

Study on China’s Commercial Banking Industrial Organization Structure and Industrial Competitiveness

【作者】 薛峰

【导师】 李一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着我国改革开放和金融体制改革的不断深入,我国商业银行业,特别是近年来得到了前所未有的发展。但同时我们也必须承认,与实力强大的外资银行相比,我国商业银行的竞争力水平还普遍低下,存在着经营效益较低、金融创新乏力、资产质量缺乏可持续的保障等诸多问题,商业银行的产业竞争力还亟待提升。尤其是在当前几乎整个金融市场已经向全世界开放,金融危机的爆发对国外商业银行造成冲击的背景下,国外商业银行不仅不放弃中国市场,反而更加看重中国市场的巨大发展空间和潜力。虽然在这次危机中我国商业银行由于介入国际金融市场程度不深,受到危机的直接影响较小,但随着危机的后遗症慢慢展现,作为服务于实体经济的我国商业银行来说,一方面将要面对国内经济下滑可能带来的市场需求萎缩和风险以及大量信贷投放带来新的不良贷款的隐患,另一方面也要面对实力雄厚、极具竞争优势的国外银行大举“进攻”我国的竞争和挑战。因此,进一步提升我国商业银行的产业竞争力,既能提高国内商业银行与外资银行竞争的市场地位,也能使我国的优秀商业银行走向国际市场的步伐更为矫健。基于此,本文研究商业银行的产业竞争力无疑就具有相当大的理论意义与现实意义。特别的,与已有有关商业银行产业竞争力的研究视角不同,本文的研究是从产业组织结构的角度来进行研究,企图将产业竞争力与产业组织理论具体运用到我国商业银行业的研究中,探索我国商业银行产业竞争力的产业组织结构原因,然后从优化产业组织结构的角度来提升我国商业银行的产业竞争力。因此,从上述背景和写作出发点考虑,本文将论文题目定为“我国商业银行产业组织结构与产业竞争力研究”,力求首先通过选择适当的商业银行产业竞争力评价指标体系,对我国商业银行的产业竞争力进行研究;接着同样采用实证的分析方法,对我国商业银行业的产业组织内外部结构特征进行分析和把握;然后再在对产业竞争力与产业组织结构二者均已把握的基础之上,选择计量工具对二者之间的相关关系进行研究,得出两者的相关关系和相关背后的组织结构原因;最后基于我国商业银行产业组织结构与产业竞争力存在一定相关关系的基础之上,对我国商业银行业的外部环境因素进行分析,从而提出有用于优化我国商业银行产业组织结构和同时达到提升产业竞争力目的的政策建议。从具体内容上来看,全文共分七章:第一章导论:主要介绍了本文的研究背景和研究意义、研究思路与方法、研究内容和框架,以及研究中可能存在的创新点和不足。第二章理论基础:针对本文所要研究的主题,首先对产业竞争力的概念及其内涵进行了界定和阐述,在认清产业竞争力与企业竞争力、国家竞争力三者关系的基础上,进一步对产业竞争力的内容结构及其评价指标体系的相关理论和实证研究成果进行评述;然后对产业竞争力形成的产业组织机制进行了探索和阐述,即通过从产业竞争力的视角来对产业组织的基本理论进行梳理,对产业组织的不同理论流派对竞争与效率的观点进行整理,解析产业竞争力形成的产业组织机制;最终从产业组织理论提出对产业竞争力的解释框架,形成后文展开研究的坚实理论基础。第三章我国商业银行产业竞争力实证:在对我国商业银行产业竞争力的实证分析背景与分析基础作了阐述,即回顾了我国商业银行业发展及体系演变的历程之后,从商业银行业所具有的一般性和特殊性出发,在借鉴已有学者主流研究成果的基础之上,以体现商业银行流动性、盈利性和安全性的三性原则为标准,构建了一个基本的产业竞争力评价指标体系;接着以我国国有商业银行、股份制商业银行构成的主要商业银行以及上市商业银行为代表性样本,采用描述性统计方法和因子分析法,对我国主要商业银行和上市商业银行的现实竞争力状况做了实证分析和把握。第四章我国商业银行产业组织结构实证:商业银行的产业组织结构既包括产业组织外部形成的市场结构因素,也包括具体到企业组织层面的治理结构因素。本章分两节进行阐述,第一节研究产业市场结构状况,对我国商业银行的市场份额、市场集中度、规模经济、产品差异化程度以及进退壁垒等五个方面进行了较为详细深入的剖析;第二节对我国商业银行治理结构,主要是以上市商业银行为样本,采用适当的指标体系,对我国商业银行公司治理结构状况进行了研究。第五章我国商业银行产业组织结构与产业竞争力的相关性研究:在第二章产业竞争的产业组织机制的理论支撑之下,针对第四章我国商业银行产业组织结构与第三章我国商业银行产业竞争力的研究结果,通过计量工具的使用,构建面板数据模型,并结合其他实证方法进行相关分析。在得出二者之间关系的同时,也对形成这种关系的原因进行了分析。第六章我国商业银行业外部环境分析:在国际国内形势复杂的背景下,对当前我国商业银行业所处的客观外部环境进行了分析。首先是对商业银行业外部宏观环境所存在的潜在机会和威胁进行了分析;其次借助于波特的竞争力五力模型,对商业银行的产业环境从产业潜在竞争对手状况、业内现有银行之间的竞争强度、客户讨价还价能力和产业替代性产品的竞争压力等五个方面进行了分析。第七章优化产业组织结构,提升我国商业银行产业竞争力的对策:在第五章我国商业银行产业组织结构与产业竞争力相关分析结果的基础上,考虑到我国商业银行业目前所处的外部客观环境因素,提出改善和优化我国商业银行产业组织结构,达到减少金融风险,提升产业竞争力的对策和政策建议。为了使分析内容尽可能做到完善,文章在具体的写作过程中,采用了多种研究方法。如借鉴相关理论与创新相结合的方法、规范与实证相结合的方法、动静态相结合的分析方法以及定量和定性相结合的方法等,其中计量和统计工具的运用较为普遍。从本文可能的创新性来讲,本文重视研究视角的新颖性和实证方法的运用,使得文章较具创新性。在研究视角上,以产业组织结构为切入点,以产业竞争力的研究为导向,结合产业环境,寻求提升产业竞争力的政策路径;在进行研究的具体过程中,通过选取行业中的主体银行和先进银行为研究对象,充分反映文章研究的“产业”目的,在对产业组织结构进行研究的过程中,创新性的引入公司治理结构的研究,并对治理结构与竞争力之间的关系进行了实证研究。并且论文对环境因素也给予了重视和考虑。但同时由于笔者对理论的解读不够深入,区域性商业银行、外资银行等银行的研究未能全部涉及,影响了研究的完整性,以及数据搜集上的不足等遗憾,又使得文章仍存在很多不足之处,都需要笔者在以后的研究和实践中进一步予以弥补和完善。

