

Research on China National High-tech Industrial Development Zones Improving Self-Innovation Ability and Constructing Innovative Zones

【作者】 张克俊

【导师】 丁任重;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 一、创新的空间集聚与高新区创新比生产具有更高的空间集聚特征。创新空间聚集的特定区域就是创新型空间,区域空间上的创新聚集性一旦形成,就会在自我强化机制、知识报酬递增机制、知识溢出机制的作用下不断强化,具有强大的凝固性,不易发生位移。高新区不仅是新的产业空间,而且是新的创新空间和新的科技文化社区,具有空间属性的三重性,并且三者之间相互交叉、相互作用形成三重螺旋的空间构造,这种属性是由高新区的性质与特征所决定的。高新区是高新科技与产业相结合的地域综合体,其任务是研究、开发、孵化和生产高新技术产品,促进高新科技成果商品化、产业化,其形成和发展的根本动因来自于当今世界科技与经济发展的特点和竞争方式的转变而使企业、大学和科研单位、政府对高新区产生了迫切需求,而创意、创业、创新则是高新区存在和发展的本质,研究、开发、孵化高新技术产品、培育创新型企业和发展高新技术产业则是高新区最基本的功能。二、国家高新区提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区的背景和意义站在国家宏观战略层次审视,提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家,是国家发展战略的核心,是提高综合国力的关键,是调整产业结构和转变经济发展方式的中心环节,而国家级高新区则是我国转变经济发展方式的强大引擎、建设创新型国家的区域中枢。我国国家级高新区是指经国务院批准成立,旨在促进高新技术及其产业形成和发展的特定区域。自1988年国务院批准建立第一个国家级高新区——北京新技术产业开发试验区以来,到2009年我国已经拥有56个国家级高新区。二十年来,国家高新区在政府宏观引导和政策支持下,已成为聚集创新资源、培育创新型企业、营造创新创业环境、推进科技成果转化、发展高新技术产业的重要基地,是我国经济增长最快、最具活跃的区域,是引导现代化建设的一支重要力量,为推动我国经济发展方式转变和走新型工业化道路作出了积极贡献,探索出了一条中国特色的高新技术产业发展道路。根据阶段发展理论,总体而言,我国高新区正处在由产业主导阶段向创新突破转换的阶段。在这种情况下,如果国家政策进行合理引导,完全有可能把国家高新区率先建设成为创新氛围更为浓厚、自主创新能力更为突出的创新型园区。毫无疑问,无论从国家战略需要来看,还是从高新区发展新阶段需要来看,新形势下国家高新区存在和发展的重要价值在于体现国家意志、承担国家使命、完成国家目标,而要做到这一点,就必须把提升自主创新能力作为国家高新区“二次创业”的核心,把建设创新型园区作为国家高新区“二次创业”的统揽。三、高新区自主创新能力的性质、构成与创新型园区的内涵和标准自主创新能力是根据我国国家战略需要而提出的概念,是针对于我国在经济发展过程中过渡依赖于技术引进而缺乏原始技术、核心技术和关键技术的创新能力而提出来的,主要强调创新的自主性,强调技术上的主导权、控制权,形成自主研发和自主知识产权的能力。高新区自主创新能力是指在高新区区域范围内,以增强高新区核心竞争力为目标,高新区内技术能力为基础,企业、高校及研究机构、科技中介服务、金融机构、政府等创新行为组织为主体,聚集和高效配置创新资源,将创新构想不断转化为新产品、新工艺和新服务并实现市场价值的综合能力系统。从本质上说,高新区区域自主创新能力是一种系统网络创新能力,主要由企业自主创新能力和集群自主创新能力两部分构成。企业自主创新能力是形成高新区区域自主创新能力的基础,集群自主创新能力是形成高新区区域自主创新能力的关键。同时,高新区企业自主创新能力与集群自主创新能力之间相互影响、相互作用,推动高新区区域自主创新能力的演化。创新型园区概念的核心是指在园区内实现了以创新为驱动的经济,是一种内生增长模式,具体地说,就是以创新尤其是自主创新作为园区发展的基本战略取向,以创新作为产业发展的主要驱动力,以发展创新经济作为园区的主导经济形态,以营造浓厚的创新创业氛围作为园区环境建设的核心理念,使园区具有高效收获创新价值的能力、支撑区域创新发展的能力和强势的可持续发展能力。创新型园区的性质是区域创新的增长极,新兴产业和新业态的发源地,繁衍新兴企业的诞生地,培育领袖企业的成长地,新经济模式、新制度和新文化的创造地。创新型园区的内部结构可分为创新组织、创新集群和创新经济三个层次。判别创新型园区的标准主要看是否形成了创新集群,具体而言,主要用园区创新要素的富集程度、支撑创新的载体和组织的完善程度、企业群体的衍生与创新活力、发挥创新要素效能的网络发达程度、创新合作的机制和氛围等来衡量。四、C-I-H耦合互动框架国家高新区提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区的理论基础是内生增长理论、产业集群理论、区域创新系统理论以及增长极、空间扩散、三元参与、孵化器、网络组织等理论。基于高新区存在和发展的理论基础,国家高新区提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区的理论框架是产业集群、创新系统、高新区“三位一体”(C-I-H)耦合互动理论。该理论框架的基本内涵是:在不断完善产业集群机制、创新体系和高新区环境建设的基础上,产业集群、创新体系、高新区“三位一体”通过地理邻近性、行业邻近性、创新邻近性、社会邻近性不断进行集群主体之间的耦合互动与循环累积,从而内生出由小到大、由弱变强的耦合互动与循环累积能力,形成耦合互动创新系统,推动高新区的发展形态由低层次、低水平向高层次、高水平演化,构建创新集群竞争力和创新型园区的新型形态。C-I-H耦合互动的要素包括依赖要素、联系要素、激励要素、主体要素。依赖要素是指C-I-H耦合互动中所依赖的资源和生产要素,包括物质资源、非物质资源,知识、信息、技术、人才、劳动力、资本等生产要素;联系要素是指联结各种依赖要素的合约,包括显性合约(契约)、隐性合约(信任)等;激励要素是指驱动组织之间进行有效合作,促进知识、技术、信息、人才、资本等交流与沟通的动力因素;主体要素是指C-I-H耦合互动中的组织和个人,简称“官、产、学、研、中、资”。C-I-H、耦合互动的动力按动力来源可分为自响应和人为响应动力两种。自响应动力是指由产业集群、创新系统、高新区之间自然演化、自组织而内生出的耦合互动动力;人为响应动力是指依赖人为方式完成的结合与协调。如果从主体动力来看,C-I-H耦合互动主要是产业集群中的企业、创新系统中的大学和科研机构、高新区建设中的政府的动力需求。C-I-H耦合互动本身是不稳固和不紧密的,联结它们的纽带是必不可缺少的组成部分,C-I-H耦合互动的纽带是主体价值交换的实现工具,主要包括两类:一类是人才、劳动力、产品、信息、技术等各类市场,另一类是各种交互作用的界面平台。从系统形态来看,C-I-H通过不断耦合互动就可形成一种新的系统形态,即高新区集群创新系统(HCIS)。HCIS具有明显的复杂系统特征,有机整合、优化和集成了产业集群、创新系统和高新区地理空间各方面的资源和力量,使各方面的要素排列和组合处于较好状态,从而产生的创新产出效率比一般的产业聚集或一般的区域创新系统要高,适应了技术创新模式由线性创新向网络集成创新转变的要求。另一方面,从组织形态来看,C-I-H通过不断耦合互动必然是一种新型的集群组织形态,即创新集群。创新集群是以产业集群为基础,以创新为驱动力,由创新型企业、研究机构、大学、风险投资机构、中介服务组织等构成,通过产业链、价值链和知识链形成战略联盟或者其他创新合作关系,具有创新聚集优势和大量知识溢出、技术转移和学习特征的开放式互动创新网络。与产业集群相比,创新集群中大学、创新服务产业和所谓的研究与技术开发公司是其关键组成部分;创新集群具有强网络性和超流动性、高强度的研发投入和高端要素密集、大量的知识产出和知识溢出效应、科学与技术间联系更加紧密、社会资本更加丰富等特征。同时,创新集群的产出目标不再是生产出更好的产品(物美价廉)以及生产效率的提高,其基本的产出是无形产品如知识产权和新技术,主要追求创新能力的提高以及及时商业化创新成果。五、基于C-I-H耦合互动理论提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区的实现路径(1)采取“三段式”方式促进微观企业主体成长路径,即:培育科技型创业企业的创业活力,培育高成长中小企业的加速发展能力,培育高技术大公司的国际化竞争能力。