

Research on the Evolution of China’s Employment Structure and Its Development Trends in Industruial Structure

【作者】 奉莹

【导师】 尹庆双;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 劳动经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 就业是民生之本,就业问题关系到经济的发展和社会的和谐。改革开放以来,我国就业结构发生了巨大变化,同时,各种就业矛盾相互交织,使就业结构问题逐渐突出。目前,有关我国就业结构演变的专门研究还较为缺乏,且就业结构问题的主流定量研究方法也存在不足。因此,在当前形势下,采用新的定量研究方法探讨我国就业结构的演变规律并对其发展趋势进行预测具有重大的现实意义和理论意义。本文在国内外就业结构及相关理论的基础上,对改革开放以来我国就业结构的演变过程及其影响因素进行了研究,采用人工神经网络的方法建立了就业结构演变模型,对我国就业的产业结构进行了仿真和预测,并与国外就业结构的发展特点进行了比较,提出了促进我国就业结构发展的政策建议。从国内外有关就业结构问题的研究来看,一般都是通过对就业结构相关历史数据进行分析,得到在各种收入水平下的就业结构和产业结构,从而总结出一定的就业结构演变模式。本文同样从产业结构的视角分析了1978年到2007年我国各种就业结构的演变轨迹,并对2007年世界金融危机以来我国就业结构的情况进行了研究,指出产业结构变动是我国就业结构演变最重要的原因,就业的产业结构是就业结构最重要的特征。为了进一步对我国就业结构的演变规律和发展趋势进行研究,本文采用了人工神经网络的定量研究方法。国内外有关就业结构的定量研究方法很多,其中,回归分析方法是目前就业结构的主流研究方法。由于经济变量之间往往具有动态、非线性、不确定性的特点,采用主流研究方法往往很难得到精确的预测结果。人工神经网络方法是一种基于物理学、心理学、神经生理学的跨学科人工智能方法,它通过计算机仿真,能够模拟人类大脑的思维,通过对输入样本数据进行不断地学习、归纳及整理,从而找到变量之间的规律。人工神经网络具有一些特点,如善于求解不确定非线性问题、类似“黑箱”的处理方式、较强的自学习和泛化能力、较强的容错性和鲁棒性以及对大规模数据进行处理的能力等,十分适合于分析经济问题。目前,人工神经网络已经逐渐在经济学领域得到广泛应用,但是在就业结构研究方面,运用人工神经网络的研究还不多见。因此,本文采用人工神经网络的方法对我国就业结构问题研究,是对主流研究方法的补充,也是一种对新方法的尝试和创新。基于人工神经网络的原理和特点,本文设计了两种方案,分别建立了关于我国就业结构演变的BP神经网络模型。其中,方案一以产业结构作为输入向量、三次产业的就业结构为输出向量:方案二以人均GDP为输入向量、我国三次产业的就业结构和产业结构为输出向量。按照这两种方案,根据1978年到2007年我国人均GDP(按2005年可比价)、三次产业产值比重和就业比重的相关统计数据,运用上述BP人工神经网络模型对我国就业结构演变进行仿真,得到了较为精确的仿真结果。通过分析发现,我国改革开放以来就业结构和产业结构的演变过程可以划分为三个阶段,即人均GDP在3500元到7000元、7000元以上到11000元、11000元以上到15000元的发展阶段。人均GDP在3500元到15000元范围内变动时,随着人均GDP的增长,我国就业结构和产业结构的演变呈现出阶段性的特征,发展速度表现出“快—慢—快”的特点,人均GDP每增加一定水平就进入下一个发展阶段。根据2000年到2007年(2002、2006年除外)我国31个省区市的相关统计数据,本文用人工神经网络对未来我国就业的产业结构发展趋势进行了预测,分析了人均GDP(按2005年可比价)在16000元到45000元的范围内变化时,我国就业结构和产业结构发展的趋势和特点:随着人均GDP的增加,第一产业就业比重和产值比重逐渐下降;第二产业就业比重和产值比重先上升后下降,呈向下开口的抛物线形状;第三产业就业比重和产值比重逐渐上升;当人均GDP为29000元和26000元时,我国第二产业分别出现就业拐点和产值拐点;当人均GDP在23000元和31000元时,我国三次产业的就业结构格局将出现两次转变,从“一三二”变为“二三一”最后发展为“三二一”的就业格局;当人均GDP达到34000元时,我国三次产业结构出现由“二三一”到“三二一”的转变。可见,我国第二产业产值出现拐点的时间早于第二产业就业出现拐点的时间,但是产业结构分布格局变为“三二一”的时间将晚于就业结构分布格局转变为“三二一”的时间。本文还探讨了世界各国就业结构演变的特点,将我国就业结构演变的仿真结果与国外有代表性的就业结构演变模式进行了比较,并对发达国家就业结构演变规律进行了总结。通过研究发现,从就业曲线和产值曲线的形状来看,国内外三次产业的就业结构和产业结构演变趋势大致相同,即随着人均GDP的增长,第一产业的就业比重和产值比重都表现出下降趋势,而第二、第三产业的就业比重和产值比重都表现出上升趋势;在第二产业和第三产业发展的变化关系方面,国内外发展过程存在差异,我国就业结构变化速度低于国外就业结构变化;在相对劳动生产率方面,与国外的一般模式相比,我国第一产业的相对劳动生产率偏低而第二产业的相对劳动生产率偏高。以英、美为代表的发达国家第一产业就业比重不断下降、第二产业的就业比重先升后下降、第三产业的就业比重逐渐上升。这一演变规律与本文第5章对我国未来就业结构演变进行预测所得到的结论相同,可见,我国未来三次产业的就业结构将很可能经历与英美等国相似的发展和演变过程,因此,发达国家就业结构演变过程中的经验和教训值得我们借鉴。发达国家在就业结构演变过程中的经验表明,在就业结构发展过程中,应该遵循本国国情,制订符合经济发展规律的产业政策和就业政策,根据不同的经济发展阶段采取不同的就业结构调整方式,选择正确的经济发展战略,同时注重发展科技,提高劳动力素质。在未来我国的经济发展过程中,应该充分借鉴发达国家的成功经验,采取相应的政策措施推动三次产业协调发展,通过优化产业结构来改善就业结构。综上所述,改革开放以来我国就业结构演变表现出阶段性的特点,随着人均GDP的增长,未来我国第二产业的就业比重和产业比重将出现拐点,三次产业的就业和产业分布格局也将发生改变。本文引入人工神经网络方法,深化了对我国就业结构问题的研究,丰富了有关就业结构的定量研究方法,切实提高了就业结构的仿真和预测精度,具有一定的跨学科前沿意义。人工神经网络的定量研究方法在经济分析和经济预测方面具有广阔的应用前景和巨大的推广价值,为经济学的定量研究提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 Employment issues related to economic development and social harmony. Since the reform and opening up, China’s employment structure has changed dramatically. As Various employment conflicts are intertwined, the issues of employment structure become more apparent. However, in previous researchworks, the evolution of China’s employment structure is lack of specialized study, and the mainstream quantitative research methods on the employment structure are also weaknesses. Thus, in current circumstances, using new quantitative research methods to explore the evolution of China’s employment structure and to predict its development trends is of great practical, theoretical and methodological significance.This paper traces the evolution process of employment structure from 1978 to 2007 based on the theories