【Abstract】 Along with China’s reform and opening up and deepening of financial reform, China’s commercial banking industry, especially in recent years has been unprecedented development. However, we also must recognize that with a strong comparison of foreign banks, China’s commercial banks also generally with a low level of competitiveness, which is a lower operational efficiency, financial innovation and weak asset quality, lack of sustainable security and many other issues, the commercial bank of our country is also urgent need to enhance its industrial competitiveness. Especially in the current almost the entire financial market has been opened to the world, in the context of the outbreak of the financial crisis has an impact on foreign commercial banks, foreign commercial banks not only to give up the Chinese market, but more emphasis on the huge Chinese market, and its potential development ability. Although the crisis involved in China’s commercial banks are not deep, because of the degree of international financial markets, less affected by the crisis directly, but with the aftermath of the crisis slowly show, as a service in the real economy of China’s commercial banks, On the one hand we will face an economic downturn,which may bring shrinking market demand and risk, and we must also face the powerful, highly competitive large-scale foreign banks "offensive" Our competition and challenges. Therefore, further improve China’s commercial banks industrial competitiveness, both can improve domestic commercial bank’s market position with the competitive of foreign banks, but also can make our country’s outstanding commercial banks into the international market, and make the pace more vigorous. For this reason, this paper Research on commercial bank’s industrial competitiveness will undoubtedly have a considerable theoretical significance and practical significance. In particular, the commercial banking industry with the existing competitiveness of the different perspectives, this study have a point of view on structural of industrial organization, in an attempt to apply the industrial competitiveness and industrial organization theory to the study of China’s commercial banking industry in China’s commercial banking,and then explore the competitiveness of the structural causes of industrial organization, and optimize the industrial structure from the perspective of China’s commercial banks to enhance industrial competitiveness.Thus, starting from the above background and writing in mind, this thesis would be entitled as " Study on China’s Commercial Banking Industrial Organization Structure and Industrial Competitiveness ", and strive to begin by selecting the appropriate commercial banking industry competitiveness evaluation index system for China’s commercial banks Industrial Competitiveness study. Then use the same empirical analysis of China’s commercial banking sector and external structural features of industrial organization to analyze and grasp; then on industrial competitiveness and industrial structure have to grasp the basis of the two, choose the measurement tool 2 the correlation between those who study the relationship between the two drawn and the related organizational structure of the reasons behind. Finally, the organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry and industrial competitiveness, there is a certain relationship on the basis of China’s commercial banking industry analysis of the external environmental factors, which made for an optimization of the organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry and at the same time of increasing industrial competitiveness The purpose of the policy recommendations.The specific content from the point of view, this article is divided into seven chapters:ChapterⅠIntroduction:This article introduces the research background and research significance, research ideas and methods to study the content and framework, and research innovations that may exist in points and shortcomings.ChapterⅡTheoretical basis of:In view of this paper to study the subject, starting with the concept of industrial competitiveness and its connotation of the defined and described, in the clear understanding of industrial competitiveness and enterprise competitiveness, the relations between the country’s competitiveness, based on the further the contents of the structure of industrial competitiveness and its evaluation index system of the relevant theoretical and empirical research is reviewed. Then on the industrial competitiveness of the industry organization formed to explore and elaborate mechanisms, namely, from the industrial competitiveness of the perspective of industrial organization to sort out the basic theory of industrial organization theory, schools of different views on competition and efficiency, sort, Resolution industrial competitiveness mechanism for the formation of industrial organization and ultimately from the industrial organization theory to explain the competitiveness of industry framework for the study and later in the formation of a solid theoretical basis.ChapterⅢthe Industrial Competitiveness of China’s Commercial Banks Positive:China’s commercial banking industry on the competitiveness of the background and analysis on the basis of empirical analysis expounded. Which reviewed the