

Research on the Forming of Urban System and the Development of Urban-rural Economic Integration

【作者】 蒲松林

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 对城镇体系的探讨和对城乡经济一体化的研究一直是理论界关注的热点问题,但将二者联系起来的研究成果还不多。一方面,目前有关城镇体系的研究内容仍以结构研究、机制研究、优化调控研究为主,缺乏对城镇体系与城乡经济发展关系的深入分析;同时我国城镇体系研究中实证性的研究成果相当丰富,但这些研究仅限于某些区域,其研究不具有普遍性和可借鉴性。统筹城乡发展作为我国社会经济发展的重大战略部署和决策,需要理论结合实践进行新的探索,为此本文将研究视角聚焦于构建城镇体系促进城乡经济一体化发展,试图借鉴已有的城镇体系以及城乡经济一体化的相关思想成果、理论思路和分析工具,将以往传统的城镇体系发展理论放置于城乡经济一体化发展的目标背景下,揭示两者之间的内在紧密联系,认识其发展规律,探寻其关键要素和发展机制。将这种理论构建运用于实证之中,并以全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的成都为例进行应用研究,提出相应的对策建议和发展思路,目的在于进一步探讨城镇体系与城乡经济一体化的相互关系,以及如何通过城镇体系构建来推进城乡经济一体化发展的进程,为城乡经济一体化之路提供新的发展思路。在写作思路上,本文遵循理论框架的建立——现实问题的审视——对现实问题的理论探索解释,发展思路和政策设计这样的逻辑关系。从本文主体内容来看,首先围绕研究主题对城镇体系和城乡经济一体化相互关系研究所涉及的基础理论进行了系统的探索,为全文的研究提供了理论基础和分析框架以及研究方法支撑;其次,对城镇体系与城乡经济一体化的相互关系进行理论分析,并对什么样的城镇体系可以成为城乡经济一体化发展的支撑做出了相应的判断,构成了全文研究的基础,并提出城乡经济一体化下城镇体系发展的关键要素和发展机制,对后文成都城镇体系构建与城乡经济一体化发展的应用分析提出理论依据;再次,本文以理论分析为基础,对成都统筹城乡发展进行了实证研究和应用分析,对成都市城镇体系演变与城乡经济发展进行历史的梳理和评述,有助于更为清晰的理解当前成都城镇体系与城乡经济发展的现状及其形成过程;分别对成都市城镇体系等级规模结构、空间结构以及职能结构进行分析,指出在城乡一体化发展目标下成都市城镇体系发展的三个结构方面所具有的现状特征以及存在的问题;在此基础上进而对成都市城镇体系建设与城乡经济一体化发展机制进行阐述分析,并指出当前成都构建促进城乡经济一体化发展的城镇体系面临的机遇与挑战,最后提出了构建促进城乡经济一体化发展的城镇体系的对策建议。本文理论构建部分的主要结论有:1.城镇体系是一个相对完整的区域或国家中,由不同等级规模、不同职能分工、空间相互作用、联系密切的城镇所组成的有机整体,城镇体系的规模结构、空间结构和职能结构是城镇体系研究中的三个重要内容。2.城乡一体化是城市与乡村在一个相互依存的区域范围内谋求融合发展、协调共生的过程。城乡经济一体化更着眼于城乡经济关系的融合,是指通过城乡之间生产要素的自由流动和城市对乡村的辐射带动,逐步缩小城乡经济发展水平的差距。3.城镇体系构建与城乡经济一体化之间存在着紧密联系,合理的城镇体系等级规模结构是增进城乡要素流动的纵向支撑,协调的城镇体系空间结构和明晰的城镇体系职能体系可以推动城乡经济一体化向前发展。4.构建城镇体系推进城乡经济一体化发展,是区域内人口要素、产业要素、土地要素、网络设施要素以及制度要素等共同作用的一种组织关系。这五个要素作用于城镇体系发展的集聚机制、内推机制、外拉机制以及组织创新机制,构成城镇体系建设推进城乡经济一体化发展机制。应用研究部分的主要结论有:1.成都市城镇体系规模结构方面,首位度过高,阻碍了经济能量从核心向腹地的传递,不利于缩小城乡差距;中间位序中等城市出现断层,区(市)县城区发展不足,难以成为中心城区辐射扩散的主要吸纳地和次区域的社会经济中心;小城镇规模偏小,对城乡经济空间融合的空间支撑不足。2.成都市城镇体系空间结构的主要特征是以中心城区为中心的圈层式格局;城镇体系呈现不均衡的五边形的空间模式;城市空间形态正由同心圆“摊大饼”式向走廊式城市空间发展形态的演变,中心城区“摊大饼”式发展过度强化了集聚效应,进一步加大城乡差别,不利于城乡经济协调发展。3.成都市城镇体系职能结构方面,功能分区的发展趋势越来越明朗,中心城区日益成为第三产业集中发展区,是提供城市综合服务功能的核心载体,近中郊的二圈层成为工业经济的主要承载区域和交通物流枢纽,远郊区三圈层特色农业经济发展突出,小城镇存在着缺乏主导产业、规划质量较低、基础设施配套水平不高、缺乏可持续发展意识等问题;从城乡产业互动角度来看,成都产业结构高度及产业结构效益仍然处于劣势地位。4.当前国内外发展形势有利于成都进一步提高综合实力和地位,同时构建促进经济城乡一体化的城镇体系也面临着多重挑战。成都市构建城镇体系推进城乡经济一体化发展的途径和对策,一是要形成有序集中、合理分散的城镇规模结构,以此形成推进城乡新型一体化发展关系,以城镇有序的规模结构、网络组织带动城乡紧密发展;二是在城镇体系空间结构发展方面要形成多中心、组群状、梯度式的空间形态,呈现城市核心到外围组团由密到疏、由高到低,梯度式的城市形态特征,以城镇体系合理的空间结构推进城乡协调持续发展;三是要建立合理的城镇体系职能分工结构,应充分发挥各城镇现状产业基础与资源等方面的优势,合理确定各城镇的性质和功能发展方向,通过城镇功能建设形成推进城乡一体化发展经济空间中不同的“发展极”和“增长点”,使城乡紧密关联和协调发展;四是在城乡发展和一体化进程中要充分发挥体制与机制创新的重要作用。本文主要有三方面的创新:1.研究视角的创新。以往对城镇体系的研究主要是以一定区域内的城镇群体为研究对象,将城镇视作区域中的“点”,研究在区域系统中的这些点与点之间的整体发展,但是在实际区域发展过程中,城镇对农村地区的影响以及农村地区对城镇的影响也极为重要,因此也必须从区域层面对农村发展进行调控,从而实现城乡经济一体化发展的格局。而调控的重要手段之一即是通过对城镇体系的发展安排,引导城乡经济和谐发展。本文的研究视角不单单局限于城镇体系,而是将城镇体系构建与城乡经济一体化发展结合起来,从而达到了研究视角的创新。2.在统筹城乡发展探索中从理论上提出应加强城镇体系构建促进城乡经济一体化发展的研究。国内对城镇体系的研究绝大部分集中于城镇体系规模结构、空间结构和职能结构三个方面,总的来说对城镇体系构建促进城乡经济一体化发展的研究仍为数不多。本文对城镇体系构建与城乡经济一体化发展的关系进行了理论上的分析和探索,由此进一步提出合理的等级规模结构、协调的空间结构、明晰的职能结构可以推动城乡经济一体化发展的结论,并基于此,进一步对构建城镇体系促进城乡经济一体化发展的要素和机制进行了探讨。3.实证应用研究方面的创新。,本文选取全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区成都作为实证研究对象,将构建城镇体系与城乡经济一体化发展的一般结论应用于对成都统筹城乡进程中城镇体系发展的实证分析之中,力图通过对典型区域的研究,为成都未来推进城乡经济一体化发展提出相应的对策建议,加快成都作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的建设步伐,也为其他地区城镇体系的发展、统筹城乡发展进程起到示范作用和提供可资借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 Researchers have made lots of studies on urban system, as well as urban-rural integration, but few could integrate the two aspects. Current studies of urban system mainly focus on its structure, mechanism, and control. We have not found any in-depth studies of the relations between urban system and urban-rural integration; even we have lots of practical research results in China. Such studies related certain regions are of no universal reference. The overall urban-rural development, as a vital deployment and decision in China’s social and economic development, needs new studies in a view of integration of theory with practice. This paper tried to focus on the forming of urban system, which promotes the development of urban-rural economic integration. With the help of current research results, theoretical trains of thinking, and analytical tools, we place theories of urban system under the background of the target of urban-rural economic integration, in order to find their inner links, developing laws, especially their inherent factors and mechanism. We integrate such theoretical structure with practice to