at home and abroad, and analyses the employment structure in several aspects such as industrial structure, urban-rural structure, ownership structure, regional structure, knowledge structure, etc. The industrial structure of employment is the most important feature of the employment structure. In addition, it analyses the impacts of the world financial crisis on China’s employment structure. By summarizing the the factors which affect the evolution of China’s employment structure, it points out that the evolution of industrial structure is the most important reason which cause.the evolution of employment structure in China.A major innovation in this paper is the usage of artificial neural network, with which, it establishes the evolution model, then simulates and forecasts China’s employment structure.According to China’s statistics from 1978 to 2007, it simulates the process of the proportion of industrial employment and output value for different levels of per capita GDP in China. It points out that with the growth of per capita GDP in China, the evolution of employment structure and the industrial structure shows a stage feature that the pace of development from quick to slow to fast.According to the statistical data of 31 provinces in China from 2000-2007, it predicts the trend of China’s employment structure and analyses the trends and features of China’s employment structure and industrial development,within the scope of changes of per capita GDP from 16,000 yuan to 45,000 yuan. It shows that with the increase of per capita GDP, the proportion ofemployment (output) in primary industry will gradually decrease; the proportion of employment (output) in secondary industry will increase in first, and then decrease, showing a shape of openings down parabolic; the proportion of employment (output) in tertiary industry will gradually increase. When the per capita GDP is in the level of 29,000 yuan and 26,000 yuan, the employment and output of the secondary industry respectively come to turning point. When the per capita GDP is 23,000 yuan and 31000 Yuan, the pattern of employment structure will transit from "132" to "231" and eventually developed to "321". When the per capita GDP reaches to 34,000 yuan, the pattern of industrial structure will change from "231" to "321".This article also discusses the evolution of employment structure in the world and makes comparison of world and China. It summarizes the features of the evolution of employment structure in developed countries which provide a reference to make relevent employment policies in China.In order to facilitate the future development of China’s employment structure, the article presents relevant policy recommendations. It suggests that through optimization of industrial structure to improve the employment structure; adjusting the direction of investment, optimizing the investment structure; promoting consumption, expanding domestic demand.Econometric methods are commonly used in the research of employment projections. But it couldn’t fully reflect the dynamical, non-linear and non-deterministical features between economic variables. Artificial neural network has higher prediction accuracy.It has many features such as fault-tolerant,fast data-processing speed, etc. which make it especially suitable for dealing with multi-factor, uncertainty, non-linear problems. This article points out that the artificial neural network has a wide application prospect in economic analysis and economic forecast. Artificial neural network also has a great value of promotion, because it will develop a wider research vision to develop the economics and put forward new research topics and research directions in the research of economics.