(2)以推进“五大转变”的方式培育产业集群竞争力路径,即:推进产业集群由一般向特色转变,推进产业集群由“扎堆”向分工协作机制转变,推进产业集群由低端向高端转变,推进产业集群由个体和组织内部学习向集群学习转变,推进产业集群由生产型驱动向创新型驱动转变。(3)以建设“一大主体+五大平台”的方式构建创新系统路径,即:以建设科技企业孵化器一大主体,构建创新高端要素聚集平台、自主创新科技平台、科技投融资服务平台、科技中介服务平台、产学研合作平台等五大平台。(4)以构建新型园区形态的方式推进高新区建设路径。国家高新区在发展新阶段必须构建新型园区形态,在这种新型园区形态中,创新型经济是主要特征和核心竞争力,但同时创新型经济又不是一个孤立的经济,它是一个具有舒适社区环境、强大社会包容性和社区联合治理机制共同支撑和协同发展的高科技综合社区。建设科技新城是高新区构建新型园区形态的重要形式,其重点是推进园区的“七化”,即:园区的知识化、数字化、商务化、国际化、生态化、宜居化、人文化。同时,推进科技新城的建设必须以现代城市理念搞好高新区的规划建设。六、经验分析:以成都高新为例基于C-I-H互动框架对成都高新区建设和创新发展的进展状况进行分析,基于I(产业集群)维度的基本判断是:成都高新区已经初步形成了主导产业聚集的基本态势,但是产业集群的分工与协作机制还没有脆弱,企业“扎堆”现象比较突出,外资企业与内资企业的关联度比较低,产业集群的生产推动比较明显而创新驱动不足,处于产业价值链的低端比较明显而高端环节进入不足,个体与企业内部的学习比较明显而集群学习不足。基于C维度(创新体系建设)的基本判断是:成都高新区初步形成了以科技企业孵化器为核心,投融资服务、中介服务、信息服务、公共技术平台服务等为平台的创新服务体系,但是,创新孵化体系还不健全,主体间的创新互动网络并未形成,创新环境还有待改善,创新风险投资机制发育还比较滞后,中介服务还不发达。基于H(高新区建设)维度的基本判断是:成都高新区的硬件基础设施已经比较完善,但软环境还有差距;基本建立了适合市场经济要求和高新技术产业发展规律的管理体制,但体制退化倾向比较明显;逐步采用了功能化分区、专业化园区的规划建设模式,但是项目落实在空间上仍比较紊乱;初步扭转了土地开发、招商引资、外延扩张的建设思路,但外延扩张的冲动仍然比较强烈。如果把C-I-H这三者联系起来看,存在着比较突出的不协调性。七、政府在国家高新区提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区中的作用面对国家高新区“二次创业”提高自主创新能力建设创新型园区的历史任务,同样需要政府的强力推动,其理由是:创新知识的正外部性、自主创新的国家利益、高新技术产业的特性、高新区发展路径的转换。然而政府发挥作用的方式、机制、手段必须发生重要转变。国家高新区在自主创新与建设创新型园区中发挥政府作用的原则是:国家战略导向的原则、弥补市场失灵原则、尊重创新主体的产权和创新活动选择原则、针对性原则、多方参与原则。政府发挥作用的功能定位应是创新发展的指导者、创新政策的制定者、创新资源的配置者、创新平台的建设者、创新投资的引导者、创新活动的服务者、创新过程的参与者。政府促进高新区自主创新与创新型园区建设的制度创新主要应包括:改善宏观指导与管理制度、推进国家高新区立法、构建区域联合治理模式、创建官产学三重螺旋机制、建设虚拟高新区、建立创新驿站。政府在促进高新区自主创新与创新型园区建设的政策选择包括:制定创新资源向国家高新区集聚的政策、制定创新集群培育的政策、制定鼓励高新区企业自主创新与创业的政策、制定促进高新区集约化发展的政策等。

【Abstract】 Ⅰ:Innovatial Space Agglomeration and High-tech Industrial Development ZoneInnovation has more characteristics of space agglomeration than product. The certain regions where innovation space clusters are innovative parks. Once the innovative cluster forms, it will strengthen itself and had strong stability which is not transferred easily under the self-reinforcing mechanism and increasing returns and spillover mechanisms of knowledge. High-tech industrial development zone is not only new industrial space but new innovative space and technology culture community, and it has three attributes of space which form triple helix space structure under interaction and crossing. Such space attributes are decided by the nature and characteristics of high-tech industrial development zone. High-tech industrial development zone is the territorial complex of high-tech and industry burdening the research and development and hatching and production of high-tech products and promoting the commercialization and industrialization of high-tech achievements. The ultimate cause of high-tech industrial development zones’form and development is the characteristics of current world high-tech and economy and the transferring of competition ways which make enterprises and universities and science research units and governments have urgent demands to high-tech industrial development zones. Creative thinking and foundation and innovation are the essence of high-tech industrial development zones’existence and development. And the basic functions of high-tech industrial development zones are researching and developing and hatching high-tech products, cultivating innovative enterprises and developing high-tech industries.II:The Background and Meaning of China National High-tech Industrial Development Zones Improving Self-Innovation Ability and Constructing Innovative ZoneViewed from national macroscopic strategy, improving self-innovation ability and constructing innovative country is the core of national development strategy, and the key of enhancing overall national strength, and the key link of adjusting industrial