make a study of Chengdu (a pilot zone of comprehensive reform for integrated development of rural and urban areas) as an example, giving relative suggestions and developing targets, so as to discuss the relations between urban system and urban-rural economic integration, and how to promote urban-rural economic integration via the establishment of urban system.In writing, we follow the logical relations of forming a theoretical structure, problem review, problem analysis, development of train of thought and policy planning.This paper first explores the theories on the relations of urban system and urban-rural economic integration, which provides this article with theoretical foundation and research methods. Secondly, this paper analyzes the theoretical relations of urban system and urban-rural economic integration, and evaluates what kinds of urban system are able to promote urban-rural economic integration, which is the core of this paper. And then puts forward the factors and mechanism of urban system under the background of urban-rural economic integration. This also provides theoretical basis for later application analysis. Thirdly, this paper makes an empirical and practical study on the overall development of city and countryside of Chengdu, historically stating and evaluating the evolution of urban system, and the urban-rural economic development as well. This is helpful to better understand the current situations and developing course of the urban system, and urban-rural economic integration as well.Then we analyze the scale structure, spatial structure, and functional structure of the urban system of Chengdu, disclosing the current characters and problems lying in the three structures under the targets of urban-rural economic integration of Chengdu. And furthermore, this paper studied the mechanism of urban system and urban-rural economic integration, analyzed the opportunities and challenges Chengdu now is facing in course of forming urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration. Finally this paper provides suggestions for forming a urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration.Conclusions drawn from the theoretical study part of this paper are as follows: I. Urban system is an organism composed with associated cities and towns of different scales and different functions in a relatively complete country or region. The main contents of urban system are its scale structure, spatial structure and functional structure. II. Urban-rural integration is a course of cities and country trying to exist and develop together in a certain region. Urban-rural economic integration stresses the integration of economic relations, which could reduce the economic development difference between cities and country through the free movements of productive factors and the radiation or driving role made by cities to the country.III. There should be close relations between urban system and urban-rural economic integration. Rational scale structure of urban system is a vertical support for the movement of productive factors between cities and country, while clear functional structure and coordinated spatial structure of urban system can promote the development of urban-rural economic integration. IV. Forming urban system to promote the development of urban-rural economic integration can be considered an organizational relation of co-affection of human factor, industry factor, land factor, infrastructure factor and social systems. The clustering mechanism, internal promotional mechanism and external pulling mechanism of the five factors form the mechanism of the promotion of urban-rural economic integration.Conclusions drawn from the application study part of this paper are as follows:I. In the scale structure of the urban system of Chengdu, the primacy index is so high that it restricts economic energy to transmit from the core part to the area around, and so hinders the reduction of urban-rural difference. Due to the scarcity of middle-level cities and the insufficient development of urban areas, there are few areas which can absorb the economic energy transmitted or become social & economic sub-centers. The scale of towns is too small to support urban-rural spatial integration. II. Centered on the core of the city, Chengdu’s spatial structure shows a character of ring style. The urban system looks like an unbalanced pentagon. The urban spatial