。围绕“对口支援为何能成功运行以及如何持续运行”这个问题,我们拟分别探讨如下几个具体问题:1、对口支援是如何启动的?2、对口支援是如何运行的?3、对口支援运行规则的法律属性是什么?4、如何将对口支援的运行规则法制化?按照上述设想,本文除了导论和结论以外,共分5章。导论在于提出本文要研究的问题,回顾已有研究状况,指出本文的研究方法和基本思路。第1章回答上述第一个问题,目的在于考察汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援的启动过程及其推动机制。巨大的灾难令灾区难堪重建重负,国家投入在那个特定的时候遇到财政制度的障碍。金融危机冲击、奥运会期临近、灾区稳定压力又对加大灾后恢复重建力度、加快灾后恢复重建进度提出更加紧迫的要求。这是灾后恢复重建的现实背景和制度缺憾。于是,举全国之力、动员一切资源开展灾后恢复重建既是基于现实政治体制下惯常的有效举措,也是中央政府的理性选择。对口支援就成为汶川地震发生后,中央政府在那个特殊的时空背景下的应急之作。中央政府制定具体方案、召开最高级别会议作出专门部署。各对口支援省市高度重视,以超乎常规的迅速行动表现出对中央政府决策部署的坚决拥护和积极响应。可以发现,救助灾区人民的道德合法性和提升灾区发展水平的政治追求是中央政府发动对口支援的原动力。威权政治体制在对口支援中发挥了极大功效。政治动员成为对口支援的直接动力。第2章探讨对口支援是如何运行的,重点分析对口支援运行模式的演变。在政治动员的强大功效下,对口支援省市承担了人力、物力和财力支援的巨大责任。从援建关乎民生的城乡住房、公共服务设施和基础设施,到开展智力支援和产业帮扶等单边支援,对口支援省市的积极作为表明对口支援省市全面准确地执行中央政府的决策。但当受灾地区民生得到基本保障以后,对口支援由单边支援逐渐通过建设产业园区、引进企业入园、扶持特色产业发展等方式走向双向互动的对口合作。伴随运行模式的演变,对口支援在运行机制上由政治动员、行政指令演变为对等协商、市场运行,在行为动机上由无偿支援演变为互利共赢,在行为依据上由行政文件演变为合作协议。这表明地方政府以自身实践,推动对口支援的运行从执行政治任务向履行法律义务的转变。第3章同样探讨对口支援是如何运行的,但重心在于探讨对口支援运行模式演变对中央政府与地方政府关系的影响。对于地方政府在对口支援运行中变通执行中央决策的行为,中央政府由宽容、默认转向支持,使对口合作成为整个对口支援政策的一部分。而且,地方政府开展对口合作的行为方式还促成中央政府部门改变自己的行政方式,主动展开与地方政府的对口合作。部省协议的出现,使中央政府部门对于地方政府的业务指导由行政指令方式转变为对等协商方式。平等协商、互利共赢的行政合作在中央政府部门与地方政府之间悄然展开。第4章追问对口支援运行模式演变后的运行规则的法律属性。本章在梳理行政契约理论的基础上,分析了对口支援中出现的政府之间签订的各种协议。提出对口支援中政府之间签订的各种协议乃是不具有行政法律关系的行政机关之间在自愿基础上,平等协商达成的追求互利共赢利益的协议,所约定的事项超越了有关行政机关的法定职能,是对其法定行政职能以外事项的另行约定,体现了意思自治的私法精神。政府间协议模式的出现开启了政府间契约式协作的时代,表明中央政府与地方政府之间的关系由命令与服从的行政关系演变为既有行政服从、又有对等协商的关系。地方政府之间的关系也由区域竞争关系走向互利合作关系。政府间法律关系的变化,是政府及其部门追求和实现利益的途径,以及在当前市场经济体制特性和政府主导经济发展现状双重因素作用的必然选择,阐释了行政法领域贯注私法精神的现实必要性。第5章探讨对口支援机制如何法制化的问题。在促进东部地区扶持西部地区发展、内地支援少数民族地区发展、引导发达地区与欠发达地区合作,以及深化生态效益补偿等领域,对口支援机制具有宽泛的适用价值。但对口支援在汶川地震灾后恢复重建的成功实践背后,其机制的运行还存在诸如行政指令明显、对口结对不平衡等问题。因此,构建相应的法律制度进行矫正和固化就显得十分必要。本章在从社会学和伦理学角度论证了对口支援的正当性后,遵循汶川地震灾后恢复重建对口支援运行模式演变和运行的规律、及其带来的政府间行为关系的演变,提出了对口支援法律制度的构建应当采用公法和私法交融的方式,即将私法的契约精神和制度引入政府之间的合作协议的协商之中,完善如横向财政转移支付制度、官员激励机制等行政法律制度,使对口支援法制化、常态化等设想。结论部分是对“对口支援为何能成功运行以及如何持续运行”这个问题的总结性回答。通过全文的分析和提炼,笔者最后的结论是,政府间契约式协作机制及其法制化是对口支援能够成功运行以及持续运行的深层次推动力和保障。

【Abstract】 Partner assistance is not a newly-coined expression, whose notable achievements in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake are really inspiring and hopeful.On the post-disaster reconstruction site of WenChuan Earthquake, people there work so hard that they fairly make the sparks fly. With mixed accent of north and south and from nineteen provinces and municipalities, builders regard the disaster-striken area as their second hometown, proud of their masterpieces, better sachools and hospitals etc.than their own back in hometown,which are the direct results of their overtime working ways--- "weekendless working" and "nightless working". Partner assistants warm the hearts of the earthquake victims with their passions for life and the rapid changes with each passing day brought about by their wisdom and perspiration. With the success of partner assistance in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, various doubts begin to disappear. At the very beginning, some people couldn’t understand why other provinces and municipalities should give unpaid assistance to the reconstruction in the disaster-striken area. During the process of reconstruction, many people were worried about whether the unpaid assistance could last for long since local governments, by nature, aim at maximizing their profits. However, the unexpected success of partner assistance in the reconstruction not only helps disperse these doubts but also wins continued social attention:officers attempt to establish the partner assistance as a long-acting system in "the great helping the small"; businessmen try to develop huge business opportunities hidden in the regional cooperation; scholars explore the operational mechanism and its impetus for the success of the partner assistance.Happy with the success of the partner assistance in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, people still want to know:How the above-mentioned partner assistance operates? How come it succeeds? Is there any problem with its operation? Answers to these questions are of great theoretical and realistic significance, because if we can theoretically uncover the secrets of the successful operation of the partner assistance in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, if we can extract the general theories in its operation and if we, based on our exploration, can extend this success in practice, we will fortify ourselves against all kinds of natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, etc. In