development and China’s commercial banking system has evolved, the commercial banking industry starting with the general and special drawing on the mainstream academic research has been to reflect the liquidity of commercial banks, profitability and safety of three principle as a standard to build a basic industry competitiveness evaluation index system. Then goes on to state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, the composition of the major commercial banks, as well as a representative sample of listed commercial banks, the listing of China’s major commercial banks and commercial banks have done a real competitive situation and grasp the empirical analysis.ChapterⅣthe organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry positivism:commercial banks, industrial organizations, industrial organization structure of both the external factors that shape the market structure, but also the organizational structure of the factors within the industry. Be divided into two sections of this chapter, Structural condition of the market research industry section of China’s commercial banks market share, market concentration, economies of scale, the degree of product differentiation and barriers to five aspects of advance and retreat in a more detailed in-depth analysis; Section of China’s commercial banks the internal organizational structure of the industry, mainly based on a sample of listed commercial banks commercial banks, corporate governance structure of China’s status was studied.ChapterⅤthe organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry and the industrial competitiveness of the relevant research:In the second chapter of China’s industrial competition mechanism of the theory of industrial organization supported under the fourth chapter of the organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry and the third chapter of China’s commercial competitiveness of the banking industry resulted in the adoption of non-measuring method of measurement and correlation analysis, In arriving at the relationship between the two but also on the formation of the reasons for this relationship was analyzed.ChapterⅥExternal Environment Analysis of China’s commercial banking industry:In the complex international and domestic situation, against the backdrop of China’s commercial banking industry on the current external environment in which the objective analysis of, first the external macro-environment of commercial banking potential opportunities that exist and threat analysis; Second, the help of Porter’s five forces model of competitive industrial environment of commercial banks, potential competitors from the industry conditions, industry competition between the intensity of existing banks, customer bargaining power and industrial products, competitive pressures alternative analyzed.ChapterⅦthe optimization of industrial structure and enhance the competitiveness of China’s commercial banking industry’s response:In the fifth chapter the organizational structure of China’s commercial banking industry and industrial competitiveness on the basis of the results of correlation analysis, taking into account China’s commercial banking industry is currently enjoying an external the objective environmental factors, to improve and optimize the industrial structure of China’s commercial banks to enhance industrial competitiveness and the countermeasures and policy recommendations.At the same time, in order to improve the analytical content as possible, articles in a specific writing process, using a variety of research methods, such as drawing on relevant theory and the method of combining innovation, combining normative and empirical method of combining static and dynamic analytical methods, as well as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.Finally, in terms of this article may be innovative, perceptive view of the novelty and the rich empirical methods of making articles using the more innovative:the research perspective, the structure of industrial organization as a starting point for studies of industrial competitiveness orientation, combined with the industrial environment, seeks to increase industrial competitiveness policy path; course of study, the specific operation, by selected industries in the main banks and banks advanced as the research object, to fully reflect the research article "industrial" purposes, in the right industrial organization structure of the process, the innovative governance structure into more research, and then were correlated in part, the governance structure and competitiveness of the relationships between the empirical research, of course, the environmental components was justified attention and is considered a large number of existing research results with a difference. But as the author of the theory of interpretation is not deep enough, regional commercial banks, foreign banks and other banks involved in the research was not able to affect the integrity of the study, as well as on the inadequate data collection, etc. Unfortunately, they made there are many deficiencies of the article Department, requires the author’s research and practice in the future be made up and improve further.

  • 【分类号】F832.33;F224
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2215
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