structure and transforming economic development models. China national high-tech industrial development zones are the strong engine of transforming economic development models and regional pivot. China national high-tech industrial development zones are notified by the State Council aiming for the formation and development of high-tech and high-tech industry. Since the State Council’s approval of the first national high-tech industrial development zone (Beijing Experimental Zone for the Development of New Technology Industries) in 1988, China had 56 national high-tech industrial development zones by the end of 2009. Over the past 20 years, national high-tech industrial development zones have been the important bases of clustering innovation resources and cultivating innovative enterprises and building the environment for innovation and start-up and promoting technology achievement transformation and developing high-tech industries. They are the fastest-growing economy and most active regions, and important strengths of leading China’s modernization construction. And they make active contribution for promoting economic development models transformation and taking new industrialization road, and explore a development road of high-tech industries with Chinese characteristics. According to theory of developing by Stages, on the whole, China national high-tech industrial development zones are in the transformation from industry-led stage to innovation-broken stage. In such situation, national high-tech industrial development zones are very likely to be constructed into innovative industrial zones with denser innovation atmosphere and more outstanding self-innovation ability. It is no doubt that the important value of national high-tech industrial development zones’existence and development is to reflect the state will and burden the state mission and commit the state aim under new situation, viewed from the need of national strategy or new development stage of high-tech industrial development zone. While realizing the above point, China national high-tech industrial development zones must take improving self-innovation ability as the core of a second start-up and take constructing innovative zones as the overall of a second start-up. Ⅲ:The Ressence and Making up of Self-innovation Ability of High-tech Industrial Development Zones,and the Concept and Standard of Innovative Industrial ZonesPut forward according the need of our national strategy, self-innovation ability is a concept, which aims at our excessively dependent on technology import while lack of original technology and core technology and key technology during the development of economy, and mainly emphasizes self-regulated innovation and the leading and control of technology in order to build the abilities of self-research and development and self-dominated intellectual property rights. Self-innovation ability of high-tech industrial development zones is comprehensive ability system clustering and allocating resources and transferring innovation ideas to new products and new technology and new services and realize market value, which aim at strengthening core competitive capacity of high-tech industrial development zones, and base on technology ability of high-tech industrial development zones, and make enterprises, universities and colleges, research institutes, technology intermediate services, financial institutes, governments and other innovation behavior organizations main bodies within the regional scope high-tech industrial development zones. Essentially, regional self-innovation ability of high-tech industrial development zones is system network innovation ability which is made up of enterprise