doing so, we can find a new and practical path for the "two steps" strategy, first of develpoment of some areas, then of mutual development with some underdeveloped areas being helped by developed areas. In the support and cooperation, the national spirit of unity and mutual aid and passing difficult times together will gradually come into being and become stronger and stronger. Therefore, the main task for this dissertation is to explore why the partner assistance operates successfully in this case and how to carry it on in future.The previous research focused on experience summarization and problem exploration of partner assistance and provided corresponding countermeasures. Although the institutionalization of partner assistance was forwarded, no concrete and detailed research was made. Switching from the previous model of experience summarization and skin-deep discussion of institutionalization, this dissertation, based on the individual case of the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, employs empirical analysis, value analysis and normative analysis to investigate the operational mechanism of partner assistance and offer the prelimilary conception of its legalization.The dissertation follows the basic conception:first to make clear of the whole process from startup to implement and the operational mechanism of partner assistance of the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake; then to extract the general theories for partner assistance; finally to structure corresponding legal system. The subproblems discussed in the dissertation centre on the general problem "why the partner assistance operates successfully in this case and how to carry it on in future", including:how did the partner assistance start? how does it operate? what is the legal attribute for its operational rule? How to legalize its operational rule? Thus, besides the introduction and the conclusion, the dissertation falls into five chapters.Introduction:the problem to be solved is raised, previous research reviewed and the research methods and basic conception employed by this dissertation fixed.Chapter one:the investigation of the startup process of and the driving mechanism for the partner assistance in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake. At that particular moment, it was almost impossible for the disaster-striken area alone to bear the heavy burden of reconstruction and government inputs were hindered by its financial system. There were a series of difficulties, such as the impact of financial crisis,the approach of the Olympics and the pressure of stability in the disaster-striken area. Faced with such realistic background and institutional drawback, our central government rationally chose the common practice to reconstruct with all strength and resources gathered from the whole country and hence partner assistance was an emergency measure for central government against that particular spatial and temporal background. Central government drew up specific plan and held the highest-ranking meeting to make special arrangements. Partner assistants attached great importance to this job and firmly suppported and actively responded to central government’s, arrangements with their quick action. The morality to help the victims of the disaster and the political pursuit to quicken the development of the disaster-striken area were the motive force for central government’s partner assistance policy. The authoritative system played a key role in the partner assistance and political mobilization was the direct force for it.Chapter two:the operation of partner assistance, especially the evolution of its behavorial patterns.The partner assistants comprehensively and accurately carried out central government’s policy when they unilaterally gave aid in the form of labor, material and financial resources for the reconstruction concerned with the people’s livelihood,from urban-rural housing, public infrastructure,and public service facilities to intellectual support and industrial help. After the people’s livelihood was restored, partner assistance evolved into partner cooperation in the form of industrial park building, importation of enterprises into the park and distinctive industry supporting. With the change of behavorial patterns, the operational mechanism for partner assistance moves from political mobilization and authoritative command to negotiation on equal basis and market operation, behavorial motive switches from unpaid