pattern is spreading from a circle style to a corridor style. The former style emphasizes the clustering effects, and enlarges urban-rural difference. It also hinders coordinated urban-rural economic development. III. As to the functional structure of urban system of Chengdu, the trends of functional division become more distinct, the core urban area is becoming the cluster of the tertiary industry, and the key carrier to provide comprehensive services. The second circle of Chengdu becomes industrial areas and transport hubs. The distant third circle of Chengdu mainly develops agriculture. Because of the scarcity of leading industries, the low quality of planning, the low level of infrastructure and the lack of sustainable development awareness of towns, Chengdu’s height and efficiency of industrial structure lie in a disadvantageous position. IV. The current situations both in China and in the world are favorable for Chengdu to raise its comprehensive strength and position, but Chengdu also faces multi-faceted challenges in forming a urban system to promote urban-rural integration. The suggestions are:First, to from a scale structure of orderly centralized and rationally dispersed cities and towns, so as to form a new relation of urban-rural economic integration to speed up the co-development of cities and rural areas. Secondly, To establish a spatial pattern of multi-centers, clusters and ladder style, thus making the city gradually decrease in its density from the core to the periphery, so as to promote the coordinated and sustainable development of cities and rural areas. Thirdly, to establish rational functional structure of cities and towns, fully utilize the advantages of local industrial basis and resources, and rationally decide the development orientation of each town. Different "development poles" and "growth points" should be founded in the course of forming the urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration, aiming to promote urban-rural linked and coordinated development. Fourthly, the role of system and mechanism innovation should be fully played in the course of urban-rural economic integration.The innovation of this paper lie in the following three aspects:I. Innovation of research angle of view. The existed studies mainly focus on a cluster of cities and towns in a certain region, regarding the cluster as a point of the region, and study the development of such points as a whole. But actually, in the course of regional development, the mutual influence of cities & towns and rural areas are most important. So control over rural development from the point of view of region is needed for urban-rural integration. One important step is to guide the coordinated urban-rural economic development by planning the creation of the urban system. The research view of this paper is not limited in urban system, it combines the buildup of urban system with the development of urban-rural economic integration. II. In the exploring course of overall urban-rural development, this paper points out that we should strengthen the study on the forming urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration. Domestic studies mostly focus on the scale structure, spatial structure and functional structure of urban system, few studies could be found to make researches on forming urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration. This paper theoretically studies the relations between forming urban system and urban-rural economic integration, and draws a conclusion that rational scale structure, coordinative spatial structure and distinct functional structure could promote the development of urban-rural economic integration, and based on which, the paper studies the mechanism of forming urban system to promote urban-rural economic integration. III. Innovation of study on application. This paper sets Chengdu as a case, applies the research results of urban system and urban-rural economic integration to the practice of the development of urban system of Chengdu. We hope the study of a typical region could bring useful proposals for the further development of urban-rural integration in Chengdu, speeding up the construction of Chengdu experimental district, and providing other regions with samples of great value.

  • 【分类号】F299.2;F124
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2321
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