self-innovation ability and cluster self-innovation ability. Enterprise self-innovation ability is the base forming the self-innovation ability of high-tech industrial development zones, while cluster self-innovation ability is the key forming self-innovation ability of high-tech industrial development zones. Meanwhile, the interaction of enterprise self-innovation ability and cluster self-innovation ability promoting the evolution of regional self-innovation ability of high-tech industrial development zones.The core of innovative industrial zones concept is to realize innovation-driven economy in innovative industrial zones which is endogenous economic growth model, that is taking innovation especially self-innovation as basic strategy direction, and taking innovation as main drive for industrial development, and taking innovation economy development as dominant economic type of industrial zones, and taking dense innovation and start-up atmosphere as core concept for the industrial zones’ environmental construction, which make industrial zones have efficient abilities of gaining innovative value and supporting regional innovative development and strong sustainable development. The character of innovation industrial zones are the growth poles of regional innovation, and the sources of new industries, and the birthplace of propagating new enterprises, and the grow place of cultivating leader enterprises, and the innovation place of new economic model and new system and new culture. The inner structure of innovation industrial zones can be divided into three levels-innovative organization and innovative cluster and innovative economy. The standard of innovative industrial zones is whether they have innovative clusters, concretely speaking, mainly used the abundance of innovation elements, and the perfection of carriers and organizations, and the vitality of derivation and innovation, and the network prosperity of displaying the efficiency of innovation elements, and the mechanism and atmosphere of innovation and cooperation.IV:The Theory Framework of C-I-H Coupling and InteractionThe theories of improving self-innovation ability and constructing innovative industrial zones of China national high-tech industrial development zones are composed of endogenous economic growth theory, industrial cluster theory, regional innovative system theory, and the theories of pole and spatial expansion and three participation and incubator and network organization and so on. In view of theoretical basement of high-tech industrial development zones’existence and development, the theoretical frameworks of improving self-innovation ability and constructing innovative industrial zones of China national high-tech industrial development zones are the theories of industrial cluster and innovative system and C-I-H coupling and interaction. The basic connotation of this theory is industrial cluster and innovative system and C-I-H coupling and interacting and recycling and accumulating through geographical proximity and industrial proximity and innovative proximity and social proximity by the perfection of industrial cluster mechanism and innovative system and environmental construction of high-tech industrial zones, which produces the abilities of coupling and interaction and recycle and accumulation turning from weakness to strength and forms the innovative system of coupling and interaction. This will promote the evolution of developing patterns of high-tech industrial zones from low level to high level, and construct innovative cluster competitiveness and new formation of innovative industrial zones.The elements of C-I-H coupling and interaction include reliance elements and contact