assistance to mutual benefit and win-win result,and behavorial basis evolves from administrative files to cooperational agreements. This indicates that the local government, based on its own practice, actively promotes the operational change of partner assistance from implementation of political task to fulfillment of legal obligation.Chapter three:the operation of partner assistance, especially the influence of the changed behavorial pattern on the relation between central and local government.As for the local government’s flexibility in implementation of the partner assistance policy,the central government shows its tolerance, acquiescence and support and eventually incorporates partner cooperation in the partner assistance policy.Furthermore,the behavorial pattern of local government’s partner cooperation results in the partner cooperation between central and local government.Agreements between ministries and provinces symbolize a change in central government’s mode of profesional guidance from administrative instruction to negotiation on equal basis.Based on equal negotiation and mutual benefit and win-win result, administrative cooperation between central and local government develops quietly.Chapter four:the legal attribute for the operational rule of the changed behavorial pattern of partner assistance. After a careful investigation of administrative contract theories, the dissertation contains an analysis of all kinds of agreements between governments and concludes that such agreements are made between executive branches without administrative legal relationship, guided by the principle of free will and equal negotiation and aiming at mutual benefit and win-win result and that the content of these agreements is beyond the legal functions of executive branches concerned and shows the spirit of private law. The new era of governmental contract cooperation comes with the appearance of agreements between different layers of governments,which indicates a change in the relation between central and local government from an administrative order-obey relation to an administrative-obedience-and-mutual-benefit relation. In addition, the former regional competitive relation between local goverments is gradually replaced by a relation of mutual benefit and cooperation. The change of legal relation between governments is an approach for governments and their branches to pursuit and realize benefits and an inevitable choice under the influence of the double factors,that is,market economy and governmental lead in economic development, which shows a realistic necessity to incorporate the spirit of private law in administrative law domain.Chapter five:the legalization of partner assistance mechanism. Partner assistance mechanism is of great practical value in several aspects:eastern region helping develop western region; Han nationality supporting minority nationality region’s development, promoting cooperation between developed and underdeveloped areas;furthering the compensation of ecological benefits,etc. However, there are still some problems in the operational mechanism of partner assistance in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, for instance, too much administrative instruction and unbalanced pairing,etc. Therefore, it’s very important to construct corresponding legal system to rectify and solidify the mechanism. After proving the legitimacy of partner assistance from sociological and ethical perspectives, the author, based on the behavorial change, operational mechanism and the corresponding change in behavorial relation between governments in the post-disaster reconstruction of WenChuan Earthquake, puts forward fusion of public and private law as a new model of legal construction for partner assistance, which means introduction of the contract spirit of private law into cooperational agreements, perfection of administrative legal system, such as horizontal financial transfer payment system and official incentive mechanism,etc.and the ultimate legalization and normalization of partner assistance.Conclusion:a conclusive answer to the question of "why the partner assistance operates successfully in this case and how to carry it on in future". The dissertation comes to a conclusion that cooperational mechanism based on govermental contracts and its legalization are the further impetus and guarantee for the successful and sustainable operation of partner assistance.

【关键词】 对口支援运行法制化
【Key words】 partner assistanceoperationlegalization