elements and incentives elements and main body elements. Reliance elements mean resource and production element which is depended on during C-I-H coupling and interaction, including matter resource and non-matter resource and knowledge and information and technology and talent and labor and capital and etc. Contact elements mean contracts connecting all kinds of reliance elements, including explicit contracts and implicit contracts and etc. Incentives elements mean motivation elements promoting the communication between knowledge and technology and information and talent and capital and etc. Main body elements mean organizations and individuals which can be called as government, industry, university, study, intermediate and capital. The motivation during C-I-H coupling and interaction can be divided into self-response motivation and human-caused response motivation according to motivation sources. Response from response motivation means the coupling and interaction motivation produced by the nature evolution and self-organization between industrial clusters and innovative systems and high-tech industrial zones. Human-caused response motivation means the combination and harmony accomplished by the dependence on human-caused ways. If viewed from the main bodies of motivation, C-I-H coupling and interaction is mainly the motivation demand from enterprises in industrial clusters, universities and science and research institutes in innovative systems, governments in the construction of high-tech industrial zones. C-I-H coupling and interaction is not stable and close, so the connecting link between them is indispensable which is the realizing tools of value exchange within main bodies. There are two kinds of links, and one is talent, labor, product, information and market, and the other is interactive interface platforms.Viewed from system formation, C-I-H can form new system formation-HCIS through continuous coupling and interaction. HCIS has obvious character of complicate system, and it integrates and optimizes all resources and strengths from the industrial clusters, innovative systems and the geography space of high-tech industrial zones. HCIS makes all elements’arrangement and combination in good situation and gains higher innovation output efficiency than common industrial clusters or common regional innovative systems, which accommodates to the technology innovation model transformation from linear innovation model to network integration innovation model. On the other hand, C-I-H is a new cluster organization-innovative cluster formation through continuous coupling and interaction viewed from organization formation. Innovative cluster bases on industrial cluster, and takes innovation as drive, and composes of innovative enterprises, research institutes, universities, venture investment institutes and intermediates. Innovative cluster has innovative cluster advantage and has open and interactive innovative network with the characters of abundant knowledge spillover and technology transfer and learning. Compared with industrial cluster, universities and innovation service industries and so-called research and technology developing companies are the key components of innovative cluster. Innovative cluster has the characters of strong network, super fluidity, dense input of R&D, the density of high level elements, the effect of output and spillover of abundant knowledge, more close connection between science and technology and richer social capital. Meanwhile, the output aim of innovative cluster is no more better product and producing efficiency improvement, but takes invisible product such as knowledge property rights and new technology as the basic output and aims at the enhancement of innovation ability and timely commercialization of innovative achievements.Ⅴ:Based on the Theory Framework of C-I-H Coupling and Interaction, the Realizing Paths of Enhancing the Independent Innovation Capacity and Building an Innovative ParkBased on the C-I-H, in order to enhance the independent innovation capacity and build an innovative park, we may take the following paths. Firstly, we should adopt a "three-stage" approach to promote the growth path of the main micro-enterprises. That’s to say, we may foster the business activity of entrepreneurship, cultivate the development capacity of the high-growth small-and-medium enterprises, train the international competitiveness of the large high-tech companies. Secondly, we take the path of cultivating the competitiveness of industrial clusters by means of the "five changes". That’s, the five changes is the following, promoting the industrial clusters from the model of the general changes to the characteristics, changing the industrial clusters from the "get-together" to the division of labor cooperation mechanism, developing the industrial clusters from the low-end to high-end change, promoting the industry cluster changing from the individual and organizational learning to the clustering learning status, promoting the industrial clusters changing from production-driven to innovation-driven. Thirdly, we take the path of building "one great body and five platforms" to build the innovation system path. Namely, the one great body is to build a major tech business incubator. The five platforms is to build innovative platform for high-end elements, independent platform for innovation and technology, investment and financing service platform, the technology intermediary service platform, and the research platform for the production and learning. Fourthly, we take the path to promote high-tech zones by means of building a new park. When the national high-tech industrial development zones develop into a new stage, they should construct the new parks form. In the new park’s shape, the innovation-based economy is the main features and the core competitiveness. However, the innovation-based economy is not an isolated economy status, but a comfortable community environment, and the high-tech integrated community with the strong social inclusion and community co-management of common support and coordination mechanism. The important form for constructing a new high-tech zone is to construct the Science & Technology Park. It focuses on promoting the park by "Seven Change", that is, knowledge, digital, business oriented, internationalization, ecology, easy living, and civilization. At the same time, in order to promote the construction of the Science & Technology Park, we should make a good job planning and construction of high-tech zones in the concept of modern city.Ⅵ:The Empirial Analyzing:Taking Cheng Du High-tech Industrial Development Zone for ExampleAnalyzing the construction and innovation development of China national high-tech industrial development zones under the three-dimensional visual angle, Take Cheng Du high-tech industrial zone for example,we can conclude in view of I dimension that Cheng Du high-tech industrial zone have formed the basic tendency of dominant industry cluster, however, the mechanism of the division of labor and coordination is very weak, enterprises sticking together are serious, the foreign-owned enterprises and domestic enterprises have low connection, the product-drive of industrial cluster is obvious but lack of innovation-drive, more in the low level of industrial value chains but less in the high level sectors and learning between individuals and enterprises obvious but weak in clusters. We also conclude in view of C dimension that Cheng Du high-tech industrial zone has formed innovation service system science technology enterprise incubators being the core and the services such as investment and finance, agency, information and public technology being the platform, however, the incubator system is still not sound, the innovative interacting network between main bodies is still incomplete, innovative environment need enhance, the development of innovative venture invest mechanism is lagged and agency services are undeveloped. Finally, we conclude in view of H dimension that Cheng Du high-tech industrial zone has made great progress on hard infrastructures but till has gaps in soft environment, has basically established management system accommodating to the market economy and the developing tendency of high-tech industry but degenerating inclination of system is very obvious, has adopted planning & construction models as function cent area and professional zone but the spatial layout of projects is very disorderly, has reversed the construction thinking such as land development and trade and investment promotion and expansion outward but the impulse of expansion outward is still strong. If we combine these factors into C-I-H, the development of Cheng Du high-tech industrial zone is still great in-coordination.Ⅶ、The Role of Government in the course of National High-tech Industrial Development Zones Improve Innovative Capability and Build an Innovative ParkFacing the historical task, national high-tech industrial development zones improve innovative capability with the "second pioneering" and build an innovative park. We also need a strong governmental push. The reason is the following parts:the positive externalities of innovative knowledge, the national interests of independent innovation, the characteristics of high-tech industries, and the conversion of high-tech zone’s development path. Therefore, the way mechanism, and means of the government must occur an important change. The principles for the national high-tech industrial development zones to play the role of government, when they make the independent innovation and build an innovative park, is the principle of national strategic direction, the principle of making up for the market failure, the principle of respecting the property rights of creative and innovative activities selection, the principle of targeted, and the principle of multi-party participation. The director for the government to play the role should be the directors of innovation and development, the makers of innovation policy, the disposer of the innovation resource, the innovative platform builders, the guide of the innovation investment, the serving people in the innovation activities, and the participants in the innovation process. The system innovation for the government to promote the independent innovation and the innovative construction of the park mainly includes the improving macro-guidance and management, promoting national high-tech industrial development zones’ legislation, building the regional co-governance model, creating VLSI triple helix mechanism, setting up the virtual construction of high-tech zones, and establishing the Innovation Relay. The policy options for the government to promote the independent innovation and the innovative construction of the park should include the policy gathering innovative resources to the national high-tech industrial development zones, the policy of fostering the development of innovative clusters, the policy of encouraging independent innovation and entrepreneurship, and the policy of promoting high-tech zone’s intensive development.


